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Billionaire's Fake Fiancee

Page 80

by Eva Luxe

  I rifled through his drawers and looked underneath his furniture cushions while trying to ignore the trembling weakness in my legs. I hadn’t been fucked like that in years, and I tried to push aside the fact that I’d just slept with the subject of my investigation.

  All I had to do was find one shred of evidence to prove his innocence, and I could settle this case. Maybe I could do it before our next date, even.

  I walked around a corner and came face to face with a computer. I smiled broadly and sat at the chair, toggling the mouse as my heart raced in my chest. This was what I needed, a peek at his browser history or a chance to recover any hidden files on his hard drive. I could hear his snores coming from upstairs, which told me I had plenty of time to figure this shit out.

  I easily got past his password, but I couldn’t get past much else.

  Every time I tried to pull up a file, they were password-protected. Every time I tried to access something I thought could be relevant, I either hit a dead-end or a firewall. Panic rose in my chest as I put his computer back to sleep. If he was innocent, why was everything password-protected? Why were there extra firewalls to keep people out of seemingly random files?

  Holy hell, had I just slept with a criminal?

  My mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts as I made my way toward the kitchen. I needed to get back upstairs, act like shit was normal in the morning, then get the fuck out of here. If he wasn’t innocent, then I couldn’t destroy all the work I did to get close to him. If he was innocent, then I needed to get back into the cabin at some point in time and do some more snooping. So far, the only thing I’d found in this fucking cabin were more questions that needed answers. I was no longer sure of his innocence in this situation at all, and I’d just fucking slept with the guy.

  My boss was right. I needed to get this shit done, get it wrapped up, and get it the fuck off my desk.

  Then, I needed to fucking quit.

  Chapter 24- Zach

  The sunlight streamed through the one window in my cabin bedroom, and it woke me from a dead sleep. I felt something warm and soft tangled up in my arms, and then a mass of blonde hair came into view. Paige was still next to me with her naked body snuggled against mine. There was something unusual about the situation. Something that struck me as odd.

  I wasn’t panicking about the fact that she was here.

  I laid there for a little while and watched her sleep. Her shoulders rose and fell with her breaths. Her thick leg snaked between mine, and our fingers stayed interlocked with each other’s. I could still smell her womanly scent from underneath the covers, and I buried my face into the crook of her neck and closed my eyes.

  I was happy where I was, and I didn’t want it to end just yet.

  I felt Paige stirring before she twisted around in my arms. Her eyes were sparkling, even with the absence of light in my dark cabin, and she smiled at me before she kissed my lips.

  “Morning,” she said groggily.

  “Sleep well?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You?”


  She giggled before she turned back over, and I pulled her closer into my body.

  “Was I snoring last night?” I asked. “My throat’s a bit sore.”

  “You were, but it wasn’t bad. I shoved you over onto your side, and it stopped.”

  “Like a true lady,” I said.

  “Fuck you and that lady shit,” she said.

  She stretched before she got up, and I took in the way her tits tapered into a thin little waist before flaring out into a juicy pair of hips. My morning wood was twitching for her as she bent over, her ass on full display for me as she slipped into her underwear.

  “Would you like a shower?” I asked.

  “You don’t want me doing much before coffee. You got any?”

  “I have tea, but that’s it.”

  She shook her head. “Then I’m gonna need breakfast before I attempt anything. Hope you don’t care.”

  “You’re good. I’ll get up and make—”

  “No, you stay put,” she said.

  She hopped her beautiful ass into her jeans before she reached for my shirt and pulled it over her head. “You made dinner. I’ll make breakfast.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off the way my shirt draped around her gorgeous body, and I followed her into the kitchen.

  Soon, the smell of eggs and toast filled the air. She added some cheese and a few freshly chopped vegetables she found in the fridge, and I worked on putting the food left out the night before away. I pulled out juice and set it on the table, and she grabbed two plates and started loading them up with food.

  Then, the two of us sat down and ate breakfast together.

  “You’re going to eat breakfast naked?” Paige asked.

  “If you don’t like it, you can always close your eyes.”

  “I wasn’t complaining. I just figured if you wanted your shirt back, I’d give it to you.”

  “Nope. It looks better on you anyway.”

  She flashed me a sweet smile. “Aww, thanks. You’re sweet, but you’re not getting laid again.”

  “I wasn’t complimenting you to get laid,” I said.

  “Says the disappointed look on your face.”

  “I can’t help that your pussy feels so divine.”

  “You should taste it next time,” she said.

  Her fork stopped halfway to her mouth, and a grin lit my face. Panic rose in her eyes as she slowly put her fork down. I sat back in my chair and studied the way her cheeks flushed with a deep red hue.

  Even when she was embarrassed, she still looked more radiant than any woman I had ever brought across the threshold of my sliding front door.

  “Next time, huh?” I asked.

  Her eyes panned up to me. “I just meant…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Please, keep going. I would love to hear your reasoning.”

  “You’re a dick,” she said flatly.

  “I think you meant you enjoyed my dick,” I said.

  “It was okay.”

  “Says that flush creeping down your neck.”

  “I had a good time,” she said.

  “I think you had more than a good time,” I said, grinning.

  “It was wonderful, okay? It’s the first time in years I’ve fucking felt like that with someone. Sorry for a little slip of the tongue.”

  “Sounds like you want me to do that,” I said.

  “I hate every part of you,” she said, murmuring.

  “I don’t think that’s quite true.”

  Her shoulders started shaking with her giggles, and she grinned. Her eyes said she was upset, but her lips told me she found the entire thing comical. She covered her face with her hands as she tried to stifle her laughter, but it soon came pouring out. She threw her head back and held her stomach, and I watched as her tits bounced with her jovial attitude.

  This was one thing that never filled the corners of my cabin. The laughter of a beautiful woman.

  “Let’s actually eat our food this time,” I said. “Because it smells delicious.”

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling. “It’s just some cheese, some eggs, and some vegetables.”

  “And sometimes, simpler just tastes better.”

  I winked at her, and she groaned before she started eating again. Every time I caught her eye, she would start to laugh again, and it caused me to grin. I enjoyed her company.

  She was so inviting and easy to be around. From the way her thighs felt against my body, to the way her smile lit up my kitchen, there was just something so different about her. She was relaxed and not hung up on the past or the future. She was just living in the present moment without a care in the world as to where life would take her next.

  It was refreshing, and I wanted to be around her for as long as she would let me.


  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “How would you feel about going on another bike ride with me?”

nbsp; “I’d be up for it. Why?”

  “I just figured since the sun’s shining bright, you could experience a cruise up the coast with the lights on.”

  “I don’t know. Lights off is pretty fun.”

  “There’s this place that has these flat rocks you can stand on. The waves crash around you, and it’s just peaceful in a very tumultuous way.”

  “Sounds confusing.”

  “You’d have to experience it for yourself,” I said.

  “And the only way I can get there is on the back of your bike?”

  “Exactly,” I said, grinning.

  “Then I guess we’ll just have to go on a bike ride.”

  “But first, we should probably shower,” I said.

  “Not together, obviously,” she said.

  “Well, that sort of ruins the fun, doesn’t it?”

  She giggled at me, but I still found myself alone in the shower. Which was fine, although I did wish I could see the hot water dripping down off her luscious nipples.

  She slipped in behind me, and I caught a glimpse of her thick legs as she stepped in. The thought of my tongue being buried between them made me salivate. I bet her pussy tasted like heaven. Like cotton candy and sea-salt caramel tangled up in each other.

  Electricity surged through my veins just thinking about it.

  Thirty minutes later, we were cranking up my bike to cruise up the coast. Her body was pressed against mine, and her arms were wrapped tightly around me. The scenery passed by in a haze, my mind sucked into a world where nothing but the feeling of Paige against me mattered. This woman was reeling me in without even noticing what she was doing, and it was taking me aback. Everything I’d taught myself about women was screaming at me to dump her. To let her go and keep on trucking.

  Because she deserved better. She deserved more than the broken man I was.

  But as I watched her jump across those rocks and laugh as the water splashed against her body, I knew I wouldn’t be able to let her go that easily. She brought an innocence and a light back into my life that I hadn’t realized I’d missed. Just being in her presence exposed the hurt I was experiencing, hurt I’d simply stuffed down and refused to acknowledge existed.

  I still wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, but with that revelation came admittance. And with that admittance came relief.

  I held her hand as we walked along the rocks, our bodies drenched in salt water as the waves rolled up onto shore. The tide had come in, and it was about to drown the rocks, so we made our way to the sandy beach. The water beat against our shins as we held hands, our eyes cast out toward the endless horizon that beckoned to both of us.

  “I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve spent with you,” I said.

  “Me too, Zach.”

  “I’d like to spend more time with you if you’ll let me.”

  She turned her face toward me, and I looked down at her hopefully.

  “I have to go back to Washington soon,” she said.

  “I figured. I just didn’t know when. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to see you again before you left.”

  “I could come back,” she said. “I can do my job from here—at least for a while—but I do have to report back to my boss. As a check in sort of thing.”


  “Unless, you don’t want me to?” she asked.

  “No, I would enjoy seeing you again. I just didn’t realize you had the option to come back.”

  “Were you trying to send me off with something romantic so you didn’t look like a jerk by not wanting to spend more time with me?” she asked.

  “You’ve met some interesting men, haven't you?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said breathlessly.

  “Trust me. If I didn’t want to spend time with you, you would know.”

  “Kicked many girls out of your place?” she asked.

  “You have no idea.”

  She looked up at me with a shocked expression before she started laughing. “Well, at least you’re honest.”

  “I don’t have any reason not to be.”

  Her eyes lingered on me for a long time before she turned her head out toward the horizon again. “I’m leaving this afternoon for Seattle, but once I report and get my tasks for the next couple of weeks, I can come back.”

  “I understand.”

  “I could call you when I’m back in town?”

  I grinned at the hope that rose in her voice. “I’d like that.”

  “Good, because I would, too,” she said.

  Chapter 25- Paige

  I left things on a good note with Zach, which was what I was hoping for. I didn’t have to report to my boss or anything, but I did owe him a phone call. Him and Mr. Kent. Right now, I needed to sit down with my best friend. I needed to look her in the eyes and bounce some things off her. I felt like I was soaring through the air and flying too close to the sun.

  I didn’t want all of this to implode on me, and I needed Kami’s help to keep me rooted.

  “Paige! You’re back!”

  I embraced her tightly just as she was coming out of her bakery.

  “Shutting down early, I see,” I said. “You hungry for some dinner?”

  “I’m exhausted is what I am. Pizza at my place?”

  “I’ll follow you back,” I said.

  Twenty minutes later, Kami was ordering us both pizza and soda. We flopped down onto her couch, and I could see the exhaustion in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly, watching as the stress of the day slowly sank her into the cushions.

  “Wanna talk about it?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not ready to yet,” Kami said breathlessly. “Now spill. Why are you here?”

  “Because I live here?” I asked.

  “I’m serious. I know when you’re panicking. It’s your eyes. They’re always a dead giveaway.”

  I frowned. “I hope not. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mark.”

  “Give me the headlines, and I’ll ask questions as necessary,” she said.

  “I don’t think my mark is the person my client says he is, despite what I’ve found.”

  “What have you found?” she asked.

  “A bunch of firewalls and shit on his computer when I tried to access any basic file.”

  “So, you’ve been on his computer,” she said. “Which means you’ve been in his house?”

  “Yes, and even though I panicked about the firewalls and password-protected files, once I calmed down, I realized my gut instinct hadn’t changed. I still think he’s innocent.”

  “Do you have proof to back that up?” she asked.

  “Not exactly.”

  “So, it’s just your gut?”

  “That, and the night I just spent with him, yes,” I said.

  Kami slowly lifted her head before her eyes connected to mine. “You didn’t.”

  “You’re the one who told me to get laid, remember? We let the painting thing fall to the wayside, and you talked about me getting dick or something.”

  “Not with the criminal!”

  “He’s not a criminal. I’m telling you. None of this feels right.”

  She shook her head. “Then why are you here? Why are you not there, clearing his name or some shit?”

  “Because I’m panicking, Kami. I need my best friend to help me focus and make sense of my jumbled thoughts.”

  “Was his cock that good?” she asked.

  “Yes, but he also bought me a gift.”

  “What the hell could he have possibly—”

  “He went to an art supply store and bought me canvases.”

  Kami sat up straighter on the couch. “You told him about your painting? That’s awfully personal, isn’t it?”

  “Telling him a few personal details gets him to open up about his. And all of the stuff he’s telling me confirms what I’ve been finding, and it gives me more to research.”

  “You told him about your painting. So much so that he felt the need to get you
canvases. What did you say to him?”

  I shrugged. “Just that I went to college for it and had the job I do now to pay the bills.”

  “Holy fuck, you didn’t tell him what you do, did you?”

  I shook my head. “He thinks I’m still working at the credit collection agency. I’m not an idiot.”

  “Well, you fucked the guy, so I don’t know where your head’s at anymore!”

  “Kami. Not helping.”

  “What do you want me to do? Give my stamp of approval? You’re fucking a thief.”

  “Not according to what my evidence says. And since when are people guilty until proven innocent?”

  “Since the media started getting involved with criminal cases for ratings, but that’s beside the point.”

  “Kami, this guy isn’t who my client says he is. The problem is, I don’t understand why my client wants information on this guy.”

  “Your client just wants information?” Kami asked.

  “When we had our initial meeting, he harped on that more than he did the theft that was taking place. When we ended our conversation, he made it a point to remind me of reporting back to him whenever I started watching this guy.”

  “You’ve taught me enough over the years for me to know that’s weird,” she said.

  I nodded. “And it burns my blood that I’m stalking an innocent man for no reason.”

  “Obviously not for no reason. That’s probably why this client has hired you and why he didn’t want you taking on any other cases but his.” She sighed. “I don’t know. It sounds like you need to be digging into your client instead of your mark.”

  “Exactly. I just have to go about it without raising any red flags.”

  “Just be careful, Paige, okay?”

  “I’m always careful.”

  “I just worry.” Kami sighed just as a knock came at the door, and I stood up to get the pizza.

  I signed the receipt and shut the door behind me with my pizza firmly in hand. “What is it, Kami?”

  She crossed her legs on the couch, her face looking troubled. “I just hear it in your voice when you talk about him. How giddy you get.”


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