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Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series

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by Anita Lawless

  Hard Rock Stepbrothers

  The Complete Series

  Anita Lawless

  Copyright © 2015 Anita Lawless

  Published by Wild & Lawless Writers

  All rights reserved. No part of this ebook may be distributed, shared, resold, posted online, or reproduced in any electronic or hard copy form.

  This ebook is a work of fiction. Any similarities between actual persons or events is entirely coincidental. This ebook contains adult content and is intended for a mature readership. All sexual scenarios depicted in this ebook occur between consenting adults over 18 years of age.

  Cover art design by Wild & Lawless Writers.

  The photo on the cover comes from a free images section of a photo stock site. It is used here under a royalty-free license. The writer, publisher, and cover designer claim no rights to the original photo. Photographer and model have no affiliation with the author, cover designer, or publisher, and use of this photo does not suggest in any way that the model or photographer endorse the author’s work.

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  This ebook includes:

  Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 1

  Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 2

  Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 3

  Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 4

  Bonus Story: On Tour

  Bonus Excerpt: Taboo Love

  Bonus Excerpt: Taboo and Tattooed

  99 Cents Sales

  About the Author

  Also Available from the Wild & Lawless Writers


  Hard Rock Stepbrothers Part 1

  Mickie Malloy sat at her desk and frowned at a memo from her boss. Back off the cocaine trafficking story for now, it said. She hated when her boss, the much older and much more seasoned editor in chief of the Saint John Gazette, acted so bipolar without explanation.

  She was a new reporter there, but in her six months with the Gazette she’d rose up as his star, giving him a cutting edge expose that broke one of the biggest recent scandals in their small city. She’d exposed a money laundering scam run by a prominent local banker. Turned out the banker’s hands were dirty with illegal weapon bootlegging, and he’d been running the profits through fake accounts he set up in his own bank. Mickie had gone undercover as a loans officer to break that one wide, and she’d done it in record time.

  All this and she was only twenty-two and just starting her career. It was the one aspect of her life she could say she was truly proud of. She’d worked her ass off to get here.

  Brushing her sideswept bangs from her eyes, she chewed on a thumbnail to vent her irritation. Having her story put on hiatus—the possibility of a crooked cop ring trafficking cocaine—left her fuming in her cubicle.

  Her cell phone let out a shrill chirp, pulling her from these irritated ruminations. The number on the call display made her smile. It was her step dad, Roman Fayette. He was a well respected drummer in the legendary Canadian progressive metal band Rift. The band as a whole were well respected in the progressive metal scene for being pioneers of some very innovative music.

  Her step father was the quiet one in the band, though the three other members of Rift tended to be laid back as well. Roman was a brilliant introvert who wrote many of the band’s songs and preferred to spend a good deal of his time alone.

  “Hi Dad,” she answered on the second ring. Even though her mom and Roman had divorced years ago, she still thought of him as her true father, having never known her biological one. “You must’ve known I needed someone to cheer me up.”

  “Hey sweetheart,” his calm, soft voice instantly relaxed her. “What’s bothering you?”

  “Ah, my boss is putting the brakes on a great story.” She sighed. “You got time for lunch? I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come by the house for lunch.” He chuckled. “You read my mind. I have a favor to ask. How about I make us a couple tofu salads and you meet me here in half an hour?”

  She would’ve preferred potato salad loaded with mayo, but Dad was a health food nut and she knew he’d disapprove if she suggested her alternative. He worried about what he called her ‘bachelor eating habits,’ so she cheerily agreed to his offer.

  She gave her makeup a last minute fix via the mirror in her powder / foundation case. She frowned at her too big nose and applied a pale pink gloss to her pouty lips. There was no fixing her round face and naturally too bright cheeks, she decided. At least her dimples and big doe eyes made her cute, and why was she worrying about this exactly? It was just lunch with dad at his place. But that did mean the prospect of seeing her stepbrothers, which usually made her feel like the awkward, bookish girl she’d been in high school.


  The tofu looked more appetizing than Mickie expected. At least it wasn’t white and jiggly, like the dish one old boyfriend had tried to convince her to eat. Warm golden brown slices sat atop a bed of crisp lettuce, juicy red tomatoes, and cucumbers. When she bit into it, she found it tasted like a cross between chicken and fish.

  “This is really good, Dad, “ she said, waving her fork appreciatively over the dish. “So what did you need to ask me?”

  “I was wondering if you’d house sit for me this summer?” He crossed his arms in front of him, gave her somewhat of a pleading look with his crystal blue eyes. “Rift and I are going out on our farewell tour, and the boys will be home while I’m away.” He ran a hand through his curly, silvering hair and sighed. “You know your stepbrothers.”

  She giggled and brushed a strand of mahogany hair from her brown eyes. “Say no more. You want someone responsible around to make sure they don’t destroy the place.”

  Dad’s face broke into a wide grin that made him look like the kid next door. “Exactly.”


  It wasn’t that her twin stepbrothers, Shane and Hunter, were irresponsible. It was just that when they got together, trouble usually followed close behind.

  Shane, the up and coming rock star, a drummer who’d followed in his dad’s footsteps, was often the instigator. Although her quieter stepbrother, a cop with Saint John RCMP, could be just as mischievous too. He just knew how to hide that side of himself better than his rebellious sibling.

  They were two years younger than Mickie and drove her crazy when she’d lived with the pair as a teenager. Now she’d have to spend two months making sure they didn’t throw any wild house parties and destroy her step dad’s place. Perhaps now that Hunter was a cop he’d be less quick to cause trouble. She could hope for small favors at least.

  They’d also drove her nuts sexually. Constantly flirting and frustrating her, teasing and tempting. But as a young girl she’d been intent on school. Getting good grades and getting into college immediately after graduation had been her only focus. She hadn’t had sex until she’d been close to finishing her journal
ism degree. And then it had been two failed attempts at best. Both with fumbling frat boys who were too drunk to find her nipples, let alone anything else.

  She was in the kitchen rummaging through the fridge for sandwich fixings when Shane came home. The door slammed. Bags dropped to the foyer floor with a heavy thump and the jingle of buckles and zippers.

  Mickie turned and almost dropped the mayo.

  “My big sister is here!” Shane held his arms wide and gave her a dazzling smile.

  She swallowed. Both her stepbrothers were devastatingly handsome, but Shane had an overt sexual confidence that was lethal. His golden brown hair was cut in a razor shag that just fell over his aquamarine eyes. He had a golden surfer tan from his time spent in LA with the band. He’d been in the City of Angels for six months, recording Decadent & Deadly’s first album.

  “Hey little brother,” Mickie said, noticing how his t-shirt molded to his pecs as she walked toward him. “How’d LA treat you?”

  He folded strong arms around her and she inhaled his scent—something crisp that reminded her of the sea and stirred warmth deep in her belly. She ran her hands up his back and tried not be too obvious as she melted into his arms.

  “Hey, you must be hungry,” she blurted, knowing she needed to get out of this embrace before she lost herself. “Want a sandwich?”

  He chuckled low in his throat as she pulled away. She knew he knew she was avoiding his touch. It made her heart beat harder and her stomach tight. Quickly, Mickie walked back to the kitchen and put some distance between them.

  “Sure,” Shane said, joining her at the counter while she slapped some bread down. He inched close to her once more, obviously enjoying the effect he had on her. He always had. “So how’s my sister these days?”

  Mickie inhaled sharply as his warm, wide palm slid across her lower back then over her hip. He held her close against him while she spread mayo on their sandwiches.

  “I’m good,” she said, trying to keep her voice even as his nearness intoxicated her. “Working on a hot story I hope my boss doesn’t hold up for too long.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s it about?”

  “Can’t say too much.” She gave him an impish smile. “It’s very hush hush.”

  He snagged a slice of cheese off the counter and popped it in his mouth. “So you’re staying the summer with me and Hunter?” Another devilishly handsome smile followed the question.

  Mickie tried to keep her breathing even and chided herself for such a schoolgirl reaction. “Yeah, Dad asked me to stay here. Said you were coming home, and he knows what happens when he leaves you and Hunter alone together.”

  Shane laughed at this and held a hand to his chest, feigning innocence. “What? We’re angels.”

  Mickie giggled and handed him his finished sandwich, but he just pushed it aside and turned her in his arms so she faced him.

  He trailed a soft fingertip along the length of her jaw, then he traced her lips. “This could be one fun summer. But do you really think you can make me behave?”

  It had been almost twelve months since she’d spent any real time with her stepbrothers. Plus it had been over a year since she’d broken up with her longtime boyfriend. And it had been a dry year sexually. Her ex had been a reporter at the paper, too, and he’d cheated on her with one of the staff photographers. An old flame of his.

  Now, as her stepbrother’s lips inched closer to hers, Mickie didn’t think she’d have the strength to refuse Shane this time. “I’m gonna try,” she whispered in answer to his question. “But if you keep this up—”

  Her words were stolen as his mouth brushed ever so lightly over hers. “Hmmm…”He hummed against her lips. “I wonder if Dad has anything for dessert in there?”

  Then he pulled away from her. A surge of disappointment filled Mickie’s chest, but he held onto her hand as he walked closer to the fridge and bent to see what was inside. What was he up to? Her heartbeat upped its pace.

  “Ah, perfect,” he said, reaching in for something. “He doesn’t have cherries, but…” His gaze glued to her pert nipples, showing through her bra and white tank top.

  Mickie’s throat went dry when he held up the can of whipped cream. She held up her hands. “Look, Shane, I’m suppose to make sure you behave, not make out with you.”

  He flashed a sideways smile at her and took a step closer. “Oh, come on, sis.”

  Her eyes glued to the way his stone wash jeans clung to his muscular thighs. Her nipples tingled harder when he slowly swept his tongue over his bottom lip while staring at her breasts. Mickie’s body always betrayed her will when she was near Shane or Hunter.

  “We can’t.” She swallowed when he took her hand again. “You’re my stepbrother.”

  Shane shrugged and pulled the cap off the cream with his teeth. “So what? We aren’t related. We’ve had this argument before.” He shook the can and his eyes never left hers.

  The hand around her wrist shot out lightning quick, molding to the generous curve of her butt. Through her cargo shorts, he dug his fingers into her cheek and urged her against him.

  “Still…” She bit her lip, felt her face flush hotter from the blatant lust in his stare. “We probably shouldn’t.”

  He aimed the can downward and pulled the neck of her tank top open. Before she could free herself, he squirted a thick spiral of gooey, white whipped cream between her ample cleavage.

  He shook his head and tried to pull off a boy-next-door expression. It wasn’t working. “Geez, now someone’s gonna have to lick that all up for you.”

  Before she could stop him, he buried his nose between her breasts and began lapping up the sweet mess he’d made. One hand continued to massage her full, firm ass while the other splayed across the center of her back, pinning her against him.

  She moaned when he peeled back one of the lacy cups of her bra and tongued a nipple. Soon the rounded globes were free of the filmy fabric. He lavished both breasts with attention, sucking and squeezing after he yanked her tank top lower. That shirt was ruined, she thought. The neckline would be all stretched to hell, but she didn’t really care at the moment.

  He pushed her into the counter while sliding his hands up her sides, feeling her every curve with eager fingers. Before planting a hungry kiss on her lips, he tugged her tank top over her head, smearing the left over cream up her neck. Once her heavy, teardrop breasts were bare, he dipped his head and sucked the remaining cream from her neck and clavicle.

  She sighed and gripped at his shoulders as he did so, tilting her head back to give him better access to her sticky sweet skin.

  She shouldn’t be doing this. Not with Shane. Not now. Dad expected her to be the responsible one, but responsible thoughts flew out the window as her stepbrother’s teeth tugged on a nipple.

  However, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d found herself in this position with one of the twins. She pushed the memory away for now, thought about stopping Shane, but then his tongue slid between her lips while his hand slipped down the front of her shorts.

  No, this was wrong. So very wrong.

  But why did it feel so right?

  Her hand slid under his t-shirt. She enjoyed the ripple of muscle beneath her fingers, stopping at his nipples to lazily play with them. He suckled her lips until she sighed, urging her damp labia apart with two fingers as he did so.

  They slid down to the floor in a tangle of lips, teeth, and arms. Not long after the cool lino touched her thighs, she and Shane writhed naked atop it.

  He reached up and grabbed the whipped cream from the counter. Then he kneeled between her legs, can poised in his hand as he flashed a grin.

  “Hmmmm…” he said, lowering the perforated tip of the can to her belly button. “If I accidentally squirt cream here…”

  He pushed the tip and cool, frothy cream kissed her skin. She gasped at its chilly touch this time, so close to her heated sex. He drew a whipped cream circle around her navel in little whorls that tickled terribly. She squ
irmed as he squirted cream lower, now tracing it in a line toward her mound.

  “Someone’s gonna have to lick that up too,” he said, poking his tongue out at her.

  He urged his knee closer to her wet sex, making her spread her legs wider. When she did so, he dipped two fingers between her slit, parting it and commenting on how wet she was already. Cold cream sprayed from the can and touched the line of fuzzy hair running down the center of her mound. She gasped again and met his glittering eyes, filled with such hot desire she had to look away quickly.

  Then he held her trickling pussy lips apart while he placed the tip of the can against her clit. The rough tip lightly scratched her extra sensitive skin and made her hips buck upward. Her clit throbbed as he squirted more gooey whiteness over it before moving lower.

  Her back arched deeper as the thick coolness spread between her heated, seeping lips. Her pussy pulsed, growing wetter. Soon after, a warm tongue licked a path through the fluffy cloud of cream between her legs. Then it eagerly lapped up the puff of cream atop her clit.

  The sensation flowed out from her pelvis, making her limbs feel like she’d immersed herself in a warm bath. She relaxed. No, she melted.

  His tongue poked deep inside her, curling and stroking her cunt walls. She let out a long “Ohhhh,” of satisfaction.

  His tongue slowly glided from within her, wriggling up the length of her soaking slit before he pressed it to her clit once more. Fingers teased her throbbing opening and she groaned when two slipped inside her. They stroked her cervix while he sucked her clit deep into his mouth. He flit his tongue over the sensitive bud as he did so.

  Orgasm shivered through her, making her gasp. She reached down and clutched at his strong shoulders, digging her short nails into his honey colored flesh. Intense sensation flooded her pelvis, flowed out and made her limbs tremble, her skin tingle. She let out a shrill cry when she finished coming.

  Moments later the front door slammed. A shout of “Damn it, Shane, why do you always leave your shit in my way?” interrupted their passion.


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