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Cedarwood Cowboy

Page 10

by Megan Slayer

  “But you’ll support him,” Linc growled. “He inherited what you thought should be yours, so you’re shacking up with him. He’ll get smart. He’ll see you’re using him.”

  “Enough.” He wasn’t using Evan.

  “You wanted to win me back. I’m here. Love me. Jesus. I’m here to be loved. We should be together,” Linc said. He grabbed the front of Mick’s shirt. “You need me.”

  “No.” He swatted Linc away and sidestepped him. “You can’t show up here like this. We split. You moved on and so did I. Leave things at that.”

  “What’s he got that I don’t?” Linc screamed.

  “Integrity.” Mick kept his voice level. “He’s genuine and honest. He loves me without needing my status or little bit of money. He’s not trying to change me. That’s what.”

  Linc recoiled. “You’d dump me, the best thing to happen to you, for a no-talent hack of a singer who only has fame because he came out. He’s hardly a cowboy and even if he has a great body, he’s ugly.” He kicked the side of Mick’s car, leaving a dent and footprint. “You never were good enough for me. Never.”

  “You’re right.” He had to keep calm. He didn’t want Linc to hang around, but damn, why couldn’t his co-workers come out right now? Where were the witnesses? “I should go. Bye.”

  “Never call me.” Linc climbed behind the wheel of a sports car. He sped out of the lot, kicking up dirt, dust and rocks in his wake. His tires squealed.

  Mick coughed and waved off the dust. Instead of hanging out in the lot, he ducked into the office and exhaled. Shit. He hated drama. Time to get his stuff and head home. Evan wasn’t drama. He could be dramatic, but he was the soft place Mick needed to fall.

  Mick gathered his papers and tablet, then stuffed everything into his shoulder bag. He’d been given the temptation of his former love and realized what he wanted. Plain talk with Farin had helped him see the truth. He knew what he wanted in his life and who he needed—Evan.

  * * * *

  Evan finished the chores and checked his phone. The damn thing was blowing up with notifications. What the hell? Who wanted him that much? He’d set his social media apps to quiet for the short-term. He swiped the screen and sat on the front tire of the tractor. After the incident with his manager, he didn’t want to have much to do with his music career.

  The icon for his text messages had twelve notifications. What the hell? He tapped the icon and gritted his teeth. Photos? Mick and a dark-haired man Evan sort of recognized. Mick sitting with the guy. Mick hugging the man. Mick laughing. Smiling.

  Why would someone send him this? For all he knew, Mick was with a friend in the park on a bench and having lunch. The guy could be a co-worker. Big deal.

  He continued looking through the texts. The second set of images bothered him. Mick and a blond man. Mick hugging the blond. Mick with his arms folded. The positioning caught Evan’s attention. The way the guy stood with Mick, it almost looked like they liked each other. Could the guy be an ex? Possible.

  Evan massaged his forehead. He wanted to get upset, but he’d rather not jump to conclusions. He hated seeing Mick with another man, but he had no context for the images.

  He spotted Mick’s car coming down the lane. He wandered over to where Mick tended to park and waited. He’d never get answers if he didn’t ask questions.

  “Hi.” He didn’t try to embrace Mick. His emotions were too raw, even if he should be holding the man he loved. He’d given Mick his heart and Mick hadn’t seemed thrilled. Was he too invested in Mick, while Mick wasn’t invested in him?

  “Hi.” Mick rounded the car. “Were you in the barn?”

  “I’ve hauled manure today, just like yesterday.” He hooked his fingers in his front pockets. “How’s things been for you?”

  “It’s been interesting.”

  Evan glanced over at the side of Mick’s car. “What happened?” He smoothed his hand over the dent. “Are you okay? Were you in an accident?”

  “No, I was parked.”

  “What happened?” He might be irritated, but he wanted to know what was wrong.


  “Linc?” The blond man? Jesus.

  “My ex-boyfriend.”

  “Blond or brunet?” He hated the interrogation feel of his questions.

  “Blond?” Mick frowned. “Why?”

  “He must be one of the guys from the pictures.” Evan nodded. “You can get this sucked out. Use a plunger and some strength. The paint will need buffed and may need filled in spots, but it’s an easy fix.”

  “Evan.” Mick stepped between Evan and the car. “What are you talking about? What photos?”

  “I had pictures texted to me.” He kept his emotions in check, despite his heart aching.

  Mick rolled his eyes. “I should’ve known.”

  “Known what?” That he’d be caught? That someone saw him?

  “I’d be followed.”

  “I’m sorry. The publicity is dying down.” Evan gestured to the farm. “I’m not the media darling any longer. They moved on to the next big thing.”

  “Not publicity on account of you.”

  Evan winced. “Okay.” If Mick didn’t want to tell him why he was with another man, then that was on Mick. He could be upset, but what would that do? He tamped down his frustration.

  “My ex never did or said anything from the good of his heart. He must’ve sent those texts to you, I’m sure,” Mick said. “I don’t know how he got your number, but I don’t put it past him to dig for your digits.”

  “I doubt the boyfriend sent them. He’s in the pictures.” Evan shifted his weight from his right to his left foot.

  “Then Linc orchestrated the incident. He’s slime.”

  “Why would he do that?” Evan asked. He needed to know.

  “To hurt me. To hurt you…to destroy us.” Mick sighed. “He hates to lose and he’s lost big time.”

  He didn’t understand. “He left you. Why would he cause this trouble now? It’s kind of shitty. You know?” Trying to hold his anger in check wasn’t working.

  “I left him.” Mick held up both hands. “Wait. What are we doing?”

  “Fighting,” Evan said. “Look, I can see there’s something between you and Linc. Do you love him? Still?”

  “I love someone, but it’s not Linc.”

  Evan nodded. He hated what Mick was about to say, but he respected Mick’s honesty. He should’ve seen this coming—being dumped. At least he’d have plenty of material for new music.

  “Why are you upset?” Mick asked. “I heard about you and Remy.”

  “Huh? It was an interview. He asked questions and I answered.” He hated fighting. “So? He invited you and me to dinner with him and Bobby. Big deal. I thought a double date might be fun.”

  Mick leaned against his car and blew out a ragged breath. “A double date…I should’ve known.”

  “What? I told you I don’t cheat. If I’m with someone, that’s the only person.” He’d thought he was with Mick. Maybe not? “Why? You thought I’d cheated on you so you went and found two guys?”

  “Two?” Mick paled.

  “One blond—Linc, it sounds like—and a brunet guy.” Evan shoved his phone into Mick’s hands. “This is killing me. I love you and I need you. I don’t want to push you away, but you don’t seem to want me.”


  “Come on.” He ached to his core. He wished he hadn’t followed his heart. If so, he wouldn’t be so raw. “We weren’t even having problems, but you ran to someone else.”

  Mick said nothing and his silence hurt more than an apology.

  “The worst part is that I still love you. My heart is in your hands.” Tears burned at the corners of his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, but I won’t hold you back if I’m not enough for you.”

  “Evan.” Mick wiped the tears from Evan’s cheeks. “I didn’t come here to fight with you or break up. I came here because I know my heart and I’ve made a choice.”

  Evan’s voice choked and he nodded. Good. He didn’t want to say something he’d regret.

  “I talked to Farin Baker, the brunet. Don’t you remember him? We were all in school together.” Mick shook his head. “I—like you—have known Farin for years. He’s now married and was good for a reality check. He straightened me out. As for my ex, he didn’t want to be left out. He probably wanted to get with me so he could eventually get with you.”

  “Do you love him?” He wasn’t sure he wanted the answer.

  “No.” Mick grasped Evan’s hands. “I love you.”

  “Mick?” He had to be dreaming. Did Mick really love him?

  “I don’t want to fight. We’re better than this,” Mick said. “I don’t want anyone else, either. Martha was right—you and me should be together. I love you. You make me crazy, happy and a hot mess. I look forward to when I see you again and miss you when you’re gone. I’ve never felt like this before.” He squeezed Mick’s fingers. “Farin made me see what I already knew and Linc proved where I belong—with you.”

  Evan heard what Mick had said, believed him, but questions still lingered. “What about your job? What about Bud?”

  “What about him? He’s a nosy bastard. So what? My job will always be my job. I still love what I do, but my life isn’t complete without you,” Mick said. “It’s not.”

  Evan shared Mick’s feelings. Holy shit. Life was going his way.

  “Evan?” Mick closed the gap between them. “Write music for me. Love me. Let me help you run the farm and have a life with me.” He smoothed his palms over Evan’s chest. “Do you still love me?”

  “We had one fight,” Evan whispered. “Just one fight.”

  “Evan?” Mick’s voice cracked. “I know I screwed up, but what are you saying?”

  I love you. I want you. Be mine forever. “We had one fight. If we’re even considering tossing what we started aside because of this argument, then is the relationship worth having?” He knew it was. Mick had poured his heart out. Still, Evan needed to hear the words and needed to say them, too.

  “When you put things like that, I sound a little foolish.” Mick blushed. “I didn’t admit everything because we had a fight. I planned on coming here tonight to tell you I love you. That’s why I drove so fast down the lane. We’ll fight. We shouldn’t agree on everything because that’s life, but that doesn’t change the fact I love you.”

  Evan bit back a grin. Mick said everything he wanted to hear.


  He wanted to make Mick sweat a little longer, but couldn’t. “I love you, too.”

  Mick swayed on his feet, then sagged into Evan. “You had me worried.”

  “I know.” He kissed the man he loved. “I love you, too. I needed to know how you felt—not the way you thought you did because you were pushed or anything like that. You kept me hanging for quite a while, too, though.”

  Mick paled. “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Uh-huh.” Evan breathed Mick in and rested his forehead against Mick’s. “If you’re going to live here with me and be my partner, then you should learn how to help me with the chores.” He’d taken a huge step. Would Mick want to live there?

  “I want to.”

  Relief washed over Evan. Things would be okay. “I need to bale the back forty. Get to it.” He bit back another chuckle as Mick paled.

  “Bale? How? I’ve never driven a tractor.” Mick’s eyes widened and he leaned back a bit. “Help?”

  “I will tomorrow. I spent today mowing the field. The straw needs a day to dry, then we rake it before baling it. I might run the rake over it in the morning.” He laughed and held Mick close again. “You’ll get to learn soon enough. I’ll teach you.”

  “I’m your pupil.” Mick threaded his arms around Evan. “My man.”

  “Always.” Evan sighed. His lowest points had been in Cedarwood, but now he had a fresh start and a home. He belonged and he was loved.

  Chapter Nine

  Mick tugged Evan into the house. He needed to make love to him right now and tell him the rest of his news. Admitting that he loved Evan fed him. He craved his boyfriend and everything he could get—the arguments, the misunderstandings, the loving and the growing old together. Yeah, he wanted it all.

  Evan stopped him in the kitchen. “I’ve been hauling shit all day. Let me chuck my boots down here, then we can shower together. I can’t fuck when I smell like cow dung.”

  “Good point.” He hadn’t noticed. He’d been too swept up in Evan. He waited for Evan in the kitchen. He removed his shoes while Evan dropped his jeans and shrugged out of his shirt. Straw debris and dirt were stuck to his skin in bits.

  Evan tossed the soiled clothing into the washer. “I’ll do a load before we go to bed.”

  “I’ll help.” Mick marveled at how they’d fallen into a domestic routine. He’d never been this happy before.

  Evan laughed.

  “What?” Mick removed his clothes. If Evan was nearly naked, then he’d get down to his underwear, too. He joined Evan in the mud room and tossed his garments into the washing machine.

  “I’ll bet you never thought you’d get down to your skivvies because of cow shit.” Evan shook his head and kept laughing. “So silly.”

  “I don’t mind.” Mick held Evan’s hand. “Come on, dirty boy. I need to clean you up.”

  Evan said nothing and didn’t argue as he headed up to the second floor.

  Mick strode into the room first and turned on the faucet in the shower. Hot water ran and steam billowed. He moved the shower curtain aside. If he had a chance, he’d change the curtain for something less flowery. He inched out of the way. “My love.”

  Evan’s grin widened and he dipped his head. “Thank you.”

  He wanted to lick Evan all over—after the shower.

  Evan stepped under the water that glued his hair to his head and slid droplets down his back. His muscled were defined and his strength overwhelmed Mick. Evan rolled his shoulders.

  Mick slid his hands along Evan’s back, then down to his ass. “Do you know you have a nice ass?”

  “I’ve never seen it.” He faced Mick. “I can tell you about yours.”

  “Nah. I’m nothing special.” Mick caressed Evan’s rippled abs. He and Evan had fucked so many times, but the act never turned stale. He knew Evan’s body so well. He loved being craved by this man. He loved Evan so much, too.

  Evan lathered the washcloth and cleaned Mick’s chest and arms.

  Mick groaned. Water stung, but Evan’s touch soothed him. “I’m supposed to be washing you.”

  “I know.” Evan continued to scrub Mick. He knelt in front of him and slicked the cloth along Mick’s legs. He didn’t touch his cock or balls, eliciting another groan from Mick.

  Suds licked Mick’s body. He gritted his teeth. “Ev.”

  “Right here.” Evan stood. Bubbles dotted his nose. “Yes?”

  “You make me so crazy.” Mick took the cloth from him. “My turn.”

  “If you say so.” He didn’t protest. The wicked gleam in his eye remained.

  Mick added more soap to the cloth. He stroked every inch of Evan, making sure to clean him up. He wanted Evan shiny, but also loved touching him. He stroked Evan’s chest, abs, down his legs then back to his cock. He massaged Evan’s slippery shaft.

  When Evan sucked in a ragged breath, Mick increased the speed of his stroking.

  Evan braced his hands on the wall and bowed his head. “Mick.”

  “Yes?” He slowed down. “Rinse.” Evan excelled at making him crazy. He wanted Evan just as off-balance. He needed to hear Evan crave him.

  Evan growled. “Feels so good. I’m gonna blow.”

  “No, you aren’t.” Evan could tease, but he wasn’t the only one. Mick palmed Evan’s chest and rolled his nipple in his fingers.

  “Damn.” Evan widened his stance. “Shit. You know what to do.”

  “To do what?” He slid his arm around Evan and pressed his fac
e to Evan’s throat. “Tell me.”

  “You have me right there,” Evan said. “Then you stop and change gears. I can’t keep up, yet I love it.”

  “Perfect.” He nipped Evan’s throat. “Let me wash your hair.”

  Evan nodded. Mick dumped shampoo onto his fingers. He massaged the suds into Evan’s hair. The scent curled around him and he sighed. He rubbed his slippery body against Evan’s. “Rinse.”

  Evan did as told. “Let me wash you.”

  “Nope.” Mick shook his head. “Dry off and go out to the bedroom. I’ll be there soon.”

  Evan nodded once. “I’ll be waiting.” He left the stall. His ass jiggled with each step. Mick’s mouth watered. Evan had no idea he was sexy when he wasn’t trying.

  Mick shampooed his hair and rinsed. He needed a few moments to compose himself and prepare for Evan. He turned the water off, dried and left the room. He abandoned the towel on the floor.

  Evan was already on the bed. He crossed his ankles. “Now what are you going to do?”

  “Let you fuck me senseless.” Mick crawled onto the bed. He wiggled his ass. “Fuck me.”

  Evan held a condom. “With pleasure.” He rolled onto his back. He stroked his dick, then sheathed himself. “Lube me up and climb on.”

  Hell yes. Mick dribbled lube over his lover’s erection. He sat on Evan’s thighs. He’d need a few moments to get himself prepped, but he couldn’t do it fast enough. He lubed his fingers and caressed his asshole. Being touched pleased him. Knowing he’d be filled by Evan soon misfired his synapses.

  He pushed into his asshole. Being breached scrambled his brain. He groaned. “Evan.”

  “Do it, baby,” Evan murmured and nodded. “Yes. It’s so sexy when you relax.”

  His words spurred Mick on. Mick sank one finger into his ass. Damn, he loved being full. He writhed. “Yes.”

  “Climb on.” Evan palmed Mick’s thighs. “Get yourself nice and hot.”

  Already there. Mick moved his digit in and out. Oh shit. Yeah, he was ready. Being fucked would burn, but he couldn’t wait. Mick withdrew his finger. He positioned himself higher on Evan’s lap.


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