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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 16

by Jessie Rose Case

  Her chest constricted. She felt sick.

  There were pictures all over social media of her house. Booze all over the place by the look of it. People hanging out getting drunk, hooking up. As the night went on, the place looked trashed. Everyone very drunk or close to it, some dancing crazy, others with their tongues down throats. A naked ass or two, a few topless skanks. Someone fucking in the corner that looked to be cheered on by others watching. A girl deep throating a cock with one of the footballers on his knees behind her, her skirt up he looked to be banging her at the same time she was deep throating someone else.


  She was so fucking done.

  And messaged Dillon to say that Bill was taking her to the clinic tomorrow as she was staying with him and he should go to practice.

  She paced for hours unable to sleep. There was no way she was going to be able to see him in the morning without exploding. Not after that.

  How could she go back to that house after this? Everything would remind her of this night.

  No. She was done. Several hours later and she did what she’d promised she wouldn’t.

  She looked on Candice’s Instagram. Her last post, a photo of a naked Dillon from the waist up, his jeans undone in his room on his bed. She was also naked from the waist up, side on taking the picture, half a boob showing, her chest to his. He looked drunk, she looked happy. The caption; Best fuck ever.

  Sam threw her phone at the wall.

  Why was she even surprised?

  When Bill dropped her off at the clinic next day, she asked if she could stay for a few days and if he could pick her up. He agreed saying very little.

  She went in telling them no visitors and to knock her out.

  Dillon came calling Saturday night. She was exhausted but kept it light and friendly but firm. No she wouldn’t be going back to the house. He asked to come over Sunday and she told him she had other plans. He looked surprised but said okay. And as he left, she told him that she didn’t need him to pick her up for school or kart her around anymore, she was home schooling. It was about time. She was showing and didn’t want that at school.

  What she didn’t say was that she would be home schooling at Bills.

  But he soon got the message. He asked why she wasn’t answering her texts and she told him her phone was broken. Which it was. And every time he turned up, she was polite and friendly and a firm no to anything to do with him. She didn’t stop him coming around, didn’t stop him from seeing his child growing within her. Didn’t stop him going with her and Bill for a check-up or to see the doctor each week. But it was Bill and her, Dillon came along for the ride.

  He couldn’t object. She wasn’t cutting him out. He was the father of her child she accepted that, but he wasn’t alone with her again. And when he tried, she was very clear that whatever he had to say could be said in front of Bill.

  She knew he didn’t like it. Knew he didn’t understand it. That he still didn’t get it and that hurt so very much. She dug her heels in. It wasn’t her place to tell him.

  If he didn’t get it, he was a fucking idiot. She could have screamed and balled but what would have been the point?

  If he didn’t understand it, he never would and that was someone she didn’t want in her life anymore than he needed to be.

  And wasn’t surprised to see Gab drop by with Dillon in tow a couple of weeks later.

  By that time, she was nearly eighteen weeks and really showing. She opened the door and plastered a smile on her face. “Evening lass,” Gab stepped in and dropped a kiss on her head before touching her stomach and walking through. Dillon followed saying nothing. His hands in his pockets dragging his slashed jeans down.

  “Gab, Dillon would you like a drink?” she could do polite.

  “Thank you but I don’t have time right now. Rain check?” Gab told her.

  “Sure. So what’s up?”

  “You’re not living at your house.” Gab came straight to the point. Dillon didn’t say anything.

  It had taken Gab just over two weeks to figure that out. Longer than she’d expected. She guessed Dillon had got better at avoidance.

  “And you’re no longer going to school. What happened? Did you lose the child lass?” his voice was gentle.

  She took a shocked stepping back. She could feel the colour drain from her face.


  “Did you lose the child?” he asked again.

  “No. No I’ve not lost the child.” Her hands went to her bump. His eyes followed her actions. “The baby is doing ok considering. I’d never keep something like that from you.” Dillon took a deep breath and let it go.

  Had he thought that? That she wouldn’t tell him if she had? Did he think her that cruel?

  Gab pulled her back from her thoughts. “Everything okay with your treatment?”


  “So why aren’t you living in your house?”

  And there it was. Why wasn’t she?

  If everything was okay, she should be spending time with Dillon. That was the arrangement.

  “Dillon and I are still friends Gab. He comes and goes here as much as he wants. I’m not stopping him being involved.”

  “But you aren’t sleeping under the same roof, he’s not caring for you. Why is that Sam?”

  She took a deep breath. “Dillon has done a great job. I know him better now and have no problems about sharing a child with him if we’re that lucky. But I want my space and we both have our own goals. I need to focus on keeping well and getting the extra credit for when I go back to the UK in the summer ready to start my degree in September. Dillon has his scholarship to secure here. We can’t to that playing house and forgetting our priorities.”

  “So this isn’t because he had a party in your house, that he let get out of fucking hand, the place trashed and he shagged that cheer slut then?”

  Scratched needle on a record. She gripped the back of the chair hard, took several steps back and collapsed on the stairs. Dillon went to move to her, and she shook her head violently.

  She couldn’t look at them. “You should both leave now.” She spoke quietly.

  She didn’t argue the toss. She’d not really known for sure. But Gab just had to spill her guts.

  “He didn’t shag her lass.” Gab told her quietly coming over to her.

  She frowned. What was he saying now?

  “He got drunk like the fucker he is mainly because the party got out of hand and he didn’t shut that shit down but acted the big man he’s fucking not and you were clearly pissed about that and didn’t go home. He knew he’d fucked up. Not that anyone’s portioning blame here but it rests squarely with him, don’t you worry about that. That girl found him crashed out in his room. Stripped off her top and took a number of compromising shots that she plastered all over the shit. Good thing for him, he was too drunk to shag anything. Not that I’m saying he would have touched that slut. He wouldn’t have.” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Yeah okay. We both know he did once but that was then, this is now. The bad news is he was off the wagon. So he’s got some fucking work to do.”

  She kept looking at the floor.

  Did she care about that? Any of that?

  “You kids are a lot of fucking trouble. Well I have to go. Just thought you should know.” He handed her a box. “I understand you threw yours at the wall the night of the party.”

  So he knew about that. Thanks Bill.

  “Dillon will text you. For fuck sake answer him. Cos I’m sick of seeing him mope about.” He walked out. Dillon hovered until Gab shouted his name and he walked away after him closing door. Sam got up slowly and went back to the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

  What was she going to do about that?

  Her new phone pinged. She looked at it in the box. He’d charged it up and everything.

  Gee, thanks Gab.

  She sat on the stool and looked at it dropping her head on the counter. She wasn’t sure she wanted to go
down this road. Not again.

  She held some responsibility for what happened at that party didn’t she?

  She could have done damage control but had walked without talking to him. Not that she should have had to do that. He’d let it get out of hand. He’d let the rumour mill take over and he’d allowed their house to be trashed and got drunk.

  She sighed taking the phone out of the box. One message. She opened it.

  I told you I’d fuck it up.

  He had. But was that really an answer? She didn’t think so. The dots appeared so he’d seen she’d opened it.

  Saying I’m sorry doesn’t cut it.

  No it didn’t. More dots.

  I’m going to get this right. Third time lucky. If you let me. But if you don’t, then I’ll still do it for you and my kid. I love you Sam.

  She wrote back four words. Do it for yourself.

  He didn’t answer that, and she was glad. She really had nothing more to say.

  The next few weeks were rounds of doctors, morning sickness, more doctors, crackers, and no more being knocked out for her treatments. The strain on her body was too much. And Dillon texting her every day multiple times asking if she was okay or if she needed anything or if she could take her to dinner or just for coffee or call round just to see her were draining. She ignored what she could and didn’t say no to what she couldn’t.

  At twenty two weeks her stomach just kept growing the docs all said it was going well. She breathed a sigh of relief every time the three of them left the weekly check-up.

  The weeks passed. They missed Prom but she wasn’t bothered. At week 30 they all went in for her latest scan. She could hardly move she was so nervous. So much could have gone wrong. The baby could be affected by the drugs. She was a bag of anxiety by the time they got in there.

  The minute it came up on screen she couldn’t believe what she was seeing on the monitor. The baby looked so life like. And suddenly everything felt so very real as well. She could do this. Her body would let her. Overwhelmed, tears slipped down her face as she watched the 4D image on the screen move and felt it in her tummy at the same time. She never thought she’d have this. Dillon’s hand found its way into hers over her bump, his lips on her cheek.

  “God, I love you so much Sam.”

  It was a difficult moment.

  When she came out from the bathroom constantly needing to pee and still unable to get the picture out of her head, it took her a moment to realise that Bill was missing, and Dillon was still standing there waiting.

  He pulled her in for a strong wraparound hug and held her fast. It was the first time he’d really touched her since the day of losing her virginity and their baby’s conception. She didn’t hug him back just stood there breathing in his strength. She’d forgotten how big he was around her. And realised just how much she’d missed him. How keeping him at arm’s length wasn’t what she wanted at all, not really, it only weakened her.

  “Where’d Bill go?” she asked.

  “Said he had to go.” He slipped his arm down and touched her stomach.

  “I love you Sam, please baby it’s time you both came home.”

  She nodded.

  You could say he wore her down but in the end, that moment together at the scan made everything so clear. It was the three of them now.

  He’d not meant for this to happen and nor had she.

  He’d not meant to keep screwing it up and nor had she.

  He’d owned his mistakes and was finally on track for the scholarship he wanted.

  He was trying. Could she do any less?

  Dillon took her back to her house noticing all the new furniture as he carried her through the entrance, up the stairs and he put her into bed to rest. He held her until she was hungry and fed her, held her while she showered telling her she was beautiful, kissing her belly and talking to their child and took her back to bed and held her. He didn’t touch her, any more than that and made no demands or expectations on her and that was the final bit of her resistance gone. She turned reaching up she pulled his face down to her.

  “You sure you want to do this?” she asked.

  “Never surer of anything in my life.”

  She brushed her lips over his. “I won’t take you back again Dillon, so you need to be sure.”

  “You’re my life Sam. No matter what. It’s us.”

  She nodded and took a breath. “Then maybe it’s time you showed me.”

  He wasted no time in doing just that.

  During those weeks following the party she’d seen a determination in him that had been gradually creeping up on him since the first time she’d ever seen him.

  He’d put his house in order after that party. Severed a lot of his partying ways, took up boxing to cope with his aggression, went to counselling to deal with a lot of his other shit but she still insisted that he go to the house parties along with everyone else. How long he stayed was up to him. She never asked, never demanded. Never questioned. She wasn’t going to hold him back. He was 18 and entitled to a life and if she couldn’t trust him then it was truly over and his loss.

  And to her surprise, he told everyone he had a drinking problem and that drinking was over for him and at the same time shamed Candice about taking pictures with someone out cold just so she could make false allegations for her own ends.

  What was left of her credibility after that was shot. She lost her spot as cheer captain.

  During those three months Graduation came and went, and summer kicked out.

  And at 36 weeks they were making it work. They had their friends over. She was a balloon. Dillon never stopped kissing her stomach or stroking it, talking to their baby. She’d home schooled to the end earning extra credit and worked via the internet. Bill came over as much as possible and sometimes stayed over with them. Gab and the boys pitched up most Sundays and brought Sunday lunch with them much to Dillon’s annoyance or he got to use his BBQ. Occasionally Dillon’s extended family would come too and he didn’t seem to mind that so much.

  The conversation with her parents had been a hard one.

  She told them about the baby and how her progress was going. They were shocked but happy for her. They never believed they would ever be grandparents and there were plenty of tears and promises to come over and see her as soon as possible. Talk of moving to the States to be near her if she was staying. Sam knew she probably was. Her life was over in the UK. It was with Dillon and their daughter now.

  Her final treatment was behind her and they waited on the birth.

  The last picture Dillon posted with her consent was another 4D scan at eight months, the baby was a true reflection of the child to come. A daughter just like he wanted. Sam and Dillon were in the selfie picture along with the monitor showing the baby, tears in her eyes looking up at him. You could clearly see the love reflecting back at the camera.

  It wasn’t hard. She loved him with everything she was and then some. Just like Gab had said.

  The caption he wrote; ‘My love. My life. My wife and god willing, our daughter.’

  She didn’t have all the answers. Didn’t know where this was going. Or how they would make it work for the next chapter in their lives, but they were hopeful but even if things were not such a happy ending, Dillon wasn’t leaving her.

  They’d talked and talked. They would work it out. In the states or the UK. No matter what came at them. They would deal with it. He loved her and that was never changing. She believed him.

  A child if they were lucky but whatever fate held, there would always be plenty of love. She would study here, and he would take the best scholarship he had on offer to support her and her health was a priority because without that, they had nothing.

  And Gab, was Gab.

  She kinda liked him and his brothers. She didn’t forget who they were and was often reminded in the news or papers of what they were into and didn’t miss the weapons stored in the lock up in the games room either. It was for her protection Gab had told
her. His family were a target and for once, Dillon stood with him and agreed so she let it go because they kept it away her house. But she wasn’t stupid. If someone wanted to target them, they would, and her child would be protected. She took up gun training. Dillon, wasn’t so happy about that but then, he had a complicated relationship with his Da and brothers. One that was improving day by day.

  She’d held off on attachment because of the unknown, because of the risk, because she’d feared what would happen and she’d been handed it anyway.

  Who was she to argue with fate?

  It was simply time she embraced all that it could be rather than keep fighting it.

  She loved him. It was more than enough. She loved her child to come and prayed, she wasn’t being given false hope. Her future hadn’t been set in stone after all.

  And fate, be dammed. She might be laughing her ass off right now but this time, it was her life, her choice and fate couldn’t argue with that.

  The end….

  Look on for an extra….

  A word from the Author;

  Hi there and thank you so much for buying this book.

  I hope you enjoyed it and tell others. And as a thank you, here is a chapter from another of my books for you to enjoy.

  My love to you and yours. Jessie xx

  Darcy and Bennet. Her Pride & His Prejudice.


  She still couldn’t figure out why she’d decided to do this. Not that she disliked old Leeson. On the contrary, she was fond of the tough old goat. So when he’d called round unexpected like and asked if she’d take a present to his sister on her birthday, well who was she to say no, right?


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