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Fuel to the Fire

Page 10

by Kait Gamble

  “I’m pretty sure they had luxury in mind when designing this entire hotel.”

  He nodded as he circled the space. “Yeah, I would say so. I would have thought you would have gotten a bigger suite, though.”

  “What? Like yours?” Chuckling, Jackie shrugged. “This is more than adequate.”

  “Shall I order us dinner?

  “Sure. I’ll get dressed.”

  It looked like it was on the tip of his tongue to say something, but he nodded.

  Jackie jammed her arm into her suitcase and grabbed some clothes out of it without looking and retreated to the bathroom. “You know what I like.”

  She heard, “I certainly do,” as the door swung closed.

  Logan picked up the menu more to keep his hands busy than anything. He already knew what he would order after studying the menu when he’d been in his own suite contemplating the same thing. What he needed right now was a distraction from the naked woman not too far away.

  At least she seemed better than when he had left her before. The paleness had gone and thankfully so had the tears. It tore at him to see her cry. Did he want to ask her what had happened and risk bringing her to tears again?

  It wasn’t what he wanted.

  He’d have to feel her out. See where the conversation took them.

  Logan picked up the phone and ordered.

  Once that was done, he tapped on the door separating them. “I’ve made the order. It should be here soon.”

  “Right. I’ll just be a few minutes.”

  “No problem.” Logan circled the room again looking for a way of making it a bit more suitable for the type of meal he had in mind.

  Tugging the sheets off the bed, he headed toward the pool, stopped just short of the opening and spread them over the wood. He returned to grab the pillows off the bed and the cushions from the couch and dropped them strategically on the sheets.

  The effect was a picnic under the sunset without having to deal with grass or sand or bugs. Yet they still got the benefit of the fresh, cooling air and the sight of the stars.

  By the time Jackie emerged, he had everything all laid out but the food. He’d found some candles and a lighter and had done what he could to make it look, well, pretty.

  Jackie’s gaze fell upon what he’d done and shook her head with an amused little smile. “What’s going on in here?”

  “I thought we could have a picnic.” He held his hand out for her to take.

  Jackie looked lovely in the pale yellow sundress. He could see she hadn’t put on a bra and judging from the shadows he could see through the rather thin fabric, she probably hadn’t put on panties either. He tore his gaze away to take in her hair, which was back up in a damp ponytail. She almost appeared like her younger self. Only the look in her eyes was different. Jackie dissected whatever she saw now, unlike her wide-eyed optimistic self before. What had caused that?

  She slipped her hand into his and he led her to their impromptu picnic. Jackie sat, arranging her legs and skirt carefully, further convincing him that she didn’t wear anything under the dress.

  He’d had to go and make that stupid promise not to do anything.

  Picturing her bare beneath the dress played havoc with his hormones. He had to keep his mind on the meal, the scenery, the room. Anything but Jackie.

  He looked at the sky for a moment admiring the watercolor-like sunset of pinks and blues.

  “So are we actually eating or are we having an imaginary feast?”

  There was a knock at the door, and he pointed triumphantly at it. “Eating, of course.”

  He quickly crossed the space to answer the door. He greeted the waiter with a grin, took possession of the cart holding the massive tray and handed him a thick wad of bills before wishing him a good night and closing the door again.

  With a proud grin, he wheeled it in next to Jackie, carefully took the tray off the top and placed it on the middle of the sheet, then dropped to sit next to her.

  Jackie gave him an amused grin. “You look like a kid on Christmas morning.”

  He felt like it. At least a little.

  Logan took a moment building up the anticipation before he lifted the lid with a flourish.

  Underneath sat a six-course meal fit for royalty. As described on the menu there was smoked salmon cream topped with caviar, seared scallops served with Kobe beef and kimchee, foie gras with caramelized apple and an almond crust, crispy goats cheese morsels, red snapper with pearl couscous and champagne butter, dry-aged filet mignon with a purple potato cake and grilled pumpkin and finally dark chocolate and white chocolate truffles with a chocolate soufflé cake topped with raspberry Chantilly cream for dessert. Each plate came with a pair of complementing wines for them to enjoy. There was even an extra pair of glasses containing what looked like the pink champagne that came as the mid-meal drink described on the menu.

  The chef and sommelier certainly outdid themselves.

  He watched her expectantly. “They don’t usually have this on the room service menu. It took a little persuasion to have it all sent up at once.”

  “You didn’t have to go through all the trouble.” She eyed it speculatively before looking at him again.

  “Why not? We’re here, we might as well enjoy what the resort has to offer.”

  “Where should we start?” Her gaze swept undecidedly over the spread.

  “How about the caviar?” He pointed at the little puffs bearing the tiny black beads.

  “Why not?” Jackie took one and nibbled it delicately as she watched him.

  He took the tiny morsel in one bite and chewed thoughtfully. Logan caught Jackie’s amused gaze. “What?”

  “Just watching you eat caviar like it’s nothing. Just seems so strange.”

  He swallowed and sighed. “Considering where I came from?”

  She looked as if she girded herself for another argument as she replied, “Considering you hate fish.”

  “Things change.” He reached for another and popped it into his mouth to prove his point.

  The sparkle in her eyes waned a little. “They certainly do.”

  Logan carefully laid out all the dishes on the fabric and weighed what he would say next. He didn’t want to push her to tears, definitely didn’t want to make her relive anything that would upset her, but he needed to know what had happened to make their relationship implode.

  “You seem to have a lot on your mind.”

  She did too. Instead of diving into the incredibly artistic and delicious smelling food, Jackie watched him with great interest.

  “I’m not going to bite your head off, you know.”

  Jackie’s eyes widened slightly and her gaze immediately dropped away. She attempted to cover her surprise by picking up a scallop and taking a bite. At least she thought she did. Logan caught her unease.

  “This is delicious. You have to try it.” She held it out to show him what she’d picked up.

  Logan did as he was told and closed his lips over the morsel in her fingers. He slowly retreated, running his tongue over her sauce-covered fingers as he did so.

  The reticence in her eyes immediately burned away in a flash of desire.

  “You’re right. It’s fantastic.”

  Jackie mumbled something and reached for another, only to pick up the drink that waited next to the plate. She took a sip and sighed with delight.

  “I take it they did well with the pairings.”

  She took another less careful sip. “It’s wonderful. Like they knew exactly what drink would allow you to taste even the tiniest nuance of the food.”

  Jackie put the tiny half empty glass aside and went back for the caviar and its complementing wine. This time she gave an appreciative groan. “This is even better.”

  It was bad enough watching her eat with her fingers, licking and sucking on them, but Logan was getting harder listening to her contented exclamations. If he closed his eyes she could almost imagine her sucking him and making the same noises. />
  “Aren’t you going to have anything else?” Jackie blinked at him innocently.

  Was she playing with him?

  Logan picked up the foie gras and held it out for her to take a bite before he took the rest. It was rich. Delicious. It put a smile on his face. But not because of how good it was. He had never even heard of foie gras before Jackie had come into his life. It wasn’t until she’d spoken of the foods her family liked to dine on or the places they had traveled or even their possessions that he’d realized that there was an entire world that he could never access.

  At least not until he’d made enough money.

  Once he had, it was almost magical the way the right amount of cash would open even the tightest locked doors.

  It had taken him a little while to learn that opening every door wasn’t the boon that he thought it would be. Or that every woman would be like Jackie.

  He steered his mind away from those thoughts in favor of watching Jackie eat once again. Discomfort in his pants was preferable to the memory of women who hadn’t given a shit about him but only about the number in his bank account.

  It certainly had been a learning curve.

  Speaking of curves…

  Jackie had leaned over to take a sniff of the red snapper and the front of her dress gaped, giving him quite a tantalizing view.

  “If you don’t want me to drown in my own drool, you should probably sit back.”

  She looked down and immediately dropped back onto her butt with a dull thud. He choked on his next breath watching as the move also caused her skirt to flutter, giving him a glimpse of her pussy before it settled on her thighs once again.


  Not even remotely. Logan nodded but grabbed the closest glass and pounded it in one go. It did nothing to relieve the ache in his groin or to allay the urge to drag her under him and get back inside her as soon as possible.

  Jackie observed him with open curiosity, but said nothing as she continued to sample bits of every dish. Her vocalization of her appreciation each time sent more and more blood to his cock until he was so hard it was almost painful. Logan watched her pluck food with her delicate fingers and slip them into her mouth, practically purring with delight, making it increasingly hard trying to come up with reasons not to jump her.

  She reached for another glass, the one paired with the snapper this time. As she did, the strap of her dress slipped off her shoulder, dragging the fabric dangerously low until the hard peak of her nipple was the only thing keeping it up.

  As he reached for another glass, he caught her gaze and the tiny smile playing on her lips. It was intentional! Jackie knew exactly what she was doing!

  Grumbling, he gripped her arm and dragged her over to him. “I can’t believe you’d let me swallow my tongue just to get your kicks.”

  Jackie laughed and she fell against Logan’s broad chest. It had started as an accident. She was becoming anxious when she could see he wanted to talk about something. Only she hadn’t wanted to find out what about. When she’d realized what effect the noises she made had on him, the naughty side of her had emerged, wanting to see just how far she could push him. While at the same time distracting him from conversation.

  Two birds killed with one very pleasurable stone.

  She watched as Logan picked up the incredibly decadent looking dessert.

  “What do you think you’re going to do with that?” Jackie tried to edge away but he held her tight.

  He smiled. “Will you relax?”

  Logan swiped his finger through the rich Chantilly cream and held it out between them, presumably for her to taste.

  Jackie leaned forward to lick a little off his finger, but he surged forward and did the same. They met in the middle covered in the sweet mixture. Their tongues tangled, allowing her to taste the mingled essences of the cream and Logan before he came in for a devastatingly hot kiss. The result was indescribably delicious, addictive and blasted arousal through her to settle low in her belly and between her thighs. If only she could get this every day…

  She forced herself to stop thinking along those lines.

  This was here and now—a distraction—and nothing more.

  “What’s wrong?”

  When she drew back, the quizzical expression was clear on Logan’s face.

  She pinched a large chunk of the cake and stuffed it in his mouth. “Nothing at all.”

  His beautiful eyes narrowed. He knew he’d been challenged. Wasting no time, he hauled her close and lowered his lips to hers, sharing the cake.

  The mix of decadent chocolate and sinfully delicious Logan was heady, and it didn’t take long for her head to reel from the sheer power of his kiss.

  Logan tugged at her dress strap. “I know I promised nothing would happen, but you started it. So, I’m going to ask. Do you want this?”


  He grinned. “Then let’s lose the dress.”

  Jackie leaned forward, helping him slip it up and over her head. He tossed it over his shoulder.

  “I’m feeling artistic.” Logan eased her back. “Indulge me?”

  When he picked up the cake, she grinned. “Go for it.”

  Logan circled his finger slowly in the cream and dragged it over her lips and down her chin until it petered out on her throat. He repeated the action, continuing the line down her chest between her breasts.

  Jackie closed her eyes, letting him do as he liked, enjoying the dueling sensations of the heat of his finger versus the chill of the cream. She felt him tracing patterns over her skin. Spirals around her breasts that circled tighter and tighter around her nipple. He topped them with cool dollops of cream that only made them harden further.

  He swept his fingers over her abdomen, painting her skin. Then down her legs.

  Then, for a long moment, there was nothing. What was he doing? She was about to open her eyes to find out, but he closed his mouth over her nipple. Logan licked her clean using long strokes of his tongue. He alternated the lashes with gentle suction before moving to the other and giving it the same excruciatingly slow treatment.

  Arching under him, she sighed when he drew his tongue over her abdomen then down one leg and up the other, staying well away from where she wanted him most.


  He edged his way up her leg, slowing his movements even more. Drawing out the torture.

  Jackie clawed her hands in his hair, doing what she could to drag him closer to where she wanted him.

  Chuckling, he relented. Logan let Jackie guide him between her thighs and finally pressed his lips against her folds.

  Sparks of pleasure radiated from his touch, causing her to involuntarily arch against his mouth. It gave him the perfect angle to slide his tongue deeper. Logan bobbed his head, thrusting his tongue into her, curling it around her clit on the way out.

  Jackie held him tightly when he sucked on clit and gently licked her, building the pleasure until the pressure reached the point of explosion. She tried to stifle the cry, but the wave of sensation was just too great to contain. She trembled in orgasm with a gasping cry of, “Logan!”

  He slid up her body and took the cry into his mouth as he adjusted himself and drove his cock deeply into her.

  Logan ended the kiss just as her lungs began to burn for air and stared into her eyes as he thrust. Each rock of his hips plunged his thick erection inside her, reaching that spot deep inside that drove her crazy. When he found it, he changed the motion of his hips, holding her gaze as he circled them, swirling the head of his cock into her sensitive nerve endings.

  Jackie didn’t think he could make her feel any better, but was so glad she had been wrong. Nothing about sex with Logan was ever soft, quiet or tame. She never wanted it to be. He just seemed to know exactly what she was in the mood for and how to give it to her.

  She arched into him, wanting him to feel the same ecstasy she was.

  Logan grinned at her as he lengthened his thrusts, changing the angle on
ce again so that the wide head of his erection dragged on the roof of her pussy on the way out.

  Her jaw dropped and her lungs hitched at the sensation.

  “I know,” he groaned. “You feel amazing.”

  Jackie couldn’t speak—only feel. Her orgasm hovered so close. Toes curled from the pleasure, she gripped his hips and tried to get him to focus his movements.

  Logan took the hint. His hands tight on her hips, Logan held Jackie in place as he drove into her. His gaze stayed locked on hers as he worked them both toward stunning orgasms.

  Jackie let her eyes drift closed as she spiraled toward climax, intending on savoring every sensation.

  “Keep your eyes open. I want to see you come.”

  She did and the moment their eyes met, it hit her without warning like a tidal wave.

  Jackie dug her nails into his back as if he was the only thing keeping her from oblivion, but kept her eyes open and focused on his.

  She watched as Logan joined her, his face contorting in pleasure so extreme it almost looked painful.

  They lay there for a time floating in the blissful afterglow.

  Logan rolled to his side as he caught his breath. “I must be crushing you.”

  The thing was, Jackie didn’t really mind. She enjoyed the feel of his weight on her. Smiling, she shook her head. “Not really.”

  Still, he tipped to the side, careful not to crush her. “Shall we hit the shower?”

  “In a bit.” She felt too deliciously languid to attempt movement just yet. Jackie stretched a little and let her eyes drift close.

  “You know, I used to dream about taking us to places like this simply so we could be naked the whole time.”

  That snapped her out of her blissful state. It seemed her tactic hadn’t worked after all. She regretted not taking that shower now.

  “Yeah?” Jackie shifted, trying to think of the best next move. Finally, she rolled over to look at him.

  Logan shoved his arm under his head to improve his view of her. “What?”

  “Can we stick to the deal not to talk about anything other than the here and now?”


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