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Dillon: Bad Boys Series High School Hot Love Hate Relationship

Page 18

by Jessie Rose Case

  His eye worried her. He could lose his sight. It hit her then that he looked like he was no stranger to pain. There were other marks on his body. Older ones and he still looked strong even though he’d taken a heavy battering.

  She reached into the glove box again and pulled out some pain killers. She always kept them in the car too. Headaches and driving did not compute.

  “Take a couple of these, it might help.”

  He took them with the water. “Do you see anyone?”

  She checked her mirrors again and shook her head. “No.”

  What was an injured male model doing in her car? She should call the police.

  “We should call the police.”

  “No. Wouldn’t be safe for you.”

  Will frowned. Wouldn’t be safe for her? What the hell had she got caught up in?

  She glanced back and forth between the rear view mirror, the road and at him. Making sure he kept drinking. She turned up the heater. He might look the worse for ware but even she could see the similarities to Brad Pitt, Charlee Hunnan and Travis Fimmel. Well Travis pre his middle-aged Viking look. That, didn’t do it for her. Now in Tarzan the TV series, that was ….. no, no, no, focusing on the important stuff here!

  She blinked, but still, even beaten up and near death’s door and she’d no doubt that is what had happened here, this guy was sizzling and had taken a hammering. Jealous husband? Lover?

  “Jesus, who gets the hots for a beaten-up dude near deaths door?” she whispered shaking herself. Only when he chuckled did she realise she’d said that out loud. Will groaned. She needed to stop doing that. “Sorry, totally inappropriate just trying to make some sense thinking out loud. I’m a bit on edge.”

  He chuckled again and sighed. He didn’t look good. “I need to sleep, I’ll heal faster.”

  Her scent, the food, water and painkillers were all helping him. He needed blood but couldn’t take the chance his control wouldn’t slip. He needed her driving more than he needed her blood. He breathed her in. Just the scent was enough. It would have to be.

  Will didn’t think sleep was going to heal that anytime soon. “Sure, you go ahead.”

  He settled back and closed his eyes. Will checked her mirrors again as the road turned to the right. Suddenly in her rear-view mirror she saw three dots coming out of the trees where she’d picked up sizzling. Chills ran over her body.

  Will gripped the steering wheel tightly. Was that them? They walked into the road, splitting up as she disappeared around the corner of the road.

  Fuck. That confirmed he’d not been spinning her a line. He was being followed. Chills flowed over her body once more. This was real….

  She put her foot down more. The rest of what he’d said made sense then. Were they mafia or something? Had she got herself caught up in a turf war of some kind?

  She’d not heard of anything out here. By the look of him, those chasing him weren’t law and anyway, law didn’t take knives to people like that or break limbs.

  Well not that she knew of. People gossiped; she’d have heard if that was going on. Breaking arms and legs, cutting someone up with a knife was extreme for the worst of nutters.

  Her own fears cascaded. She put her foot down a bit harder. From that distance they all looked in black, but she couldn’t see much. Just three dotted lines walking down the embankment and then standing in the road before splitting off in three different directions. One in the direction of her companions T. He’d done that to take them off his scent. It was smart. Even in all that pain he’d thought clearly.

  If they were good trackers, they’d figure it out. Hers had been the only car on the road. When they didn’t find him, it wouldn’t take long for them to put two and two together. Could they see her plate from that distance? If they were as fast at getting to people as he’d said, she needed to get him long gone, get him somewhere his people could pick him up and be on their way fast.

  Will sighed. Her place it was then. They could do worse. Billy had been a ‘Prepper’ after all. She just had to hope they didn’t have her car plate. They’d not actually seen her right?

  Will kept her foot down never gladder that she’d paid for the bigger engine.

  Her spider sense was telling her to get as much distance between them and her as possible. She glanced at sleeping beauty, she needed to give him a fighting chance, enough time for his people to turn up and save him. Determination set in. She wasn’t going to be the cause of anyone’s death. Not today.

  Will glanced at her passenger again nervously. He was still breathing, looked to be asleep. His poor face…. though his skin did look a bit better. Maybe. Not so grey. The damage to his face and body was the bigger concern right now. He had several stab wounds that she could see around the blanket. His torso covered in blood. The band aids he’d put on not doing much. He was probably bleeding all over her seat, but she couldn’t find the energy to care about that right now. She shook her head in disgust. How did that kind of thing happen? She didn’t want to process that too much. It was too real.

  He surprised her though. After what he’d been through, to go to sleep with a stranger was something. How’d did he know he could trust her? He’d obviously thought she was on the up and up she guessed. A kind of peace came over her. It felt good to be trusted with his care.

  What that must have taken for him to do that …..


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