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The Mating Rite (Big, Beautiful Werewolf) (Werewolves of Montana)

Page 14

by Vanak, Bonnie

  “One night with you will never be enough, but damn it, I’ll take whatever I can, as long as you’re here with me,” he whispered.

  One night would never be enough. Hell, a year, a decade, a damn century with her and he’d never grow tired of Sam in his arms.

  His Sam.

  He tumbled her backward onto the bed, his hands fisting in her hair as he kissed her. Then he nuzzled his way down to her breast. Pleasure filled him as she responded, squeezing the hard muscles of his shoulders and hooking a leg around his hip. She sweetly kissed the curve of his shoulder, put her mouth on the flesh there, and lightly bit.

  Darius groaned at the erotic feel of her mouth on his skin at last.

  Must take it slow. She deserved tenderness and good loving. Wonder filled him as he drew back on his haunches to study her, marveling that she was here with him at last. A rose flush tinted her smooth skin as she lay back against the pillows, silky blond hair spilling around her, her gaze languid like a sexy nymph who’d awakened from a winter’s sleep.

  Darius felt desperate to get inside her. The scent of her arousal hit him like a sledgehammer. His body tightened painfully, his balls aching, his cock hardening to solid steel.

  Instinct roared, his body primed to penetrate, claim and conquer. The wolf inside snarled for the right to mate. He mounted her, letting her feel his immense strength, his power and prowess. Pinning her wrists to the mattress, he dragged in a deep lungful of her arousal.

  Wide eyes stared up at him. A quiver went through her body.

  Damn, what the hell was he doing?

  With all his control, he released her wrists. Don’t scare her. Darius levered himself off her and rolled her to the side, kissing her gently while his hands slid down and cupped her sweet ass. She seemed so fragile, yet beneath was enormous strength. She was a survivalist who’d endured losing so much and faced challenge with courage and spirit. A woman who was more than equal to him. She was life and adventure and laughter.

  She was his. He would make certain no other male would dare touch her again. A deep growl rumbled from his throat.

  Suddenly, Sam sat up, her gaze wide. He pushed her down, gently. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Lie back and let me care for you.”

  Darius parted her legs with his hands. He stared at her wet, glistening cleft. His erection strained to the point of bursting.

  He would make certain no other male would dare touch her again. “You’re beautiful, so damn beautiful,” he said softly, dragging in a lungful of her scent. Ah, so sweet, aroused and feminine.

  Snarling inside him, his wolf urged him to take her, but he forced himself to go slow, kissing every inch of her soft skin. Sam’s breasts were large and shaped with rosy, taut nipples. He kissed one very gently, then ran his tongue around it. A low moan arose in her throat as her hips began arching upward.

  “Soon,” he soothed her. Darius took her nipple in his mouth and gently suckled. She clutched his shoulders, her body twisting. Then he kissed his way up to her mouth again.

  “Give in,” he whispered. “Let me inside. It’s time. You belong to me.”

  The heart of a strong Lupine beat inside Sam, a strong female who made her own way in the world and refused to let anyone or anything stop her.

  No one would ever hurt her. His wolf would make sure of it. He’d strip the skin from the bones of anyone who tried…with his fangs.

  Darius was turning her inside out with pure need. As he kissed the tiny hollow of her throat, his hand drifted to the curve of her hip and then dipped between her thighs. Sam jerked upright in shocked pleasure. He quieted her with a gentle whisper, and she felt his finger slide between her feminine folds. Smooth as silk, he glided back and forth. She became a wound spring coiled with tension as he gently thrust a finger into her soaked channel. Then he found the little nub between her legs and began to stroke.

  He was a savage beast, making her snarl with need. Sam writhed and a whimper arose in her throat.

  “Shhh,” he murmured. “Just let go. Surrender to it.”

  All tension within her exploded, and she wailed as it burst from her center. And when her eyes fluttered open, Darius was gazing tenderly at her, male satisfaction glinting his eyes.

  Then he did it again, and she collapsed against the bed after the second orgasm. Perspiration slicked her forehead and her lax muscles.

  “Now you are ready,” he told her. Darius rose over her and slid his hands between her legs, pushing her thighs wide open.

  His gaze held the darkness of a man who intended to claim her, body and soul. Sam lay back, holding out her arms to him. He nuzzled her neck, blew into her ear. She shivered delicately, her nipples hardening into tight little buds. With a slow grace, an exquisite smoothness, he pushed into her. Darius laced his fingers through hers, pinning them to the bed, and thrust forward.

  The sharp bite of pain made her gasp. Sam writhed a little, trying to find some ease as his thickness penetrated her. She sucked in a breath.

  His gaze tender, he looked down at her. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  She nodded.

  Darius kissed her again, and she relaxed, the tightness in her body easing.

  He pulled back and began to stroke inside her, his penis rubbing against her sensitive tissues, the friction creating a delicious heat. His muscles contracted as he thrust, his powerful shoulders flexing. His silky chest hair rubbed against her aching breasts as his hard six-pack slid over her soft abdomen. She arched to meet his rhythm.

  Wonder came over her face as she watched him. The bed beneath her was soft as down, the male pressing her onto it solid muscle. His thrusts became more urgent, harder. Sam’s legs lifted as her hips pummeled upward in need. Close, so close…the tension increased until she felt ready to explode.

  Screaming his name, she climaxed, her core squeezing him as she shattered, her back arching as she dug her fingers into his muscled shoulders.

  With dazed lassitude, she opened her eyes and froze.

  Above her, Darius snarled. Fangs elongated, sharp and glistening. The tips of his ears grew pointed, like a wolf’s. His sweet blue eyes turned dark amber, signaling his change.

  He was no longer her beloved Darius.

  He was wolf.

  Snarling again, he dug his hands into her hips. Paralyzed with shock, horrified, overwhelmed, she suppressed a whimper, terrified he’d scent her fear and it would further inflame him. Darius pounded hard into her, his heavy thrusts making the mattress squeal and shake. He seemed oblivious to her and her innocent state, oblivious to everything.

  Sam fisted her hands at her sides, feeling pain mixed with fierce pleasure. He growled, his nostrils flaring. Gone was the tender man who showered her with sweet kisses, who had fed her strawberries. She was in bed with a savage beast.

  She could only close her eyes, squeeze her fists hard and pray it would be over soon.

  She was his. His mate. She smelled so sweet, her arousal cranking his hormones into overdrive. No one had the right to take Sam’s virginity, except him.

  At the thought of how he’d almost lost her for good, and wouldn’t have known she was alive, he wanted to scream.

  Mine, he thought fiercely. All mine. He, who thought nothing of sharing women with other men, having threesomes, hell, foursomes, now wanted this female exclusively for himself.

  The sex was better than he’d ever had, Sam’s scent in his nostrils, her tight core squeezing his cock, her soft body cushioning his. For ten years he’d wanted her, dreamed of having her.

  Yes, yes, yes, damn it, this was it, the moment, the fiery heat that had claimed him since the moment he’d left her, trembling and alone, in his father’s house. Mine. No other. Savage need beat a pulse in him, the mating frenzy sinking deep into his bones until only Sam filled his thoughts, his heart, his body, his cock intent on one thing…

  Baring his fangs and snarling, he took her hard.

  Over and over he plunged into her, his pounding thrusts makin
g the bed bang against the wall, his engorged cock slick with her juices. Darius dug his hands into her hips, his eyes closed, head flung back. Every muscle tensed, ready for this, this crude, animalistic mating denied to him for so long…

  His testicles drew up tight against his body. Darius snarled, his wolf rising to the surface, but he fought the shift. Inside his mate, his cock grew thicker and longer, impossibly large as the moment of his climax drew near. He seized her hips and pulled her hard against his thatch, his fingers digging deep into her soft skin, wanting to crawl inside her as deep as he could go.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him. Darius threw back his head and howled, feeling the orgasm in a snarling, savage rush, his seed barreling through his cock, shooting deep inside her, the pleasure so maddening he shuddered and convulsed, letting it consume him.

  Only he and Sam existed at the moment. The whole damn world could collapse, or not, and he would not care. Unaware of anything except his mate lying beneath him, receiving his eager seed as he kept ejaculating over and over into her, Sam’s whimpering cries and her core squeezing him, joining him in a crescendo of pleasure…all they could do was ride it out, let it take them…

  Finally he slowed, and gasping, eased his grip off his mate’s round hips. Giving one last shudder, he felt himself grow slacker, but still thick and full inside her, as if his penis recognized this was his mate and did not want to release her.

  Any more than Darius did.

  Sweat slicked his body. His leg muscles trembled violently. Chest heaving, he finally eased open his eyes and looked down at Sam.

  For ten long years, he’d been denied his mate’s touch, his mate’s body, after he’d put his mark on her. He’d grieved, his heart shattered, and he’d gone a bit mad, fucking other women in a desperate attempt to rid himself of this burning, maddening itch to mate. One woman, two women, always clawing for a pleasure only Sam could give him, his body’s howling demand for her never quenched.

  And tonight, at last, he’d claimed her in the flesh.

  Gradually he returned to awareness. As he gazed down at Sam, his heart rate finally slowing, his breathing returning to normal, his cock diminishing, his balls spent, and his fierce, savage male need finally satisfied, horror stole over him.

  He’d let his lust consume him and had gone feral, breaking the rule. Never go feral on a mate, unless she is equal to it.

  Panting, he stared down at Sam, her passion-flushed skin, mouth swollen from his demanding kisses, her body trembling from the little aftershocks of orgasm still claiming her. None of that mattered.

  He looked into her huge, beautiful eyes. Tears shimmered there, and fear. No, terror.

  He had traumatized her.

  Aw shit. Shit. He’d made a terrible mistake.

  Closing his eyes, he rested his forehead against hers. Then he brushed a soft kiss on her mouth, unable to keep from touching her. Touch was so important to Lupines. It connected them, kept them together and quiet.

  If only it had calmed his inner wolf earlier.

  “Sam, you okay?” he asked quietly, stroking her cheek.

  She gave a jerky nod, but did not meet his gaze. Slowly, he eased out of her, and she whimpered as his penis slid against her sensitive tissues.

  Darius ran a hand over her body and winced as she flinched. Deep blue bruises marked her tender flesh, along with indentations from where he’d gripped her hips while taking her. He gathered her into his arms, tucking her against the crook of his shoulder, stroking a hand through her damp hair, but she remained stiff and tensed. Darius eased her back onto the pillows and flung back the sheets, padding naked to the bathroom. He snapped on the light, hunted for a washcloth and dampened it with warm water.

  Returning to bed, he eased her legs open. She clamped them shut.

  “Sweetheart, open them. Please.”

  She did. Darius cleaned off her blood and his seed from her trembling thighs, and gently stroked the washcloth between her legs. But though his actions were tender, she remained stiff and unresponsive, staring at the ceiling.

  He returned to the bathroom, wrung out the washcloth and turned off the light. Moonlight spilled across the bed, showing her hair shining like gold in the pale light.

  She was so lovely.

  She was his.

  And he felt nothing but bitter remorse for having taken her so roughly. She wasn’t ready, and he’d mistakenly thought she could handle his passion.

  “Sam,” he whispered. “My Sam. I’m sorry.”

  She did not respond, only huddled deep into the covers.

  Her delicate Lupine fragrance was stronger now, mingling with the raw smell of sex and a deeper musk. He recognized the new notes, having bedded several females in his father’s pack. Sam’s scent turned richer and more mature, the fragrance of a female ready to be mated permanently.

  They were a sensual people, born to thrive on touch and taste. A male who did not touch his mate all the time grew hardened and cruel. Like his father had.

  Darius joined her on the bed, stroking her hair, humming a tune he know she adored, needing to soothe her. He remained until her eyes closed and she slept. The room smelled of musky sex and passion. Her fragrance washed over him, sent all his hormones into overdrive again. His dick throbbed, the erection pressing into her ripe, round bottom. Inwardly cursing, he slid off the mattress, hating to leave her, but not daring to remain and frightened her more.

  Having her once was not enough.

  It would never be enough.

  He shrugged into a soft robe, went onto the balcony to clear his head, closing the French doors behind him.

  Wind whipped his curls as he stared at the pewter ocean and the big whitecaps rolling onto the sand. Moonlight silvered the sand, cast shadows on the beach. His wolf relished the moon, adored the call to run wild and free.

  Darius closed his eyes, suspecting Sam would not heed the call, but turn away in fear, the same fear she’d displayed in her eyes when his wolf arose.

  If ever he had needed to be tender and gentle, it was tonight. Instead, he’d lost control and had taken her roughly as his wolf went feral. And she had responded, but he’d seen the terror in her eyes, as if she couldn’t fathom losing control.

  Lupine sex was like that between mates. It made you a little crazy, made you cling and moan and claw in pleasure. But Sam clearly had denied her Lupine self and hadn’t wanted to embrace the wolf.

  He couldn’t lose her. Not all over again. If he had any hope of holding and keeping her, he had to rein in his wolf until she was equal to his desire. His wolf who’d snapped when he’d touched her soft body and remembered all the nights he’d craved to hold her close. His wolf who had howled with anguish after finding out she’d died.

  His wolf who’d yipped with joy at discovering she was alive.

  During all the sex he’d had with Skin women, he’d prided himself on control and discipline.

  But never had it been so important to exercise control as tonight, the first time with Sam. And what had happened?

  You blew it.

  Cool air washed over his bare chest as he stared at his hands, remembering how his claws had partly emerged while he’d taken her. He was savage. Uncivilized. I can’t help what I am. I am Lupine, not Skin. I can only be what I am. The heart of him was wolf.

  And he needed Sam as his mate. But was she equal to the task, to the sometimes arduous, always frequent need for sex and bonding? Darius clenched and unclenched his fists and tried to figure out how the hell he could get her back.

  Before he lost her for good, again.

  Sam woke to find herself alone in bed, feeling as empty and aching as the day she’d seen Darius after all these years.

  Sex had not been the blissful joining of their bodies. It had been raging passion, and then frightening in its fierceness. The physical aches and soreness were bad, but expected. Far worse was the savage intensity.

  Darius was wolf.

  And he�
��d brought out the wolf in her, a primitive, animalistic part of herself she wanted to repress. She did not want to be like this. Darius had stripped layers from her, peeling them away and leaving her shattered and emotionally raw.

  Dreams of intimacy with him had consisted of gentle sex with sweet, loving words. Oh, he’d been tender at first, but then his wolf had emerged, possessive, ravaging and overwhelming as if trying to merge with her body and her very spirit. Her valiant friend, the one who’d protected her and made her feel special, had been absorbed by a beast.

  And worse, he’d made her own beast snarl to the surface. Sex with Darius had turned her into someone she no longer recognized. She’d been terrified as his eyes changed color and his wolf partly emerged, because in those wild amber eyes she’d seen a reflection of her own wolf.

  Her beast needed to merge with his beast.

  She’d spent the last four years concentrating on forgetting him and finding herself.

  Only to become lost in pure sensation and heat and uncaring of anything else, except feeling him deep inside her. He’d ensnared her with erotic pleasure until she craved him like a drug. Sam thought of a future with Darius, becoming clingy and needy for the pleasure of his touch until she faded and became a ghost of her former self.

  Was this what Lupine sex did? Turned you into a raging animal, hungering for sex until all you could think about was the male lying atop you and needing him more than you needed your own breath?

  Sam drew in a deep breath, rubbed her forehead with the heel of her hand as she tried to collect her shattered composure. She felt turned inside out, and no longer a person.

  She’d spent so many lonely years pining for him, weaving fantasies about them being together at last, and then had spent the last four learning to live without him. Making a life for herself, proud of her accomplishments. And in one single, devastating night, he’d shattered the illusion that she could remain apart and unaffected.

  Slowly she unfurled her palms, studying the marks where her nails had bit into flesh. To keep herself separate, she’d clenched her fists. The pain had kept her from drowning in his touch, his scent, his intensity.


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