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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 13

by Jessie Rose Case

  Was it just her or had everyone apart from Bill become an idiot in the last week?

  O my god, she’d have to tell Bill.

  She needed a time out. “Knock me out.” The doc looked at her worried. “Just … Knock… Me … The ….. Fuck…..Out!”

  Thank god they did.

  She woke from the most horrific nightmare she could ever imagine. Everyone was in it. Those drugs were really kicking it. She moved her mouth and swallowed, it felt like moth balls and her tongue felt large and difficult to move. Whatever the hell they given her it was the bomb.

  O yeah. She’d be back for more of that.

  “Take a drink, you’ll feel better.”

  She did and opened her eyes. Blinked and strained them, let the focusing do their thing. Saw the room, she was still in the clinic then turned to her water provider.

  “You….. have got…. to be shitting me. It wasn’t a dream was it?”

  Gab sat there. “No lass sorry.”

  “My life is so fucked.” She looked up at the ceiling.

  “No. No it isn’t. My wife had Tom at 19. We were in love or lust or hated each other but it was fucking fantastic.”

  She sighed. “I’m not sure that’s a recommendation Mr Connolly.”

  He laughed. “No maybe not but I loved that woman like she was my everything. And she was. Never doubted it and she loved me with everything she had and then some. That’s what made it so hard to lose her.”

  He passed her a plate and a bottle of water. “You need to eat and drink.”

  “Thank you.” She took it and started eating.

  “Dillon went home. Showered and got his shit together.”

  “Could we please not talk about Dillon.”

  They sat in silence. The nurse came in and changed out her IV. She watched some TV and fell asleep.

  “I think he loves you lass.”

  She had nothing to say to that. Someone who loves you doesn’t do a runner when they’ve just fucked you. But she didn’t tell him that. Dillon was dealing with enough.

  Next time she woke Gab was still there. She sighed and took the tea he gave her.

  “So tomorrow you will come to The Dubliner and have dinner with the family. 3pm Sharp.”

  “Gab, I’m not doing that.”

  “Yes you are darling. You need to know us.”

  “I know enough.”

  “No you don’t. You know what my angry son told you with his disgust and frustrations. That’s not all we are.”

  She put her tea down. “Six days ago I wasn’t pregnant. Six days. It’s too early to say for sure that this pregnancy will hold or if my system can take it or if my condition and treatment doesn’t……do more harm. “

  Who would she be if her treatment killed her child?

  She swallowed as tears hit her eyes. Her voice weak. “ I…. need time Gab. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t know how this is going to work with school and my health. I don’t know how it’s going to affect me or the baby. I can’t deliberately hurt a child and stopping the treatment, could be bad for me and the child. I’m in a no win situation here. I always intended to go back to the UK. I was never staying here. Now I’ve got to deal with this and don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame anyone but myself. I was stupid and careless and that is down to me but right now, there’s too much unknown to make any decisions.”

  “Last time I checked it takes two.”

  She couldn’t think of their time together. It hurt too much and shrugged.

  “I could have used a turkey baster.” He looked at her like she was crazy. She shook her head and sniggered with a little cheek. She had to be in shock and needed the light relief cos that was just dumb.

  Sue her.

  “Sorry. Pregnancy shock humour.”

  “You going to talk to him?”

  “No. I’m not Gab. Choices were made before this and I’m sticking to them.”

  “Things are a bit different now.”

  “O please. It’s not the 1870s or even the 1970s and we do not have to be together to have a child. Gab don’t interfere and don’t get the boys to pick on Dillon. He shouldn’t be anyone’s punch bag, he wants to be hurt and that’s not good. Not over this. I don’t like it. And as far as I can see, having a child doesn’t mean you can make those choices change. In the long run, it will only make things worse. Thanks for coming back but I need to sleep now. Can you please just go.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Okay lass. See you soon.”

  She wasn’t being unkind when she thought, I hope not.

  Bill picked her up as arranged. She was relieved she didn’t see anyone else around. And once they got home, she asked him to sit with her awhile and she spilled her guts and her tears. With no idea what she was going to do. He was her rock.

  She went back to school on the Monday. Wanting things as normal as possible, she drove herself and went straight to the principal, telling her in confidence about the early stages of her pregnancy and that it was very likely she would lose the child anyway. There was no point avoiding it. She argued that nothing should be mentioned or written down about her pregnancy. She didn’t want to be the school gossip and offered no details about the father or anything else. Making it clear that if rumours about her pregnancy circulated around the school, like other information on her already had, her office would be held accountable as no one else knew.

  The Principal wasn’t happy. Sam couldn’t give a shit. About any of it. But the Principal was clearly sympathetic to the possibility of losing a child. Sam asked her to stop. She couldn’t cope with it. And was reminded that the protocols to do with a pregnant student had to be put in place. Sam gave her permission to do the protocol using a fake name. She asked if the protocol was really needed and until she was showing if anything occurred if the Principal would lead on it. She agreed. It was the best they could do.

  Taking herself off to homeroom she went back to who she was.

  She ignored most of the people around her, said hello and chatted to the few girls including Julie, Kim and Laraine during the day who became her rock too, made arrangements to meet up and do homework, took lunch by her tree with them, read her books, worked on her projects and at the end of the day, she waited on her bench to be strong enough to drive herself home.

  She no longer knew how long that would last. The doc had told her she would get more tired as the pregnancy progressed. It was an added complication and would draw on her resources.

  She was contemplating all of that on the Monday after school, already feeling the strain when his truck pulled up. She ignored him idling by the curb in front of the teachers carpark and guessed someone had told him she was in school. His crew probably. People noticed his staring contest. She didn’t look to see if he was better, just engaged her scooter and opened it, the joy in having it not lost on that he’d made that happen with the money from Candice to buy it. Reaching her car, she collapsed the scooter stowing it in her boot coming around to open the driver’s door, getting in she put her key in the ignition and stared at the image in front of her. It looked all too familiar.

  Dillon had driven his truck around to the student carpark following her and stopped. The cheer leaders came around the corner with Trent, Dale and Cosmo and beelined for Dillon’s truck. She saw them crowding around and laughing. Several of the cheer leaders including Candice running over to hang off his door. Putting on a show. She put the car in gear and drove her car out the parking lot not looking back.

  Yes. Everything was back to how it should be.

  And he came back to school the next day. Covered in bruises, a black eye and split lip. He was a mess and acted like a god. He looked worse than she’d seen him at the hospital.

  And like that first day, he came in late, the room fell into a drool fest of several sharp in takes of breath at the sight of him and he took his seat. She listened and took notes, ignoring the eyes boring a hole in the side of her head. When the bell went. She packed up her
stuff and headed out the door.

  And everywhere she went he was never very far away. Cutting his own classes to attend hers. It was ridiculous and embarrassing, and people were starting to notice.

  By the time Friday morning came around. Everyone knew they were no longer together.

  Not that she knew if Dillon had actually said anything, but her girls at break had told her it was over the school. That she’d dumped him. There was no point in denying it was over and although there was nothing else on the grape vine, she stayed away from him. Avoided him as much as possible. They didn’t talk, didn’t touch, didn’t spend any time together at all. Her girls rallied around her. Had their lunch with her. Walked the halls with her. And it didn’t take long for the gossip to start.

  Then at last period on the Friday Candice and co struck. She’d been expecting it and wasn’t at all surprised.

  “So anyway, she didn’t dump him at all. She wouldn’t give out and Dillon being the cock man he is, dumped her instead.” She flicked her hair and there were several titters. “Frigid. Cold. Isn’t that right baby? He’s back with the hot action now where he belongs.”

  Sam didn’t turn around just kept looking at the classroom door needing to get in there, her legs were killing her. It didn’t pass her notice that Candice had included Dillon in her attack and that hurt more. He was obviously back with them. He’d stood there and said nothing. He’d allowed it, let her use it against her. Like he’d told his brothers about being the only guy she’d been with. Another breach of trust right there.

  Sam wanted to hit out and crumble but held on. The people in front of her were looking at those behind her and then at her.

  Sam just stood there. What else could she do. She was so fucking done paying these games. “Nothing to say bitch?” Candice called out.

  “As usual Candice you’re full of shit and stink of it.” She turned and looked directly at Dillon. “You are dead to me. Come near me again and I’ll call the cops.” She saw him flinch and she turned away.

  The teach opened the door with an apology. She nodded and walked in taking her seat. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, her hands were shaking, she took a shuddering breath then swallowed then opened them. Dillon was kneeling in front of her desk. He looked worse up close. The four days not improving his looks one bit. She looked passed him.

  “Get the fuck away from me.” She snarled. There was a hushed silence.

  “We need to talk,” he told her quietly. Everyone was listening.

  She continued to look passed him and laughed.

  “Talk? You’ve already talked enough.”

  She saw him look at her shaking hands. Went to put his hand out to touch her, and she snatched her hands back. She wasn’t ready for that. He stayed crouched in front of her until the teach made him take his seat. He leant forward his lips grazing her cheek. She moved away from him and went to slap him. He caught her hand and she yanked it back like he’d burnt her.

  “I’m done playing nice Sam.”

  Playing nice? Fucking nice? What the hell?

  She wasn’t ready to talk. And not fucking ready for him to touch her again and at that moment, didn’t think she ever would be.

  She sneered directly at him. “That’s good. Do us both a favour and go play with the sluts and liars where you belong.”

  It had been one of the hardest things she’d ever done. Reject him but had to do. To see his beautiful face in front of her so messed up and not break apart had been tough. But she couldn’t give way, wouldn’t let him rule her again. Couldn’t forget. What he’d done was inexcusable. Both then, at the clinic and now.

  She feared why he was so messed up. Why he’d allowed that to happen to him. But it wasn’t her concern, she couldn’t dwell on it. She had bigger fish to fry and a world of uncertainty to deal with.

  Dillon was on his own this time.

  He wanted to hurt her? Fine. She could hurt him right back.

  She tried to concentrate but missed most of what the teacher had to say and didn’t learn a damn thing. Her attention a long way away from learning. When the bell eventually went, it came as a surprise. She held back in class, glad to see Dillon leave with everyone else.

  It was last lesson and she doubted he’d leave it at that. She wasn’t ready to see him again and had the feeling he’d ambush her in the car park. So she waited him out, then observed the carpark from the student exit. She’d been right. Both he and his truck were standing by her car.

  Waiting to see if he would give up, she watched from her seat hidden from his view. When every other car pulled out, he didn’t move. She knew he wouldn’t. So she called an Uber and walked away to the front entrance and took it home. Bill could help her get her car and scooter Sunday.

  They were eating dinner later that night when the doorbell rang.

  “Bill,” she warned. “I’m not home.” He nodded sadly and answered it. He came back with Mr Connolly.

  Sam stopped chewing halfway through her pasta and swallowed putting her fork down.

  “For fuck sake Bill. What did I say!” She threw her hands in the air. Giving Bill the evil eye. He at least had the good grace to look sheepish.

  “Now lass don’t go beating up on Bill here. He’s a good guy.”

  “Right. Hi Gab. Got the wrong house I hope.” She saw Bills surprise at her knowing who Gab was, using his first name and all, but he covered it well. Picking up her water she swallowed. She’d not told Bill of Gabs visits to the clinic.

  “Sam. Sorry lass I have the right house.” He grinned. She rolled her eyes.

  “Tomorrow I’m offering to take you to the clinic and bring you home again. I know you can’t drive, and Bill has a commitment.”

  She frowned at both of them. Then narrowed her eyes looking from one to the other. This was a set up if ever she’d seen one.

  “First off, Bill you don’t like Mr Connolly because of who he is. No offence Gab it is what it is.”

  “None taken lass you’re right about that.”

  That stopped her thread for a moment. “Second, there’s no way Gab that you would know what Bill is doing tomorrow unless he just told you and Third, there is definitely no way you would work together. So, what’s really going on?”

  “I told you she’d not go for it.” Bill mumbled.

  “Well gee, thanks Bill for the vote of support.” She told him with some sark.

  He nodded. “Got your back hun.” She shook her head looking pained at him. Then back to Gab.

  “You went back to school this week.” Gab was making a statement. Yay him.

  “The minute you did, he heard about it. Stopped stalking you at home and went to see you. Then went back to school the next day. Dillon wanted to talk, but you wouldn’t meet him.”

  Another statement he was on a roll.

  “I’d say he’s been pretty patient Sam, but you won’t give him the time of day.” She would give him that one. He was right. She wouldn’t. Nothing was changing that any time soon. “You need to talk to him. That boy loves you and you love him.”

  She got up. “He’s been pretty patient? Really? See that’s where you’re wrong Gab. We spent time together, had some fun and then it was over. No love is lost. He blabbed to his brothers, then let a cheer slut mock me breaching my confidence twice. No way do I have to entertain that shit. Ever.”

  “Things are different now lass, it’s not just you and him.” He told her quietly and that made it all too damn real.

  “Things, as you put it,” she bit out. “Were very definitely decided that Sunday. There was no mistake in that. It was all very crystal clear. This, makes no difference to that. I don’t need to speak to Dillon at all. There’s nothing to say. He’s moved on as he should. And that’s just fine. I’m fine. We’re all just fucking fine. I don’t want anything to do with Dillon. This…” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “…..Situation isn’t likely to last anyway. The deck is too flawed and damaged, the cards are stacked against i
t. This is a hiccup that will soon right itself. I’ll get an Uber tomorrow. Please do not turn up Gab or get Dillon to do it which I guess was your real motive here. I’ll just ignore it and him and use the cab. If Dillon causes a scene, I’ll call the cops.” She left the kitchen and went to her room.

  She could hear them talking for a while longer, hushed whispers then the door shut.

  Crashing on her bed, she tossed and turned all night. Unable to deal with it all. Her mind in turmoil, shadows of their time together kept creeping in, and she wished she could cut them out permanently and have them gone. She didn’t want the tears and anguish. She didn’t want to be responsible for another life and she sure as shit didn’t want Dillon, she couldn’t trust him.

  But that would be a lie….

  Bill didn’t say anything the next morning before he left. He’d offered to postpone his meeting, but she wouldn’t let him. Turned out, Bill had given out an olive branch to Gab and they were trying to help.

  What was the point of doing that? It would all be over soon.

  Life had to go on. She knew that better than most. So Bill drop kissed her on her forehead and left.

  She grabbed her bag and waited for the Uber. It came, she locked up and arrived at the clinic without incident. Took a seat, was called for her treatment and the minute she was on the bed, told them to knock her out for the day. She needed to sleep.

  She could hear voices but not come up for air.

  “Why isn’t she waking?”

  “I told you Mr Connolly, our clients have two options during their treatment. Awake and asleep. When the treatment is flowing it hits them hard which can be draining. They can choose to be awake knowing they will fall asleep and be disoriented throughout the day or be knocked out. She came in today and asked to be knocked out. She will remain unconscious until we revive her at the end of the day.” She drifted off deeper.


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