Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 13

by Sheri L. Swift

  Lana and Titus swam in the city coral reef gardens with Tempest. Titus did not have the heart to make him stay in his home since he had been so long from him. Lana thought that the gardens were every bit as beautiful as the flower gardens on land. Lana especially loved the many white marble statues of dolphins, mermen and mermaids. As they swam, Lana noticed a statue of a mermaid. She thought; this must be my mother, she’s the very image of her.

  “It is Queen Horaios; she was King Titan’s mate. It was when she was younger. She died many winters ago before I was even born. Her name means beautiful; you look just like her.” Titus smiled.

  Then Lana saw a statue next to the Queen, she knew that it must be of King Titan when he was a young merman. He was holding his forked staff and he looked just like Titus; only he had a short beard.

  Titus smiled to read her thoughts about it. “Now you know why we were destined to be together,” he said as he gently took her in his arms and kissed her.

  There were so many vibrant colors of blue, purple, orange, yellow and pinks of every shade in the gardens. Titus picked one of the small orange blossoms and placed it behind Lana’s ear within her hair. She smiled at his loving thoughts. “I cannot believe that tomorrow you will be mine,” Titus said smiling back to her.

  “Well you better believe it, because you’re not getting out of it,” she giggled.

  “I would not think of it,” he said as he pulled her close and tenderly kissed her again.

  “A few months ago I’d never believe that I could find such happiness,” said Lana seriously looking up into Titus’ eyes.

  “I have to say, that even though I planned this day for so long, I too never knew how much I could love you. You have taught me a deeper meaning of love that I did not know existed,” he said as he ran his fingers along her chin and smiled to read Lana’s thoughts that she felt the same.

  “Okay you two, time for that later. Lana, we have preparations to make,” said Princess Tarra as she swam up to them.

  “Oh, I nearly forgot! I have to go Titus,” Lana said remembering all that she had to do before tomorrow. Titus grabbed her hand and pulled her close once more and kissed her deeply and let his thoughts tell her that it will be the hardest thing to be away from her for even a short amount of time.

  “We will have forever my Prince,” said Lana as she kissed him once more and swam away with Tarra. Titus watched until he could see her no longer.


  The next morning came so quickly and Lana felt butterflies roll within her stomach. She thought of having to stand before King Titan at the front of the Hall and having the entire mer population watching her and Titus. Then she remembered what Titus had told her so many times before, I just have to focus on him and his thoughts only, and I can get through anything.

  For this special occasion, the mermaids wear only white shells and white pearls upon their heads. Lana thought, how much like a human wedding. Rose Perry even sent her a white bathing suit bottom with a small attached skirt. Lana wore strings of white pearls around her ankles and her wrists.

  “You look so lovely my dear,” said Titus’ mother Princess Cassandra.

  “Thank you,” said Lana nervously.

  “You will make my son very happy. He has dreamed of this day for so long and I am so glad to see it.” She smiled.

  “I am too, only I hope I don’t embarrass him,” giggled Lana.

  “You could do nothing to disappoint him on this day,” she said with a hug.

  “It is time Princess Lana.” Tarra smiled.

  “Okay, here we go,” said Lana as she and the mermaids swam to the Hall.

  Lana’s nerves were calmed as soon as she saw Titus up at the front with King Titan. He was wearing a crown of white shells on his head and he had the most brilliant smile. It warmed her heart to see him so happy. She thought, I can’t believe that he’s actually gonna be mine. Then she quickly glanced around for her father and saw him swimming to her. He smiled beneath his scuba mask and the bubbles escaped from his mouth piece. Lana was so filled with love for him that he would do this for her. She let her thoughts tell him, “Well Dad, not many fathers can say that they gave their daughter away to a merman.” She smiled brightly.

  “Nope, but not many daughters marry such a fine man,” he let his thoughts tell her. Then the two swam to the front and her father took her hand and placed it into Titus’. Prince Titus gave a knowing glance to him and let his thoughts tell him how honored he was that he and Princess Leona had entrusted him with such a gift.

  The mer began to blow on the conch shells calling all to this sacred assembly and King Titan rose from his thrown holding his golden forked staff and he shouted to all gathered, “Let this be a day of celebration that we long remember. For the day of the sacred union has come for Prince Titus and Princess Lana. May the mighty Arius bless them with a long and happy life together. May they never know hunger and may they live a life of peace. May they be blessed with many offspring and always remember the sacred ways of our people. Prince Titus, do you wish to speak a vow to Princess Lana?”

  “Yes. Princess Lana, I will do all that is in my power to protect you and provide for you. I will try to always live the sacred ways of our people and teach them to our offspring. I will love you for as long as there is a beat of my heart,” said Titus sincerely staring into her eyes.

  “Princess Lana, do you wish to speak a vow to Prince Titus?” King Titan asked.

  “Yes. Prince Titus, I’ll do all that is in my power to give you comfort and rest. I’ll try and live the sacred ways of our people and teach them to our offspring. I’ll also love you for as long as there is a beat of my heart,” said Lana sincerely, feeling as if her heart would burst from the love she felt for Titus.

  “To all gathered in this Hall, I now declare that Prince Titus and Princess Lana have been joined, let us celebrate!” King Titan shouted and the entire Hall cheered with joy. Then Titus kissed Lana in the presence of everyone and all cheered once more.

  Everyone came to wish them well and music began to play in the Hall. All the mer began to dance after they had greeted the couple.

  Lana’s father was the last one to wish them well. “I love you kid, and you made me so proud to be here today.” Cole removed his air hose from his mouth and kissed the top of her head. He went to Titus and gave him a hug and said, “Take care of my baby girl.”

  “I shall.” Titus smiled proudly.

  “Thanks Dad, it was such a beautiful wedding. I hate that Rose couldn’t come,” Lana said sadly.

  “It’s alright, she understands. Besides, she hasn’t got the hang of scuba diving just yet. I’ll try and see you once more before you leave next week,” said her father sadly.

  “Yeah Dad, please do. Titus and I have agreed that we want you to have the black pearl necklace for your wedding gift. It’s in my jewelry box at home.”

  “Lana, you know how I feel about that.” He raised his brows beneath his mask.

  “Dad, not for her to wear, but for you to sell. You might be able to get another Sheri Lynn?” Lana smiled as she knew it was tempting him.

  “You know, I hadn’t thought of that. It might be nice to get another schooner at that,” he chuckled letting out air bubbles once more.

  “If you need anything else, you know that the treasure is in the city and where it is. You are welcome to it Cole,” Titus said with a hand shake.

  “No Prince Titus, you keep your treasure. In fact, I hope you’ll seal off the city and the cavern before you go.”

  “We will do as you say,” said Titus with a slight bow of his head.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you guys in about a week,” said Cole as he hugged Lana goodbye. She kissed his cheek and let him go. It was one of the hardest things she ever had to do and Titus knew it.

  Titus and Lana danced and visited with all those gathered during the entire day. As the sun began to set, they said their goodbyes and Titus scooped Lana up into his arms and began to swim
her back to the cavern. “This reminds me of the first day we met. It was when you were born and I held you for the first time. Then I spent seventeen winters watching you grow. The next time that I held you, was after you had passed out.” He grinned.

  “Yeah, about that, you knew what would happen to me didn’t you? Tempest didn’t take me to the cavern, he took me out to the deep where you just happened to come along and rescue me.” She smiled a knowing look.

  “Perhaps I did help the situation a little,” he chuckled and then kissed her.


  The next morning, Lana woke in the pool beside Titus and she ran her fingers tenderly down his face as he slept. He grinned and opened up his eyes, “Is this how it is to be every morning, you will not allow your husband sleep?” Titus teased.

  “Yep, every morning, like it or not.” She kissed him.

  “Good, I like it.” He kissed her back.

  The days that followed were a wonderful time for Lana and Titus. They both enjoyed a love that neither had ever known and they were amazed by the wonder of it.

  Cole did come to the cavern the day before they were to leave and said his farewell, “I”ll miss you kid. I guess I need to stop calling you that Lana. You’re a beautiful woman and it’s hard for me to realize that you’re not my little girl anymore,” he said kissing the top of her head.

  “I don’t know Dad, I think I’ll always be your little girl.” She kissed his cheek.

  “And you will always be my big girl.” Smiled Titus as he kissed Lana.

  “You two be sure and take care. I envy you going to the South Pacific.” Cole grinned.

  “You know where we will be. You are welcome to join us,” encouraged Titus.

  “I need to let things settle down here for a few years before I can.”

  “Dad, did you ever ask Rose to marry you?” Lana asked hopeful.

  “Yeah and she agreed. We plan on marrying in a few weeks.” He gave a wide grin.

  “Oh Dad, that’s wonderful. I remembered that I have her combs in my jewelry box too. I want her to have them for her daughter one day,” Lana giggled.

  “I’ll let her know, can’t give you a guarantee on that one though.” He smiled again.

  “Congratulations Cole,” said Titus shaking his hand.

  “Thanks, love is in the air you know,” Cole chuckled.

  “Yes, I know,” said Titus as he looked down to Lana beside him.

  “Let’s make an agreement to meet back here at Gull Island three years from today, okay?” said Cole.

  “It is agreed,” said Titus with a bow of his head.

  “Maybe it’ll be a mermaid day.” Lana smiled.

  “Yeah, I believe it will be, one way or another.” Cole smiled and he hugged Lana once more and wished them a safe journey.


  Chapter 13


  Titus was good to his word and the mermen blocked the entrance to Torbist and the cavern with large boulders before they began to make their journey.

  King Titan and half of the guard led the front of the mer. Titus, with Lana on his back, and Makoa followed after the pod with the other half of the guard. Each of the guardsmen carried long spears that were crafted much like Lana’s knife.

  Lana couldn’t help but be excited about making a long trip with her husband and her new family. Cole had shown her a map of where the mer traveled and she saw that they would be swimming down to the South Atlantic Ocean and around South America to the South Pacific Ocean. She knew that it might be a hard trip for her and she hoped she was up to the challenge. At least she had Titus to help her. Tempest seemed to sense her need and he rubbed up against her and it looked as though he smiled.

  Soon after the pod began to swim out to the deep part of the ocean, Lana thought that she heard something strange, what’s that sound? Titus was swimming so fast that she could barely concentrate. She had an overwhelming urge to listen and she let go of Titus and began to swim towards the sound that she believed was some sort of music. It was just like the mer played in Torbist, only this seemed to have an eerie tone to it.

  Titus quickly swam to her and grabbed her and held Lana tightly to his chest. He swam even faster to catch the pod.

  “What’s wrong Titus? What’s that music that I hear?” Lana asked.

  “It comes from the others that we do not speak of,” he said as he continued to increase his speed.

  “What others, do you mean Damon?”

  “Lana, please do not mention that name and do not think on any of it. Just trust me and do as I say,” he said sternly.

  “Okay,” she said and she tried to clear her mind, but it was hard to not hear the music.

  Titus gave a nod to Makoa as he passed and began to swim even faster, passing up the entire pod until he reached the front where his father and King Titan were. “Lana, you must trust what I am doing, I will return for you and explain everything later. Please stay with my father,” said Titus as he looked to Prince Terrance and put Lana on his back.

  Wow, this isn’t awkward, Lana thought. She wasn’t very comfortable having to ride her father-in-law’s back and was confused by it all.

  “It will be well daughter, he will return soon. Keep your thoughts on how much he loves you,” said Prince Terrance.

  “I’ll try and do as you say,” said Lana trying to keep her focus on Titus.

  It seemed like they had traveled at top speed for hours when Titus finally came back to the front and got Lana. He could tell that she was upset with him and he grinned and kissed her and swung her on his back once more. “Please do not be angry with me, I was trying to protect you,” he said seriously.

  “Protect me from what?” Lana asked coldly; still not ready to forgive him.

  “Damon and his guard are not the only other mer within the ocean. There are others that live near an underwater mountain called the Bermuda Rise. Their ways are not ours. They lead humans to their death, only they do it occasionally as to not be caught. We believed that Darious had gone to them after he broke off from us. It was confirmed when we saw that he had been made a Prince and wore the golden crown and the one braid of the others, but especially his eyes. I believe it is their environment that causes them to change. The others came from our people long ago, when they chose to not serve King Titan. He allowed them to leave and form a pod of their own.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Because Tiberius was King Titan’s older brother and he was rejected to be King Tiryn’s successor; that was their father. When he died, the mer named Titan their King as his father had wished and Tiberius revolted along with about a third of the pod. Rather than see war among the family, King Titan granted them leave. That was over one thousand winters ago and we have agreed to stay out of their waters and they have agreed to stay out of ours. We only cross paths with them occasionally when we migrate, but we agree to keep our distance from each other. You heard their music; they often lure men with their maidens. They play the golden harps and sing and bring them to their death,” said Titus sadly.

  “Titus that’s awful. It makes sense though, I’ve heard about a place called the Bermuda Triangle where ships have disappeared. That’s terrible to think that Damon’s joined them,” said Lana with a shudder.

  “That is why I did not want to take a chance on them reading your thoughts. I thought it was best to not tell you, so that you would not be thinking about them,” he said apologetically.

  “Titus, we’re married now, you’re gonna have to trust me enough to tell me everything. I’m learning to keep my thoughts focused on you and I might’ve been able to do it.”

  “You are right and I am sorry. I will tell you everything in the future and I will work at helping you to keep your thoughts only on me” He turned and winked to her and she laughed. Tempest went speeding by and rolled playfully alongside of them as he did.

  Lana found it so thrilling to travel in such a large group. She never really had time
to get to know the pod and now she could see how many of the mer had young children. They carried them on their backs as Titus did with Lana.

  “I like carrying you on my back,” said Titus as he read her thoughts.

  Lana laughed and gave him a hug, “I suppose there’s no other way. I can admit that I’m not able to keep up with all of you. I guess it also has its advantages,” she said as she kissed his shoulder.

  “I quite agree.” He smiled to her.


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