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Fuel to the Fire

Page 16

by Kait Gamble

  It was perfect.

  Logan was her man. It was something she thought she knew years ago, but now she was positive. Logan Forrester was the man she was meant to be with.

  The revelation was as awe-inspiring as it was stunning.

  What if he didn’t feel the same way?

  Her chest ached at the thought.

  He had to after their time tougher the past few days, how could he not? Then again, men didn’t exactly think the same way. For him it’d probably just been good sex.

  She took another long sip of her water, nearly choking on the lemon when she convulsively swallowed.

  Logan immediately patted her gently on the back. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” she gasped. She heaved a breath and forced herself to smile.

  Logan didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure? Because you’re really pale.”

  Jackie nodded, even though she wasn’t entirely sure herself. Was she going to be all right? How was she even going to talk to him about it? Especially with everything still hanging over them. It was entirely possible that he would want to stick to their agreed arrangement and want things to end when this trip did.

  But he was being so sweet.

  Hadn’t she thought the same of him when he’d broken her heart?

  It was pointless speculating. She was going to drive herself crazy if she kept it up.

  As she tried to figure out a way of broaching the subject with him, the crepes arrived. They’d buy her a little more time.

  Logan watched Jackie as she cut the crepes into ribbons, barely eating any. Something was up. She had seemed happy when she arrived then in a flash, she had gone quiet and pensive.

  After the night they’d had, Logan was sure she felt as fantastic as he did. The wall that had been between them was crumbling, and she seemed to truly relax with him.

  So what had just happened?

  He could almost see her mind at work, and there had definitely been a thought that had caused her to shut him out.

  Logan stabbed his crepe before cutting off a hunk with his fork. “Is your breakfast to your liking?”

  “It’s very nice.” Jackie kept her gaze on her food as she spoke.

  “If there’s something on your mind, I’d love to hear it.” He put his fork down and sat back in his chair.

  Jackie stilled for an instant. She swallowed the mouthful of crepe then washed it down with a gulp of water before she sat back as well.

  It was the longest ten seconds of his life.

  “Where do you see this going, Logan?”

  Her voice was choked, barely a whisper.

  He saw it going all the way. Logan wasn’t about to propose marriage right then and there, but he could see it going that far once again.

  The last thing he wanted to do was freak her out by going too fast. It was better to go slowly. “Why do you ask?”

  “I just wondered. I feel as though things have gone beyond our original agreement when we first started this.”

  He allowed himself a smile. “I think so, too.”

  Jackie smiled a little as well, and the tightness in his chest eased a bit.

  The mood shifted yet again. Though, Logan wasn’t sure how he wanted to segue into how they were going to proceed. There was still a lot they needed to sort out between them. But if he was willing to get over what had happened, he couldn’t see why she would have a problem.

  From now on, he envisioned smooth sailing. At least that was the hope. Being with Jackie again was nothing short of miraculous. He wasn’t going to do anything to screw it up.

  Jackie relaxed visibly and the mood slowly altered once again. They reverted to two lovers enjoying the morning together.

  They leisurely enjoyed their meal, adding another cup of coffee each at the end. Not many words were spoken. Logan didn’t feel like they were needed. Every touch and look said volumes.

  Jackie checked her phone for the time and gasped. “We’re going to be late!”

  How had they whiled away so much time? And yet it felt as though no time had passed at all.

  He stood and held his hand out to her. “I guess we’d better get a move on.”

  She grabbed her things and took his hand with her free one. Logan was sure their lack of time management would stress her out, but she didn’t look too concerned. In fact, she looked calmer than he thought she would. Up until now, she had been a stickler for time keeping, especially where the wedding was concerned. This morning she seemed concerned but not completely obsessed with getting there.

  Or perhaps she wasn’t overly concerned with getting away from him.

  He couldn’t help the smile from creeping over his lips.

  They arrived at the beach where everyone was waiting.

  Almost everyone.

  Jackie looked up and down obviously searching for her friend. But Caroline and Charles were nowhere to be seen.

  Caroline’s mother rushed over. “Jacqueline, have you seen or heard from Caroline?”

  Guilt crept over Jackie’s face. “I had a text, but nothing since then.” She pulled out her phone and checked again.

  “She and Charles are probably holed up somewhere and lost track of time.” Logan offered.

  A man who Logan assumed would be officiating the ceremony walked up to them. “I have to be across the island within the next hour. If we are to do this practice run we need to do it now.”

  “How can we do it without the bride and groom?” Caroline’s mother stared wide-eyed at the man.

  The harassed-looking coordinator appeared at that moment and forced a bright smile. “We can have this couple stand in for them. I’m assuming they are part of the wedding party.”

  Jackie nodded, but all color had drained from her face. “Would that be appropriate? They’re the ones who need to know what to do.”

  “Please, Jacqueline. It won’t take up too much time and then you two could relay the information to Caroline and Charles. Though they already know what to do anyway. It’s their ceremony. They’re the ones who planned it out.”

  Logan just nodded. “Sure. We’ll do it.”

  He dragged Jackie with him to the podium that was acting as the altar. “What’s going on with Caroline and Charles?” he whispered.

  “I have no idea. I got a text this morning saying she needed to talk to me, but I haven’t heard from her since. You don’t think they’ve taken off, do you?”

  “I’m sure they wouldn’t leave their families in the lurch like that.” He might have said the words, but he didn’t feel too confident in them.

  “I should have gone to find her the moment I got the text.” Jackie looked anguished and it broke his heart a little.

  “It’ll work out. We’ll just stand in for them now and if we haven’t heard from them by the end of it, we’ll search for them.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t look convinced.

  “If you two will take your places.” The coordinator motioned them over, positioning them very precisely. She linked their hands. “Pretend to be in love.” Then she rushed off to get everyone else in their places.

  The woman might have said it jokingly, but when Jackie’s gaze collided with Logan’s, everything else fell away.

  Jackie barely listened to what was being said or going on around them. They went through the motions of the ceremony. And while she was concerned about her friend, she couldn’t help but wonder at the surreal turn things had taken.

  She stood holding Logan’s hands, pretending to be getting married like a bizarre parody of a children’s game.

  The officiant said whatever it was he was supposed to say. Jackie heard words like ‘love’ and ‘eternal’. All she saw was Logan and the look in his eyes as they were being said. His warm hands closed around hers made her feel safe.

  Made it feel authentic.

  “And here’s where they would say ‘I do’.”

  Jackie murmured the words before she knew what she was doing. What was even more startling was Loga
n had said them too.

  The feeling that left her with was hard to identify but left her heart fluttering in her chest.

  Logan cleared his throat with a cough.

  The wedding coordinator grinned brightly and walked them through the final steps of the ceremony, while Jackie robotically went through the motions.

  “And there you go! Just like that, Charles and Caroline will be Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffe!”

  Not that anyone was listening to her any longer. Jackie looked up at Logan and realized she still held onto his hand. When she tried to pull it back, he wouldn’t let her.

  That moment had shaken him too, apparently. There was something in his eyes that caused her insides to tremble. The ceremony, as fake as it was, felt right. Real.

  He took a long slow breath and brought her hand to his lips.

  He brushed his lips lightly over the back of her fingers. “I guess we should try and find the wayward couple, shouldn’t we?”

  Jackie nodded. “Let me check my phone.”

  He held her hand a moment longer before relinquishing it.

  She quickly dug through her purse for her phone, but before she fished it out Caroline’s mother let out a delighted squeal. “They’re fine. They went on an early morning excursion and their boat lost power. It’s being fixed and they should be back in a couple of hours.”

  Jackie sagged with relief. “Thank goodness.”

  Logan smiled a little as well. “Shall we, then?”

  They would head back to his suite now that Caroline and Charles were okay. Maybe they would talk a little about what had just happened?

  She slipped her hand into his. The frisson of electricity that zapped between them told her talking was probably going to be pushed aside in favor of more sensual activities.

  They made it to his suite quickly. No words were exchanged or needed. Logan closed the door securely behind them and started unbuttoning his shirt. Not wanting to be left behind, Jackie slipped her top off over her head.

  It quickly turned into a game of who could get undressed the quickest and within moments they stood bare.

  She let her gaze wander over him. His body was perfectly proportioned, well sculpted and beautiful. Jackie could spend all day just staring at him. Well, not quite all day, because just looking at him stirred other longings. Ones that involved touching and tasting what she saw.

  Jackie stepped into his arm and angled her head to receive a sizzling kiss. She let her hands glide over his chest, exploring the taut skin over his pecs. The groan that rumbled through him when she grazed his flat nipples with her thumbs brought a smile to her lips.

  She had just as much power over him as he had over her and it was a heady thing. That she could have a big, virile man like Logan trembling and groaning from something as simple as a touch of her fingers was amazing—awe-inspiring, even.

  Logan cupped her cheek and brushed his lips against hers again. When he drew back and gazed into her eyes, Jackie’s breath caught.

  The look there, it was one she remembered glowing back at her before. Trembling, she stared right back into his eyes, not quite daring to believe what she saw.


  As simple as that. It was right there in his eyes, shining brightly.

  Too choked up for words, Jackie grinned up at him and dragged him in for another kiss, hoping he knew she returned his feelings.

  Logan kissed her long, lingeringly before he picked her up and carried her to the massage table.

  The last thing on her mind was a massage. When he placed her down on it she hooked her legs around his, keeping him from going anywhere. After grabbing a bottle of oil, she pulled out the stopper and drizzled it over her breasts, watching him the entire time.

  Logan licked his lips as he used both hands to rub the oil into her skin. He slowly spread the warmed liquid from her collarbone to her pelvis. He smoothed it in thoroughly, obviously loving the feel of her skin against his as much as she did.

  Slowly, he slid down her body until he knelt between her legs. He greased up her legs, starting at her toes. Rubbing them one by one then sliding up to her ankles, her calves then thighs. Reverently making sure every inch of her was oiled and pliant.

  Jackie allowed him to do what he liked. She was too boneless to do anything but. Having Logan’s hands all over her, caressing her everywhere, was everything she had imagined and more.

  The liquid ache at her core was growing by the second. Logan seemed to read her mind because he lowered his head to kiss her between the thighs. Without drawing back, he opened his mouth to suck her clit between his lips and flick her gently with his tongue.

  It was all she need to come shuddering to a climax. Jackie gripped his head as she reared against Logan’s mouth. Starbursts exploded in her vision as he continued his sensual assault. Her orgasm continued on and on until her vision dimmed and she had to pull him away from her over-sensitized flesh.

  Logan dragged her off the table to sprawl over him on the floor. The oil allowed her to glide over him pleasurably. He reached into the clothing he’d discarded and fished out a condom and put it on before he angled her and slid her over him.

  Jackie gasped as he filled her in one swift thrust. Taking advantage of the oil, he slid her back and forth over him. The strange sensation caused by the slippery friction was indescribably good. Logan began to meet her with a thrust whenever he slid her down, each time sending radiating sparks of pleasure through her entire body.

  It didn’t take long for her to build to another orgasm. Jackie wanted him to come with her. Holding his gaze, she took control of the thrusts, the timing, the depth, the force. Logan watched her with utter fascination and delight on his face.

  As her own orgasm started to tingle in her toes, his breath began to hitch. His hands clutched her hips as his jaw went slack. Gripping her to him, he sat up so that they were nearly face to face as their orgasms hit almost simultaneously.

  The world blurred as Jackie trembled. Logan tangled his fingers in her hair, angling her head for a delicious kiss.

  “You are incredible.”

  Jackie laughed, enjoying the closeness she felt with him. “I could say the same about you.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” He refused to let go when she wriggled. “Just let me hold you a little bit longer.”

  She relented. It was a wonderful feeling. They stayed that way for a long while, just entwined with each other.

  He carefully got to his feet, taking her with him as if she weighed nothing.

  “Where are we going?” She giggled.

  “To the shower.” He shifted his grip as he started walking. “We’re going to get clean before we get dirty again.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jackie woke the next morning entangled with Logan again, though this time he was sprawled over her. Smiling, she stretched slightly, loving the feel of his skin against hers, but not wanting to wake him. He mumbled something and wrapped his arms tighter around her, refusing to let her go even in sleep.

  That he was so tired wasn’t a surprise. They had had a long and very busy night. She couldn’t muster the strength to do more than sigh.

  The breeze that blew in was warm and fragrant, mingling with the lingering scent of the incense from the night before. The scenery outside shone brightly.

  What time was it?

  Jackie tried to reach her phone, but couldn’t thanks to the weight of Logan pinning her down.


  “Hmm?” He arched against her, giving her no doubt that his body was awake and ready to go, even if he wasn’t.

  “I think we slept in.” Feeling him hot and hard against her severely tested her resolve to get out of bed.

  “I think we can stand to stay in bed a little longer.”

  Sleep-rumpled, Logan looked adorable.

  When she scowled at him he shrugged, completely unfazed. “It can’t be that late. And the wedding isn’t until this afternoon anyway.”

  It would b
e so easy to let him talk her into staying. “And you think that all I have to do is throw on a dress and that’s all there is to it?”

  “Well, yeah. You look amazing with makeup and without. In a dress”—he whipped aside the sheets to look at her—“and out of one.”

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only for you.” He wedged himself between her thighs and used his superior size to keep her in place. “Check the time. I promise we’re not going to be late for anything.”

  As she reached for her phone, he grazed her breasts with his hands before cupping them firmly and nuzzling his nose between them.

  And how was she going to read the damn thing if she couldn’t see straight?

  It took her a few tries to focus her eyes and keep them from rolling back from the pleasure coursing through her from his touch.

  “So?” His voice was muffled against her skin.

  He was right. They still had an hour at least before they had to get up. “We have a little time.”

  He lifted his gaze to catch hers with a small smirk. “Is that a challenge?”

  Jackie wriggled under him. “Think you have what it takes to make me come before we have to leave?”

  “Oh, I know I do.” He lazily traced circles around her clit, sending tremors though her, proving his point. “The question is, can you get me to come to fit in with your time frame?”

  That was interesting. Jackie had to admit she was intrigued. She knew she had an effect on him. But could she make him climax as quickly as he could make her?

  Jackie ran her hands over him. “And if I do?”

  “Then I shall hail you as queen of my world.”

  She reached his groin and closed her hand around his erection. “Does that mean you don’t already?”

  He groaned. “I will do it in front of the world.”

  She would love to see that happen. “You’re on.”

  Jackie shoved him back to twist Logan under her.

  He grinned up at her. “I like this whole dominatrix thing you’ve got going on right now.”

  She hushed him. “Shhh. I’m on a deadline.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He settled back ready to let her do whatever she wanted.


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