Fuel to the Fire

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Fuel to the Fire Page 14

by Kait Gamble

  “You certainly know how to appeal to a girl’s heart.” Jackie smiled and held her glass out to his.

  “Cheers.” He tapped his rim to hers before taking a sip.

  Jackie did likewise.

  “So I had a spa day planned for us tomorrow.”

  “After the wedding rehearsal, right?”

  He gave her a wry smile. “Of course.”

  “Sounds great.”

  Logan noticed the enthusiasm wasn’t quite there, but once she arrived Jackie would love it.

  “Just come by my suite tomorrow morning.”

  “Does that mean I’m not invited to stay tonight?”

  Logan grinned. “I didn’t want to presume.”

  “I’ll guess we’ll just have to see how you play your cards tonight.”

  After what had happened when he showed up to escort her to dinner, he wasn’t sure how the night would turn out. He thought he’d done pretty well with his choice of clothes and shoes. Only that had backfired quite badly. It had never occurred to him that she would take it that way.

  Logan had picked out things that he remembered her liking. It never dawned to him that she would think that it was an attempt to change her in any way.

  It was as though she was determined to take everything he said, every gesture he made, the wrong way. It was frustrating, but he never had been one to turn down a challenge.

  Somehow it made winning her over even more of a prize. That was if he could eventually do it.

  It seemed a bit more likely after her comment about the coming night.

  Was Jackie going to try to be more open about herself?

  He was making a leap with that one, but he could only hope.

  He was going to drive himself crazy. Logan took a long breath. He would let Jackie decide the pace.

  “You look serious.”

  “Do I?”

  “I was just joking about tonight. If you’d rather have your space, that’s fine.”

  Jackie’s eyes were wide and he could clearly see the uncertainty. Was she testing the waters and seeking reassurance from him that it wasn’t misplaced?

  “Of course I want you to stay the night. There’s nothing I want more.”

  Logan relieved her of her drink and placed it along with his in the sand, wiggling them deeper into it so they stayed upright. “Can I have this dance?”

  “There’s no one else dancing.”

  “So we’ll be trendsetters.” He held his arms out and waited for her to step into them.

  When she put her shoes down and finally stepped into his embrace, Logan held her tightly to him and they swayed to the soft beat of the music.

  The sensation of having her so close was blissful. Feeling her curves pressed against him tempted him to take things further, but he considered where they were and how important it was for Jackie to be there for Caroline. So he danced and did his best to ignore the burgeoning erection he knew she could feel against her.

  “Hey, you two. We’re sitting down for dinner.”

  Charles stayed a step away from the sand beckoning them to come in. The rest of the guests had already taken their seats. It seemed that they had missed the call to come in.

  Jackie lurched from his arms. “Sorry, we’ll be right there.” She grabbed her shoes. “We should get in there.”

  Logan picked up their glasses and followed.

  All eyes were on them as they took their seats. Jackie’s cheeks were a bright pink and her eyes were averted as he helped her into her chair. A glance around the room proved they were the topic of conversation. He wished he could shield her from their speculative gazes.

  As he thought about it, it occurred to him that she always seemed to be watched and whispered about among the people at the resort with them. It was strange that they paid such close attention to her. Even with all the new people in the room, she seemed to be favored with covert glances and nudges.

  And Jackie knew it. She did her best not to appear as though she cared, but she did. Her shoulders were stiff and she doggedly kept her gaze away from everyone else’s because she knew they watched her. Talked about her.

  Logan stood where he was and glared at the room.

  “What are you doing?” Jackie grabbed his arm and dragged him down into his seat.

  “What the hell are they whispering about?” Was all the attention because of who she was spending time with?

  “Just ignore them.”

  “But—” If it was because of him, he’d give them something to talk about.

  “Logan, please. I just want to have a nice evening. I don’t care what a few gossiping idiots have to say.”

  He gripped her hand when she tried to pull it away. “What are they saying? You must have some idea since this seems to happen to you all the time.”

  She stared at him mulishly. “I don’t care. And neither should you.”

  “Jacqueline! You look wonderful!” Regina swept up to them and took Jackie’s hands. “Gucci! Very nice!”

  The tight smile Jackie gave the woman twisted Logan’s gut.

  “Thank you, Regina. It was a gift.”

  The woman chortled as if what she’d said was the most amusing thing Regina had ever heard. “Of course it was.”

  “I thought it was an occasion that called for the line’s latest.” Jackie eyed the woman’s dress. “I guess that was my prerogative.”

  Logan smile smiled at the way Caroline’s mother puffed up. She did well to recover, however. “It looks as though the speeches are about to start.”

  Charles’ father stood at the center of the room and cleared his throat, drawing all eyes. Logan spared him a momentary glance before turning his attention back to Jackie. What wasn’t she telling him?

  Speeches were made and food was served. Logan didn’t care about any of it.

  Jackie kept quiet almost the entire time. She responded as she should, when she should, but it was mechanical, almost as if it was preprogrammed. Her smile was forced and she appeared to be all but completely checked out of the situation. Why was she forcing herself to be there?

  For Caroline?

  What did she owe her? As far as he’d ever seen, Jackie always seemed to be the one that did the helping.

  Logan knew Jackie wouldn’t answer anything while they were within earshot of everyone. He would have to bide his time. Maybe she would be open to discussion later.

  If she wasn’t completely stressed out by the meal, that was.

  It was certainly stressing him out enough. Logan could only imagine what Jackie was going through.

  No wonder she was always so wound up. And then he would show up and push her buttons more.

  Was it any wonder why she would fly off the handle? She was completely frazzled just being there.

  He was just the icing on the cake.

  Logan would make sure that the next two days would be more relaxing for her. Tomorrow especially.

  Jackie focused on the food, the table, a spot in the distance behind whoever’s turn it was to speak.

  Next to her, Logan sat jaw tense, fists clenched. She was sure if anyone was to venture close enough to their table they would probably get dragged over and interrogated.

  Unsure of whether his protectiveness was welcome or not, Jackie just prayed that people would take the hint and stop staring.

  He was sure to ask questions after this. The time they’d spent together so far had almost been exclusively alone. But now that he’d seen how others reacted when they were around her, how could he not want to know what was going on? She knew she would.

  Why couldn’t everyone just mind their own business and stop being so interested in what others were doing for just once?

  Tough luck with this crowd. Most of the people at the meal tonight were ones who had flown in for the ceremony. So of course they had to catch up on what was going on. Who was there.

  With the fallen Jaqueline Pennington in the room, what else was there to talk about?

  At l
east her parents hadn’t been invited. That would have been insufferable. Though seeing her with Logan would have outraged them in a way she would have loved to have seen.

  Logan nudged her. “What are you smirking about?”

  “I’ll tell you another time.”

  “I wish you’d tell me now. It’d make this fish a lot easier to swallow.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes. “If you didn’t want the fish, why didn’t you just tell someone?” She swapped dishes with him, exchanging her steak with his fish.

  “The other guy ordered the fish, not me. I’m just here as a stand-in, remember?” He sawed off a bit of the steak and ate it with an appreciative groan. “So good.”

  She smiled. “You should have said something sooner. You have more to eat now.” Jackie had been so preoccupied that she hadn’t checked to see how he was doing. Not that it was her place. He was a grown man.

  Then again, he had been out of sorts himself. With everything going on it was a miracle they’d even managed to eat at all.

  “I’ll be fine. It’s not like this place doesn’t have outstanding room service.”

  That was true enough. She would miss it once it was over and she was back in her real life.

  “And now you’re sad again.”

  Her gaze collided with his. “Stop scrutinizing me and enjoy your meal.”

  When he said nothing, she turned to find him still watching her. “What did I just say?”

  “How can I stop watching you? You’re the most beautiful woman in the room and the biggest mystery.”

  “Is that what you want? A big mystery to unravel?” Of course that was why he was being so attentive.

  “Not at all. I was just thinking that I’m the luckiest guy in the room to have the complete package right here next to me.”

  “Will you just stop?” Heat crept into her cheeks once again. How was it that after everything they’d done, he could still make her blush with a few words?

  “It’s the truth.” He washed down the last of the steak with what was left of his wine. “Think we’ve put in enough time here yet?”

  “Not even remotely.” There was going to be mingling and more dreaded conversation to come.

  “If people want to talk to you rather than about you, they’ll have time tomorrow at the rehearsal or at the reception after the big event.” He stood and held up his hand. “Come on.”

  Jackie slipped her hand into his with a smile. But instead of letting him lead her from the room immediately she dragged him over to Caroline and Charles.

  The instant her friend saw her approach, her expression became pinched. “Are you okay?”

  Jackie nodded. “We’re going to take off. But we’ll see you in the morning for the rehearsal.”

  Caroline came around the table to give her a hug. “No one’s hounding you, are they?” she whispered.

  “No, just getting the usual stares and all that. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  “Busybodies with no lives of their own,” she snarled. Caroline drew back and looked at Logan then back at Jackie. “We’ll see you both in the morning.”

  Logan mumbled something but she didn’t catch it. They wound their way through the crowded room and it wasn’t until they made it out that Jackie felt like she could breathe again. She let the rigid smile fall from her face as she sighed with relief.

  “You know I’m completely confused by what’s going on, right? That I want to ask you about it?”

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” She tried to keep her voice light but she failed if his expression was anything to go by.

  “I won’t yet. I hope you’ll tell me on your own, when you feel ready. You hardly need someone getting in your face right now.” Logan closed his hand around hers and held it tightly to his chest. “Just know that if you need someone to back you up, I’m the guy.”

  The smile that spread over her lips was a true one. “I know. Thanks.”

  He pressed her hand to his lips. “Good. So where do you want to go now? It’s still early. We could wander around for a bit.”

  “Any other secret little places around here you haven’t shown me yet?”

  He smiled mysteriously. “How about we just start walking and see where our feet take us?”

  “These aren’t exactly walking shoes, though.” Jackie kicked back one foot to lift in demonstration.

  “Take them off.”

  Jackie pouted. “I’m not about to go walking around here without my shoes on.”

  “That’s not what I said to do, was it? Will you just take them off?”

  Huffing and using him for support, she slipped the shoes off. “Now what?”

  “Give them to me.”

  She did.

  Logan hunkered down in front of her. “Now get on my back.”

  “You’re joking.”

  Craning his head around to smile at her he asked, “Does it look like I’m joking?”

  What the hell? Might as well give people something new to talk about. Jackie climbed on. Once Logan had her held securely against him he stood and started walking outside.

  “So are you at least going to tell me where we’re off to?”

  “It wouldn’t be much of a secret if I told you, would it?”

  The air here was something Jackie would never tire of. She felt the same way about being wrapped around Logan. Despite their ups and downs this week, he had proven himself loyal, gentle and even understanding on top of being her dream lover. It was wonderful and scary. It would be so easy to just let go and fall back into his arms.

  And why shouldn’t she?

  The one thing holding her back was their past. The hurt he’d inflicted upon her had been terrible. But hadn’t it led her to a life she now enjoyed? She had become independent and, while she was inhibited by her lack of cash a lot of the time, she was free to be and do what she wanted, like she’d always dreamed. The one thing that was missing was Logan by her side.

  Now, if he was willing, they could be a couple.

  But she had to find out why he had left her in the first place. Why he had disappeared as he did. Until she found out the truth behind that, Jackie couldn’t trust him completely.

  At least not with her heart.

  He walked onto the sand. Jackie couldn’t sense anyone else on the beach with them. She suspected that most of the people staying at the resort were there for Caroline’s wedding and were at the dinner. The inky darkness beckoned them to venture farther. Jackie simply held on for the ride. She lowered her head to rest her chin in the crook of his neck and closed her eyes.

  His scent was intoxicating. Combined with the darkness and the rhythmic surge of the surf it was downright hypnotic.

  They walked a little while longer, before he jostled her.

  “Are you asleep?”

  Jackie sighed. “Nope. Just enjoying the ride.”

  Chuckling, he adjusted his grip on her legs. “I’m going to put you down now, okay?”


  Logan slowly slid her down his back so she stood in the soft sand.

  She curled her toes into the powdery sand and burrowed her feet deeper into the warmth. They stood in a little alcove that hid them from the hotel. The ocean spread before them like ink under a velvet sky glittering with stars. There was no moon, yet it wasn’t too dark to see.

  Jackie didn’t get much of a chance to relish the feeling before he spun her in his arms, cupped her cheeks and kissed the breath from her lungs.

  He smiled against her lips before he withdrew. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”

  “Well, in that case.” She dragged him back in for another. Jackie took the lead, brushing her tongue against his as she pressed herself against him.

  Logan didn’t miss a beat and angled his head to deepen the kiss. He pulled her tight against him, allowing no space between them. As if he wanted to fuse them together.

  The kiss was nearly hot enough to do it.

  He picked her up.
Jackie wound her legs around his hips as he walked back toward the stone that hid them from sight.

  He muttered against her lips as he shrugged off his jacket. “Hang on tight with your legs.”

  Logan slipped it off and whipped it around behind her. She jammed her arms into the sleeves just as he pressed her against the rock. He pushed her skirt up and out of the way so he could run his hands over her thighs and grip her ass.

  Holding her in place, he ground his rigid cock against her. The searing heat emanating from him penetrated their clothes.

  Jackie rocked her pelvis, creating a friction that wasn’t nearly enough. But it was something at least. Logan joined in, rubbing himself against her in counterpoint to her movements. Much better, but Jackie needed more.

  Tugging at his belt, she quickly undid it and the fastening on his trousers. With them out of her way she guided her hand under to curl around his cock. She pumped her hand up and down his length, tightening her grip as he grew harder.

  “Shit, Jackie. Keep that up and I’ll come way too soon.”

  She didn’t slow, loving the power she had over him. Grinning, Jackie sucked his bottom lip between hers, giving it a little bite.

  Growling, Logan wrenched aside her panties and circled her clit. He was rougher in his touch than usual but she loved it. She would come before he would if he kept it up. And he knew it.

  Sparks entered the periphery of her vision. Her breath hitched as she got closer to a quick orgasm. Just as she began to tremble, Logan withdrew his hand. Somehow he managed to find and don a condom before pushing his entire length into her with one hard thrust.

  Jackie came spectacularly on his second thrust, groaning as she shattered around him.

  Logan held her tight, keeping her from falling bonelessly to the ground as he sought his own release. Mindlessly, he pounded into her. Each impact against her clit sent more shock waves radiating through Jackie which culminated in another climax just as Logan orgasmed as well.

  She clung to him as the pleasure subsided.

  Trembling like she was, Logan pulled her away from the rock. “Are you okay?”

  Her hips and butt were a bit tender, but other than that, she felt wonderful as she always did after sex with Logan. “I’m good.”

  He lowered her to her feet so they could right their clothes before he tugged her into his embrace. “Feel like sitting here a while?”


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