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Dwarven Ruby

Page 21

by Richard S. Tuttle

  “He must be a magician to teach it to you,” argued Fredrik.

  “You don’t know everything,” scowled Niki. “Just because he doesn’t have the talent himself, doesn’t mean he can’t teach it to others. He taught me and I can prove that it works. Why are you always making me feel inferior to you? I thought you liked me.”

  “I do like you,” apologized Fredrik. “And I am happy that you are discovering your talents. I am sorry if I don’t understand all that you have been through. I certainly don’t mean to get you upset. Do you believe me?”

  Niki stopped pouting and finally smiled. “Yes,” she nodded. “I guess it is just hard for you to understand.”

  “It is,” nodded Fredrik. “Who are the women that are so important that you had to rescue them from the imperial Palace?”

  “Mistress Clava and Mistress Markel,” answered Niki, “but I just call them Kamil and Lara. The reason we came here is to find out how to get to their husband’s estates. I figured you would know.”

  “I know Lord Markel well,” nodded Fredrik. “I also know Lord Clava, but I am confused about something. I did not know that either of them was married. That makes me question who these women really are. Why did you rescue them? How did you come to know about them? Pardon me for asking so many questions, but this Contest of Power has made me skeptical of everything.”

  “Oh they are really their wives,” assured Niki. “I would think that Tedi knows his own mother.”

  “Tedi’s mother?” echoed Fredrik as he bit his lower lip. “Are you serious? I knew the name Markel was familiar, but I could not place it. And Clava too. Isn’t that Arik’s last name?”

  “Of course,” frowned Niki. “Don’t you know anything?”

  Fredrik ignored the guests waiting inside the room and walked across the hall and sat on a chair.

  “What is the matter?” inquired Niki. “You are acting like you just ate something horrible.”

  “No,” Fredrik shook his head. “Not something I ate. I am just realizing how naïve I am. Arik and Tedi’s fathers have been playing me for a fool. Why shouldn’t they? Everyone else has too. In fact, I think that proves that I am. With all the conspiracies going on in this city, I missed even the most obvious one, which was right under my nose. They are doing the heir’s bidding, aren’t they?”

  “Arik is the heir,” Niki said softly. “I do not understand all that you are saying, Fredrik. Is it bad that we brought the women here?”

  Fredrik held up his hand to stall any further questions from Niki while he tried to reason things out. He rose and started pacing the hall while his mercenaries looked on with concern. Finally he marched over and stood before Niki.

  “That means that the queen is alive,” surmised Fredrik. “They really plan on bringing her back to Tagaret. Now it all makes sense. How did you leave Tagaret when you left?”

  “Arik and Tedi kidnapped me,” frowned Niki. “They even left a lot of my belongings behind.”

  “What about the body that was left in your house?” questioned Lord Wason.

  “Arik killed him,” reported Niki. “He said he was an assassin sent to kill me, but I never saw the man before. Who would want to kill me?”

  “Many people in this city,” frowned Fredrik, “but Arik and Tedi are not among them. The Rangers are the only people who have never tried to get things out of us. I guess they didn’t trust me because I left the Rangers with you. Can’t say that I blame them.”

  “Is this all bad?’ fretted Niki.

  “No,” smiled Fredrik. “At last things are beginning to be as they should be. Let me send for Lord Clava and Lord Markel and then you can introduce me to your friends.”

  “Should they be my friends?” Niki asked.

  “Yes,” nodded Fredrik. “They are the only ones who mean you no harm.”

  “Are you sure?” Niki persisted. “At times they act like they wish I wasn’t around.”

  “I am sure,” smiled Fredrik. “We all get on each other’s nerves from time to time, but they have never tried to hurt you. In fact, they showed that they care for both of us. They saved you from an assassination, and they sent bodyguards to protect me.”

  “So things are going to be better now?” questioned Niki.

  “Oh yes,” grinned Fredrik. “Now that I know the game, I am eager to play in it.”

  Fredrik motioned for one of his bodyguards to come over.

  “Send someone to fetch Lord Clava and Lord Markel,” ordered Fredrik. “Instruct them to arrive in covered carriages, and to get here quickly. It is a matter of urgency.”

  The mercenary nodded and moved off silently. Fredrik smiled and grabbed Niki’s hand. He crossed the hall and opened the door to the sitting room. When they entered the room everybody turned to look at them.

  “I apologize for my delay,” stated Lord Wason. “I have dispatched men to summon Lord Clava and Lord Markel. They should be here shortly. Introduce me, Niki.”

  Niki introduced the group to Lord Wason. Fredrik noticed the confused look on Master Khatama’s face, but did not pursue the issue. He made a mental note to ask Niki about it later. Everyone exchanged pleasantries while they waiting for the two lords from Sordoa. Fredrik had some refreshments brought in, and before long Konic and Alan arrived. Fredrik offered to show the group the rest of his mansion, leaving the two recently reunited couples alone in the sitting room. Nobody protested.

  Boris lagged behind with no real interest in seeing the mansion. He suddenly stopped when he detected movement near the ceiling. Fredrik did not notice that Master Khatama had stopped and continued to lead the tour. When the group left the room, Boris stepped closer to the bookshelves on the wall.

  “What have we here?” Boris asked softly as he tried to locate what he had seen. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “Afraid of the Mage?” giggled the fairy as she stepped out from behind a book. “You restored the orchard. Why should I fear you?”

  “Did I now?” puzzled Boris. “I am afraid that I do not remember doing that. Why are you hiding?”

  “We are not to be seen or heard,” frowned the little fairy. “I might be punished for being discovered.”

  “A little spy, eh?” chuckled Master Khatama. “Well, I suppose that I have not seen you then.”

  Boris heard footsteps outside the room and swiftly stepped into the hall.

  “I was afraid that I lost you,” frowned Fredrik.

  “I was intrigued by your books,” lied Boris. “I will try to keep up.”

  The tour lasted about an hour as Fredrik purposely took his time. He ended the tour in the dining room and asked everyone to have a seat. As he left the room, he ordered a dinner to be served and then proceeded to the sitting room. He knocked gently on the closed door and Master Markel answered.

  “I am having dinner served,” announced Lord Wason. “I can imagine that you are desirous of more time with your wife, but I need to speak shortly with you and Lord Clava. May I have a moment?”

  Alan nodded and waved Konic over as he stepped into the hallway. Konic closed the door to the sitting room.

  “I have just learned who the two of you really are,” declared Fredrik. “I now understand that the game is to restore the queen to the throne in anticipation of Arik’s assumption.”

  Alan’s mouth fell open, but Konic tensed. “What do you plan to do with your newfound information?” questioned Konic.

  “Do not see me as a threat,” smiled Fredrik. “I wish you had let me know sooner, but I understand why you did not. I am letting you know the extent of my knowledge because I trust the Alcea Rangers with my life. I also wanted to let you know that I am willing to do whatever it is that you need done.”

  “My apologies, Lord Wason,” responded Konic, “but how do I know we can trust you? This city is full of treachery and deceit.”

  “That it is,” sighed Fredrik. “You will know of my sincerity by the fact that nobody will learn of what I know. I cannot think of any other way o
f convincing you. If you want to test me, tell me how you want me to vote and watch the results. If you wish me to resign my seat on the Council, I shall be happy to do so. The Alcea Rangers are as close to family as I have ever come. They provided me with my mercenaries, and they saved the life of Niki, the woman that I love. I owe everything I have to them. I just thought you should be aware that you have a friend and ally on the Council when you need it.”

  “I will take you at your word, Lord Wason,” smiled Konic. “Let us get our wives and we shall meet you in the dining room.”

  Fredrik nodded politely and left while Konic and Alan returned to the sitting room. Konic scribbled a short note and shoved it into his pocket.

  “What are you up to, Konic?” whispered Alan.

  “Escort our wives to the dining room,” instructed Konic. “I have to get a message off to our friend.”

  “You don’t trust him?” asked Alan.

  “I believe that he is sincere,” countered Konic, “but I will leave nothing to chance where it concerns Arik. I will join you in a moment.”

  Konic stepped out of the room and exited the mansion. He handed the note to one of his mercenaries and returned inside. He hurried to catch up to Alan as Lord Markel escorted the women to the dining room. It was a quiet dinner as the couples paired off and spoke in hushed tones. Bin-lu and Boris felt left out of the conversations and ate quietly. During the dessert, one of Konic’s mercenaries came in and handed him a note. Konic stood and helped Kamil out of her chair. Alan and Lara took Konic’s lead and also stood.

  “Lord Wason,” Konic said, “your hospitality is boundless. I appreciate everything you have done for us. If fact, I thank everyone in this room. I owe a debt of gratitude to each of you. I don’t mind admitting that it is such a large debt that I will never be able to repay your efforts completely. If any of you have any desires that I can fulfill, please ask me at any time. Unfortunately, something has come up and we must leave you now. I hope to see all of you again soon.”

  Fredrik rose and escorted the two couples to the door of the mansion.

  “I do hope you think seriously about what I said,” Fredrik whispered. “I am sincere and would be pleased to be involved in your efforts.”

  “I do not question your sincerity, Lord Wason,” replied Konic. “I will be in touch with you very soon. Perhaps as early as tomorrow. Tonight I have reserved for a different purpose.”

  “I understand,” smiled Lord Wason, “and please call me Fredrik. I also look forward to spending some time with Niki this evening. Good night.”

  When the two carriages left Lord Wason’s estate, one turned towards the Markel estate. The other proceeded to the estate of Stafa Rakech. It was quickly passed through the gate, and the couple was escorted into a plush sitting room. Within moments, Prince Oscar and Princess Callie entered the room.

  “I am so happy for you, Konic,” greeted Oscar. “So this is the beautiful woman who did such a fantastic job of raising Arik,” he continued as he kissed Kamil’s hand.

  “Please be seated,” smiled Callie.

  “I am pleased to meet both of you,” Kamil said hesitantly, “but I must confess to feeling rather awkward. I understand that you are a prince and princess? Should I bow? Forgive my lack of manners.”

  “You do not need any forgiveness for anything,” smiled Callie. “As for feeling awkward about our relations with Arik, three of us have been through all of that already. We certainly know how you feel. Treat us no differently than you would a friend, because that is what I hope we shall become. Come tell me of your ordeal while the men plot and scheme.”

  Kamil smiled and sat next to Callie while Konic and Oscar stood to discuss Fredrik.

  “How much do you think he knows?” Oscar asked.

  “I think he has figured it all out except the part about you,” answered Konic. “He gave no indication of that. He knows that Arik is my son and that Tedi is Alan’s son. Because of that he knows that the queen is alive and that we plan to bring her to Tagaret in preparation for Arik’s assumption of the throne. He is a smart lad, Oscar. I am sure that he can figure out the mercenary angle without much difficulty.”

  “And he expressed a willingness to join with us?” inquired Oscar.

  “Very much so,” nodded Konic. “Of course he would do so no matter which side he was really on, but I do think that by letting us know the extent of his knowledge, he was putting himself on the line.”

  “And that would be foolish if he did not believe in what we were doing,” agreed Oscar. “His voting certainly has not hurt us yet. If he is truly with us, it is an important coup.”

  “If he is against us,” continued Konic, “he already has enough information to destroy what we are doing.”

  “Agreed,” nodded Oscar. “Still there is no need to rush into this. Frankly, Niki concerns me more than Fredrik. The one hesitation that I have regarding bringing Fredrik into our confidence is that Niki might find out. She has been aligned with Dalgar in the past. That is one person we cannot afford to go against without powerful mages by our side. Did you get any idea where Arik is now?” questioned Oscar.

  “He is heading towards the dwarves,” interjected Kamil. “I did not get a chance to see him, but the group talked about him a lot. He is with Alex and Jenneva. Tanya and Wylan are with them too.”

  “And Prince Midge no doubt,” added Oscar.

  “Yes, Prince Midge was mentioned too,” replied Kamil. “Bin-lu wants to join up with them. He had planned to head south after he escorted us here. How he will ever find them is beyond me.”

  “Do they know Bin-lu?” asked Oscar.

  “Tedi certainly did,” nodded Kamil. “They got along well for the short time that Tedi was with us. I cannot believe how he has grown. I would love to see Arik now.”

  “Who is Wylan?” asked Callie.

  “We received a message from the boys when they were in Dalek,” offered Oscar. “It seems they met up with Wylan in Cleb. He is around their age, and I guess he has joined up with them. It is getting harder to keep track of all of the new faces.”

  “Where does this Master Khatama fit in?” questioned Princess Callie.

  “He pretends to be an old merchant,” answered Kamil, “but I think he is something more. Everyone deferred to him during the escape and the trip here. He also used magic to create a cloud of fog during the escape. I suspect he is a magician.”

  “If the fairy information is accurate,” interjected Oscar, “he is a magician. A very powerful one, in fact. I knew him under a different name in the past. He could be a great help to us. He is one who could take on Dalgar.”

  “I would not count too heavily on his help,” frowned Kamil. “The old man is at the end of his years. It is a shame too because he is such a delightful man.”

  “That I would find hard to believe,” chuckled Oscar. “That old man will be around long after you and I are gone.”

  “He may be around for a long time,” Kamil shook her head, “but he can barely remember his name. The poor man is losing his memory, and at a pace that is remarkable.”

  “What do you mean?” frowned Oscar. “How do you know he is losing his memory?”

  “One only needs to spend a short time with him to notice it,” explained Kamil. “One day he would talk about something and the next he had forgotten it. I remember one particular episode that really had us all confused. It concerned that girl Tanya. One day he rambled on about dark elves, bandits, and gypsies. The next day he could not remember how he found Tanya.”

  “Maybe he was just making up stories for the campfire,” suggested Oscar.

  “Hardly,” Kamil shook her head. “He was talking to Niki about it. She really wanted to know where Tanya came from. Master Khatama told us a whole long story about how he found her and searched for her parents. At one point he even named her parents. They were gypsies. The next day he told a different story about a man with an arrow in his back and a dead horse. I really don’t think you
should depend upon his help.”

  Oscar’s brow broke out in a sweat and his hands started shaking.

  “Do you remember the names of the gypsies?” swallowed Oscar.

  “I remember the names,” nodded Kamil, “but there was more to his story that he refused to say, as if revealing it was a matter of life or death or something like that. After that he refused to talk about it and the next day he had totally forgotten it.”

  “What were the names?” pushed Oscar. “The gypsies, what were their names?”

  “Ora and Beka,” frowned Kamil as she watched the sweat pouring off of Oscar’s face.

  “Mercy!” exclaimed Oscar. “After all of these years.”

  “What is it?” asked Konic with concern etched into his face.

  “I was that man with the arrow in his back,” trembled Oscar.

  Chapter 17

  Over the Edge

  Sydar frowned as he paid for the room at the Harbor Inn in Miram. His eyes scanned the common room for a moment, and then he took his sister’s hand and led her up the stairs to the room.

  “You seem overly nervous,” Emil said softly.

  “I am,” Sydar admitted to his sister. “I was told to lose Salvo’s men before entering Miram, but I was not able to.”

  “Why is that such a problem?” asked Emil. “We are here and we are safe. All we have to do is wait for the ship with the boys on it.”

  “I caused problems for the Red Swords once by ignoring orders,” frowned Sydar. “I will not endanger them again.”

  “What can you do about it?” questioned Emil. “You tried to lose them, but I kept doing foolish things like singing when we should have been quiet. I am not used to these games you play. It is not your fault. There is nothing you can do about it now.”

  “There is,” retorted Sydar. “Now that you are safely in this room, I will lead the trackers back out of the city. I cannot allow them to see us reuniting with the boys. That will alert them to the fact that we had help in Tagaret. That is all Colonel Salvo needs to return his attention to David. I will not make the same mistake again.”


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