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Page 16

by Sheri L. Swift

  He then jumped in after her and tried to catch her, but she was too fast for him. He swam back to the rock.

  “Yeah, those mer can be pretty annoying at times.” Lana smiled.

  “Yes, I wish that I had their speed and strength.”

  “Yeah, me too, but at least we can gather coconuts and fruit.”

  “Do you need me to help you Princess Lana?”

  “No, Levu was a good teacher and I have to admit, my webbed feet do help me climb the trees. I’m even getting better at using my knife. Besides, I know that Princess Tarra would like to spend time with you,” Lana said with a wave and a giggle as she left.

  That made Micah very happy to hear it. He had hoped that they were getting closer. He believed that she was beginning to care for him as much as he cared for her. Suddenly, another wall of water came crashing down upon his head, “Does that make you happy?” Micah smiled to Tarra who was now surfacing and giggling.

  “Yes,” she said as she once more hopped up on the rock.

  “Then I am glad, I like to make you happy,” he said more seriously.

  “You have made me happy since the first day I met you.” She smiled.

  “And you me, very happy,” he said while touching his chest with his closed hands and moving them forward in circles.

  “What are you doing with your hands?”

  “It means happy. It is a language of the hands. My cousin Joseph cannot hear or speak. Our family speaks to him with our hands.”

  “We mer have a language like that, only we speak to each other in our minds. Your language is much more beautiful. Show me more,” said Tarra interested in learning.

  “Alright, I will show you this one, because it reminds me of you,” he said as he touched his forehead with his right fingers and moved around the left side of his face and stopped at his chin and smiled.

  “What does it mean?”

  “It means pretty, which is what you are,” he said softly.

  “Do it again,” she insisted.

  Micah did the motion again and after he stopped at his chin, he then slowly put his fingers under Tarra’s chin and gently pulled her forward and kissed her lightly on her lips. They both just stared at each other for a few moments and smiled.

  Then Tempest came up on his tail and danced around making clicking noises.

  Micah looked to Tarra and pointed with his right finger to the left and moved in an up and down motion.

  “What does that mean?” she asked with a grin.

  “It means Dolphin.” He smiled and went on to show her many more of the words in sign language as well as the letters.

  When Titus and Makoa surfaced near Tempest, they did not understand what Micah and Tarra were doing.

  Lana came and brought some of the coconuts she had gathered. She saw Micah teaching Tarra sign language and saw Titus and Makoa watching them with confused looks on their faces. She had to laugh to know that Titus could not understand what they were doing.

  “It’s alright Titus, he’s teaching her sign language. It’s a language that humans use when they are deaf or even mute. That means that they’re unable to hear or speak.”

  “Why would Micah use this language?” Titus asked confused.

  “It is very strange,” said Makoa.

  “Actually, I think it’s beautiful, almost like playing an instrument of the air.” Lana smiled as Titus frowned.

  “Titus, Micah knows another language of the hands,” called Tarra.

  “Yes, that is just as Lana was explaining,” he said unimpressed.

  “His cousin cannot hear or speak and yet, he can with the language of the hands,” Tarra said enthusiastically.

  “That is good. Lana will you pass us some of those coconuts,” said Titus trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah, here you go.” She tossed them to Titus and Makoa who began crushing them and drinking the milk before tearing them apart for their meat.

  “Congratulations Prince Titus on the birth of your daughter,” said Micah.

  “Thank you, she is a treasure,” Titus swelled with pride and gave a wide grin.

  “What is the sign for baby?” Tarra asked.

  Micah put his arms together as if he were cradling a baby and moved them back and forth. He could not help but smile at Tarra because of the enjoyment she was getting at learning the language.

  “We have brought your clams,” said Titus as he handed the net bag to Lana and then he and Makoa decided to go and do some fishing of their own.

  Lana giggled because she knew that Titus was finding it difficult to see his sister falling in love with Micah. I’m glad he’s at least letting her find love again, no matter the challenges that she might face with her choice. Lana went and built a fire and allowed the couple time to be alone.

  “Thank you for showing me this language Micah, I love to learn new human things,” said Tarra.

  “I like to teach you and I will teach you more for the price of another kiss.” He smiled. He waited for an answer and when she gave none and only smiled, he put his right hand to his chest and circled downward.

  “What does that mean?” Tarra asked still smiling.

  “It means, please,” he said so softly with a wide grin and leaned forward and kissed her gently once more.

  “I suppose it was worth it.” She smiled brightly.


  Titus and Lana tried to visit Mer Island a few times a week. Lana loved going to the island, and Titus would not allow Tarra to go unchaperoned. Tarra was grateful that her brother was giving her some time to spend with Micah.

  Each day was the same, Micah and Tarra sat on the rock talking and a lot of that was in sign language. Even Titus could not help but begin to learn it so that he could know what they were saying to each other. She was getting better at guarding her thoughts when her brother was around. The few times he could hear her thoughts, it was mostly about how beautiful Micah’s smile was or the shape of his arms and chest and Titus decided that he would rather not read those thoughts.

  Micah even went fishing with Levu, Titus and Makoa. Micah and Levu used their spears and nets to catch the fish. Titus and Makoa helped to push the fish towards their nets. They were becoming quite a foursome of friends.

  Lana and Tarra rested on the rock and talked, “You really are falling in love with each other aren’t you?” Lana asked her.

  “Yes, I believe we are, though neither of us have said it.” Tarra smiled.

  “Sometimes you don’t have to, it’s obvious to everyone,” giggled Lana.

  “I suppose that Titus has accepted the fact that I may wish to join in union with a human.”

  “Yeah, I think he’s accepted it, if that’s what you wish to do. It won’t be easy for either of you, but love has a way of making up for the difficult.”

  Tarra stretched out her arms above her head as she laid back and sighed, “I cannot help it Lana, he is so wonderful. He is kind, brave and strong, he makes me laugh...”

  “Okay, I get it, you love him,” laughed Lana out loud.

  “Yes, I do. I never thought that I could love anyone else again, but it has happened.”

  “I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he’ll never be as strong as you. It might be hard for him to accept that. He’ll also have to journey by boat when we travel back to the Atlantic.”

  “I know that we can work it out, you and Titus have, and I know that your father and your mother had a deep love and they were so happy. I know that he will not live as long as I, but at least we will have a time to love and raise our children together.”

  “Yeah, but even that’ll be difficult for your children as merwalkers. Just do me a favor and keep them in the ocean if you can. I know you said that some merwalkers don’t have gills, so that may be another thing you have to think about.”

  “I really have thought about it all Lana and am willing to make those sacrifices for Micah if he is willing to make them for me.”

  “Then all I can
say is, may you two be as happy and blessed as Titus and I.” Lana hugged Tarra.

  When the men and mermen returned, Lana jumped into the water to go for a swim with Titus. She knew that Tarra needed this time with Micah.

  Makoa talked with Levu as he slowly drove his boat around the island, also giving Micah time to be alone with Tarra.

  “Did you miss me?” Micah asked Tarra.

  “Yes, I missed you very much.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him tenderly.

  “I have missed you also. I miss you each time you go from me. Tell me Tarra, why do the mer like Titus have white hair and the mer like Makoa have black hair?”

  “Because long ago; my people joined with island natives much like your own. They were a happy people and they lived the sacred ways as we do. The Chief’s son fell in love with a mermaid and the union was allowed by King Titan. We mer and the islanders have lived centuries in peace, because the descendants of the natives have become the guardians of the mer. Princess Lana’s father is the last guardian of that line.”

  “Where is this island you speak of?”

  “It is in the North Atlantic Ocean and that is where the other mer city of Torbist is.”

  Micah seemed deep in thought, “Will you be going there soon?” he asked sadly.

  “No, we have had some trouble there and the guardian asked that we not return until the third winter, that is two more winters,” said Tarra as she saw Micah’s face brighten.

  “That is very good, that is wonderful!” Micah made the sign with both his hands palms outward on either side of his face moving them up and forward several times.

  “Yes, that is wonderful,” she laughed at him.

  “But, what is this trouble you speak of?”

  “There are other mer who do not live as we do, they hunt and kill humans. They even came and tried to take Princess Lana. Their head guard was killed by Makoa. That one’s brother Damon, has promised to take her one day,” she said seriously.

  “Now I know why Prince Titus does not trust easily.”

  “Yes, it is hard for him to trust; he is the head of our guard and is responsible for keeping the entire pod safe.”

  “Then I am honored that he has allowed me to get to know you.”

  “He knows that you are a good man.” She smiled.

  “I would fight this Damon to protect you Tarra, I would do anything to protect you,” he said with conviction.

  Tarra put her hand along Micah’s cheek and looked up into his eyes and softly said, “I believe that you would.” And then she kissed him.

  “I know that I have never spoken the words, but I love you Princess Tarra,” he said softly with such emotion.

  “I have not spoken the words either, but I love you also Micah,” she said with tears filling her eyes. She allowed him to wrap his arms around her and hold her against his chest. She laid there listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

  “I do not know if your brother or your King would allow it, but I wish to join in union with you Princess Tarra. I am the son of an island Chief, the oldest, and my people have long respected the mer in our village. We too honor the sacred ways of our God. I believe that we worship the same God, though we call Him by different names. I know that I am only a man, but do you think that you could ever marry me?” Micah asked softly hoping she would want the same.

  Tarra slowly raised her head to look into his eyes, hers were streaming with tears and she could barely speak for the emotion she was feeling at that moment, “Yes Micah, I would love to be your mate. I pray that my brother and my King will allow our union,” she said as she kissed him deeply.

  Princess Tarra, with the help of Princess Lana, told all that had been spoken of between her and Micah to Prince Titus. He was not surprised, but knew that it would still be a difficult decision for King Titan to make. Titus took Princess Tarra’s request before the King.

  “I have not been blind to the situation, I have allowed her to continue meeting with him because I know how sad she has been since the loss of her intended Kitchi. However, I cannot ignore the danger that such a union might bring to the pod,” King Titan said seriously.

  “I can only tell you that I trust him and have come to know some of his people and they are kind and respect the mer. I have only just been told that he is the Chief’s oldest son. I cannot help but see that perhaps history is repeating itself,” said Titus in Micah’s defense.

  “It may be so, I wish to meet with him myself,” said the King.

  “I shall arrange a meeting at Mer Island tomorrow,” said Titus as he gave a bow of his head and swam from the Hall.


  Titus had sent word to Micah the night before and he was early for the appointed time at the island. He could not believe that he was going to meet the King of the mer, Titan himself. Since he was a young boy, he had heard of him and how powerful he was. Needless to say, he was a little fearful, but he knew it was worth it to win the Princess Tarra for his bride.

  Titus and Makoa surfaced first and then King Titan joined them in between. Micah was still surprised by the size of him, he was the largest man he had ever seen half out of the water. His eyes were filled with age and wisdom and it made Micah realize what an honor it was that he had even considered such a meeting. Micah bowed his head to him and said, “Mighty King Titan, I thank you for meeting with me today.”

  “Only once before has such a request been put before the mer. Do you know if your father, your family, and your village will accept such a thing?” King Titan asked with compassion.

  “I have not spoken of Princess Tarra to anyone other than Grandmother Nalani and my friend Levu. I know that it would be a surprise for them, but they respect the mer, and I believe that they would accept it.”

  “Only you Micah can know your people. If you feel that they can be trusted to guard the secret of the mer, then tell them of your intentions. Meet me here one week from today and tell me what they have said.” King Titan smiled and then he dove into the water. Titus and Makoa also smiled at Micah and then dove after the King.

  It was a shock for Micah’s father to hear that he wished to marry a mermaid. He was Ratu Daniel and the head of his village on Kaloki Island. He wished only the best for his firstborn son and was not sure if this was the best. He told Micah to be patient for his answer while he met with the village elders, which included Grandmother Nalani, and discussed the unusual request of his son.


  The meetings lasted for three days in the grass roofed meeting house. Then Micah’s father came to him with an answer, “Never before has such a request been made from one of our people. I will not insult you by asking you to think of all the consequences of such a marriage, for I know you have already done so. Do you love her and does she truly love you?” Ratu Daniel asked him seriously.

  “Yes Father, with all of my heart. I know that she feels the same for me. I would give my life for her,” said Micah with conviction.

  “In the end, it may cost you your life my Son. It will not be easy for either of you. I cannot deny you your happiness even if it is for a short while. I thought it had been difficult for my father when I chose a Hawaiian to be my wife,” Ratu Daniel chuckled. “You may tell the King of the mer that our village will guard the secret of his people and protect them as best we can, now that we will be joined as family,” said his father with a wide grin.

  Micah wrapped his arms around his father and hugged him, “Thank you Father, wait until you meet her, she is beautiful and has a heart to match her beauty,” he said proudly.

  As was Micah’s tradition, he and his father Ratu Daniel and his mother Kalea, arranged a meeting with Tarra’s father Prince Terrance. They brought him a gift of Tabua (whale’s teeth) and asked his permission to marry Princess Tarra. Prince Terrance gladly gave it, knowing how much his daughter had come to love Micah and how much Titus respected him.

  It was agreed that the union would take place on Kaloki Island, in the
lagoon. Ratu Daniel would give part of the ceremony and King Titan would give the other. The entire village was invited as well as all of the mer. It was to be at night by torchlight.


  On the day of the wedding when the time was near, all of the mer that were attending traveled together, with King Titan leading and Titus and Makoa following the procession.

  Tarra wore the white pearls upon her head and white shells for her top. She also wore strands of white pearls around her wrists.

  Lana was so happy for her. She and Titus decided to bring baby Rose with them, it would be a story to tell of how her first outing was to attend her aunt Tarra and uncle Micah’s wedding. Tempest came along too, but Titus made him stay far enough away to not disturb the ceremony.


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