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Midnight Guardian

Page 29

by Tamara White

  What an evil bitch. She knows more than I thought. The people I left behind were once friends, and while I petitioned for others to be let out, there were some whose crimes were beyond pardoning. To have me back in there, well, they won’t be happy. They will make me pay for my betrayal.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Ellen and I are greeted at the door by a butler of some kind. That’s the first sign that maybe this Alpha is a dick and I would be better off not sticking around, but for Ellen, I stay.

  The butler receives us warmly, introducing himself as Edwin. He apologizes for his master not being here, saying he would be along shortly. Something I consider extremely rude. I’m here to help the Alpha. He should have been here anticipating my arrival, not leaving me waiting like some sick twisted game the council members would play.

  He’s making it seem very much like my presence is not as important as he made Ellen believe. Regardless, I know if I were to ask a favor of another, I would be bending over backward to ensure the person coming to my aid would be treated with the utmost respect.

  Edwin guides us through the small entryway and straight into a large sitting area that’s obviously well used. There are a number of seats that make it clear this room is for entertaining guests of various numbers. You could probably fit a dozen people in here and still have room to move about.

  Various shades of red seem to be the color scheme of the sitting area, and the walls are a deep, red-tinged brown. It actually ties the room together nicely and appears as if someone put a lot of effort into making the room seem welcoming. Unless they went with the red theme to cover blood more effectively, which now makes the room seem a little morbid.

  Still, I take a tentative seat on a deep red loveseat over by the window, watching various pack members moving around on the property. There are a few smaller homes that I can see from where I sit, each of them big enough to hold a couple of shifters at the very least. It has me curious if all Alphas have a setup like this. Are you required to have your pack live near you or is it just a personal preference of this individual Alpha?

  As the minutes pass by, I grow more and more frustrated. I glance over at Ellen where she rests in her throne-like chair. “If the Alpha truly wants my help, why is he doing all this grandstanding? You made it seem like his request was urgent, and yet he’s not even showing me the decency of actually being here to greet me. I don’t know about you, but to me, that reeks of disrespect.”

  Ellen sighs and adjusts herself in the chair, looking very comfortable with her legs flung over the arm and swaying softly. She’s so much more of a teenager than the older woman her body projects her to be.

  “Girl, I don’t know what his deal is. And you’re right about him being disrespectful as hell by not being here, but what can I do? He’s my Alpha. I can’t exactly go up and whack him over the head for being an insolent little shit, because then it’s me who gets in trouble. But if you’re feeling a bit smacky, I would be happy to watch you knock some respect into him.” She smiles sweetly at me, fluttering her lashes innocently.

  I simply roll my eyes at her antics. I doubt me doing any whacking is going to be any better than if she did it. I’d probably start a war or something.

  Before I can reply with some smart-ass response about not starting wars when I just decided to take my responsibility a little more seriously, the double doors to the room open loudly. Ellen quickly scrambles to her feet, no doubt in deference to her Alpha. I, however, decide to show my own little act of defiance at his disrespect and remain seated.

  The man who walks into the room is just shy of six feet tall and dressed in a pale grey tux. His eyes are the same shade as the tux, and his hair, once dark, is receding with age. If he were human, I would assume he was close to Ellen’s age. Only there’s something off about this man.

  I push to my feet, and the moment my gaze meets his, I know. He’s not the Alpha. This idiot is some kind of decoy or ploy. His intentions reek of deceit and his scent is one of fear.

  “Get out,” I demand, staring the man down. How dare they send in an imposter?

  His body trembles ever so slightly as he tries to stand to his full height in an effort to seem intimidating, but the special part of me that causes the fear response in less dominant supes is working normally with this guy. The fear coming off him in waves is absolutely intoxicating to my animal side.

  “E-Excuse m-me!” he stutters, a thin bead of sweat trailing down the right side of his face. “How...” He clears his throat, his voice hoarse with nerves. “How dare you disrespect me in such a way!”

  One glance at Ellen confirms my instincts that this isn’t the Alpha, and I didn’t come here to play games. I stalk toward the man until I’m brushing against him so close, he can feel my breath on his skin.

  “I don’t know who you are,” I whisper, “but you are not the Alpha of this Panthera. If you were, you wouldn’t be close to shitting yourself in this very room. Now, get the fuck out of here before I kill you on principle.”

  The man nods hurriedly and turns tail as fast as he can, almost tripping over his feet in a hurry to escape. Ellen gives me an apologetic look, but she doesn’t speak. I can see she is just as disappointed in her Alpha’s tactics as I am.

  Loud footsteps echo in the entry that leads to this room, but I’m done with this Alpha’s games. “Sorry, Ellen,” I murmur with a small head shake. “I’ve got more important shit to be doing than this.”

  She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it before nodding sadly. She knows her Alpha messed this up and there is nothing she can say to make it right.

  The true Alpha walks into the room a second before I make it to the doors. He is very much the one in charge around here. The power coming off him is much more suited to that of an Alpha, and his initial reaction to me is one of anger, which means he’s definitely a dominant shifter.

  I nod politely. “Nice to meet you, but I’m out of here.”

  He splutters and tries to speak, but I just breeze past his towering form. He had his chance and fucked it up. I make it outside, hearing a man’s booming voice calling after me. “Wait, Alpha, please, hear me out.”

  Damn, I forgot for a moment that Ellen brought me here. I’ll just have to walk to the nearest town and grab a bus back to Midnight.

  A hand on my shoulder has me reacting instantly, and I spin immediately. One quick palm forced to the chest sends the Alpha to the ground a few feet away.

  “I don’t know who you think you are in this world, but the moment you sent a fake Alpha in to talk with me and disrespected me further than you already had by not meeting me personally, you threw all hope of me helping you out the fucking window. I don’t like games. I had enough of that shit with the council. I won’t tolerate them in my life ever again.”

  I turn back and start my journey down the driveway. Hopefully, the people on the gate will open it with one glare from me.

  “Isobel, please, wait. It’s the Alpha’s daughter. She needs your help. That’s why he asked you here.”

  I freeze at the sound of Ellen’s voice. Goddamn it. If it had been the Alpha, I would have just kept on walking, but I trust Ellen. She wouldn’t lie to me.

  If it was helping this dick of an Alpha, I wouldn’t do shit. But his daughter, she’s done nothing to me. She could be in real trouble, and if I simply walked away, I’d regret not at least trying to help.

  I turn back as the Alpha is getting to his feet and brushing himself off. He’s not wearing a suit like the previous idiot, but khaki cargo pants and a light green tee. He refuses to meet my eyes while he straightens himself.

  Ellen is still by the front door, leaning against the house with her arms crossed as she glares at her Alpha. She, too, is pissed with him for his actions, which makes me feel a thousand times better about my reaction to him and his stupid games.

  I walk up to the Alpha, leaving only a foot of space between us. He slowly raises his pale blue eyes to mee
t my gaze, his expression filled with shame. “I’m sorry for deceiving you. I thought I was doing what was best and what would be expected as has been the norm in the past. Please, don’t abandon me. I need your help.”

  I study him and find his words truthful. “I’m going to be completely blunt. The only reason I’m staying is for that woman over there,” I growl, gesturing to Ellen. “And as for your daughter, it’s not your child’s fault that you fucked up royally, but I’m gonna give you some ground rules. If you’re honest with me, I will hear you out. Play games or try to deceive me again, and you and your daughter will be on your own. Understood?”

  He nods sadly. “I understand. And I would like to offer my sincerest apologies. Ellen warned me you were different. I didn’t listen. Knowing you’re not like your predecessors gives me hope that you may actually be able to help me. To help us all.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Ellen, Alpha Mat, and I are back in the sitting room. He introduced himself as Alpha Mathias, but insisted I call him Mat.

  He summoned Edwin and asked the man to bring us coffee along with food, so I could recover before he got down to business. Which I appreciated, because I’m starving beyond belief after this morning’s little power show.

  I’m now full of amazing little sandwiches that were stuffed with a variety of cold cut meats. Now it’s time to get this show on the road.

  Alpha Mat didn’t want to explain things to me while I ate, so I made sure to eat as fast as possible. I don’t want to draw this out longer than I need to.

  I drink the last of my coffee and set my mug down louder than I intended. Still, it has the desired effect, drawing the Alpha’s attention, along with Ellen’s. “Look, Alpha Mat, I appreciate the food and coffee, but the longer you delay in telling me all I need to know, the more annoyed I get. Just rip the band-aid off and tell me what you need help with.”

  Ellen snorts but hides it quickly with a cough. I stick my tongue out at her, trying not to laugh at how a fifty-year-old woman is more of a child than I am.

  The Alpha ignores Ellen, his focus on me. He sets his cup down slowly and leans back in his chair. He studies me for a moment then sighs sadly. “I know you want details, but it’s just not easy to be open. You have to understand that our previous Supreme Alphas were not like you. They were not open. They wouldn’t drop everything to hear out the request of another Alpha they hadn’t even met. And they wouldn’t be upset by a display of manipulation because it was expected. It’s a way of proving your standing in this world. Meeting you has me a little thrown because you’re not like the others, and to be completely honest, I’m not sure if this isn’t just a greater manipulation.”

  “I understand that. But to be frank, this is my first time in the presence of another Alpha. To help you understand me a little more and see that I’m not like those stupid people controlled by the council, you should know a bit about how I came to be where I am. Ellen told me you heard of me, but just how much do you know so I understand where to begin?”

  Maybe if I’m honest with him, it will help him to trust me more. I know from my interactions with the council that if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t exactly be willing to bare all my problems. I also wouldn’t trust me completely either. But there is only so much I’m willing to take. I’ve given him another chance because Ellen means something to me. She’s become a fast friend in this world when I thought I’d never have one. The fact she’s not afraid of me makes it feel like we were supposed to be a part of each other’s lives. Maybe there is a greater reason for that, like helping this man and his daughter, or maybe it’s just a coincidence. Either way, for the sake of possibly helping another innocent person, I’m willing to hear what he has to say.

  He leans forward on his chair, obviously intrigued by my willingness to be open with him. “Well, the only thing I know are rumors that have been whispered to me by witches I’ve made allies with over the past two years. They informed me that a young man named Drake, someone who used to be solely loyal to the council, brought you to them in an effort to help teach you how to control your magic. And in those lessons, they apparently learned that the girl being brought to them, you, had the power of the Supreme Alpha, only you were also capable of so much more. They kept your power and identity secret at the behest of the wolf, because they believed he was intent on helping you learn your full potential. The witches also kept your secret because they believed there would come a time when you would need their help. So when they got word of your leaving the council, they started talking to Alpha’s everywhere. Spreading the news of your existence. Every witch who speaks of you, they talk of a woman who is kind in heart and spirit. They also say you were the first Supreme Alpha in centuries to treat them as equals rather than lesser, which is how most treat them. It’s the words they spread about you that gives us all hope and why I reached out to you. A friend of my pack is a witch, and she helped me track you down. There are other Alpha’s out there who would kill to be in this room with you and find out just how true the words of the witches are.”

  He lets out a sigh, and his expression turns to one of sadness. “What I need your help with is my daughter. The council took her a few weeks ago. I need you to free her from Nochte Prison before she’s killed.”

  I lean back in my chair, processing his words. I knew the witches I met with were nice people, but to hear they’ve been saying such things about me and to tell people of my existence, well, I’m not sure what to do with that information. At least it will make my job easier in the long run to ensure people know the old Alpha is dead and I’m now in charge.

  I’ll have to remember to thank the witches one day soon. They were all very kind to me when I was training with them despite how reluctant I was to use magic after being told how bad magic was. Sure, even now it scares me, but not so much because of it being dark but because of how addictive it is.

  “Your daughter is in prison?” I ask, needing a moment to comprehend what he’s asking of me. Am I going to have to break into a prison to get his daughter out? Is that even possible?

  I know there are prisons for supes, but I thought only the harshest of harsh criminals were sent to a supernatural prison. I’m not quite sure what Nochte means, but I’m sure Ellen will know. I’ll just have to ask her later.

  The Alpha just nods dejectedly. “Yes. She fell in love with a human. I gave her permission to tell him of our existence, but if he didn’t respond well she would have to deal with the consequences. The boy actually took it well and they have been together for well over four years. One of the things I warned her about was that if she ever wanted to turn him, then she would have to ask the council for permission. However, when she went to them to seek permission, they lied and told her they would think it over. The next day, the boy was found murdered by wolves.”

  Ellen clears her throat and I look over to find her misty-eyed, a tear sliding down her cheek. She must have known the boy.

  “My daughter, as you can imagine, was completely heartbroken. She couldn’t let it lie. So she attacked one of the council members she believed to be responsible for his murder. Obviously she didn’t succeed and was caught. They tried her for assaulting a council member unprovoked. She was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in Nochte Prison. My daughter, Andrea, has been there for three months. I have tried many times to get an audience with the Supreme Alpha, since only they can dispute sentencing. When the council kept refusing, I started reaching out to contacts, and that was when I heard of you. When I was informed that you had arrived at Midnight, I sent Ellen immediately and prayed to every god in this world that you would hear me out and help me get my daughter back before she’s hurt.”

  I open my mouth and close it, not sure what to say. “It sounds like all you need me to do is pardon your daughter and she’ll be released, but why does it also feel like it’s not going to be that easy?”

  “Ah, well, see that’s the thing. While you are the Supreme Al
pha, do you think if you were to go into the council right now and demand my daughter be released, they would obey you? Or would they manipulate you or demand something in return?”

  Damn, he’s right. They would probably use my arrival and order for the girl to be free as a way to keep me in their clutches. And that’s not what I want.

  “Well then, either of you got any tips on how to break into this prison?”

  “You mean you’ll help? You’ll help me get my daughter back?” The Alpha looks thoroughly shocked, which saddens me. Does he really think I’m so heartless as to leave his daughter in a prison cell for something I would have done also? Who knows, maybe his daughter will join my side in the coming war against the council. I may even let her have the first pick of who to kill.

  “Of course I’ll help. I have no clue how the fuck I’ll do it, but I can’t leave an innocent girl in prison for trying to avenge someone she loved.”

  “Thank you,” the Alpha breathes, his eyes watering with unshed tears. “And I think I may know who can help. Actually—”

  He’s cut off by the door to the sitting room opening. Immediately, Alpha Mat gets to his feet, flustered, his gaze darting to me with worry. Three men enter in unison, putting off Alpha vibes so strong that my body instantly goes on the defensive. I stand and face them, ready for anything. Ellen is quickly at my side like she intends to fight off this new threat with me.

  Alpha Mat is suddenly between me and the three males, his hands raised in a pleading gesture. “Alpha Isobel, please, I can explain. They can help.”

  My eyes narrow as the same feeling that coursed through me earlier in the day starts pulsing in my veins. Sure enough, when I glance down, my skin has started to glow with a golden hue again, and it takes everything in me to speak normally. “No need to explain. You obviously had no intent on being truthful this whole time. I said no games, and yet here you are with other Alphas. I offered to help you at what would be great personal risk to myself, but you still lie and hide Alphas in your home? You must really undervalue your daughter’s life.”


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