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Marex_Paranormal Romance Novella

Page 3

by Verika Sloane

  The pads of his callused thumbs grazed her cheekbones, strangely soothing and erotic at the same time. “I don’t hear any alarms,” he told her. “They’re either not aware of my escape, or they’re all too drugged to move.”

  “It won’t last,” she breathed, unsure if she was talking about the drug or their good fortune. “I’m alright. Truly. We mustn’t stop. The car isn’t too far from here.”

  He pressed his forehead against hers and nodded, then took her hand, and they ran again.

  They reached the road quickly, but, to her horror, the car was nowhere to be seen.

  This can’t be.

  She’d parked it between these two trees, could see the tire tracks in the mud. On the other side of the road was a cliff, dropping straight down to the sea.

  Panic shot through her heart, terrified they’d gotten this far only to be stranded. Had soldiers spotted the vehicle and moved it? Didn’t matter. It was gone.

  Marex seemed much too calm. “Are you sure you left it here?”

  Her breath poured from her mouth in a white stream from the cold air. She gave a desperate look around, pointing to the tracks. “Yes! This was it.”

  A blaring alarm far in the distance sounded. Wolves howled.

  Their eyes met, widening.

  The countdown to survival had officially begun.

  Whirling to the left, then right, she searched for any means of escaping this desolate place. Their only choices were to either head back through the forest on foot, around the other side of the prison to the bridge, or into the ocean. Which, in the end, weren’t choices at all. Damning herself for not having a back-up plan, she scrambled to think of what to do next.

  There was only one winding, empty road in and out of this place.

  Marex sensed her growing panic. “No one will take you away from me, Nadine,” he declared darkly. “We’ll jump over this cliff and take our chances before they’re even close to catching up to us.”

  She could hear the water crashing on the rocks below. Maybe if they timed it right…still, it was anything but ideal. They’d be severely hurt, they had no boat, nothing to keep them afloat, and the current could tear them apart.

  But if he jumped, she jumped. “I—”

  A squealing of car tires cut through the night, and a beam of headlights came from around the corner, blinding them, as a car careened the curve at an alarming speed.

  Marex stepped in front of her, his massive form blocking her view. While his protectiveness was sweet, she needed to see who was coming their way. She took a step to his left.

  The driver in the black muscle car slammed on the brakes beside them, window down. “Shit. You two are fast. Get in!”

  Marex stepped back, shielding her with his arm. “Get to the woods.”

  She gaped at his order. “No.”

  He sent her a chiding frown.

  Marex cast his gaze back to the driver. “Who are you?”

  “A friend.”

  “I know all my friends.” He looked at her. “Did you send for him?”

  She shook her head, staring at the nameless vampire with dark eyes and black hair.

  The stranger gave a look of exasperation. “Look. My name’s Eisley. We don’t have time for niceties or else I’d give you my personal résumé of why I’m on your side. But I am. So fucking get in before they close the bridge.”

  Marex met her eyes; he was letting her make the decision.

  “How did you know we’d be here?” she asked quickly. No one else knew about her plan, let alone her connection to Marex. Every step of her new future had been a closely guarded secret, since she didn’t know who to trust, who might betray her to curry favor with the council. Had she been followed? Had someone been spying on her?

  “No matter what I tell you, you won’t believe me, eh?” Eisley pointed out. “You have about ten seconds to make a decision or I’m leaving you both here. The car you left here? I pushed it off the cliff. They’d catch you in nanoseconds in that thing. My whip is a lot faster.” He revved the engine twice to emphasize his point.

  Marex set his hands on her shoulders. “He could be sent from the UCC to trick us into thinking we’re safe, and take us right back to the prison. You know what our choices are at this point.”

  The spray of a crashing wave hit her neck, and she shivered at the thought of such a risk. But going with this man could be infinitely worse. She looked from Eisley back to Marex, indecision warring within.

  Eisley leaned out and slapped a hand on the car door. “Fuck! I won’t leave you here. He’ll kill me for telling you! But looks like I have no choice. Dison sent me. Cool?”

  Nadine’s eyes widened. That was all she needed to hear. “We’re going with him.”

  Without hesitation, Marex yanked open the passenger door and she climbed in the back. Before both of Marex’s feet were even inside, Eisley sped off, throwing them against the seat.

  Nadine squeezed Marex’s hand so tight, she thought she might break his bones. Glancing at him, she smiled nervously.

  He winked at her, then braced one hand on the driver’s seat shoulder, watching Eisley like a hawk. They sped down the winding road leading to true freedom, but when they reached the bottom, the bridge started to come up.

  Were they too late?

  Eisley didn’t bat an eyelash, even though Nadine thought she might very well scream. At this speed, if he didn’t time it perfectly, they’d hit the bridge wall and be smashed into a dozen body parts. He hit the gas, propelling them to a terrifying rate while he aggressively switched gears.

  The daredevil vampire was right; his car was faster.

  “Eisley,” Marex warned.

  “Too late to change your mind,” he responded in an almost droll manner.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw two giant wolves sprinting toward the car. Clearly, she hadn’t subdued all the animals they kept.

  Even at this acceleration, the dogs were able to keep up. One bared its teeth, jumping at her window, hitting the glass with its paws and nose.

  Nadine flinched, imagining what would’ve happened if one of those had caught up with them in the woods.

  The front bumper skimmed up the bridge and jerked them upward like a rocket.

  Nadine whipped her face into Marex’s shoulder. She couldn’t watch, stomach sinking. His palm moved to her cheek, holding her. Every part of his body was tight as a drum, the only suggestion that he, too, feared they wouldn’t make it.

  Eisley let out a victorious yell. The car tipped forward and Nadine held her breath, bracing herself for the inevitable nosedive.

  Gods, protect us.


  They landed so hard Nadine thought her teeth would shatter to pieces in her mouth. Eisley maneuvered the steering wheel side to side as they fishtailed on the gravel, then miraculously sped off.

  Nadine let out the breath she’d been holding and looked behind them. The bridge was up. The guards and dogs were blocked from following them. For the time being.

  Eisley switched off the headlights, his vampire vision sharp enough not to need them.

  “Are you okay?” Marex asked, grasping her face.

  All she could do was nod, stunned, relieved, and shaken.

  He smoothed her hair, then lowered his brows and glowered at Eisely. “That was close,” he clipped. “But good work.”

  “Well, if you two would’ve just gotten in the car immediately in the first place, the bridge wouldn’t have had a chance.” He shrugged before Marex could argue. “But I understand why you hesitated. Just sit back and try to chill. We’ve got a long drive ahead.”

  “Where are you taking us?” Nadine asked.

  Without answering, he held up a small piece of paper for one of them to grab. Nadine took it. All that was scribbled on it were coordinates. “Where is this?”

  “Freedom. Three hours from here,” Eisley said, turning on the radio.

  Marex continued to frown.

  She could tell he
disliked not having complete control over the situation, and that he didn’t entirely trust this Eisley guy. But for now, they would have to.

  Too curious to keep quiet, she scooted closer to the front seat. “Who are you? How did you know—?”

  “Not supposed to answer any questions,” he cut her off. “My job was to make sure you escaped alive.”

  “Surely you can give us some kind of explanation of how you knew where to be exactly at the right time? And how you got past the bridge and entered the compound without being blown to bits?”

  “Well,” he craned his head to briefly meet her eyes. “You took care of that with your little poison party, didn’t you?”

  “But how—?”

  Marex’s arms locked around her waist and pulled her back into the seat. “Let’s not press him. He either can’t answer your questions or won’t. I have a feeling he’s just a small part of this mission.”

  Eisley chuckled. “You’d be right.”

  An hour later, they were still rocketing at an obscene speed with Eisley’s loud rock music blasting through the speakers. Marex never let go of her hand, and even with so much of their future unknown before them, she felt hopeful.

  She rested her cheek on his shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

  A dream came to her, one of Marex and her in a warm bed, caressing, licking, worshipping one another, him rubbing his scruffy face on her nipples while she arched under him.

  She opened her eyes, aroused and awake. She blinked a few times, lifting her face to smile up at him.

  His eyes were dark with rich desire.

  It was then she realized he was slowly toying with her nipple with his finger, just like in her dream. Biting her lower lip, she grazed her fingers over his crotch, finding him iron hard. He continuously traced her hard nipple, making her pussy clench with blooming wetness with every tickling thrill from her breast.

  With a low moan, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, seeking. His tongue flicked under her top lip, then traced her bottom one.

  A whimper escaped her throat while she restlessly rubbed her knees together.

  She wanted to fuck her fated so badly.

  Flicking a glance at the front seat, she noticed Eisley’s eyes remained straight ahead, one hand on the steering wheel.

  Could they? Dare they?

  No choice. She had to. As long as they weren’t too enthusiastic about it…

  The urgency and desperation to find comfort in Marex took over all senses. With the rush of their narrow escape still in the back of her mind, her body demanded sex to soothe her.

  Meeting Marex’s gaze, she moved her lips in a little salacious smile and climbed into her lover’s lap.

  Marex’s lips parted as his chest rose and fell, heaving for breath.

  Seductively, she unbuttoned her coat, watching him lick his lips while she unhooked her the front clasp of her bra, the blue fire that flared in his eyes. He jerked her breast to his mouth, hungrily taking a nipple, sucking hard and drawing out the peak with his tongue and teeth.

  Sensations shot from the turgid tips to her toes and Nadine bowed her back, grinding on him. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and brought his mouth to hers, twining her tongue with his, rubbing her hot center on his crotch, teasing him.

  Marex’s growl vibrated in his chest as he charted down to kiss her ribcage, nipping at her breasts, making his way up her chest and throat like a starved man consuming his first meal in days. He tugged the string of her panties and removed them, sending the pair to the floor.

  Eyes hooded, Nadine watched the dark road lit by the car’s taillights through the rear window as Marex’s hand slid between her thighs, finding her slick slit. Her mouth dropped open in silent awe as he tenderly circled her delicate clit with his fingertip, eliciting shudders of wanton mayhem from her body with every stroke.

  The car suddenly jolted forward as Eisley slammed the gas, and Marex’s finger slipped in. She bit her lip to stop from crying out.

  “Maybe we—” She gasped as he inserted another finger. “Shouldn’t. We might offend him.”

  “Right now he doesn’t even exist,” he said gruffly.

  Kissing him, she twined her arms around his neck and moved in rhythm with his finger, pulse quickening, breathing ragged. “Marex,” she whispered shakily. “I want to fuck.”

  He grazed his lips up her neck. “As you want, I want.”

  He lifted his hips to lower his pants, then set his hands at her waist, guiding her folds along his rigid shaft, stroking it with her slickness. He buried his face in her chest, moaning, clinging to her.

  They shouldn’t do this in front of a stranger—or more accurately, behind him—in his car, going eighty-five miles an hour, but it was deliciously exhilarating. The drum of the music matched her heartbeat, ears ringing with the volume of the rock song, the potent scent of her virile male’s need for her filling her nose.

  Marex looked up at her. “If he says one word—”

  “Shh.” She traced her fingers down his face, sitting up and slowly coming down on his thick shaft, watching his eyes widen with raw ecstasy. “Don’t watch him,” she softly demanded. “Watch me.” Quivering, she sank down, her sex stretching to take his large girth. Gods, yes. Felt as good as the first time he thrust inside her against the dungeon cell’s wall.

  Marex closed his eyes and hissed, dropping his head back, murmuring things she couldn’t hear over the song. He dug his fingers in her ass as she moved up and down, savage passion building between them. The car hit a bump and she cried out at the unexpected bolt. Marex dove in and suckled on her nipple, guiding her hips while she rode him feverishly.

  The Def Leppard song blared. Something about not wanting to touch too much, going crazy…oh yeah, that’s exactly what was transpiring.

  Her wild gasps blended with the tune. But as her fated lifted his gaze to hers, she saw the depth of his devotion, his carnal need for her body on his, his claim to her heart and whole soul. Her teeth lengthened and fierce hunger detonated in her stomach. She wanted to bite him and come at the same time.

  A corner of his mouth tipped up; he sensed her thoughts. Mated couples had that privilege.

  He turned his profile, gritting his teeth, guiding her to ride him harder, slower, and deeper.

  She pressed her nose into his corded neck, then licked up to his ear, capturing the lobe with her teeth.

  “Nadine,” he groaned they rocked together. “I’m going to…”

  She opened her mouth and clamped on his vein, shocked at the hit of rapture overcoming her entire being.

  With every draw she took, he shivered in response, groaning, pumping his hips, seeking to get deeper. A cooing hum interlaced in her veins, her mind, and memories, blossoming a euphoria she’d never, ever known before Marex. Heart pounding, she swallowed a third time. Eyelids getting heavy, she panted, his blood sliding down the side of her mouth. The poetic orgasm throbbed between her thighs, drugging her.

  She released his neck, and a moan at the back of her throat escaped as she came, over and over, her orgasm stunning her with its overwhelming power.

  Marex moved the sweaty strands of hair from her shoulder and buried his face under her jaw, clamping his muscular arms around her, squeezing her ribs tight. Only his ragged breathing on her skin and a violent shudder gave away his climax.

  “By all the gods, I can’t believe you’re mine,” he uttered, locking his eyes with hers. He smeared the blood by her mouth with his thumb, moving to cup her nape.

  She pumped her hips once, twice, quivering from the aftermath. “Believe it.”

  “You make me stay hard even after I’ve come.”

  Carefully, she climbed off him and righted her coat. “Keep it that way if you like. I will want you again.”

  His smile was bright in the dark.

  With a sigh, she tucked her feet to the side, rested her head on the seat, and interlaced her fingers with his. Forever.

  Eisley kept on dr
iving at a breakneck speed, one hand massaging the back of his neck, and never glancing at the rearview mirror. She mentally shook her head. If they went any faster, they’d go back in time. Apparently, Eisley had no fear of any animals that might cross the road and cause an accident, or police who might pull them over.

  Not that any kind of human law enforcement would stop them now.

  She frowned. Humans. The guard hadn’t given any names, not even one. To uncover exactly who framed Marex would take considerable investigation. Someone, somewhere knew. But if the guard was right, those responsible must be very well-connected to the underworld, powerful, wealthy, and mysterious. Perhaps that was where Dison came into play.

  She’d known him since childhood, but their paths went in different directions. When it came to alliances, he swore he would never take a side, even though he’d unofficially chosen one years ago as a financial advisor/underworld liaison for some of the most influential vampires. Because of his position, he had access to information others did not, but she couldn’t seek him out for obvious reasons. One, it would draw them closer to the proverbial fire, instead of away from it, and two, it would put Dison in immediate grave danger.

  Just when it felt like they were on the longest road to nowhere, Eisley took a sharp right down a skinny, unpaved road. The shrubs and bushes scraped the car as it ambled down the uneven drive. Half a mile down, the brush cleared and an old two-story colonial came to view.

  Nadine pressed a hand to the cold car window, bracing herself as best she could for Eisley’s version of parking.

  He slammed on the brakes, made a hard left, hit the gas, and the car swung within inches of the front steps. The radio switched off so abruptly, the silence was deafening. “We’re here.”

  Marex and Nadine exchanged glances. Hopefully they could procure their own ride once they left this place. Her fated got out first, holding out his hand to assist her.

  Eisley smirked at them, chewing on his toothpick. “Did you guys enjoy the ride?”

  Nadine blushed as she climbed out.

  “Yeah. Sorry,” Marex clipped.

  “You’re not sorry and you shouldn’t be.” He smiled, pushing his hand on the door to shut it. “The energy you two created…” He blew out a breath. “Even made my teeth grow.”


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