Home > Other > LEGEND OF THE MER > Page 14

by Sheri L. Swift

  Lana saw so many wonderful sights she had never seen before. Not only the beautiful colors of the coral reefs beneath the ocean, but also the many underwater mountain ranges. She couldn’t believe how many varieties of fish that she saw and how many of them gave off different colors of light. Her favorite surprise of all was the large humpback whales with their long knobby flippers and mouths. There was a mother swimming below the surface with her calf on top of her back and again, Lana smiled and Titus read her thoughts of how much it were like she and Titus.

  Tempest enjoyed finding small squid. At first, he played with them. Then he began to eat them and it made Lana ill at the thought and Titus laughed at her. Tempest gave up when a larger squid came and began releasing its ink into the water and Lana laughed to see him quickly swim away.

  Whenever the mer came upon shoals of herring or krill, they would stop and eat. Lana was used to eating her fish raw by now, but she still preferred it cooked. Titus would tear it apart for her and again, Lana noticed the mer parents doing the same for their children. Titus would smile his bright smile and tell her how much he did not mind; he was willing to do anything for her. He realized how much she was doing for him just by giving up her life that she had before.

  After a few days of traveling, Lana felt the water getting warmer and it seemed to become clearer as they continued to follow another long series of underwater mountain ranges. She began to sense sadness in the mer and she asked Titus, “Why are the mer so sad?”

  “Because they remember the way the oceans used to be. Each winter, there is a noticeable change and we do not know how long the sea will sustain life. Humans do not realize that all that they do is connected to a chain of all other life,” said Titus sadly.

  “You mean that it’s humans that have caused it?”

  “Yes, their need to consume energy has a rippling effect on all life, not to mention the damage that their ships have caused throughout the winters. They used to use wind to sail them, now there are new ways to power them. There are some places in the sea that we mer no longer travel because it would cause us to become ill.”

  “Titus, that’s so sad. You’d think that there’s room enough for everyone to live freely without harm. I guess I never really paid much attention to conservation because my dad always taught me to respect all life. We were probably the most eco-friendly home on the island and I just figured that everyone else was doing their part too. I guess I was wrong.”

  “I know that there are humans who care and are trying to make a difference, but I do not know if they will have time, unless others soon heed their warnings,” said Titus seriously.

  Lana looked around again at the many mer with their young. How sad it is to think that they won’t be able to see this same beautiful ocean when they have children of their own. She hoped that humans would make a difference before that day came.


  Even with the fast pace of the pod, it took over two weeks to reach the city of Tullius in the South Pacific. Everyone was so tired that they each went straight to their homes to sleep. Lana didn’t even take the time to look around at her new home. She, Titus and Tempest entered their small house. Lana had adjusted to sleeping under the water and didn’t feel the need to live in a cavern like her father had. Man I miss human food; I hope I have a chance to get some in the future.

  Titus sensed her thoughts and said, “I will make sure to take you to meet my friend Levu tomorrow. He will help us to find anything you need Lana. He knows the best islands for fruit and which ones are not inhabited. I even like to eat the coconuts that they grow here.” He smiled and kissed her and they fell asleep exhausted.

  When Lana woke, she heard the sound of Tempest clicking and whistling; she knew that Titus must have taken his shift for guard duty. She was sure that he told Tempest to stay with her and that he didn’t like it too much. “Okay Tempest, let’s check out Tullius, but stay with me or you’ll have to come back,” she said as she rubbed his back and he shook his head up and down quickly in agreement.

  The city of Tullius was nearly the replica of Torbist, only they didn’t have the advantage of the crystal light in the center. They used the many luminous plants throughout and it gave the city a blue glow.

  “Hello Lana, how did you sleep?” Princess Tarra asked as she swam to her.

  “Hi Tarra, I slept great until Tempest woke me up.” She grinned at him.

  “Yes, he can be a bit of a nuisance when he is missing Titus. So, what do you think of Tullius? It is not quite the city of Torbist, but we rarely stay inside here.”

  “I like it, but I can see how it could get gloomy if I had to stay here for too long.”

  “I would have to agree,” said Titus as he swam to the girls and gave Lana a good morning kiss.

  “Good morning to you too, I missed you,” said Lana as she hugged him.

  “Apparently Tempest did too,” laughed Tarra as Tempest rolled in circles with excitement.

  “Hello boy, thank you for staying with Lana,” said Titus as he rubbed his back. “Are you ready to meet my friend?” he asked Lana.

  “Yeah, I’d love to, especially if he can get me some fruit!”

  “May I come along?” Tarra asked.

  “Yes, I have even invited Makoa. He loves the coconuts as much as I do,” answered Titus with a grin.

  Lana made sure that she left her necklace and crown of pearls in their home and then the four of them along with Tempest; set out for Kaloki Island.

  It wasn’t hard to find Levu. He was in his little fishing boat working on his net. He had dark curly hair and dark skin. He was large for a boy of fourteen. Titus gave him no warning, but came up sending a curtain of water from his tail. “Bula Prince Titus, you nearly scared me half to death,” he said in his island accent with a chuckle.

  “Hello Levu, I wish for you to meet someone very special.” Titus grinned.

  “Is it your lady friend I have heard so much about?”

  “Yes, only she is now my mate, we joined in union nearly a month ago,” said Titus as he took Lana’s hand and pulled her up out of the water.

  “Hi Levu, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lana smiled.

  “Bula Princess Lana and I have heard tale of you. Congratulations to you both,” said Levu with a bright smile.

  “As you know, Princess Lana is a merwalker and she lived on an island. She is missing some of the human foods that she used to eat. I was hoping that you might help us to get some for her and even show us an island where she might feel free to sit on the beach if she wishes,” said Titus.

  “Yes, and I bet you will be wanting some coconuts,” Levu smiled a knowing look. “Just follow me and I will take you to just the right island.”

  In no time, Levu drove his boat to a small island. The island was surrounded by so many coral reefs that it was hard for him to manage it, even with his small boat. Titus, Lana, Makoa and Tarra found it almost as difficult, but Levu knew where every reef was and how to avoid them.

  “There are a few banana and coconut trees on this island; no one wants to risk coming here because of the reefs. It is miles from any of the islands with people, you will be safe here.” He smiled to Lana.

  “Thanks Levu, I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I haven’t felt warm sand under my feet in quite a while,” said Lana as she walked out of the surf. She looked back towards Titus and sincerely said, “Thank you also Titus, for allowing me some time here.”

  “I will be near if you need me. I will take a few of those coconuts Levu.” He winked.

  “I hear you Prince Titus, I am going. He saved my life once several years ago and I do his bidding,” said Levu to Lana as he smiled and winked back at Titus.

  Lana couldn’t believe how clear the water was around the island. Wow, it’s almost as clear as the pool at my high school. There were tropical birds singing in the morning sun and the fragrance of the flowers was so intoxicating. Lana helped Levu to gather the coconuts and the bananas after he c
limbed the trees and cut them down. She didn’t know why Makoa and Tarra chose not to show themselves. Why are the mer so shy? She made sure there was enough for all of them, although she wasn’t sure if they liked bananas.

  Lana sat down in the warm sand and began to unpeel her bananas. They were the sweetest she had ever tasted. She picked up a coconut and didn’t have a clue how to open it?

  Levu saw her staring at it and laughed, “Let me show you the way we islanders open a coconut.” Levu took a thick long stick and then took out his knife and carved two sharp points, one on either end. He shoved the one end of the stick into the ground and then picked up a coconut and slammed it against the point at the top of the stick and the coconut split in half.

  “How did you do that?” Lana asked curiously.

  “You see, there are two dots on the coconut and you have to hit it between them and it will open.” He showed her once more.

  Lana picked up a coconut and tried it. The first time, she didn’t hit it hard enough and nothing happened. Then she tried again and it worked. She was so excited that she took it straight to Titus and gave it to him. “See Titus, I can do it for you!” She smiled.

  “Thank you Lana,” he said trying not to let her know that he could crush it open himself. He took it and drank the milk and ate out the meat. Levu threw several of the coconuts out into the water when Lana wasn’t looking and Titus grabbed them up and gave them to Makoa and Tarra.

  Lana came back and offered some bananas, but neither Titus nor the others wanted to eat them. So, she sat back down and ate another, she soon wished that she hadn’t. She was beginning to feel ill from eating so many. Oh, I think I’m gonna be sick. She quickly got up and ran into the trees and threw up.

  “Lana, are you alright?” Titus asked with concern.

  “Yeah, I just ate too much,” she called back.

  Aside from getting sick, Lana had enjoyed her day on the island. She didn’t stay too long on the beach because she knew that her fair skin would burn. She rested under the shade of the trees further in. She loved the cool breeze and she remembered her father and how much he said that he enjoyed the islands too. She missed him and thought; dad and Rose must be married now. She couldn’t help but cry at the thought of not being able to be there with them on their special day. She was glad she had this time to let out her feelings without Titus. She didn’t want him feeling bad about it.


  After a few weeks of visiting the little island, they all began to call it Mer Island. Makoa and Tarra finally showed themselves to Levu. He was comfortable with them and they were also with him. Lana was glad that the mer had a friend like him. He was so kind and funny, like Makoa. They two hit it off right from the start and they never stopped giving Titus grief. Titus enjoyed it though.

  One morning, Lana and Tarra visited the island with Levu; Titus and Makoa went to do some fishing.

  “Lana, if you do not mind, I would like to go around the island a ways. I saw a large flat rock and I would like to lie in the sun,” said Tarra as Lana and Levu were heading for the trees to gather coconuts.

  “Sure, we’ll meet you there after we get what we need.”

  Tarra rarely took time out of the water, but she did on occasion like to lay on a warm rock. She hopped up and laid back and began soaking up the sun. As she did, she began to sing a song of the mermaids. It was a sacred song that began and ended with a prayer….


  Thank you mighty Arius for all of the gifts that you give

  Thank you for the air that gives life to all

  For the sun that gives warmth and strength

  For the beauty of the moon and stars

  For the blue seas depth and length

  Thank you for the ebbing tides

  From gentle currents to raging waves

  For the crystal blue lagoons

  For the hidden glistening caves

  Thank you for the gift of family

  For all of creation on land and in sea

  For your mighty protecting hand

  For your unending love for me

  Thank you for my beating heart

  For laughter and for sorrow

  For the joy in each day

  For the new Promise of tomorrow

  Thank you for your guidance

  For leading where I cannot see

  For helping me through the storms

  For choosing my destiny

  May I live a life that is pleasing to you my maker and High King

  When Tarra had finished the song, she heard someone say, “Do my eyes deceive me, or am I seeing one of the mer?”

  Tarra quickly sat up and saw a young man standing behind her. He was smiling and looked much like Levu, only older. He had the same dark curly hair and dark skin. Something about his smile made her stay frozen when all of her instincts told her to jump into the water.

  “Please do not be frightened, I will not harm you,” he said softly in his island accent.

  Something about this young man reminded Tarra of Kitchi and she could not think clearly. He was tall and had a broad muscular chest and muscular arms and legs. He wore the bright red flowered cloth around his waist like Levu. Why can I not leave? Is it fear or something more? She wondered.

  “Micah, what are you doing on the island?” Levu asked as he and Lana walked up to them.

  “I saw your boat and came to ask if you wanted to go fishing,” he answered, but his eyes never left Tarra.

  Just then, Titus and Makoa surfaced and Tarra quickly jumped into the water. “Is everything alright?” Titus asked with a stern look to the young man.

  “Everything is fine Prince Titus, this is my good friend Micah and he will not tell your secret.” Smiled Levu.

  “I have heard of the mer, only I never saw one until today. I am glad that I have. Now I know that the legends of my people are true,” He smiled to all of them.

  “Hi Micah, my name is Princess Lana,” Lana said trying to break the icy stare that Titus was giving him.

  “Bula Princess Lana, do my eyes deceive me, or are you a merwalker?” Micah asked in disbelief.

  “Your eyes do not deceive you, she is my mate,” said Titus not sure if he liked him talking with her.

  “This is also Makoa and Princess Tarra, that I believe you have already met,” said Levu also trying to keep Titus from getting angry.

  “Yes, I did meet the Princess Tarra briefly,” Micah said with a smile once more and noticed that the mermen were not smiling, “So your name is Makoa, are you as fearless as your name boasts?” Micah chuckled.

  “I strive to be. It was a name that an island fisherman once gave my father. He saved him from a school of white sharks after he had fallen from his canoe. My mother liked the name so much that she gave it to me when I was born,” said Makoa proudly.

  “Then your father was truly fearless,” said Micah amazed by it.

  “Titus once saved me years ago, when my raft was breaking on the reefs.” Smiled Levu to Micah.

  “You have kept their secret well Levu, you never told me. I am sorry if I have frightened any of you, I only saw Levu’s boat and stopped to ask him if he would like to go fishing. I heard a young woman singing a beautiful song and saw the Princess Tarra just before Levu and the Princess Lana came,” said Micah trying to clear the air with the mermen.

  “You did not frighten us,” said Titus coldly.

  “Not a bit,” said Makoa also coldly.

  “Titus, Micah is just trying to be friends, he didn’t do anything wrong,” said Lana a little tired of the mermen egos.

  “I agree, Micah has done nothing wrong,” Tarra spoke for the first time.

  “I assure you Prince Titus, he is a good man who brings honor to my village,” said Levu sincerely.

  “Then I am sorry if we have acted rudely. I trust Levu’s judgment,” said Titus humbly.

  “It is well, I can see why you guard your women,” said Micah as he looked to Tarra and smi

  Titus was not sure if he liked what he was implying. “I think it best that we leave now Lana,” said Titus as he let his thoughts tell her that he still did not trust him.

  “Fine, Levu thank you for helping me gather the coconuts,” she said and she quickly dove into the water with a small net bag that held some of the coconuts. Titus took the larger bag from Levu and gave a nod of his head and dove into the water following Lana. Makoa waited for Tarra to dive. She paused only slightly, taking one last glance at Micah. She could not help but give him a slight smile and then dove after her brother. Makoa saw it and gave a quick glare to Micah and followed after Tarra.

  “I am truly sorry if I have offended your friends,” said Micah to Levu.

  “Do not worry, Prince Titus will come to know you as friend.” Levu smiled.

  “For my sake, I hope he does.” Smiled Micah.


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