THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1)

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THORN: A High School Bully Romance (Rosewood Book 1) Page 21

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I’m assuming that wasn’t your first time.”

  “You’d assume right. Anywhere you want to go?”

  “Nope. Just drive.”


  I lower the window and sit back, allowing the warm breeze to flow past my face. I might be in a stolen car with Jake Thorn, a guy I would have quite happily thrown under one when I first encountered him, but as we drive along the coastal road with the radio blaring and the windows down, I feel freer than I have in a very long time.

  “How did you know?”

  “About your mum?”

  “Yeah, but please don’t call her that.”

  “I saw her arguing with Hartmann when I came out of my guidance counsellor meeting. I had no idea until then though. I feel a little stupid for not figuring it out.”

  “How would you have figured it out?”

  “Just from some stuff you’ve said. Seeing her, it all made so much sense.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry, what was that? You’re going to need to repeat that, I didn’t quite hear properly.”

  “I’m sorry, for everything. I was projecting all my hate for her onto you because of your parents and where you came from. It wasn’t fair.”

  “I understand.”

  “You shouldn’t. I was an asshole.”

  “I can’t deny that, Jake, but you had your reasons. I’m glad I know the truth now. You should have told me.”

  “I don’t talk about her, Brit. Ever.”

  “Will you?”

  “Will I what?”

  “Talk... about her. About what happened?”

  His fingers tighten on the wheel with a white-knuckled grip.

  “Everything I know about her is from magazine gossip or snippets I overheard when she was talking to my parents.”

  “From the bits I’ve seen, the press didn’t get it too far wrong.” He falls silent, the muscle in his neck pulsing steadily. I allow him the time he needs to gather his thoughts. “I don’t have many good memories of her, she was always pawning me off anywhere she could so she could go out. But I guess, looking back, at least she was there. The day she turned her back, I’ll never forget. She dropped me at my aunt’s, kissed my forehead and turned away without even a glance back at me.

  “I was young, I assumed my aunt was just looking after me, but she never came back. To this day, I have no idea if my aunt knew she was stuck with me from then on or what. She put me in the guest room and her and my uncle mostly just carried on with their lives like I wasn’t there. The only difference for them was a little extra washing and another plate to put food on. If she was hoping that by leaving me there I’d have a better life, then she was mistaken. She might have been neglectful, but at least she was my mother.

  “I used to overhear my aunt and uncle talking about things they’d seen she’d been up to and I used to sneak down to their office and use their old shitty computer to Google her. Even at that age, I was embarrassed. Some of the shit I used to find. I stopped looking the day the sex tape was leaked.” A shudder runs through him at the thought.

  “She’s a fucking waste of space. All she cares about is herself. She never sent me a penny of her hard-earned money or ever came to visit when she was in the country. She just left me with them, not giving a fuck if I was dead or alive. I fucking hate her.” The strength of his feelings for his mother comes off him in waves. His arms shake as he tries to control himself.

  Needing to do something to help, I reach over and place my hand on his thigh. His muscles bunch before he relaxes slightly.

  He glances over at me, the slightest hint of a smile on his lips. “What the fuck did I do to deserve this? You?”

  I shrug because I really don’t have the answer. “I saw something in you, I guess.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asks, his usual jack the lad persona slipping back into place.

  “Something in your eyes.”

  “Oh? I thought you were going to say that it was my abs.”

  “Shut up, you idiot.”

  He laughs and after the tense conversation we just had, it sounds incredible.

  The sun’s setting and casting an orange glow over the sea.

  “It’s beautiful here,” I say, totally lost in the view, my hand still firmly in place on Jake’s thigh.

  “There’s a motel up ahead, you want to stop here?”

  “Sure. Won’t your uncle be mad you stole his car?”

  “Probably. I don’t really care. They all think I’m a total fuck up. I may as well act the part.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather prove them wrong?”

  “Why? They had me nailed as the bad kid they got stuck with from that very first day. Nothing I’ve ever done has changed their minds.”

  “That’s really sad.”

  “Maybe, but it’s my reality. It’s why I’m leaving the second I finish school.”

  He kills the engine and jumps from the car. I stay seated and watch as he stretches his stiff muscles. It’s not until I look at my phone that I realise how long we had been driving for.

  Grabbing my handbag from the back seat, I join him at the front of the car.

  “Let’s go and see if they’ve got a room,” I suggest. I take a step but don’t make it any farther. Jake’s hand slips into mine and I’m pulled back until I’m flush against his chest.

  He stares down at me causing butterflies to start up in my belly. His hand cups my cheek, his thumb brushing gently over my skin.

  “Thank you,” he whispers. It’s by far the most sincere thing he’s ever said to me and it immediately brings tears to my eyes. His eyes bounce between mine. “Shit. That wasn’t supposed to make you cry.”

  “It’ll take more than that to make me cry, Thorn.” His eyes narrow at my use of his nickname. “Come on, let’s get that room.”

  A smile twitches at his lips, his eyes darkening. I can only imagine what he’s thinking, and I can only hope it’s somewhat in line with what I am.

  Ten minutes later, Jake is pushing the key into our room for the night. He shoves it open, then steps aside allowing me to enter first.

  “That’s very gentlemanly of you,” I say, looking over my shoulder at him.

  “I’m not always an asshole.”

  “Really? I’ll look forward to that. Ahhh,” I squeal as his hands land on my waist and I’m thrown onto the double bed in the middle of the room.

  I land with a bounce before I flip over to find him looming over me. He crawls onto the bed and pushes my legs apart so he can settle between them. His hands land on either side of my head and he drops down slightly, closing the space between us.

  “I meant what I said outside.”

  “I know.” His eyes roam over every inch of my face, the intensity in his eyes making me want to clench my thighs.

  “Am I in the way?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with delight.

  “That all depends.”


  “What you’re intending on doing.”

  “Oh, I’ve got plans. There are so many things I want to do.”

  Heat floods my core as memories of how good his mouth felt on me last night.

  “The first thing I want to do.” He lowers even more so our lips are brushing. “Is get some food. I’m fucking starving.” He jumps from the bed, chuckling with amusement as I groan in frustration. He holds his hand out for me and I pull myself up so I’m sitting. “I saw a pizza place just down the street. Up for it?”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m up for it.”

  “I change my mind. I’m not hungry now.”

  “That’s a real shame because now you’ve mentioned it, I’m ravenous. Come on.”

  I turn back when I get to the door, just in time to see him rearrange himself in his jeans. Fuck, maybe we should just stay in here.



  All I wanted to do was get back between her legs, but I knew she deserved better than that. She didn’t have to agree to thi
s little impromptu trip, but she did so without any second thought. Fuck knows what I did to deserve her support right now because I know damn fucking well I don’t deserve it.

  As much as I want to spend the night doing all the filthy things that are filling my head, I’m more than willing to allow her to take the lead. I don’t want to push her into more than she’s ready for.

  We both sit back in our chairs after polishing off a pizza each. “That’s better,” I say, grabbing my soda and draining the glass. I almost spit it all over her when she lets out the most unladylike burp.

  “Oops,” she says, covering her mouth with her hand, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

  “You’re ruining all my first impressions of you, you know that, right?”

  “Well, seeing as you hated me on sight, I don’t think that’s a bad thing.”

  “I... I just saw her. I know it’s crazy because really, you’re nothing alike but... fuck. I was a dick.” Pulling my eyes from hers, I stare across the small diner, regret consumes me.

  Brit reaches across the table and laces her fingers with mine. Dragging my gaze back to her, my breath catches in my throat at the hungry look in her eyes.

  “Let’s go back to our room.”

  I’m powerless to refuse her suggestion. After throwing a few bills down on the table that definitely covers the check, we stand and hand in hand we walk from the diner.

  There’s something so freeing about being somewhere where no one knows either of us. While we’re in Rosewood, we’ll always find someone who’ll recognize us. And it’s not that I’m ashamed to be seen with her like she thought at the diner. I’m more concerned about her and what people will think when they see her with me. I’ve got a reputation and I know they’ll judge her, make her out to be as bad as one of the cheer sluts. I can already predict what the gossip mongers will spread around.

  We’re both silent on the short walk back to our room but the tension crackles between us. I know she can feel it too because every minute or two she’ll look over at me. Concern creases her brow and I know she wants to help but I’m not sure what she can do right now but be here. I know that I’m going to have to go back and deal with my mother. If she’s made it this far to see me, then I can’t imagine she’s going to get back on a plane and disappear all that willingly. She’s done the hard part, she’s made her presence known after years of avoiding the place, avoiding me.

  Pulling the key from my pocket, I unlock our door and allow Brit to enter before closing and locking the door behind me.

  Turning, I take a step forward but stop just short of crashing into her.

  She stares at me, her eyes assessing as she chews on her bottom lip. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to figure out the best way to make you get out of your own head. You wanted to escape but you’ve spent the whole time with your head back in Rosewood worrying about what you left behind.”

  “I know, I’m sorry but—”

  Stepping closer, her body heat burns into my chest. “I wasn’t looking for an apology, Jake. I understand. Family shit can be... hard.”

  “Shit, Brit. I’m so s—”

  “No. We’re done talking.” Her voice comes out harder and I start to panic that I’ve pissed her off again and that she’s about to run. Thankfully when she moves, it’s the very opposite.

  Her hands rise and link behind my neck, our mouths just a breath apart.

  “You think I can take your mind off it?”

  Our noses press together, her lips just tickling lightly against mine. My cock stirs in my pants at just the thought of tasting her again.

  “I don’t know. Do you need me to leave and then sneak back in when you’re not expecting it?”

  “I’m not really a fan of time-wasting.”

  “Maybe not, but you can’t deny that having someone sneak into your room at night and get you off isn’t hot as fuck. You know you owe me, right?”

  “No, you most definitely owed me those.”

  I nod, there’s no way I can disagree with that after everything I’ve put her through.

  Our breaths mingle as our chests heave and we continue staring at each other. Her blue eyes darken the longer we stand here. It’s almost as if we’re daring the other to make the first move. It’s hot as fuck but my need for her is at a breaking point. Every muscle in my body is locked up tight and my fingers twitch at her waist itching to explore every inch of her perfect fucking body.

  It’s almost like someone counts us down because the second I break, so does she. Our lips collide, our teeth clash as we fight to get closer. My hands slip inside her t-shirt, my need to feel her skin against mine too much to deny.

  Finding the clasp of her bra, I flick it open and run my hands around the front to get what I really need. Her breasts might be small, but they fill my hands perfectly.

  She moans and I swallow it down as I pinch both her nipples between my fingers.

  Her hands find their way under my shirt and she lifts until I’m forced to break our kiss so we can pull it over my head. I immediately drop it to the floor, pulling her body back to me, wasting no time.

  With one hand under her t-shirt, I wrap the other around her waist and walk her backward until her legs hit the bed.

  “Amalie, fuck. I need you.”

  She stills in my arms and pulls her head back so she can look at me.

  My stomach drops. She’s just changed her mind. Fuck.

  “W-what’s wrong?” My cock throbs against her, willing her not to put an end to this right now.

  “You said my name,” she says softly, her cheeks heating when she realizes what she said. “It’s just, you’ve never used it before.”

  “Using it meant accepting what I really wanted.”

  She wants to ask, it’s right on the tip of her tongue but I’m not ready to express everything I’ve been keeping buried since she first walked into my life. I’ve bared enough of myself to her today. So instead of allowing her to say anything, I grip the bottom of her shirt and pull it off her quickly followed by her bra.

  “Fuck,” I grunt as I’m greeted by her rosy pink stiff nipples. They’re as perfect as I remember.

  Dropping my head, I suck one and then the other into my mouth ensuring I run my tongue around each one. Her hips thrust toward me as she moans my name and fuck, if it doesn’t make my cock leak for her.

  “Need more,” I demand, dropping to my knees, I kiss down her flat stomach before flicking open the fly of her jeans.

  Feeling her stare burning into the top of my head, I look up as I begin to pull the fabric of her jeans and panties down her legs.

  She looks so innocent as she bites down on her bottom lip, my balls ache for her as she waits to see what I’m going to do.

  With our eyes still connected, I lean forward and place a kiss to her hipbone. Her eyelids flutter but they don’t close fully.

  I can’t fight it any longer and I have to pull my eyes from hers. Sitting back on my haunches, I stare at her body.

  She might have the body of a supermodel, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have curves. And fuck me if those curves don’t bring me to my knees.

  “Sit on the bed.”

  She follows my order but instead of staying upright, she falls back onto her elbows, giving me an incredible fucking view.

  Reaching forward, I wrap my hands around her thighs and pull her so her ass is hanging over the edge, then I lower myself toward her core. Her scent makes my mouth water before I suck her swollen clit into my mouth.

  “Jake,” she cries, and I feel like a goddamn king.

  Fuck ruling the school, the only person I want to be a king for is her.



  Jake doesn’t pull back until he’s allowed me to ride out every second of the orgasm he gave me.

  He stands from his position on the floor and goes for his waistband. Not wanting to miss anything, I sit myself up on my palms and watch intently as he pushes
the fabric of both his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

  His cock springs free and my eyes widen. I’m not a virgin, but shit, that’s bigger than I’ve experienced before.

  Before he drops the fabric to the floor, he digs into his pocket and pulls out a strip of condoms.

  “Wow, someone was optimistic.”

  “Better that than being caught shor—” His words falter when he looks up and finds me staring at him.

  “Jesus, Amalie. Could you be any more beautiful?”

  The sound of his deep voice saying my name causes even more butterflies to erupt in my belly. I never knew hearing my own name could affect me so much.

  He takes a step toward me and my heart pounds inside my chest.

  “I need you... so fucking badly, but if you don’t then—”

  “Stop.” I place my finger against his lips as he begins to climb over me. If I wasn’t sure about this, then I wouldn’t have put myself in this position. I’m laying here naked willingly. It might be the stupidest thing I’ve done to date because all the sweet stuff he’s saying to me could be one big fat lie, but after seeing his mum earlier and the effect it had on him, I’m pretty convinced that he’s telling the truth. He was too vulnerable to bullshit me when he first found me earlier.

  Placing my hands against his rock hard abs, I skirt them up and over his chest and then up into his hair. My nails scratching his head slightly, making him moan.

  “Fuck. I don’t deserve for this to happen. You should kick my naked ass to the curb and make me walk back to Rosewood.”

  “You’re right. That’s exactly what I should do. But I’m not.”

  “Fuck.” Settling between my legs, he drops his lips to mine and kisses me like he’ll die without it. His tongue plunges into my mouth and tangles with mine as his hips thrust in an attempt to find the friction he needs.

  Scratching my nails down his back, I grab on to his arse and pull him closer to where he needs to be.

  “Condom,” he mutters against my lips.


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