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Love Spells and Other Disasters

Page 19

by Angie Barrett

  But no. This is what needs to happen.

  She’s finally moving on with her life.

  “Rowan, I really need your help. Can you come and talk to this lady? There are interview questions on your mom’s desk. I’ll tape it all. Then your mom can review it later.”

  I turn slowly. This all feels so surreal.

  Mom is leaving her old life behind. She’s out and about, interacting with normal people. Doing normal people stuff.

  This is what I wanted for her. So why is it so jarring?

  Zach has that panicked look in his eyes again. He’s not okay with this. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. I can’t tell him, either.

  “Yep, I’m on it.” I slip my phone into my pocket and follow Zach into Mom’s office.


  I’m bleary eyed and emotionally drained by the time I get finished with the interview. I haven’t had a chance to clean up, to shower, or even brush my hair. As I leave Mom’s office, I smell garlic and I hear laughing in the kitchen.

  I check the time. It’s seven. I hadn’t even realized that the interview took two hours. Crap.

  “I’m good, Ms. Marshall. I’ve got to drive later.”

  That’s Luca’s voice. Oh no!

  I rush into the kitchen.

  Luca is seated at the island. Mom is holding out a spoon with what looks like sauce for him to taste. She’s wearing a low-cut halter top that I’ve never seen before and she’s leaning forward enough that Luca can see more than he probably wants to.

  “Mom! Why didn’t you come and get me?”

  She doesn’t startle or flinch, she just shifts back a bit, then smiles. “Hi, sweetie. I was just getting to know Luca a little while you were busy.”

  Luca’s cheeks are slightly pink and I’m not sure if it’s because of my mom or because of the empty glass of wine on the island in front of him.

  Mom is giving alcohol to minors? That’s not normal.

  She tests the sauce, nods, then puts the spoon down. She gives me a once-over. “Maybe you should go clean up a bit before dinner.”

  Luca gives me a look that screams hell no! Apparently he’s had enough alone time with my mom.

  I shake my head. “I’m good.” I plunk myself down next to him and grab a roll from the basket.

  “How’d the interview go?”

  I pick at my bun. “Good, I guess. I mean, she was expecting to be interviewed by the famous Dr. Marshall.”

  My mom rolls her eyes. “Well, she got the next best thing. Thanks for doing that for me, honey. It all gets so tiresome after a while.” She flicks some of her hair out of the way. “I needed a break. And I think Zach would prefer that we have some distance for a bit.”

  I open my mouth to ask her why when she turns to Luca, leaning as she was before and getting this flirty smile on her face. “So, now that I have you here, I was wondering if I could show you the restroom in the master bedroom. There’s a leak.”

  I choke on the bread I’m attempting to swallow.

  Ignoring me, she moves around the island, a glass of wine filled to the brim. “The master is just right upstairs.”

  I cough. Clear my throat. “Mom,” I croak. “I—”

  “Mind the sauce, sweetie, don’t let anything boil over.”

  Luca shoots me another desperate look.

  “Maybe this was a bad idea,” I say.

  “Come on, Luca, I’d really like to get your opinion…” She’s out the door.

  “Stay here,” I say to Luca as I drop my roll and hop off my stool.

  I leave the kitchen and find my mom halfway up the stairs. “What is wrong with you?”

  She leans against the railing, her boobs practically falling out of her shirt. When she sees me, she jolts upward, nearly spilling her wine.

  “Nothing, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Mom.” I grab her arm and pull her up the stairs to the next floor. “You’re freaking Luca out.”

  “I am not! He’s just acting strange because you’re here now.” She sips her wine and cocks one eyebrow. “Seriously, he was way more relaxed before you came.”

  “You gave him wine!”

  “So?” she shrugs.


  “I was just getting to know your boyfriend,” she says the last part in a sing-song way, then laughs and drinks more wine. “He’s very attractive.”

  “I know.” I cross my arms. “But he’s my boyfriend and you acting this way is really gross.” I narrow my eyes. “Why does Zach want some distance from you?” He mentioned Mom was avoiding him, and she’d basically said the same thing. “What happened?”

  “Nothing.” Then she laughs. “We just got to know one another a little better this morning.”

  My stomach drops. I want to gag. “You didn’t.”

  She shrugs one shoulder. “I’d always wondered.” She finishes her wine. “Now I know.”

  “Don’t you think that’s going to damage your working relationship?”

  Mom shrugs again.

  Is this what my love spell did? Did I make my mom lust after my boyfriend? Or is she just lusting after everyone now?

  This is a disaster.

  I force myself to take slow, even breaths. Okay, stay calm. The spell is just getting her revved up. That’s okay. I mean, it’s totally not okay that she’s revving up for my boyfriend.

  “Well, I’d appreciate if you’d quit the curiosity about Luca.” And then I add, “or we’ll go out for dinner by ourselves.”

  Mom makes a face. “Fine, I’ll behave.” She twirls her glass. “Let’s make this quick, I have plans tonight anyway.”

  “What plans?”

  Mom ignores me as she walks down the stairs. “Luca? Would you mind opening that drawer down under the stove? I need the cutting board.”

  I roll my eyes and groan. This is going to be a long night.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Dinner was long, painful, and full of sexual innuendo that I’ve never in my life heard come out of my mom’s mouth. My cheeks are hot and sore and I’m dying on the inside.

  This is not my mother.

  What have I done?

  Luca and I escape by nine. We sit in silence in his truck.

  “Um…” He turns down another street. “Feel like seeing a movie?”

  “I’m so sorry for tonight,” I blurt. “I think the love spell I wrote for my mom has gone wonky.”

  His eyes are wide when he looks over at me. “You wrote a love spell for your mom?” His lips curl into a smile.

  “I thought it would help get her get back in the dating scene.” I’m truly horrified. “I didn’t mean to get her all…” I wave my hand around, lost for words.

  “Hot and bothered?”

  Ew, gross.

  “Well, I think your spell backfired.” He starts to laugh. “Big-time.”

  A smile cracks my face despite the grossness of this whole situation. “Well, I just wanted her to find someone new to love. You know, get over my dad. Find happiness.”

  His laugher dies down. “Yeah, I get that, but I don’t know if that’s something you can force someone to get over.”

  “He died fifteen years ago!”

  We pull into the movie theater parking lot. “Yeah, but for some people that seems like a blink of the eye.”

  I know this. I’ve been reading Mom’s fan mail for long enough to hear the truth in Luca’s observation. Grief can last a lifetime.

  Maybe trying to force Mom out of hers is causing some kind of identity crisis or something. Maybe these are just growing pains that’ll wear off. Or maybe the modifications I had to make to her spell sent everything spiraling in the wrong direction.

  None of these are positive thoughts.

  “Well, I’m really sorry for tonight,
” I say softly.

  He picks up my hand and kisses it. “Believe it or not, I’ve experienced worse. I had a job last summer at a country club. The women there…sheesh…very touchy.”

  I cringe. “Really?”

  “Yeah, but they were also great tippers so I guess I can’t complain.” He leans over and kisses me before looking up at the marquee. “You want to see a comedy or a thriller? Choices are limited tonight.”

  I smile. “Definitely a thriller. I think I’ve had enough comedy for one night.”

  We run into Will and Amanda in the lobby. I’m surprised to see them still together since I’d only cast a crush spell on them. Although, now I’m not so sure I knew what I was doing initially. It was just supposed to be fun. A joke. Just like Mr. Tremmel said.

  “Hey Luca,” Will says as he gives one of the typical man slaps on Luca’s back. “Haven’t see you in ages, man. How’s it going?”

  I know enough about our school’s athletes to know that Will doesn’t play football. He’s a swimmer. He’s tall and lean and his hair is perpetually slicked back, like he’s ready to dive into a pool at any moment. Luca looks like a weightlifter next to him. Same height, way more bulk. But I guess social lines run deep when you’re into sports.

  Amanda is standing to the side, meek and giving what looks like a forced smile. She’s wearing a short skirt that looks totally inappropriate for April weather, and with no tights, her pale legs look frozen. Her jacket is open to reveal a low hanging, cleavage revealing top.

  This is not the way Amanda usually dresses. Like, miles different.

  I smile and move closer to her. “Hey, how’s it going?”

  She shrugs. “Okay…good…things are good.”

  “I like your outfit.” I motion to my own. “Obviously I was going for comfort.” I still have on my yoga pants and sweater from this afternoon. It’s not unflattering, just minimal effort and totally comfortable.

  Amanda shifts, moving her hand to her skirt and tugging it down a bit. “Will likes me to wear things like this.”


  “Do you like to wear clothes like this?” Amanda has never been one to dress up for school. Like me, she usually goes for comfort over fashion but maybe I’ve got her all wrong. Maybe this is the way she dresses when she’s doing things outside of school? Not like we’ve ever hung out. Not like I know much about her beyond her math skills. She freaks out when there are tests so her grades aren’t the greatest, but she knows the stuff. I’ve worked with her on activities before, but never took the time to talk to her beyond whatever it was we were doing.

  She shrugs, smiles weakly. “If it makes Will happy…”

  “Yes, but does it make you happy? Don’t get me wrong, Amanda, you look great.”

  “Thanks,” she says.

  “But if you’re uncomfortable, you should totally ditch the mini skirt and go for something more comfortable and maybe warmer.”

  She rolls her eyes and leans in closer. “You know how it is, being with a guy like Will. Luca’s probably the same way.” She blushes as she grabs my hand. “It’s weird having a guy like Will be all into me so I don’t mind dressing up for him.” She nods toward the guys. “You know what I’m talking about, right?”

  I look over at Will, who is nudging Luca in a way that suggests he’s saying something gross. He wags his eyebrows, too, adding to the effect. Luca’s eyes go wide for a second, then he looks over at me and Amanda.

  Luca’s not like Will. He doesn’t make demands on me and how I dress. He doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable.

  “It’s just…well…it’d be nice if he’d listen to what I want or need.”

  Unease settles over me. I want to ask her why she’s telling me all this but then I realize that she probably doesn’t have a lot of people she can tell this stuff to. I mean, I don’t really anymore, either, because the only person I did have was Ethan and now we barely have time to talk to one another.

  “Don’t get me wrong, this has been the best couple of weeks of my life. And I know it won’t last, not once he finds someone who’s more in his league.” She sighs. “I’m just enjoying the attention.”

  I’m embarrassed for her. For her need to tell me all of this super personal stuff. And I feel bad, too, because she shouldn’t be settling for this kind of behavior from anyone. But the crush spell should have worn off by now and the fact that it hasn’t must mean that they like each other, right?

  So why does this feel off?

  Will makes a motion with his hand and fingers that suggests things have shifted into overshare territory there, too. My eyes widen. I can’t believe—- I have to go rescue Luca.

  “I think our movie is going to start soon. Nice talking to you Amanda.” I ease back over to Luca. “Should we get some popcorn before the movie starts?”

  “Definitely.” He slips his arm around my waist. “We’ll catch you two later.”

  “Yeah, dude, for sure.” Will frowns at Amanda. “Why aren’t you standing next to me?”

  Amanda hurries to his side, and once she’s there, he grabs her butt and crushes her into his body. She giggles, her face scarlet as her eyes dart around.

  “That’s an interesting relationship,” Luca says as we walk to the concession stand. “Weird how they got together.”

  I grimace as a lump settles in my throat. The truth of what we did, casting a spell on Will and Amanda without their knowledge, rests in my mouth. I should tell Luca but instead I say, “Yeah, totally weird.” And then move up in line so we can order.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I find Abby first thing Monday morning. “You didn’t return my texts.”

  She’s sitting in the library, a stack of books in front of her. “I was busy.” She doesn’t even look up from her work.

  I slide into the chair next to her and put my hand over what’s she reading. “Abby, we need to talk. The spells are doing funny things.”

  Abby flashes me a quick look, then pushes my hand off of her book. “I got your texts. I just didn’t reply.”

  “This is serious,” I hiss.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Abby, Will’s got Amanda doing all kinds of weird stuff and it’s not totally things she’s cool with. He treats her like property. Embarrasses her.”

  “Did she say she’s unhappy?” she asks sweetly. “Because I saw them this morning and they were making out at her locker, total tongue action, too. She even moaned. Really loudly. So I really don’t think she’s hurting at all.” She rolls her eyes. “You’re just being overly sensitive.”

  “My mom is acting weird, too.”

  Abby’s eyes go wide and she grins. “You cast a freakin’ spell on your mother?” She gives me a once-over. “Rowan Marshall, I would never have thought you’d have something like that in you. Isn’t she like madly in love with your dead dad?”

  “Shut up, Abby,” I warn.

  “Yeah, I read something about it in an interview she did…” She taps her finger to her lips. “She talked about how he was the only man for her and how she talks to him every day because she believes his energy is anchored in your house.”

  I grab Abby’s arm and jerk her toward me.

  “Shut. Up.” We’re practically nose to nose.

  Abby’s smile widens. “You cast on your own mother so she’d get over him, didn’t you?”

  The lump is back in my throat and it’s blocking my voice. I open my mouth. I close it again.

  “And now she’s acting weird?”

  I nod. She’s hitting on Luca and I think she slept with her assistant. I gulp. “She’s going out all the time, staying out late, not coming home.” Saturday, I made it home before Mom did and Sunday morning she stayed in bed until noon. It’s like she’s a completely different person. Normally Sunday is cleaning day and we’re up and at it by seven or
eight. With a house like ours, cleaning lasts all day.

  And I’m not saying I like cleaning, but it’s also a day that Mom and I spend time together. Talking, laughing, eating. It’s always been reserved for just her and I, but this weekend, when she finally got up, the most I got in the way of conversation was a few grunts here and there.

  It was lonely. Especially since Ethan’s been MIA lately, too. Having a boyfriend is great and I like spending time with Luca, but I miss my normal, too: hanging out with mom and chilling with my best friend.

  “Hmm.” Abby flicks her arm so that I let her go, then turns back to her book. “Maybe you should stop meddling in people’s love lives.”

  I gape at her. That feels like a slap to the face. “Like this was my idea in the first place.”

  Abby waves her hand dismissively. “Like you put up much of a fight.”

  I curl my fists. This is not my fault. Especially not where Will and Amanda are concerned.

  “Relax, princess,” she drawls, her eyes still on her book. “Everything will be fine.”

  “How do you know that?”

  She shoves the book she’s reading toward me and taps the page on the right. “Because unless a love spell is given some kind of boost, eventually it fizzles and dies.” She shrugs. “So whatever weirdness is going on will pass and that’s good news for us.”

  “How so?”

  Her eyes sparkle and her smile is radiant. “Because when it does, they’re going to want another spell to keep things going. And we’ll have just the spell waiting for them…for the right price, of course.”

  “Our project is over. We’ve already gotten our A. Enough.”

  Abby leans in close. “No, we’re not. Mr. Tremmel told me that there’s a summer internship for innovative business marketers. He’s considering recommending me. My father, you know, marketing genius Doug Rockwell? Yeah, he wants me to get that internship. He says it will put me in front of important people without having to cash in on his name. It’ll prove that I can do it on my own. I have to get that internship.” She pulls my shirt so I’m forced to move closer. “We’re not shutting our business down and we’re not done with the spells. Not until I say we are.”


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