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An Unexpected Gentleman

Page 5

by Laura Beers

  “I beg your pardon?” He grinned. “Will you please refrain from using your American idioms when you speak to Marian? After all, she is a lady.”

  Amelia’s smile grew wide, causing his chest to swell with an unfamiliar emotion. “I will see you tomorrow, then.” She put her left foot into the stirrup, and her right hand reached up to hold the saddle. As she hopped up, she missed the saddle and slid back down.

  “May I assist you?” he offered, attempting to hold back his laughter.

  She turned to face him with a blush on her cheeks. “It was much easier when the groom assisted me this morning.”

  Lord Harrington put his hands down low, so she could step into them with her left foot. He boosted her easily up into the saddle; then he politely averted his gaze while she adjusted her skirts. As she tightened her hold on the reins, he smiled up at her.

  “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  “Good day, Lord Harrington,” she said before she rode away.

  Turning his head towards the stable, he saw his stable master watching him. He tipped his head towards the departing American lady, indicating that he wanted someone to trail behind to ensure her safety. The stable master nodded and disappeared inside to saddle another horse and do his master’s bidding.

  At the top of a small hill, Miss Wright turned back and waved. He raised his arm in response and smiled. The muscles around his lips felt strained, and he realized this was the first time he had truly smiled or laughed in eight years.

  Chapter 5

  Entering Aunt Nellie’s drawing room, Amelia was pleased to find Peyton sitting in a chaise lounge, next to the large bay window, reading a book. “Good morning,” she greeted her, sitting down next to her. “Where did you go last night?”

  Peyton placed the book down and turned to face her. “After touring the lands, Aunt Nellie secured invitations to a ball.”

  “Did you have fun?”

  “It was magical.” She smiled slyly. “I danced with handsome lords all night, and Lord Wessex even asked me to take a stroll around the gardens.”

  Feeling a need to tease her newfound friend, Amelia put her hand up to her head, feigning shock. “A stroll around the gardens. Good heavens, what’s next? Your engagement?”

  Peyton laughed. “Perhaps I should tell these stiff lords about my last date.”

  Amelia grinned. “Now you have piqued my interest, but you should be warned that it couldn’t have been worse than mine. My date took me to Taco Bell.”

  “Taco Bell?” Peyton repeated, amusement in her eyes.

  “It was classy,” Amelia joked, laughing.

  Holding up a finger, Peyton started, “Let’s see, for starters, my date picked me up in an Uber car. He said he didn’t want to lose his parking spot in front of his apartment complex.” She held up a second finger. “Second, my date took me to Chili’s but went to the bathroom for almost twenty minutes when the check arrived.”

  “Did you end up paying?”

  Peyton nodded. “I did, but he did pay for the McDonald’s ice cream cones that we ate while walking around his neighborhood.” She smirked. “In fact, he had the audacity to ask me if I preferred a regular cone or a kiddie cone, which was free.”

  “Oh, my,” Amelia said, giggling. “That sounds romantic.”

  “It was,” Peyton replied. “Which is why it is refreshing to be surrounded by true gentlemen.” Picking up her book, she placed it on the table next to her. “Speaking of which, how did your meeting go with Lord Harrington?”

  Amelia rolled her eyes. “He is the definition of a brooding lord,” she huffed. “He is dashingly handsome, but he has the boorish personality of Mr. Darcy.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He is unfriendly, aloof, and extremely frustrating,” Amelia listed. “He even called me the wrong name, not once, but twice.”

  “Really?” Peyton asked with an uplifted brow. “I take it that you won’t be seeing him again.”

  A black carriage, with the top folded down, pulled up to Aunt Nellie’s door. A uniformed driver sat in front with a whip in his hand, and another uniformed man sat next to him. Once the carriage rolled to a stop, the groomsman jumped down and walked towards the front door.

  “What in the world?” Peyton asked. “Is this the Regency’s version of an Uber ride?”

  Amelia laughed at her friend. “I wonder who the carriage is for.” Glancing back at the open door, she asked, “Do you suppose another time traveler made an appearance last night?”

  “Actually, the barouche is here for you,” Aunt Nellie declared as she entered the drawing room, her pink, muslin dress flowing behind her. “Lord Harrington even sent along a note.”

  Peyton eyed her with suspicion. “I thought you said Lord Harrington was boorish and rude.”

  “I did,” she said, accepting the letter from Aunt Nellie. She unfolded the note and read:

  Miss Wright,

  I know we did not specify a time for your arrival, but Marian has been asking for you since sunrise. When you are ready, please use my barouche to travel to the estate.

  With gratitude, your humble servant

  Adam Baxter, Earl of Harrington

  Taking the note, Amelia folded the paper and tucked it into her pocket. Aunt Nellie gave her an expectant look, so she spent the next few minutes sharing the details of her meeting with Lord Harrington.

  She ended the story with, “I agreed to help him find a suitable governess for Marian.”

  Peyton jumped up from her seat in excitement. “What a fun adventure! Not only do you get to spend time with a handsome earl, but you are going to help him to become closer to his daughter.”

  Amelia rose and smoothed down her floral gown. She rather liked the puffy sleeves and green ribbon tied high on her waist. “That is precisely my plan.”

  Aunt Nellie chuckled. “And when exactly did you come up with that plan? Was this before or after he asked you to leave his estate?”

  Laughing, she admitted, “It may have been as I was attempting to mount my horse. I was unable to get onto my side saddle without assistance.” She shifted her gaze out the window, admiring the carriage, before turning back to Aunt Nellie. “Would it be permissible to drive to Lord Harrington’s estate now?”

  “Of course,” Aunt Nellie replied, inclining her head. “Don’t forget, tomorrow I am hosting a picnic on the lawn. It will be a grand affair. I had previously sent an invitation to Lord Harrington, but he has yet to respond. Would you mind personally inviting him?”

  “Not at all,” Amelia said as she exited the room. Not wasting any time, she went back to her room to retrieve a straw bonnet with green flowers.

  Despite the rigid social customs, Amelia had to admit that she did enjoy the lovely gowns, hats, and accessories. They made her feel so… ladylike. Stopping at her dressing table mirror, she put the bonnet over her tight chignon, ensuring the curled tendrils of her hair were visible. When her lady’s maid, Marie, had approached her with hot curling tongs, she had almost jumped out of her seat. However, Marie had curled her hair efficiently, without burning her neck.

  As she came outside, the groomsman jumped off the barouche and opened the door to the carriage. “Miss Wright,” he said, respectfully, as he proffered his hand to assist her inside.

  Once seated comfortably, she clasped her hands together as the carriage jerked forward. A smile came to her lips. She could get used to this lifestyle.

  The Earl of Harrington sat in his study and tapped the quill against the side of the ink pot, removing the excess ink. Bringing the quill back to the stack of papers in front of him, he began the process of signing his correspondence. This was the only life he had known, but it was not the life he had intended.

  His father had passed away when Harrington was eight, and he’d inherited the earldom. His mother, along with the estate’s bailiff, had worked tirelessly to keep the estate profitable while he was away at Oxford, but she had eventually succumbed to consumptio
n. At the age of twenty, he’d found himself alone, despite being surrounded by servants and an entire village for which he was responsible.

  Then, he had met Miss Agnes Hawkins at a country dance. She was a sweet girl that had stolen his heart from the moment she coyly agreed to accept his offer to dance. They had been blissfully happy for three glorious years, until it was time for Agnes to deliver Marian. The doctor was summoned after the midwife declared his wife’s health was failing. Between them, they helped deliver Marian, but Agnes’ lifeblood had drained away before his eyes.

  Banishing his thoughts, Adam tossed the quill down on his desk and rubbed his eyes. Where had those memories come from? He had worked hard to suppress reminders of Agnes, so much that he had even distanced himself from his one living reminder, their only child. Yet, even now, the pain was still raw.

  Reaching again for the quill, he heard laughter floating in from the open casement window. He glanced out the window and saw Miss Wright and Marian running towards a wooded section of his property. As they disappeared from his view, he made an impromptu decision to join them. He grabbed his coat from the back of his chair and started heading for the main door.

  Mr. Blake met him at the door. “Miss Wright has arrived, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Blake,” he replied, shrugging on his coat.

  Opening the door, his butler asked, “Are you visiting the stables?”

  He shook his head. “No, I intend to spend some time with my daughter.”

  “Very good, milord,” Mr. Blake said, a minute smile on his lips.

  Approaching the cluster of trees that he saw the girls disappear into, he heard laughter coming from within. “Five… four… three… two… one…,” Miss Wright counted down. “I am coming to find you.”

  Holding up her dress so it wouldn’t drag on the ground, Miss Wright began moving in a most unladylike pace around the trees. “Where are you, Lady Marian?”

  Harrington heard giggling coming from above, and he turned his head up to see Marian hiding in the tree. She put her finger to her lips, then beckoned him to join her.

  Why not? He hadn’t climbed a tree in years! He reached up, grabbed the lowest branch and hoisted himself up. To his amazement, Marian snuggled up against him as they watched Miss Wright come closer.

  “Lady Marian… where are you?” Miss Wright teased in a sing-song voice. Now, she was right below them.

  Unable to contain her mirth, Marian giggled loudly but clapped her hand over her mouth to cover her laughter. Putting her finger to her lips, Amelia began tapping them as if deep in thought. “I wonder where Lady Marian is?” Tilting her head up, her smile grew wide as she found their hiding spot. “Well, look at that!” she exclaimed. “I found a lord and a lady sitting in a tree.”

  “It’s your turn to hide, and I will seek,” Marian declared as she scrambled down the tree. Turning towards the tree, she put her arms up and pressed her face into them. “Ten… nine…”

  Miss Wright ran and ducked behind a massive oak tree. Jumping down, Adam attempted to tiptoe around his daughter, but dry leaves crunched under his boots.

  “Five… four…” Marian continued.

  Running stealthily towards Miss Wright’s place of concealment, he joined the brash young American. “Go find your own tree,” she whispered over her shoulder.

  He grinned. “But I prefer this tree.”

  Placing her hand on the rough bark, she peeked out to look for Marian. “Where is she?”

  “She’s gone?”

  Amelia looked back at him and whispered, “If you insist on hiding with me, Lord Harrington, then please, at least attempt to stand against the tree.” She gave him a pointed look. “You are going to give away our position.”

  As bidden, he leaned closer to her against the gnarled trunk, enjoying the sweet scent of rosewater. “I didn’t realize we were preparing for battle.”

  Her eyes twinkled with merriment. “One always prepares oneself for battle, my lord.”

  “Interesting,” he said, rubbing his shaved chin.

  “What’s interesting?”

  He dropped his hand. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to address me without sounding condescending, Miss Wright.”

  Amelia shifted her position, so her back was against the tree. “It should not surprise you. I am actually quite a social person.”

  “Are you, now?” he asked, his eyes roaming her face.

  “Found you!” Marian shouted suddenly, causing him to jump back in alarm.

  Amelia watched him in amusement; then she turned towards Marian. “It appears that you scared your father witless.”

  Running a hand through his hair, Harrington felt a need to defend himself. “Not so! I knew she was there all along.”

  Rolling her eyes, Amelia just laughed. “All right, Lord Liar-Pants, it is your turn.”

  “What is a ‘liar-pants’?” Marian asked.

  Amelia put her hands on her knees and leaned closer to his daughter. “It is my new favorite nickname for your father,” she replied with a teasing lilt.

  Harrington sighed. “You are horrible at giving nicknames.”

  Straightening up, Amelia touched his sleeve. “Tag, you are it.”

  “What did you sa…” His words stilled when both Amelia and Marian ran in opposite directions, his daughter’s laughter dancing in the wind.

  For the next hour or so, they played this game of ‘tag’ in the woods but stopped when it became clear that his daughter was tiring.

  Offering his arm to Miss Wright, he asked, “Would you like to join us for a midday meal?”

  She accepted his arm with a dazzling smile. “I would be honored.”

  Ambling towards Belmont Manor with Miss Wright on his arm and his daughter running around them, he found his mood souring. What was he thinking, spending time with another woman? Did he dare disrespect his dear Agnes’s memory?

  Amelia stopped, withdrawing her arm from his. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” His voice was sharper than he intended.

  “You seem upset…”

  “It’s none of your concern, Miss Wright,” he barked. “Pray, leave me in peace at once.”

  Shrinking away from him, the hurt was evident on her features.

  Instead of the quick retort the earl anticipated, her face grew expressionless before she offered him a tentative smile. “I just remembered something,” she said evenly. “Aunt Nellie asked me to come home for the midday meal.”

  Marian ran up to Amelia and seized her hand imploringly. “Please, don’t leave us, Miss Wright!”

  Shifting her gaze from Harrington, Amelia smiled down with genuine kindness at his little daughter.

  “Don’t worry, Marian. I’ll be back.” Turning back to him, she bobbed a slight curtsy. “Good day, my lord,” she stated curtly. “I can tell when I am not welcome. I have obviously taken too much of your time, so I will be returning to Twickenham Manor.”

  He stepped closer towards her. Running his hand through his hair, he attempted again. “Please forgive my behavior, Miss Wright. I know you mean well. As for how I feel, it’s difficult to explain.”

  “Don’t bother.” She turned to start walking on the dirt path that would eventually take her back to Aunt Nellie’s.

  “If you give me a moment, I will drive you home,” he offered lamely.

  “Not necessary,” she called back, not bothering to turn around.

  “It would only take a moment to hitch up the barouche!” he shouted at her retreating figure.

  In response, she just held up her hand and waved.

  Confounded woman! It was not proper for a female to walk unescorted. Did she have no consideration for her reputation?

  Holding out his hand to his daughter, he said, “Let’s get you back home quickly, my dear. It appears that I need to escort Miss Wright to Aunt Nellie’s.”

  Innocently, Marian replied, “I don’t believe she wants you to escort her anywhere, Father.”

/>   “She’s just a confused young lady,” he mumbled under his breath. Miss Wright was going to accept his assistance whether she wanted it or not. After all, he was a bloody gentleman!

  Chapter 6

  Marching across an expansive grass field, Amelia found herself growing angrier. How dare Lord Harrington treat her so rudely and so condescendingly! For heaven’s sake, she was not the simple woman he thought her to be. She was a doctor! A doctor at Harvard Medical School. From an early age, she had set goals, and she had accomplished each one in due time. What had Lord Ninnyhammer accomplished? He was born into his title. He was not forced to earn what he had.

  For Lord Harrington to treat her in such a rude, arrogant manner was a great insult. She was not a simple-minded woman that would be grateful just to be on the arm of a handsome man. She was a professional healer, for crying out loud! If ever a man needed healing, that one did!

  Amelia’s pace gradually slowed as the heat of the moment faded. Her eyes wandered over the vibrant green grass. Reviewing the confrontation with Lord Harrington in her mind, she was forced to admit that she did not belong in this era. She lived in a time when women had the same opportunities as men and were treated with equal respect. Well, maybe not always, but certainly more often than here! In 2018, there were female doctors and lawyers. Women even ran for president of the United States.

  As fun as it was to dress in fancy gowns, it was not worth acting like someone she was not. Why had she thought she could just show up and insinuate herself into Lord Harrington’s life? Perhaps it was time for her to recognize that some people were past the point of redemption. She felt a strong desire to go home and see her mother. Her steps faltered. Why was it so important to her mum that Amelia help Lord Harrington? In any case, it didn’t matter. He would never accept anything from her.


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