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Born of Fire

Page 7

by Scarlette D'Noire

  Turning onto my back, I exposed my body to her full exploration and she ran her hands up and over my collar bone. Shivers followed her touch as life’s tensions faded from me. In slow, deliberate strokes she trailed the length between my breasts down to my pelvis and back up again, but never grazed the places of my body that desired her touch the most. I arched my back trying to meet her hand to have it fall further down and explore the burning passion between my legs, but she didn’t. She wouldn’t give in to my desire for her to caress my aching flesh, but I willingly submitted to the overwhelming need to search her body and find release.

  Turning on my side, I slid my body next to her legs still resting my head on her thigh close to the area of my curiosity. I ran my hand over her ankle and up her calf and inner thighs. She parted her legs slightly and I caressed her inner thighs coming so close to the heat of her core it took my breath away.

  Tingling sensations between my own legs gave way to a raw burning need to be filled and to fill Mercy. With urgency, I tried to move her legs further apart to get at the center of her essence that surely throbbed, wet and hot, as my own did, but she stopped me short of my fingers touching her hidden opening.

  “I don’t desire Adam right now. I desire you,” I said as my breathing quickened and the need to see the unrevealed beauty between her legs overtook my senses.

  She seemed to take pity on me and tilted my head upward to meet her gaze. With furrowed brows, she looked at me as if she were studying me like I studied the animals that roamed in the garden.

  “Do you think of me as an animal?” I asked, lurching myself up as heat flooded my cheeks. Searching her eyes for an answer, my own filled with tears.

  “This is sexual energy, Lilith,” she said, clasping my hand. “But I love in a different way.” She rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand. “I can teach you of a love that transcends these base desires,” she offered, cupping my face in her hands. “Teach you to love like the angels.” She nodded her head and smiled at me, searching my face.

  “I don’t understand,” I said, confused. Her rejection of my love tore at my heart. Sharp pain filled me as if she’d pierced through me with her confusing words.

  “Close your eyes,” she instructed, and I readily obeyed, waiting for her touch, hoping she’d change her mind and fulfill the burning desire within me.

  Soft lips pressed against mine, stirring the passion in me, yet something had shifted. The red hot pulsation between my legs eased as our lips touched. Harmonious love, balanced and pure, coursed through her and into me as she withdrew her mouth from mine. A deep love and understanding flowed in the air, enveloping me. Intense feelings of acceptance and purity drew me closer to her. I tumbled into her arms and rested my head on her as she rocked me and stroked my hair.

  “This is the love I can offer you, my sweet Lilith,” she said.

  Waves of pleasure coiled through me, making my body feel light and complete. Fear and anguish became a distant memory as I rested in her arms. Every so often, she nudged my chin up to meet her lips and filled me with her joyful bliss by a simple kiss.

  “Come, I have a gift for you,” she said, rousing me to my feet.

  My body felt lighter as I bounced up, “A gift? For me?” I asked incredulously, smiling wide.

  No one had ever given me a gift...not something just for me. Of course, my life was a gift, but it was a gift for Adam as much as me. Same with the garden. But Mercy loved me, and her gift would be different.

  We walked a while through the garden until we came upon a silver boulder. A long object sat on top of it, barely visible under the light of the moon. The orbs of light Mercy had created followed behind us and gathered around the rock, illuminating the area.

  “What is this?” Confusion clouded my mind as I picked up the hollowed out object. Lucifer had given me a name for everything in the garden. But not this.

  “It is a Shofar,” she said, watching me.

  The strange brown object felt light in my hand. I smoothed my palm down the length of its curled base and tapped my finger on the pointed end. The texture felt like my fingernails. “Is it a weapon to protect myself from Adam and the animals?” I asked motioning like I would throw it through the air at my invisible target.

  “No, no, it is not for harm,” she frowned.

  “This looks like the horns of a ram,” I pondered.

  “It is to make music for your pleasure. And yes, you are correct it is from the horns of a ram,” she said taking it out of my hand.

  “Music!” I raised my eyebrows in delight. “Like the birds singing?” I asked. “Lucifer said they make music.”

  She laughed, “Kind of.” She raised the horn to her lips. The most glorious sounds came from it when she blew her breath into it, and I fell back in wonder, allowing her space to create, as she changed the flow and pitch from high to low, making a beautiful pattern with sound.

  “Here,” she said, placing the horn in my hands. “You try. Just blow through it like I did, and sound will come out the other end.” she instructed.

  A surge of energy rushed through me. I raised my eyebrows and giggled as I lifted the horn to my lips and blew through it. Disappointment stung my heart as an awful sound filtered through the instrument. “I can’t do it,” I said, defeated.

  “Lilith,” Mercy said dryly. “Don’t be weak of character,” she ordered. “You must practice to do well.”

  The harshness in her voice bristled through my ears, and I shut my eyes to will it away.

  Her tone softened as if in response to my sudden rush of emotion. “Try again, but become mindful of your breath to manipulate the sounds that filter through,” she instructed.

  I placed the horn to my lips and practiced over and over until a pleasant sound emerged from the other end. “I can do it!” I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around Mercy in a tight hug. “Thank you.”

  “Play as I dance for you.” Mercy said swaying her body before I stepped back and returned the horn to my lips.

  She matched the movement of her body to the sounds I played. “Better,” she said as her hair bounced about as she moved to the music. The orbs of light she created joined her and danced in the air in perfect unison with the music I made. I glanced up at the moon and thanked the Creator for giving me such a lovely companion. Gratitude flooded my heart for her gifts of love and music and companionship.

  “I shall play for Lucifer and make him proud.” I said triumphantly.

  “And for Adam?” she asked.

  My smile dropped as I stood in silence for a moment and pondered her question, “I shall play for Adam, to lighten his heart and make him happy.” I smiled at Mercy, pleased at my compromise.

  “Very well,” she said, and she grinned in return. “Go now to him.”

  I worried Adam would still be angry with me, especially after he’d failed in his attempt to mate with me, but I was confident he’d be in awe of the music and forget the whole ordeal. “And Lucifer?” I asked.

  “You will play for him, Lilith.” She smiled again, and I couldn’t stop a grin at her encouragement of my new talent.

  “I shall play for both of you together,” I corrected. “For both of my enchanting angels.”


  Adam paced around the fire as if deep in thought. His furrowed brow told me he’d worried while I’d been away. Fear crept into my heart and quickened the beat as I considered turning around and finding somewhere else to spend the night rather than disturbing him. But when he saw me, his face softened, and he embraced me tightly.

  “Come let me prepare your food,” I offered, breaking away from him.

  “I’ve been sad,” he said, pulling me back to him. “I failed you...and then I dreamed another crept into our paradise and stole you away from me.”

  My breath hitched. Had he seen something? But I turned away, towards where I prepared the food, and ignored his comment. As I walked the few steps to our supplies, new hope crept into me as it seemed he warm
ed to me. Perhaps now, life as his mate wouldn’t cause so much fear in my heart.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I said, holding back a full smile, eager to change the subject.

  “What?” he asked and rubbed my hand.

  “An angel gave it to me. I’ll show you after we eat,” I teased removing the ferns from the small hole in the ground where we kept our store of food so it stayed cool and dry. I glanced over at our hut, the left side had fallen in and I pointed it out to Adam, “we should fix that to keep the rain and wind out,” I suggested as I placed vegetables on the small embers on the outer edges of our fire.

  This time Adam took my suggestion without insult and gathered up some branches to try and secure our living structure, but they were too weak. I could tell simply by looking at them, and confusion clouded my mind as to why Adam couldn’t.

  As the vegetables cooled, I searched for stronger logs and larger rocks, so he could fashion them together to anchor the hut walls in place securely, but my idea angered him.

  “You always try to look smart,” he said turning away from the stones. “But I am man, I was created first, to lead you...and I know what’s best for us.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “And I am woman. I have a brain too. The Creator made one for me as well, if you didn’t notice. And the Creator may have learned from his mistakes when he made you.” I fumed as I pushed my way past him and arranged a few stones at the base of the log to stabilize it better. “See, it’s stronger now,” I said, tugging at the log. “Now it’ll stop falling on our heads every time a breeze blows through,” I quipped.

  Instead of getting angry, Adam lowered his head and frowned. “I know you’re smart, Lilith,” he said, defeated. “That’s why the angels give you gifts and not me.” The tone of his voice said more than his words, and I took pity on him.

  “Come, eat. And I’ll give you your surprise,” I said to lighten the mood “A gift from the Heavens!” I opened my eyes wide. “From the angels that dwell there,” I said and smiled.

  He let loose a hearty laugh and warmth shone from his eyes for me. When he stuffed fists full of vegetables in his mouth, and it was as if he couldn’t contain his excitement. He ate quickly. “How do you know so many things?” he asked, his mouth full. This time, his words weren’t full of malice and jealousy. “What’s the surprise? I can’t wait any longer.” He sat back and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

  “Shut your eyes, and I’ll make you feel alive with wonder,” I promised.

  He readily obeyed me, which sent a surge of energy through me. To be in control of my own movements and thoughts...of my behaviour, and apparently, of my mate...without fear or restriction freed my restless soul. I ran over to the tree where the horn lay hidden.

  “Are you ready?” I pursed my lips, not waiting for him to answer, then blew my breath through the horn. It softly emanated a splendid sound. The tones rose and fell, and I startled a flock of birds into taking flight.

  Adam’s eyes popped open and his brows rose high on his forehead. “What is this magic?” he asked, enchanted.

  I lowered the horn from my lips and curled them downward in a mischievous smirk, “This is music,” I said. “A gift from Mercy, an angel from the Heavens.” Pride filled me as I played the instrument for him.

  Adam swayed to the music but stopped abruptly. “Why did they give such a gift to you Lilith? And not to me?”

  I paused, choosing my words carefully. “The music is a gift for both of us. For our happiness,” I hoped this would appease him and we could continue the night in a peaceful way.

  He seemed to accept my answer and motioned for me to continue playing for him, which I did until our neglected fire almost burned out. I fanned the burning embers igniting the flame again, and threw more leaves and twigs on the fire to keep it going.

  Eventually, I sat beside him, and glanced at our dwindling supply of firewood. “We should collect more sticks for the night,” I suggested.

  He stood without answering and offered me his hand. We searched together just outside of our camp, picking up small sticks and logs. When we returned to our home, the fire had almost burned out completely. The cool night air raised the hairs on my arms, and I folded them in front of my chest, rubbing warmth into them. Adam pressed his chest against my back and helped bring heat back into my frigid body by smoothing his hands over my shoulders and down my arms.

  Out of nowhere, a large wolf growled at us, and I stumbled backwards knocking Adam over. The beast fixed his eyes on me, snarling and taking a few paces forward as if ready to charge. Instead of helping me fight off the beast, Adam backed into a tree and tried to climb it, but the branches were too high to reach. I wanted to run too, but I couldn’t outrun a wolf.

  “Do something!” I screamed at Adam.

  Fear and confusion enveloped me, and dread flooded my heart. Whooshing filled my head as Adam positioned himself next to me and threw small stones at the wolf, which only angered it. We’d be eaten by this creature if I didn’t do something to scare it away.

  Electricity shot through my chest and flooded my arms with a surge of heat. I backed behind Adam, grabbed the horn, and blew into it with all my might. A loud, deep sound blasted the air, startling the wolf, and Adam jumped in fear of the noise. Instead of being grateful, he stormed away. “I didn’t need your help,” he yelled.

  “Obviously, you did,” I said honestly, regaining my footing and challenging his stupid notion that he had the situation under control.

  He whirled around to respond to my insult, and a stick he’d picked up for the fire, or to defend us if another animal appeared, connected hard against my cheek. My horizon wobbled from the force of the blow lifting my feet out from under me, but I did not fall. I staggered backwards.

  Fury overpowered the throbbing in my face and I willed myself to fight back. Raising the horn to the left of me I charged forward and smashed it against the side of his head. He fell to his knees and shrieked in pain. Blood trickled from a gash to the side of his left eye. In my anger I didn’t feel pity for him, only concern that I may have broken my beloved horn. To my relief it hadn’t shattered. “Don’t strike me again,” I shouted, but he didn’t respond right away.

  He raised his eyes to meet mine, and the flash of emotions through them, followed by a cold dead stare caused my heart to beat faster. In those few moments of silence, I tried to think of a way to alleviate the situation. “And I will not strike you either,” the words were weak, but I wanted the fighting to end.

  “It was an accident,” he breathed. “But you retaliated on purpose. You always meddle,” he said aimlessly, “and cause me to look stupid and weak.”

  “Sometimes I know better,” I said with more force than I needed. “And I was scared. I feel defenseless—the Creator made you so big. I reacted through instinct to protect myself. I’m sorry.” Softening my words, I tried to invoke to his sense of importance and appeal to his pride and forgiveness. “We’re supposed to be mates, Adam. Why should all the worry of our survival fall on your head?” I questioned. “Surely, as your mate, I can relieve some of your worries and work together with you,” I offered.

  He slumped his shoulders and closed his eyes, rubbing the spot between his brows, shaking his head back and forth as if he didn’t accept my words. I positioned my stance wider, firmly planting my feet. Standing my ground, I readied myself to fight if that was what he chose to do, but he simply stood without moving closer to me.

  “Let’s make the fire together,” he said to my relief.

  A gush of air released from my lungs draining away the fear I’d held as I waited to see what he’d do. “Yes, yes.” I lay the horn on a rock nearby and collected up a handful of sticks to encourage the fire to blaze higher.

  Adam helped in silence, glancing at me from time to time as we threw enough wood in the pit to keep us warm and safe for the night. He tilted his head and gave me a quizzical look. I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out what he mi
ght be thinking, but before I could assess his new mood he picked up the Shofar.

  “Would you like me to play some more for us before we go to bed?” I offered, happy his bruised ego had forgotten our fight.

  Without saying a word to me, he threw the horn into the fire.

  “What have you done?” I screamed racing toward the inferno to snatch my instrument back, but he stood squarely in front of me and wouldn’t let me pass.

  “I hate you!” I roared, beating on his chest, trying to maneuver around him, but I couldn’t make my way past.

  He yanked my arms, pitching me forward and grabbed hold of my shoulders, positioning himself behind me and drawing my body into his. He wrapped his arm tight around my neck, forcing me to watch my special gift from the Heavens burn.

  “No!” I cried as anguish flooded my heart and poured out of me.

  I couldn’t face watching the horrors before me and squeezed my eyes shut, willing my mind away from him and this trap of a place I called home. Tears fell from my eyes, sliding down my cheeks, as I wriggled to try and get away from him.

  “Belittle me again,” he said in my ear, clasping me tighter, “and next time it’s you I’ll throw in the fire,” he warned as he released my body with a hard shove, casting me forward. The blaze licked at my toes as I hopped around, trying to regain my footing. I spun around, ready to defend myself. He scrunched his nose and squeezed his eyes into a menacing glare.

  Rather than fight, I took off running fast through the garden. I loathed the sight of Adam and wanted to put as much distance between us as I could. To my utter horror, he followed behind me, quickly closing the distance between us. I ran to the banks of the Pool of Life and stopped short, spinning around.

  I’m trapped!

  I scrambled to find a way out, but the Pool surrounded all edges of the garden, enclosing me. Adam called out my name with urgency, but I ignored him and clambered into a tree. He followed behind me as I climbed higher than I knew he would. As I balanced on a narrow tree limb, I looked down and my world spun around. Straddling the branch, I lowered my chest close to it and wrapped my arms around it but I slipped.


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