THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1)

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THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1) Page 22

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I’m covered, it’s okay.”

  “No,” he says harshly, sitting up straight. “I’m not taking any chances on my life being turned upside down again, not yet anyway.”

  I can’t argue, he’s just being sensible.

  Ripping one of the squares from the long length he pulled from his pocket, he opens it with his teeth and quickly rolls it down his cock. I watch his every movement, my pussy clenching to feel what it’ll be like pressing inside and filling me to the hilt.

  Lining himself up with my entrance, I fall back onto the bed and wait.

  “How slow do I need to take this?”

  I know it’s his way of asking if I’m a virgin and I can’t help smiling to myself. “However you need. It’s not my first rodeo.”

  “Fuck,” he barks, a conflicted expression crossing his face.

  “Hey,” I say, reaching up and cupping his cheek. His eyes find mine and he seems to come back to himself.

  He pushes forward and I wince a little. I might not be a virgin, but it’s been a while.

  “Holy fuck, you’re tight,” he groans as he slowly continues to push inside until he’s as deep as he’ll go.

  I expect him to fuck me. To take all his frustrations over everything that’s happened today out on me, but that’s the exact opposite of what he does. In reality, he drops his face into my neck as he slowly grinds into me.

  It’s not long before his well-considered movements begin to awaken another release within me.

  “Jake, Jake,” I chant, my nails scratching down his back as my muscles lock up ready to fall over the edge.

  Pulling his head up, he finds my lips as he holds himself up with one elbow while the other caresses my face. It’s softer and more emotional than I ever could have imagined with him.

  My muscles clamp down on him as my release crashes into me. He sits up and stares down at me. My eyelids are heavy as wave after wave of pleasure races through me, but I can’t break my contact with him. Something is happening between us and I don’t want to miss a second of it.

  “Fuck, Amalie.”

  Before my orgasm fades, he slides his hands under my arse and lifts me. Then, much like I was expecting, he thrusts hard and fast into me. His head falls back as his muscles pull and ripple before my eyes.

  The sight of him taking what he needs is enough to bring on the tingles of another release. One he ensures he drags out of me by pressing his thumb down on my clit.

  “Fuck,” he roars before I feel his cock twitch. “Amalie,” he cries as he empties himself inside me.

  Pulling out, he drops the used condom over the side of the bed and then rolls over and pulls me tightly into his body.

  Our chests heave with our exertion and my muscles continue to twitch with pleasure. I know I’m not alone in wanting more because I can feel his still semi-hard cock against my arse.

  We lie there in silence for the longest time, neither of us ready to give in to sleep quite yet.

  “You still awake?” he whispers eventually.

  “Yeah. You?”

  “Yeah,” he chuckles. “Amalie?”


  “I never said it before because I was an asshole but, I’m really sorry about your parents. That must have been really hard.”

  The mention of my parents immediately has tears burning my eyes and only reminds me of the conversation I had with Miss French earlier today.

  “Thank you. It’s—” My voice cracks and he clearly notices.


  Turning me so I’ve no choice but to face him. He kisses the two tears that fall and pulls me tighter to his chest.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  I’ve no idea if he’s apologising for the loss of my parents, which he clearly had nothing to do with, or for the shit he pulled over the past few weeks. It doesn’t really matter what it’s for specifically because I accept it, nonetheless.

  “Do they know how it happened?” he asks after a few more minutes of silence between us.

  “They’re still looking into whether or not their helicopter had been tampered with. I’d hoped they’d have the answers they need by now. It’s taking forever. I just need it to be done so I can attempt to move on.”

  “If it helps at all. I think you’re doing a pretty incredible job already. What you’ve been through would have broken most people.”

  “You did a pretty good fucking job.”

  “Which I’ll probably regret for the rest of my life. I was so stuck in my own problems that I didn’t even give what you’ve been through a second thought. I was so fucking pig-headed.”

  Rolling him onto his back, I throw my leg over his waist and lie on top of him with my chin resting on his chest.

  “It’s in the past. No point in beating yourself up over something you can’t change.”

  “I need to let go of the past. Seeing her today showed me that. I need to look ahead, figure out what the fuck I want to do with it.”

  “Have you had a meeting with Miss French?”

  “Plenty.” I hate to bring up the idea of college again because he shot me down pretty quickly last time but there must be something he can do to get there.

  “And what does she say about college and stuff?”

  “That I should look into it and stop ruling it out. Don’t give me that look,” he says when I raise my eyebrow at him in an ‘I told you so’ way.

  “How about we look into things together?”

  “Go to college together?”

  “Whoa, hold your horses there, Thorn. We just had sex, not got married.” His face drops and it makes me wonder if he’s more serious about this thing between us than he’s letting on. “I meant just do some research, try to figure out the future together.”

  “I guess we could do that.”

  “Do you have any idea what you’d like to study?”

  “Hmmm... how about your body?” he asks, flipping us both over and sucking one of my nipples into his mouth.

  “I’m not sure that’s an option.” I laugh as he tickles my sides before settling between my legs once again like it’s his new home.

  “I want to do photography so I could most definitely make use of your body.”

  “Is that right?” he asks with a wink.

  “I learnt a few tricks from my dad, I’d be able to take a few inches off you.”

  He gasps in mock horror. “See I was right, I knew you were a bitch.”

  “That might be a little more convincing if you were to say it when your hard cock isn’t poking me between the legs.”

  “You can take photographs of me any day. I’m not shy.”

  “So I see.” My gaze drops to where his fist is stroking his cock slowly.

  It’s safe to say that we leave our stamp on that motel room, and the bathroom, when we decide it’s probably time for a shower.

  By the time I swing my legs from the bed some time long after sunrise the next morning, I swear every muscle in my body pulls.

  “You okay?” Jake asks, looking over at me with the covers pooling across his waist. It sure is a sight to wake up to. His hair is sticking up in all directions and his lips are still swollen from our hours of kissing. Something inside my chest swells at the sight of him, but I put the feeling to the back of my mind, afraid that if I focus on it too much, it’ll only result in heartache.

  I smile at him but it’s anything but convincing.

  I’ve no idea what’s going to happen once we walk out of this motel room, but I know things between us are never going to be like there are in here.

  There are too many obstacles that will get between us once again when we get back to Rosewood. Jake’s mum is the most obvious issue but I can’t forget all the kids at school who are going to be less than impressed if something were to happen between us.

  “Why do you look so worried?”

  “Because we’ve got to go back to reality soon.”

  “So? I should be the one stressing abo
ut that. It’s my whore of a mother that’s waiting for me.” I rear back for a number of reasons and I think he realises his mistake because he rushes to apologise. “I’m sorry. I wish I could trade mine for yours.”

  “It’s okay,” I say, reaching my hand out and squeezing his. “But…”

  “But what?”

  “What happens between us when we walk out of here. Last night was—”

  “Incredible. Mind-blowing. Earth shattering,” he says, pulling me back down to the bed with him and kissing me on the tip of my nose.

  “Yeah but—”

  “But nothing, Amalie.” Goosebumps prick my skin at the sound of my name, and it makes him smile. “We can walk out of here hand in hand and it can continue for as long as you want it to, if that’s what you want.”

  “It’s not that easy though.”

  “Why isn’t it? In case I didn’t make it obvious enough last night, I want you, Brit. I’m done with the bullshit and the pretending. I’m yours, if you’ll have me.”

  “But what about everyone else?”

  “No one else matters.”

  “I’m not sure everyone will see it that way.”

  “Like who?”

  “Chelsea for one.”

  “Fuck Chelsea. She has nothing to do with what’s between us.”

  “No, but she’ll have an opinion and she’ll make sure others do too.”

  “Fuck ‘em. All of them. If I need to stand on the fucking school roof and announce to the world that you’re mine, then I fucking will.”

  “I’m not sure that’s necessary,” I mutter, getting embarrassed just thinking about him doing something so ridiculous.

  “How about we just take it as it comes. I need to deal with Kate when I get back, no doubt she’s waiting for me and we’ll just go from there. Maybe you’ll let me take you out.”

  “On a date?”

  “Yeah, if you like.”

  A smile twitches my lips at the thought. “Have you ever been on a date before?”

  “No, never. Never dated and never kissed anyone.”

  “That rumour was true?”

  “Until you, baby.” My eyes widen in surprise. “I meant it. I’m serious about this, about us.”

  “Me too,” I admit, putting my heart on the line.

  “Okay then. Shall we get this show on the road? We’ve probably got people looking for us at home, well you will have at least.” He’s right, it’s a school day and neither of us are there. I left a very brief note for Gran yesterday saying I was sleeping elsewhere but I’m sure she was still expecting me to turn up to school today, Camila too.

  “Fancy a shower first?” I ask, quirking my eyebrow at him.

  “Fucking right I do.” He’s up from the bed faster than I can blink and then I’m in his arms and we’re making our way toward the bathroom.

  “Argh, that’s fucking freezing,” I squeal when he turns it on and we’re both blasted with ice cold water.

  “I’ll warm you up, baby.”

  He’s not wrong. Those few words are enough to do just that, but he ensures he finishes the job by backing me up against the wall and surrounding me, inside and out, with his heat.



  Pulling my phone from my bag, dread sits heavy in my stomach when I find a load of missed calls and texts from both Gran and Camila.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, putting my phone to my ear as it starts ringing.

  “Amalia? Where the hell are you? I’ve had the school on the phone telling me that you haven’t turned up.”

  “I’m so sorry. I’m just with a friend who needed me.” Jake’s elbow jabs me in the arm and his eyebrows rise as he mouths ‘friend?’ to me.

  “I trust you, Amalie, which is why I told them that you’re ill, but I’d appreciate the head’s up in the future.”

  “I’m really sorry. We just got carried away. We’re on our way back. We’ll be there in a couple of hours.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you soon. You might want to speak to Camila before she finds you first.”

  “Will do. See you soon.”

  “Friend?” Jake asks, looking pissed off with my description of him.

  “It just wasn’t a conversation to have over the phone. I’ll introduce you properly in person when we get back if you like.” He swallows nervously at the thought. “What?”

  “I’ve just never done the whole meet the family thing before, plus she’ll know who my mother is and—”

  “And nothing. Gran’s pretty open-minded. She’ll be fine.”

  “If you say so.”

  Looking at the clock, I know Camila will be in class but not wanting to freak her out more than she probably already is, I ring anyway.

  It goes to voicemail but not five minutes later she’s returning my call.

  “Where the utter fuck are you? And don’t tell me, you’re with Jake?”

  “Um... not sure where we are exactly, but yeah, he’s here.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Am. I’ve been going crazy.”

  “We’re both fine. We got a motel room for the night.”

  “Okay, so... I expect to hear every detail from that later, but for now, I’m just glad he hasn’t killed you and sent your body out to sea.”

  “I heard that,” Jake calls with a laugh.

  “Good, I hoped you would. You fucking hurt her, Thorn, and I’m coming after you.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Don’t tempt me. She’s already too good for you.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “Okay as fun as this has been, I am here and listening to this conversation. Come by Gran’s after school, yeah?”

  “Uh of course. We’re going dress shopping remember?”


  “Shit, I might have forgotten to tell you, but I need your help getting something sexy for both homecoming and Noah’s birthday because, well... you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. That’s fine. I’ll see you later. You can buy me dinner.”

  “After the stress you’ve caused me today? I don’t think so.”

  “Whatever. Bye.”

  “What the hell was that about?”

  “Camila’s been saving herself.”

  “Her and Noah haven’t…” He trails off. “Wow. I bet Mason doesn’t know that.”

  “What’s it got to do with him?”

  Jake rolls his eyes like it’s so obvious that I shouldn’t even need to ask the question. “He’s been in love with her forever. He just won’t admit it.”

  “I knew there was something between those two. They both refused to talk about it when I asked.”

  “They’re both as dumb as each other. Pretend they can’t stand each other, but in reality, they’re exactly what the other needs.”

  “That’s rich,” I say with a laugh.

  “Hey, at least I got my shit together.”

  “Yeah, just make sure you keep it that way.”

  Reaching over, I place my hand on his thigh, but he grabs it and brings it to his lips. “Always.” His promise makes my heart flutter, but I fight to keep my head in charge of what’s growing between us. He’s got the power to break me and we’ve only been officially whatever we are for a few minutes.

  We chat about random shit all the way home but it’s nice. I know hardly anything about him, so I soak up mundane things like his favourite food and colour.

  It’s not until he pulls up to his aunt and uncle’s that the reality of the situation makes itself known. There’s a twitch at the living room curtains before his uncle comes flying from the house, closely followed by his aunt who waddles with her giant pregnant belly.

  “What the fuck were you thinking, boy?”

  “I just borrowed it for a few hours. No harm done.”

  “You didn’t borrow it. You stole it. You should be fucking lucky we don’t have the cops on your ass right now.”

  “Like they’d give a fuck. Have you seen the
state of that thing?”

  “That thing is my ‘91 Pontiac Sunfire. I’m gonna do her up and she’ll be a classic.”

  Jake scoffs. “A classic piece of shit.”

  “Just because we allow you to stay on our land doesn’t mean you have the right to take our shit whenever you feel the need. What if your aunt went into labour?”

  Jake glances at his aunt and then to the other car in the driveway. “She looks pretty pregnant to me. Come on,” he says to me, grabbing my hand and leading me away.

  “Fine, walk away, but you haven’t heard the end of this, boy.”

  Jake flips his uncle off over his shoulder.

  “Shouldn’t you at least apologise? He does kinda have a point about you stealing it. You hotwired it.”

  “I would if I cared. They’re no better than the bitch I ran away from. They’ve done fuck all to help me. Why should I help them?”

  I refrain from pointing out that it works both ways and that if he was a little nicer, then maybe they would be. I have a feeling that too much time has passed for Jake to attempt to fix any relationship he once might have had with his family. It’s sad, especially seeing as I’d do anything to have mine back, but it is what it is. I can’t hold his irresponsible family against him just because my loving ones died.

  “Are you ready to meet my gran?” I ask as we emerge into her garden from the undergrowth. When he doesn’t respond, I glance up at him. “Jacob Thorn, are you nervous?”

  “What? No. I don’t get nervous. Life’s too short for that shit.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Hello,” I call when we step in through the open back door.

  “Why are you coming in from-ooooh,” Gran says, her eyes dropping to our joined hands. “So this is the friend you skipped out on school for?”

  “Gran, this is Jake. Jake, this is my gran, Peggy.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Gran manages to get out once she’s wiped the shocked look from her face.

  “I’m so sorry if we caused you any concern with Amalie’s disappearance. It was totally my fault, I needed to clear my head, and she agreed to go with me.”

  Gran’s eyes assess Jake the whole time he’s talking, and I can’t help wondering what she’s thinking.


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