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Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith

Page 39

by Jon Krakauer

  Crapanzano, Vincent

  Crossfield, Robert (Prophet Onias)

  Cummings, Alfred


  Dame, William

  Debbie (blackjack dealer)

  delusional disorder (schizo-affective disorder)


  Deseret, as Mormon term

  Deseret News

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)

  Doctrine and Covenants, The (D & C)

  Section 85 of

  Section 87 of

  Section 89 of (“Word of Wisdom”)

  Section 132 of

  Doniphan, Alexander

  Douglas, Stephen A.

  Dream Mine


  Dukes, William

  Dunn, William


  Edmunds Act (1882)

  Edmunds-Tucker Act (1887)

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

  Esplin, Mike

  Evangelical Christians

  Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons (Powell)


  Fancher, Alexander

  Fancher party, see Mountain Meadows Massacre


  Feet of Clay (Storr)

  feminists, radical

  First Book of Commandments, The (Crossfield)

  First Presidency

  First Ward

  Ford, Thomas

  Foster, Rob

  Fourth District Court


  free agency

  Frémont, John C.


  Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (United Effort Plan; UEP)

  apostates and

  government assistance to

  media prohibition and

  property and

  see also Bountiful, B.C.; Colorado City, Utah-Ariz.


  Garden of Eden

  Gardner, Noel


  in Illinois

  interest and support for Mormons by

  in Missouri

  use of term

  see also Mountain Meadows Massacre

  Gilmore, Gary Mark

  Gilmore, Mikal

  Golding, Stephen

  Goodman, Frank

  Gorrell, Mike

  Graham, Jan

  Grant, Jedidiah

  Grant, Laurene

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  “Great Apostas,”

  Greeley, Horace

  Green, Linda Kunz

  Green, Thomas Arthur

  Groesbeck, C. Jess


  Haight, Isaac

  Hale, Emma, see Smith, Emma Hale

  Hale, Isaac

  Hall, Andy

  Hamblin, David

  Hamblin, Jacob

  Hammon, Marion

  Hancock, John

  Hansen, Steven

  Harris, Martin

  Harris, Mrs. Martin

  Haun's Mill Massacre

  Hawkins, Billie

  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  Help the Child Brides

  Higbee, John

  Hill Cumorah

  Hill Cumorah Pageant

  Hinckley, Gordon B.

  Hines, Michael

  Hofmann, Mark

  Holm, Rodney


  Horton, Creighton

  Howell, Robert

  Howland, Oramel Gass

  Howland, Seneca

  Huff, Nancy

  Huntington, Dimick B.



  insanity, insanity defense

  interracial sex and marriage

  Isaiah, Immanuel David, see Mitchell, Brian David


  Isom, Wynn


  Jacob, Udney Hay

  James, William


  Jeffs, Rulon T. (Uncle Rulon)

  Bountiful and

  death of

  Jeffs, Warren

  Jennings, Thomas

  Jessop, Flora

  Jessop, Fred (Uncle Fred)

  Jessop, Ruby

  Jesus Christ

  Second Coming of


  Johnson, Benjamin

  Johnson, LeRoy Sunderland (Uncle Roy)

  Bountiful and

  death of

  Johnson, Luke

  Johnson, Marinda Nancy

  Johnson, Mrs. Benjamin

  Johnson, Nephi

  Johnson, Randy

  Johnson, Warren (Elmer)

  Johnson, Warren M.

  Joseph, Alex

  Judd, Michael Todd Jeffory



  Kimball, Helen Mar

  Kimball, Spencer W.

  King, Michelle

  Kingston, David

  Kingston, John

  Kingston, Paul

  Kingston Clan (Latter Day Church of Christ)

  Knapp, Richard M.

  Koyle, John Hyrum



  Lafferty, Allen

  Brenda and Erica's murder and

  Brenda's problems with

  Brenda's twenty-fourth birthday and

  fundamentalism and

  marriage of

  removal revelation and

  Lafferty, Brenda Wright

  career abandoned by

  education of

  journals of

  Lafferty brothers' problems with,

  marriage of

  murder of

  twenty-fourth birthday of

  Lafferty, Claudine

  as battered wife

  murder plans and

  Ron's relationship with

  Lafferty, Colleen

  Lafferty, Dan

  absence of remorse in

  arrest of

  background of

  Brenda and Erica's murders and

  Crossfield/Onias and

  as Elijah

  excommunication of

  flight of

  legal and political interests of

  marijuana use of

  marriages of

  polygamy and

  in prison

  Ron's murder attempt on

  Ron's revelations and

  state battles of

  theology of

  trial of

  Western sojourn of

  Lafferty, Dianna

  divorce of

  Lafferty, Erica Lane

  murder of

  Lafferty, Mark

  removal revelation and

  Lafferty, Matilda Loomis

  Lafferty, Ronald Watson

  appeals of

  arrest of

  attempt on Dan's life by

  Brenda and Erica's murders and

  at Bryant's commune

  Crossfield/Onias and

  divorce of

  emotional scars of

  excommunication of

  flight of

  fundamentalist links of

  marijuana use of

  marriage of

  mission of

  narcissism of

  polygamist links of

  psychiatric evaluation of

  rebellious streak of

  religious and political changes of

  retrial of (1996)

  revelations of

  sentencing of

  suicide attempt of

  trial of (1985)

  Western sojourn of

  Lafferty, Tim

  removal revelation and

  Lafferty, Watson Jr.

  Crossfield/Onias and

  Lafferty, Watson Sr.

  death of

  violent behavior of


  Larsen, Wesley P.

  Law, Jane

  Law, Richard

  Law, William

  Law of Chastity

  Leany, William

  Leavitt, David O.

  LeBaron, Aaron
br />   LeBaron, Alma

  LeBaron, Benjamin

  LeBaron, Dayer

  LeBaron, Ervil

  LeBaron, Gwendolyn, see Blackmore, Gwendolyn LeBaron

  LeBaron, Joel,

  LeBaron, Lavina Stubbs

  LeBaron clan

  Lee, Emma

  Lee, John D.,

  exile of

  Mountain Meadows Massacre and


  Lincoln, Abraham

  Low, Chloe

  Low, Stewart


  McBracking (Gentile man)

  McEntire, Betty Wright

  McDonald's meeting of

  removal revelation and

  McLean, Hector

  McLernand, John Alexander

  Malpede, Jim

  Marston, Otis (Dock)


  Mexican-American War

  Mexican Revolution

  Meyer, Eduard

  millenarian themes

  Missionary Training Center, LDS

  Missouri Militia

  Mitchell, Brian David (Immanuel David Isaiah)

  Mitchell, Sarah Frances Baker

  Moore, R. Laurence

  Morgan, Dale


  Mormon Country (Stegner)

  Mormon Fundamentalists (FLDS)


  polygamy and

  schisms of

  total obedience and

  see also specific people and groups

  Mormon Hierarchy, The (Quinn)

  Mormonism (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; LDS)

  as American religion

  appeal of

  blood atonement and

  Book of Onias sent to

  criminalization of marijuana and

  Dukes party attacked by

  Dunn-Howland massacre attributed to

  excommunication and

  God's chosen people and

  growth of

  Hill Cumorah and

  Hofmann's forgeries and

  incorporation of

  Indian alliance pursued by

  Islam compared with

  leadership of

  leadership structure of

  mainstreaming of

  migration to Utah and

  millenarian themes in

  as missionaries

  Mormon Fundamentalism compared with

  ongoing revelation in

  as patriarchal religion

  persecution of

  politics and

  polygamy and

  sacred texts of; see also Book of Mormon, The; Doctrine and Covenants, The (D & C)

  spin-off sects from

  succession crisis and

  survival value of

  temple endowment ceremony in

  Mormonism Unveiled (Lee)

  Mormon Reformation

  Mormon Tabernacle Choir

  Moroni (angel)

  homosexuality and

  Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act (1862)

  Mountain Meadows Massacre

  description of

  events leading to

  investigation of

  justice after

  persecution as factor in

  wealth as factor in

  Mountain Meadows Massacre (Brooks)

  Mount Dellenbaugh


  Mullen, Holly

  Musser, Joseph


  narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

  Nauvoo, Ill.

  counterfeiters in

  Nauvoo Expositor, destruction of

  Nauvoo Legion



  No Man Knows My History (Brodie)



  Oler, Dalmon

  Oler, Jimmy

  Olsen, David,


  Onias, Prophet, see Crossfield, Robert


  Pace, Eli N.

  Packer, Boyd K.


  see also Shivwits

  Palmer, Debbie Oler Blackmore Ralston

  Palmer, Eldon

  Palmer, Marlene Blackmore

  Palmer, Michael

  Palmer, Michelle

  Palmer, Sharon

  Palmyra, N.Y.


  Peace Maker, The (attributed to Jacob)

  Pearl of Great Price, The, 6n


  Peniston, William

  Pentecostal Assemblies of God

  People of the State of New York v. Joseph Smith

  People v. Levi Williams

  Peterson, Mark E.

  Peterson, Pennie

  Pioneer Day

  politics and government

  Dan Lafferty's interest in

  Smith's views on

  Young's involvement in

  polygamy (plural marriage)

  avoiding prosecution for

  Bryant's commune and

  challenges to

  incidence of

  Mormon Fundamentalists and, see Mormon fundamentalists, polygamy and

  Mormons and

  Peace Maker and

  succession crisis and

  Woodruff Manifesto and

  Powell, John Wesley

  Powell, Walter

  Pratt, Eleanor McLean

  Pratt, Parley

  Pratt, Sarah

  property rights

  prophets, self-proclaimed

  public assistance

  Pyle, Howard


  Quinn, D. Michael

  Quorum of the Twelve Apostles



  Ralston, Sam

  Randak, Ann



  Reformed Mormon Church

  Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans (Moore)

  religious zealotry vs. insanity

  Remini, Robert

  Revelation in Mormonism (Meyer)

  Reynolds, William

  Ricci, Richard

  Richard, Brother

  Richards, Willard

  Rigdon, John

  Rigdon, Sidney

  River Running West, A (Worster)

  Rockwell, Orrin Porter

  as Smith's body guard

  Utah War and

  Roueche, Josephine

  Roundy, Sam


  Salt Lake Temple

  Salt Lake Tribune



  School of the Prophets

  Scott, Jerry

  Second Book of Commandments, The (The Book of Onias) (Crossfield/Onias)

  Second Great Awakening

  Second Ward

  September 11 attacks,

  Serving the Word (Crapanzano)

  Seven Diamonds Plus One

  sexual abuse

  see also incest; rape

  sexual repression

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shields, Ann


  Short Creek, see Colorado City, Utah-Ariz.


  Smart, Ed

  Smart, Elizabeth

  Mitchell's psychological control of

  Smart, Lois

  Smart, Mary Katherine

  Smith, Emma Hale

  Smith, George A.

  Smith, Hyrum

  Smith, Joseph Jr.

  background of

  blood atonement and

  in Carthage jail

  castration attempt against

  charisma of

  destruction of Nauvoo Expositor and

  escapes of

  gold plates found and translated by

  legacy of

  marriage of

  “mighty and strong” prophecy and

  Missouri charges against

  money digging of

  murder of

  ongoing revelation and

  persecution of Mormons and />
  polygamy and

  presidential campaign of

  reputation of

  Rockwell as body guard of

  trial of

  “Word of Wisdom” and

  Young compared with

  Smith, Joseph Sr.

  Smith, Joseph III

  Smith, Lucy Mack

  Smith, Samuel H.

  Smith, Sardius

  Smoot, Abraham

  Snow, Erastus

  Stack, Peggy Fletcher

  Stanton, Robert Brewster

  Stark, Rodney

  Steele, John

  Stegner, Wallace

  Stigall, George

  Stockholm syndrome

  Stokes, William

  Storr, Anthony

  Stout, Hosea

  Stowe, Richard

  Stowell, Josiah

  Strang, James Jesse

  Stubbs, Lavina, see LeBaron, Lavina Stubbs

  Stubbs, Ruth

  Stubbs, Suzie

  Sumner, Jack

  Supreme Court, U.S.


  Tanner, N. Eldon


  Taylor, John

  polygamy and

  Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals


  Toquerville, Utah

  Twain, Mark

  Tyler, Robert


  United Effort Plan, see Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  Usher, James

  Utah County Jail

  Utah Medical School

  Utah State Prison

  Utah Territorial Legislature

  Utah Territory

  Civil War and

  end of isolation of

  migration to

  naming of

  U.S. annexation of

  Utah War

  see also Mountain Meadows Massacre


  Varieties of Religious Experience, The (James)


  Walker, Lucy

  Warsaw Dragoons

  Weiss, Penelope


  wife beating

  Williams, Levi

  Wims, Michael

  Woodruff, Wilford

  Woodruff Manifesto

  Woolley, John W.

  Woolley, Lorin C.

  Wootton, Noall T.

  Wootton, Richard

  Worrell, Frank

  Worster, Donald

  Wright, Jim

  Wright, LaRae

  Wright, Lyman

  Wright, Sharon


  Yengich, Ron

  Young, Ann Eliza Webb Young

  Young, Brigham

  blood atonement and

  death of

  Lee sacrificed by

  migration to Utah and

  Mountain Meadows Massacre and

  polygamy and

  Smith compared with

  succession crisis and

  Utah War and

  Young, William Hooper

  About the Author

  Jon Krakauer is the author of Eiger Dreams, Into the Wild, and Into Thin Air and is editor of the Modern Library Exploration series.

  Also by Jon Krakauer

  Into the Wild

  Into Thin Air

  Eiger Dreams

  To return to the corresponding text, click on "Return to text."

  * The first convict to be executed in the United States in more than a decade, Gary Gilmore came to symbolize America's renewed embracing of capital punishment in the 1970s. His story has been memorably told by his brother, Mikal Gilmore, in Shot in the Heart, and by Norman Mailer in his Pulitzer Prize–winning work The Executioner's Song. The Gilmore and Lafferty trials happened to share a number of protagonists in addition to Judge J. Robert Bullock: one of Gary Gilmore's court-appointed lawyers was Mike Esplin, who was later assigned to represent Ron and Dan Lafferty in their murder trials. And Utah County Attorney Noall T. Wootton prosecuted Gilmore as well as both Lafferty brothers.


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