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Life in the North: An Apocalyptic LitRPG (The System Apocalypse Book 1)

Page 5

by Tao Wong

  Son of a bitch. They’re playing me. Once again, anger rushes through me and I have to work hard on relaxing, on tamping my emotions down. I roll my neck and resolutely hit no. The fox says nothing which is lucky for it, and after a brief moment, a giant list of products appear. A tight smile appears on my face before I speak, glancing to the Fox, “Be a good boy. Get me a chair and some coffee and any chocolate you have on-hand. I’m going to be a while.”

  The Fox slinks off and I start browsing. Time to make this more manageable.

  “Remove all items costing over 200,000 credits.” The list shrinks for a moment before repopulating. I grunt, not surprised. Let’s see, what next…

  “List only Human specialty items,” This time, the list almost completely disappears except for 3. I guess we’re too new for a bunch of specialty products.

  Human Genome Treatments

  Genome treatments are individually tailored for each client. Each treatment’s goal is to fix and optimise the client’s base genetic code, removing errors due to aging and radiation. Optional improvements to the treatment include the removal of less than optimal genetic code and the addition of best practise genes.

  Base Cost: 10,000 Credits

  Removal of Genes: 2,500 Credits

  Insertion of Genes: 2,500 Credits

  “This won’t make me sexless or something strange will it?” I question the returned fox, somewhat puzzled at the words ‘optimal’. After all, an alien race’s definition of optimal might include making us hermaphrodites or adding back our tail.

  “No. The genome treatment is specifically catered to humanity including your race’s societal hangups,” the Fox replies, back to its cool professionalism. I grunt and grab the window, swinging it to the side to leave open. Definitely getting that.

  The Basics of Mana Manipulation for Humans

  Using System Patented technology, the knowledge of basic mana manipulation will be downloaded directly into your mind. Mana manipulation is a requirement for basic magic skills.

  Cost: 5,000 Credits.

  Interesting. Playing on a hunch, I pull out a comparison.

  The Basics of Mana Manipulation

  Using System Patented technology, the knowledge of basic mana manipulation will be downloaded directly into your mental storage unit. Mana manipulation is a requirement for basic magic skills.

  Cost: 1,000 Credits.

  “Care to explain?” I turn to the fox who looks perfectly relaxed at this information. He points to the cheaper option first.

  “This is the System created option that is purchasable by any being that is part of the System. However, as it is developed for use for the entire System’s inhabitants, it does not guarantee assimilation of the knowledge and in extreme cases may cause harm. In all but the most edge cases, only the most basic information is imparted.

  “The second option has been specifically tailored by one of our Craftsmen to ensure that full assimilation of the knowledge will occur. We stand by the product 100% and this product has been particularly successful in your world. Certain gifted individuals have been able to glean a higher base level of skill from purchasing this product.”

  “What’s the chance for the average human to get the skill from this?” I point to the System skill.


  “And me?”


  “That’s what I figured,” I grunt and swipe the System skill window over to join the Genome Treatment. 7 Levels in, my Intelligence is way above base human. Never mind the fact that I was never considered dumb. I turn back to the shopping windows, eyeing the last specialty item.

  Thrasher’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse on Earth

  This guide imparts basic information about the System, the current apocalypse and future plans. Included are explanations of common skills, magic, technology, Safe Points, the Shop and more.

  Cost: 50 Credits

  I eye that one dubiously before creating a second section for ‘Maybe’s’. I have a feeling Ali has more information than a 50 Credit Guide, but it never hurts to ask. Next up, my class “List information purchasable about the Erethran Honor Guard.”

  A giant list detailing the Honor Guard’s training, history, customs, battle tactics, gear, current organisational structure and more appears, most of it in the 20-50 credit range and I grab them all. Interestingly enough, there’s even information about Secret and Hidden Missions available for sale, though those I avoid. The Guard is going to be pissed off enough with me as it stands I assume, I really don’t need them to get uppity just because I bought some insider knowledge from the System.

  Next up, Basic Skills. I eye the wide range of skills for a second then narrow them down to combat skills for now. The usual series of Unarmed, Bladed, Blunt, Polearms, Archery, Rifles, Pistols and more are there. I could learn to drive a tank if I wanted! A part of me giggles at the idea, though I quickly dismiss it. For one thing, I don’t even think there’s a single tank in the entirety of the Yukon even before the apocalypse. Now, it’d just be a hunk of metal.

  No, better to focus on things I do need. I grab the skills for unarmed combat, adding it to the ‘To Buy’ pile and then add the rifles and pistols along with bladed weaponry to the maybe pile. I’ll have to figure out the kinds of weapons I’m buying before I get to that.

  I pull up the Class Skills selection and wince. Even the cheapest Class Skill starts at the tens of thousands of dollars and they don’t particularly look that good. I definitely need to balance my desire for a cool skill with the fact that I need weapons, transportation and skills. Still, I highlight a few and swing them into the To-Buy column.

  I grin, finishing up the coffee and then waving the empty cup at the Fox, pulling open the chocolate bars. Oh, right - a quick search reveals a whole series of chocolate bar options and I indulge, picking up a stack of Swiss chocolate. Right, next! A weapon would be great, but I need to remember that I need to allocate money for armor and a mode of transportation. It’s only another 160 kilometres or so to Whitehorse but on foot, that would be an easy couple of weeks. That’s if I don’t account for the various monsters that are likely hanging around.

  Best find out how much transportation costs first then. The resulting list makes me wince. Even a basic bike is a few thousand Credits and a compact is over ten thousand credits with fueling requirements for gasoline. Anything more advanced and the prices start jumping higher, though a glance at the details shows why. Many of the more advanced vehicles power themselves directly off collected mana. Armor is likely going to get expensive too. In fact, it’d probably be more expensive than any weapon I buy if humanity’s own history is anything to go by.

  I snarl in annoyance, staring at the vehicles. There’s got to be a way to do this…

  “Where the hell are you? You better not have bought anything!” Ali slams the door open, looking around desperately for me, obviously finally remembering he wasn’t here alone. He rushes over and points a finger at me, snarling; “I look away for one second!”

  I snort, feet up in the air and staring at the windows I’ve got arrayed before me before I close them all before he can see them, instead pulling out another.

  “Oh shut it. I already got someone better,” I point to the window and he spins, staring at the accusing window.

  Sixth Generation Lambda Class AI Companion

  Resulting from the combination of a Delta and Epsilon class AI, this Sixth Generation Lamba Class Companion is still in its infancy but with its base code can be expected to process significant levels of data and manage the operation of up to 3 Rank D machines or 1 Rank C machine.

  Rank: C

  Requires: Minimum Rank D Hardware for Installation

  Furiously reading, Ali’s eyes widen and he sputters for a second, “You, you, you replaced me with a hunk of code!” He’s shouting at the end, his face completely red. “You ungrateful meatball, you undeserving maggot eating swine-licking sheep-loving…”

  He sputters to a
stop as I am bent over, giggling at him. I try at first to stop, but when his ranting comes to a stop, I fall from the chair and just whoop it up. Every time I think I have a handle on my emotions, I catch a sight of Ali’s long-suffering face and I collapse again. Even the Fox is slightly amused from the way its tail waves around.

  I don’t know how long it takes me to get control of my emotions but it’s a while. When I do, I point a finger at Ali, “Some Companion you are. These hucksters nearly got me.”

  Ali’s eyes narrow and I sigh, calling forth the spaceship. Ali looks at it, the window flickering as he reads more details and grunts. “Yeah, that’s a piece of shit. 3 generations out of date, no missiles included, no armor and they’ve ripped out the original space drive for a hunk of crap that might or might not get you into hyperspace and you certainly need to refuel after every jump. They didn’t even frigging fuel it.”

  The Fox just stands there, a smile that wouldn’t melt ice cream on its face as we speak. These guys have no shame. Which is why I’m going to be happy to let Ali do the haggling later on and let him take them to the cleaners.

  “Alright, enough fun and games. How’d you do?” I gesture back the way he came from.

  “I will get you back,” Ali mutters before answering me, “Pretty good. The Salamander Sac’s the first to come from Earth, so you got a premium so it sold for $23,187 Credits. The Ogre Hides mostly went cheaply except the kids. Those are premium, softer you know…”

  He shuts up as I hold my hand, not really needing a detailed list of his exploits. He grumbles for a moment about ungrateful children before answering, “38,632 Credits for all of it.”

  “That gives us 250,632 Credits yes? And correct me if I’m wrong, but we can buy and apply these in any order we need yes?”


  “Good. Here’s what I’m thinking,” I gesture back to the newly pulled up windows, getting ready to argue with the Spirit.

  “You can stop anytime pretty boy,” Ali grouses as I continue to stare at my reflection. I just flash him a grin, touch the helmet again and make it retreat into a simple metal collar around my neck. The one piece jumpsuit that I wear is all in black and leaves nothing to the imagination, but that’s okay since it is also armor.

  Pretty boy is an actual truth for once. The Genome Treatment seems to have, amongst other things, made me actually good looking. My chin has strengthened, my features become slightly more symmetrical and elongated, blending my Chinese origins with other races. I look closer to Keanu Reeves than myself in some ways. Some things I’ve kept such as my black hair and eyes but additional minor changes have occurred all across my body including an extra four inches of height and a significant amount of muscles. Lines that had started cropping up in the last few years, small enough only I’d notice have wiped away another decade, making me look to be in my early 20’s again. The facial changes were particularly unnerving but thankfully, I seem to have sub-consciously adjusted to all the changes relatively well. I guess the mental resistance training that came with my Class is helping me - either that or the System is just altering my mind to let me get on with my life.

  Surprisingly, beyond the surface changes, I don’t feel a significant change in the performance of my body. When questioned, Ali explained it as a side effect of my level and class – I’ve long ago exceeded peak human genetics so the genome treatment could only provide minor additional adjustments. Something about creating denser muscle fibres, a higher level of red blood cells, increased grey matter and more, most of which I tuned out.

  Mostly, what I’ve focused on are the mental changes. As part of the genome treatment, it seemed that a chemical flush was required which has left me feeling more stable, emotions a bit more under control. There’s still residual anger and guilt for surviving, but for now, I’m functional again without the rather severe neurological chemical imbalance I had. Of course, seeing how my mental resistances was handling the outward physical changes with aplomb, I wonder exactly how close I would have been to a breakdown without the class. For a former office worker, I’d done a hell of a lot of running, hiding and killing over the last week.

  It doesn’t really matter, I am still here and what if’s could go on forever. It is what it is. Still, I curiously pull up my Status Screen to see the changes.

  Status Screen


  John Lee


  Erethran Honor Guard


  Human (Male)




  Monster’s Bane











  27 (50)


  38 (70)


  39 (75)




  36 (60)


  36 (60)








  Wilderness Survival


  Unarmed Combat


  Knife Proficiency








  Sense Danger






  Class Skills

  None (4 Locked)




  Spirit Companion

  Level 3

  Prodigy (Subterfuge)


  Unassigned Attributes:

  12 Stat Points

  Would you like to assign these attributes? (Y/N)

  “Didn’t your mother tell you not to rub it so much,” Ali grouses and I come back to the present and pull my hand down from rubbing my head. There’s not even a scar, but if I focus, I can feel the installed neural link in my mind become active. I could almost swear I can feel it sitting in my brain, but that I know is purely psychosomatic. Once again, I call up the detail window of the link.

  Tier IV Neural Link

  Neural link may support up to 5 connections.

  Current connections: Omnitron III Class II Personal Assault Vehicle

  Software Installed: Rich’lki Firewall Class IV, Omnitron III Class IV Controller

  Dismissing the window, I walk over to my Personal Assault Vehicle, stroking the handlebars. The PAV looks like a road bike on steroids in this configuration, pure black with sleek lined armor plates. That’s not the only thing though, with a thought the PAV can break apart and attach itself to me, acting as power armor. That’s right – I have bike mecha. It almost makes up for all the stupid, crazy shit that I’ve gone through. Almost.

  I can’t help but call up the details of the mecha again, just to gloat a little.

  Omnitron III Class II Personal Assault Vehicle (Sabre)

  Core: Class II Omnitron Mana Engine

  CPU: Class D Xylik Core CPU

  Armor Rating: Tier IV

  Hard Points: 4 (1 Used for Quantum Space Manipulator Integrator)

  Soft Points: 3 (1 Used for Neural Link)

  Requires: Neural Link for Advanced Configuration

  Battery Capacity: 120/120

  Attribute Bonuses: +20 Strength, +7 Agility, +10 Perception

  Ali had even been helpful – working with me to tweak my initial choice of the Ares version of this product to the Omnitron. The Omnitron was more heavily armed and armored normally but suffered from a smaller mana engine. Instead, at Ali’s suggestion we had sacrificed the installed weaponry and the better armor for an upgraded mana engine. The result was a bare
bones product that had no bells and whistles but could be upgraded significantly and that has a significant recharge rate.

  To keep cost down, we also went with ablative armoring. The way armor worked in this new world, you could either choose super-tough armor that would shatter if it ever was breached or ablative armor that crumpled and reduced but was useable even after getting damaged. Of course, Tier IV armor was still extremely strong by pre-Earth standards. In fact, most of the monsters I’ve fought directly wouldn’t even leave a scratch on it. I’m obviously not counting the Salamander since I never really fought it - just ran away a lot.

  The only upgrade we had purchased for the bike was the integrator to the QSM which by itself had cost a quarter again the price of Sabre. Yeah, I named it. Sue me. I would say I was surprised at how expensive the upgrade was, but considering how ridiculously useful the QSM had turned out to be, I was willing to pay for it.

  Of course, that left us with much-reduced funds for my personal weapon. In the end, we had settled on 2 different weapons. The first was attached via a handy holster to Sabre with some minor modifications. It looked for the most part like a regular semi-automatic hunting rifle with a faux wooden stock, just with a slightly bulkier than normal stock. Of course, it wasn’t:

  Ferlix Type II Beam Rifle (Modified)

  Base Damage: 38


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