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Fuel to the Fire

Page 1

by Kait Gamble

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  Fuel to the Fire

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-924-4

  ©Copyright Kait Gamble 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2015

  Edited by Faith Bicknell-Brown

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2015 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Totally Bound Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Burning and a Sexometer of 2.

  Totally Five Star: St. Lucia


  Kait Gamble

  Can past hurts be forgotten to make a future together?

  Jaqueline Pennington once had the world at her feet, but she threw it all away for a man from the wrong side of the tracks—handsome, smart and the love of her life, Logan Forrester—only to find that she’d dropped everything for him to abandon her.

  Logan wanted one thing out of life—to be with Jackie and give her the life she deserved. When that plan went to hell, he walked away and applied himself to becoming a prosperous security software engineer. A job that, years later, brings him back to Jackie.

  They haven’t seen or heard from each other since that fateful night, but the chemistry that still crackles between them is too good for either one to pass up. So Jackie and Logan reach an agreement and burn off the sexual tension, getting closure during their time in St. Lucia.

  But what happens to their plans when the truth about their separation comes out? Can they get over the past to build a future?


  For our first loves.

  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Gucci: Guccio Gucci S.p.A.

  Louboutin: Christian Louboutin

  Chanel No. 5: Chanel S.A.

  Virgin Galactic: Virgin Group, Ltd.

  Indiana Jones: Lucasfilm Ltd., LLC

  Boy Scout: Boy Scouts of America

  Louis Vuitton: Louis Vuitton Malletier

  Kobe: Steakhouse Elite, LLC

  Chapter One

  Jackie got out of the cab and took a moment to stare at the magnificent hotel. Right away just gazing at the building, she knew that her stay here would be something different. Instead of towering into the sky, the hotel sprawled up the mountainside and outward to the limits of her peripheral vision. The stone façade might as well have been hewn from the rock face while the lush greenery threatened to envelop the entire thing and reclaim it for Mother Nature. The hotel appeared so incredibly natural it could have been a part of the mountain itself.

  On the other side, clear blue water lapped at immaculate white sand dotted with brilliant vermillion umbrellas and wooden loungers she couldn’t wait to try out.


  In a slight daze, she walked into the grand foyer and out of the sultry air to take a deep breath of the chilled, perfumed interior. Her kitten heels clicked along the stone floor as she gazed at the beautiful architecture and design. The abundance of stone and wood gave the space an organic feel. Dominating one of the walls, a waterfall splashed, surrounded by indigenous plants and a pool where colorful fish flashed in the water. Together with the enormous windows and natural light, the room exuded the perfect relaxed island ambience.

  It felt good—great—to be somewhere different. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a trip anywhere, let alone somewhere so opulent.

  “Jackie! You made it!”

  A slender, elegant blonde figure dashed toward her. She was quickly engulfed by the well-toned arms of her best friend, Caroline.

  She hugged her friend back. It had been too long. Jackie stepped away to smile at Caroline. “Of course. You didn’t think I would skip out on your wedding, did you?”

  “It never crossed my mind.” Brilliant green eyes sparkling, she wound her arm through Jackie’s and led her through the hotel. “Ever been here?”

  Jackie grinned up at the luxurious surroundings and shook her head. “No. it’s always been on the bucket list, though.” The beautifully lush island of St. Lucia was the complete opposite of her everyday life.

  Caroline grinned. “I’m glad.” Her smile softened. “It really is wonderful to see you. Things haven’t been the same without you.”

  A pang of emotion Jackie didn’t want to name twinged in her chest. The first of many times this weekend, she was sure. “Things have been a bit different, haven’t they?”

  “Head’s up.” Caroline nodded, her attention on someone behind Jackie.

  Jackie had a fraction of a second to brace herself before the group of women was upon them.

  “Jaqueline Pennington! I thought it was you!” Regina, Caroline’s mother, sashayed up to Jackie with her arms out swept. But instead of a hug, she clasped her by the shoulders and air-kissed her at each cheek. She stepped back to give her a critical once-over, making Jackie glad she had primped at the airport before getting in the cab. Though, from the thinly veiled disapproval in the woman’s eyes, Jackie didn’t quite make the cut. “My, you have changed! They have a spa here that’s supposed to work wonders.”

  Ignoring the last comment, Jackie flipped her ponytail over her shoulder as she forced herself to smile at the well-coiffed woman and her friends. “It has been a few years, hasn’t it? They have been kind to you, haven’t they?” Not enough, by Jackie’s reckoning. “We should go to the spa together and have a nice long chat and really catch up.”

  The older woman’s expression grew pinched at the insinuation that she would need such a long session, but she quickly recovered. “We’re all so glad you’re here.” She looped Jackie’s arm through hers and started walking.

  Caroline gave her a helpless shrug and a pleading smile. It was her friend’s wedding weekend, and Jackie refused to do anything that would ruin it.

  “I saw your mother just the other day. She’s doing well. She tells me that she and your father are heading to Rome this summer.”

  All the muscles in her body contracted at the mention of her parents. She’d known someone would bring them
up sooner or later, but she’d hoped it would have taken longer than five minutes after she arrived. “That’s nice,” Jackie said as mildly as she could.

  “It is. They’ve done quite a bit of traveling, from what I’ve heard.”

  Jackie really had no comment about that, so she stayed silent. Focusing on the scenery was much more interesting than listening to Regina blather on about her parents.

  “Mum, it’s been a while since Jackie and I have seen each other. I wanted to spend some time together before everything starts.”

  Regina slowed to a stop. “Yes, of course! Silly me!” She spun Jackie into Caroline’s arms. “Dinner is at eight.” And with that, she flitted off leaving a thick wake of Chanel No. 5.

  They watched her until they were sure she was out of earshot.

  Caroline smiled apologetically. “Sorry about that. Mum didn’t think you would come, and I don’t think she quite knows what to say.”

  Regina hadn’t been the only one not to know if she was going to make it. “It’s fine. I doubt I’d know what to say either.”

  Her friend didn’t look convinced. “You know, if money is a problem, my offer to pay for your stay still stands.”

  How had she managed to have such a good friend? “Thanks. But I’m okay—at least for the moment.” She laughed weakly. “I highly doubt I’ll make use of the magical spa they have here, though.”

  Caroline joined her in her mirth. “It can’t be that great. Otherwise, Mum would never leave it.”

  Jackie inhaled the fragrant air again and felt her muscles slowly unknot. It had been a long flight and she’d been tense worrying about the kind of reception she’d get. She had expected an inquisition, so she was relieved at how things had fared so far.

  She had an entire week to make it through yet.

  Caroline led her to the reception and stood by as Jackie went through the formality of checking in.

  “We had a minor disaster thanks to one of the groomsmen getting into a skiing accident last week. Charles assures me that he’s found a suitable replacement and that he will be here today so you won’t have to walk down the aisle alone.”

  The last thing she was worried about was walking down the aisle solo. “It’s lucky you found someone on such short notice.” Jackie barely remembered the days when she could drop everything at a moment’s notice to do whatever she liked.

  Jackie was dimly aware of masculine voices heading toward them. Two of them sounded familiar. She knew Caroline’s fiancé, Charles. They’d met a few times before. A Sutcliffe through and through, he was tall, broad, golden blond and blessed with a knack for finances like the rest of his dynasty. It was his laugh that she was able to pick up on immediately.

  But the other voice…

  The hairs on the back of her neck slowly stood to attention as it dawned on her whose voice was pricking her memory.

  Palms growing slick, she turned to find the groom and what appeared to be his groomsmen gathered around them.

  Charles and Caroline made a striking couple. Both beautiful and golden, they looked like they belonged on the cover of a magazine. He wrapped his arms around his fiancée and the gazes between them could only be described as blissful.

  But Jackie’s attention was torn away to focus on the darkly handsome man next to him. He still had the same rangy build she remembered, but he had filled out in a way that made her hands itch with want to touch him—to explore. He looked more refined, though just barely. The worn T-shirts and jeans that she knew he had favored in the past were replaced by khakis and a white button-down. The garment’s rolled-up sleeves revealed sculpted forearms. His clothes contrasted with his tan skin and slightly wild, dark hair and penetrating eyes. Logan Forrester looked dangerous—and angry.

  Jackie, by contrast, was tired and rumpled from the flight and she knew everyone could see it. It wasn’t something that could be hidden by her quick change into some of the few designer items she still owned and a haphazard makeup retouch before leaving the airport.

  The moment their eyes, met she couldn’t help the onslaught of memories that flooded her mind.

  What was Logan doing here?

  Fury and confusion mixed potently in her blood as she stared at him. Jackie couldn’t break his hypnotic gaze. He looked just as surprised to see her, but he quickly recovered. His eyes darkened impossibly as he raked his contemplative regard over her.

  Jackie caught Caroline’s panicked eye before she turned to her fiancé. “What’s going on?”

  “This is the tech genius I was telling you about, and my new groomsman.” Charles’ smile never wavered. “Lucky for us, he just happened to be here on business. What a coincidence, isn’t it?”


  Jackie’s lungs seized. It was as if she’d stepped outside her own body to watch the seriously horrifying situation. Yet, all she could do was stare at the devastatingly handsome man. The one she would never forget as long as she lived. She didn’t wait for introductions and blurted out his name before she could give in to her impulse to put as much space between them as physically possible. Preferably at least a continent.

  “Logan.” His name came out as an indictment.

  His smile stayed on his lips as he calmly greeted her with an equally icy, “Jackie.”

  The group around them quieted and stood back to watch them glare at each other. They would have fled a mile if they’d known the true depth of the feelings festering there.

  Out of everyone there, only Caroline knew about her and Logan’s turbulent parting. To the rest of them, it probably looked like two old lovers meeting again, awkwardly. An explosive combination that would inevitably detonate. All they needed to do was wait and watch for amusement. If only it were something so simple.

  Her friend shoved her fiancé off with a glare before grabbing Jackie and her suitcase to drag them both away.

  Caroline stomped along for several tense seconds before she growled, “I had no idea he was here, Jackie. I swear.”

  Still dazed and too numb to care, Jackie nodded.

  She’d never thought she would see Logan again. She had put him out of her mind years ago, refusing to think about him or the decision that had changed the course of her entire life.

  He had disappeared not too long after he’d graduated from university.

  After asking her to marry him.

  After she had dropped everything to be with him.

  It was completely surreal. She couldn’t get her mind around the fact that Logan Forrester had come crashing back into her life.

  Chapter Two

  Logan watched Jackie get hauled away by Caroline. Wasn’t that just a flashback of old times? Caroline never had liked him. The uppity heiress had always thought he was beneath them. It figured a stuck-up girl like her wouldn’t look twice at a guy like him.

  But Jackie had.

  He hadn’t seen her since the night he’d graduated. The night he’d thought would be the beginning of a new life for them both. The night Jackie had kicked him in the teeth and told him to take a hike, when she had realized he wasn’t good enough for her.

  Logan knew he should just walk away from the whole situation, but he’d promised to help Charles. Not to mention, she looked damn good. Still as prim and proper as ever. Her chestnut hair was longer, but was tugged back in a ponytail like she always used to do—something her mother had hated, or so Jackie had told him. At least she hadn’t buckled under the pressure her parents piled on her to look and act how they thought she should. She still wore designer clothing, dragged a suitably labeled suitcase, but she looked different. But then why wouldn’t she? It had been years since they’d seen each other. She would hardly be the girl in her late teens that he remembered. What he did know was that underneath the polished beauty was a sensual woman.

  He wondered if that Jackie was still there.

  The thought sent blood straight to his groin. He hated how his body responded to mere memories of her. After the way Jackie treated him, the
last woman he should want was her. But incredibly enough, he did.

  Damn her and damn his cock.

  The chemistry between them had been blistering, explosive. The sex, even more so. Was it any wonder his body craved her? There had been other women here and there, but they had all paled in comparison to Jackie. They had been tools to slake his lust and none had managed to get under his skin the way she had. As much as he hated to admit it, she had been the love of his life.

  And she had disposed of him like an empty coffee cup.

  He watched the sway of her hips—her ass—as she walked away, further fueling his memories and sending more blood to his cock—pissing him off even more.

  The shock in her eyes when she’d seen him was real, as was the anger. She’d been angry to see him? What reason did she have to be mad? She had been the one to drop him when he no longer fit into her neat little life.

  But there was something else under the fury. Pain?

  If anyone should feel pain at that moment it was him.

  However, the thought of her suffering in his presence sparked a merciless little impulse in the back of his mind. Why shouldn’t he make her hurt? She had devastated him. And all because he wasn’t rich enough or of the proper breeding. He might not have been able to do anything about his parentage, but he was now one of the richest men on the planet, even topping the paltry fortune her family had been so proud of.

  A fact he would love to rub in her face.

  He turned to Charles, only to realize that they were all watching him avidly. “What?” He snarled.

  “Wow. I’d ask if you two know each other, but it’s obvious. Just like the fact that you dislike each other.” Charles cocked his head with a shit-eating grin. “Bad breakup?”


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