Book Read Free

Deserving You

Page 6

by Amanda Siegrist

  He swung by the house where Taylor was working. Late April, and Taylor was hard at work cleaning up the mess from the winter. Mowing, trimming, fertilizing. One of the many reasons Deja wanted everyone’s supply lists filled out monthly. He was never good at remembering to order things in a timely manner. Deja made sure everything was stocked—when they all remembered to tell her what they were low on, that is.

  Emmett gave Taylor a quick, firm talk about remembering to fill out the form, with a smirk from Taylor, because yeah, Emmett was just as bad as him. The difference was he enjoyed the verbal squabbles they engaged in. She could get so lively, her eyes sparkling intensely, her hands on her hips. Even the hard look on her face was adorable. There wasn’t much about her that he didn’t think was adorable.

  The day went fast, working his ass off, as usual. April was always a busy month when people were ready for their yards to transform from a wintry mess to a beautiful spring picture. He was hungry. Ravenous, in fact, for pie. Or whatever excuse he could think of to stop at Austin’s house. He didn’t have the guts to go over to Deja’s house again, but if he saw her, then his night would end on a high note.

  He swung his long legs out of the vehicle and tried to think of a good enough excuse for stopping by. When Austin opened the door, he knew no excuse would convince Austin about his intentions.

  “I heard you and Deja got into it last night at the precinct.” Austin closed the door behind him. “Want a beer?”

  “Sure. And pie.” Emmett grinned, hoping Sophie made another pie already.

  “Didn’t you have pie yesterday?”


  Austin laughed, clapping him on the back. “Why is that? Did you finally make a move on her?”

  He shrugged Austin off and headed for the kitchen where he could hear Sophie bustling around. “Of course not. Ava called and I never got the chance to eat any of it.” Totally untrue, of course. Deja told him to get the hell out before he could eat his pie, then Ava called.

  “Emmett, I’m so glad you stopped by,” Sophie said with a sweet smile.

  Emmett gave Axel, Sophie and Austin’s dog, a pat on the head as he jumped on his leg in greeting. He loved it when she smiled. Sometimes, especially when she didn’t smile, he could remember the terror written on her face when she thought her ex-boyfriend was going to come and hurt her. Nobody in the family would’ve let it happen. Of course, it still kind of happened. If Austin hadn’t stepped in and saved her, who knew how bad it would’ve gotten. So yeah, he loved when she smiled. It was nice to see her so happy and carefree.

  He grabbed a chair and sat down, letting Axel jump on his leg for more rubs behind the ear. “Why’s that? Did you miss me?”

  Sophie chuckled while Austin glared at him. “Why do you always flirt with my pixie angel? Go flirt with Deja.”

  “Soph knows I’m not flirting, just being friendly. Although, I am the more dashing gentleman in this room.”

  “Yeah, right.” Austin crossed his arms, his features softening when Sophie kissed him on the lips.

  “You’re staying for supper, right, Emmett?” Sophie turned her sweet face in his direction.

  “Sure. So why are you glad I stopped by? You have a project you need help with?” Emmett wasn’t a huge fan of stringing beads or gluing shit together, but for Sophie, he’d do it. She always smiled the brightest when he helped.

  “Nope.” She beamed at him with happiness and turned back to the stove. A knock sounded on the door. She turned to Austin, her eyes twinkling with delight. “Can you get that?”

  “Of course.” Austin kissed her cheek, smirked at him, and walked out of the room.

  “What am I missing here?” He suddenly didn’t like how mischievous they were both acting.

  “I know you get nervous sometimes, but just relax and be yourself, Emmett. She’ll come around. I know she will.”

  “What are you talking—” Emmett froze as he heard voices filter from the living room into the kitchen. “Is that Deja I hear?”

  Sophie smiled so brightly at him, he thought she looked like a star from the sky. “I invited her over for supper. I’m so glad you stopped by as well.”

  Emmett tried not to tense up. Isn’t this the reason he stopped here with no handy excuse? He wanted to see Deja in any possible way. Now that it was happening, he wasn’t ready.

  He jerked up from the table. His lips started to curl into a grin, abruptly stopping when he saw who was trailing behind her. Dare. Her brother didn’t look happy to see him. Axel sat down by his feet, unfazed by the newcomers. He wished he could feel the same way.

  Austin took position by Sophie and wrapped his arms around her. “Dare, this is my wife, Sophie.” He laughed when she raised a brow at him. “My beautiful pixie angel, this is Dare, Deja’s brother.”

  Sophie stepped out of his embrace and walked over to Deja and Dare. Emmett did nothing but stand there looking lost and confused and ten times the idiot he felt like.

  She held out her hand, barely a trace of her nervousness present, she hid it so well. She wasn’t a fan of men. They made her nervous. “Nice to meet you, Dare.”

  Dare didn’t even crack a small grin as he shook her hand. “You, too. You and your husband have a nice house.”

  Deja laughed. The beautiful sound music to Emmett’s ears. “They aren’t quite married yet.”

  “I’d elope tonight if she’d let me.” Austin walked to the fridge and pulled it open. “Beer?” He looked at Deja and Dare.

  Dare’s face became rigid, his jaw clenching. Deja slightly stiffened next to him. She spoke first. “No, thanks, Austin. We’ll have some iced tea.”

  Obviously getting the picture, Austin didn’t argue, and pulled out the pitcher of tea.

  Sophie tossed her hands out in a shooing motion. “Go. Take a seat in the dining room and I’ll bring out the meal. We’re having lasagna tonight.”

  “Sounds da…nuzeling good.” Emmett coughed, trying to cover up the fact he almost swore. Sophie hated swearing and he tried his hardest not to do it in front of her. He normally never failed. Damn nerves. Having Deja and Dare here wasn’t helping him.

  Dare looked at him strangely. Austin clapped him on the back and led the way to the dining room that connected with the living room. They all took a seat at the table. Austin sat on one side, leaving the seat next to him free for Sophie. Emmett sat across from Austin, curious and anxious to see who would sit by him.

  Dare clearly didn’t want Deja next to him, because he grabbed the chair by Emmett and sat down, giving him a side glance that bordered on threatening. Deja decided to take the seat that would be closest to Sophie and Dare, marking herself as the head of the table.

  Awkward silence filled the room.

  Emmett didn’t know how much Austin knew about Dare, but Austin decided to start the conversation. “How are you settling in, Dare?”


  Austin rested his elbows on the table and nodded. “Good.”

  More awkwardness. Deja kept darting her head back and forth, probably wondering when the other shoe would drop. Emmett wasn’t planning to start a fight. He said he’d stay out of her business and he would—unless he saw something that warranted him to step in. Then no way in hell he’d stay out of it. But for now, he wouldn’t even ask questions. He’d leave it up to Austin to look like the idiot.

  “Oh, do you need me to look at the washer still, Deja? I forgot about that.”

  Deja grinned, a genuine one, at Austin. Why couldn’t she ever look at him like that? “When you get a chance. It’s still making that clanking sound. Sounds like a moose is dying or something.”

  Austin laughed. “You’ve heard a moose like that before? I’ll look at it, but honestly, I don’t know anything about fixing a washing machine. Might just have to buy a new one.”

  Deja cocked a brow. “You’re going to buy it?”

  Austin squirmed and slowly replied, “Yes.”

  A throat cleared. Austin jerked his at
tention to the right. “I’ll buy the new washer.” Sophie set the pan of lasagna in the center of the table. She then took a seat next to Austin.

  “You do realize in a few months we’ll be married and what’s mine is yours, what’s yours is mine, right? Why can’t I buy the washer?” Austin’s tone was light, but Emmett heard the frustration mingled in.

  Since the moment he met her, Sophie never, not once, let Austin buy her things. She liked taking care of herself. It had been an uphill battle for him. Still was. They didn’t fight, per se, but the topic of money did come up frequently. All his cousin wanted to do was take care of the woman he loved. All Sophie wanted to do was keep her independence, the knowledge she could do it all on her own. They’d survive these little arguments. Emmett knew it.

  Sophie cut into the lasagna slowly. “It’s my house. My responsibility. If it needs a new washer, I’ll buy one. Not you.” She pointed a stern gaze at him.

  “I want to buy it.” Austin snapped his fingers as a slow smile emerged. “You know, I’d like a new washer. We’ll put mine in your house and I’ll buy a new washer here.”

  Sophie frowned. “It’s the same thing. Don’t try to fool me.”

  “It’s not the same thing.”

  “It is.”

  “No, it’s—”

  “Austin, just concede the fact you’re not buying a washing machine,” Deja piped in as she scooped some lasagna on her plate.

  “I don’t want to.”

  Deja laughed and pointed at him. “You don’t do the pouty face as well as Emmett. You know Sophie will win this argument.”

  Austin and him shared a look. Half the time they pouted on purpose just to make them smile. Clearly it worked. Deja laughed, the sound, as always, such a beautiful sound.

  “I’ll buy the washer.” All heads turned toward him as he took his turn scooping lasagna onto his plate.

  “How do you even factor into this conversation, E-man?” Deja raised a brow, her lips in a thin line.

  “That look says you’re thinking about grabbing your tire iron. Will it make you feel better to take a swing at me? I’ll let you.”

  “Don’t tempt me, E-man. I might actually do it.” Her lips slowly tilted into a devious grin.

  Damn, she was the sexiest woman alive. Her lips looked so kissable right now.

  “Enough talk about the washer. I’ll buy a new one tomorrow.” Sophie took a bite of her food.

  “At least let me look at it first,” Austin insisted.

  She brushed a hand across his cheek. “What do you know about washers?”

  “I’ll look at it.”

  Silence descended. Emmett almost forgot Dare was in the room, he had been so quiet next to him. Everyone turned their attention to him.

  Sophie lightly smiled. “Do you know anything about washers?”

  Dare shrugged. “Not really. I used to fix shit around the house all the time. I even tinkered with shit in…” He pushed some lasagna around his plate. “In prison.”

  “Thank you, Dare. I would appreciate it if you looked at the washer for me.” Sophie’s smile beamed with happiness as she cast a glance at Deja, then looked Dare directly in the eyes. “Swearing is bad for you, you know.”

  Emmett coughed a little to hide the laugh that wanted to escape. How would Dare handle this? If he disrespected Sophie even in the tiniest of ways, he might punch him in the face. Nobody, and he meant nobody, disrespected Sophie. If he didn’t get the first jab in, he knew Austin would step in just as fast.

  To Emmett’s surprise, Dare’s neck up to his cheeks turned a slight shade of red. The man was blushing. Emmett cleared his throat, hiding another laugh. Yeah, Sophie had that affect on people.

  “My apologies, Sophie. I’ll try to watch my language.” Dare shoved a bite of lasagna in his mouth.

  “Thank you.” She stood up. “I forgot the Parmesan cheese. I’ll be right back.” She walked out of the room, Axel trailing behind her. Axel was never far from Sophie. He was almost like her personal doggie bodyguard.

  Deja grinned and chuckled. “Told ya, Dare.” She glanced at Austin, not even looking at Emmett. “I warned Dare Sophie didn’t like swearing.”

  “Yeah, she’s a stickler about that. Zane likes to test her. He still has a hard time. I appreciate you trying, Dare,” Austin said.

  “She’s sweet, but I’d rather not test that hard glint I saw in her eyes.” The tip of his lip lifted. Not quite a smile, but close enough to anything Emmett saw from him so far.

  “Good idea. Wish I could follow through with that. Let me know if the washer isn’t fixable.” Austin took a sip of his beer and rolled his eyes as Deja gave him a look. “What?”

  “If you buy her a washer without asking or telling or informing her in some way, well, you know she won’t be happy.”

  Austin leaned back and ran his hands over his face. “I just want to take care of her. I don’t want her to worry about shit like this. She has enough to worry about.”

  Emmett paused, his fork dangling. His voice became low as he said, “What’s going on?”

  Austin glanced at the entryway, obviously making sure Sophie wasn’t on her way back. “Kevin’s trial is coming up. Bastard hired a damn good attorney. She’s afraid he’s going to get off. Some nights…” Austin ran his hands through his hair. “Some nights are bad.”

  Deja’s voice was low and edged with steel. “If he comes around, he’ll wish he were dead. You should’ve kicked his ass a little harder, Austin.”

  “Trust me, Deja, I wish I did, too. Zane couldn’t even pry me off without the help of another officer.”

  “Security system still working decent?” Emmett asked, glancing behind him. What was taking Sophie so long?

  “It is. Deja, are you setting the alarm at your house? I don’t want to worry about you as well. Kevin may or may not know Sophie’s living with me. The last thing I want is for him to attack you.”

  Deja pinned a stern look at Austin. “I’m setting it every night. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  Austin chuckled and winked at her. “Never doubted that for a minute. But Kevin’s dangerous. You didn’t see him that day. Not like I did. The evil in his eyes. I’ll never let anything happen to Sophie again. I’m buying her a damn washing machine, whether she likes it or not.”

  Deja laughed and shook her head. “You know what, Austin? You’re right. If Dare can’t fix it, I’ll try to smooth a nice path for you to buy a washer.”

  “Miracles do come true.” Austin laughed a little, then frowned, as he glanced behind Emmett. “It doesn’t take that long to get cheese, does it?”

  “Nope, it doesn’t.” Emmett scooted back his chair as Austin stood up.

  “I got this, Emmett. I probably upset her with my insistence on the washer. Why can’t she see I just want to help, to take care of her?”

  Deja grabbed Austin’s arm as he walked past her. “She knows. I know you understand the reasoning behind it, and it’s hard to let go, but be patient, Austin.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You’re a good friend. It’s about damn time you’re on my side for once. I’m not letting you forget you’re gonna help me persuade her to buy a washer.”

  “Just this once.” Deja let his hand go.

  Austin walked out of the room.

  Emmett sat perched on his chair, ready, waiting, on edge. He had no idea why. He just felt like he needed to be ready for something.

  “Eat up, E-man. You know how lovey-dovey they get. Austin’s gonna take his time apologizing.” Deja tilted her eyes his way, a softness in them he wished he saw more often.

  He started to scoot his chair in when Austin roared from the kitchen. “Shit, Emmett!”

  Emmett stood up so fast the chair fell backward. Austin came rushing into the room. “She’s gone. The kitchen door is wide open. She’s gone.”

  Chapter 6

  Deja dropped her fork as Emmett rushed out of the room with Austin toward the kitchen. Terror s
tarted to bubble up through her veins as she thought of the last time Sophie was injured. The blood, the bruises that covered her body almost made her sick to her stomach. She never had the urge to kill someone before. But that day, she had wanted to rip Kevin to pieces for laying one hand on her.

  “She can’t be missing just like that, can she?”

  Deja forced herself to look at Dare, who looked confused by everything. “Kevin…he’s a dangerous man. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and hurt Sophie again.”

  “Who’s Kevin?”

  The front door swung open before Deja could respond. Sophie walked in, her face covered in fright, her entire body shaking as she walked unsteadily.

  “Sophie, what happened?” Deja rushed to her side, grabbing her around the waist and headed for the couch. “Austin, Sophie’s in here!”

  Dare stood up from the table and slowly walked toward the living room as Austin and Emmett ran back into the room.

  Austin pulled Sophie into his arms and held her tightly. Deja stepped back and took a spot next to Emmett. Dare still stood off to the side, observing everything.

  “What happened? Is that bastard outside? Did he hurt you?” Austin pulled her slightly away, cupping her cheeks gently. “I’ll kill him. I will never let him hurt you again.”

  “Austin…” Emmett said lightly, warning him to watch his words.

  Deja agreed with Austin. She’d be more than happy to get rid of Kevin.

  Sophie grabbed his hands. “It’s not him. I let Axel outside, because he started to claw at the door so furiously. You know he always goes quickly, then comes right back. He didn’t come back. I called his name, and he just didn’t come back. I can’t find him.” A tear slid down her cheek.

  Deja found it hard to believe that Axel would run away. He was attached to Sophie at the hip. He followed her everywhere. He wouldn’t run away.

  “That’s why the door was wide open? You went outside looking for Axel?” Austin intertwined their fingers together as they dropped their hands to the side.

  Sophie nodded, obviously upset that Axel ran away.


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