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Born Suspect

Page 4

by brett hicks

  “I believe you need me to come to your station now. I will try to help answer any questions I can, but I am not sure what I can tell you about the murders you are looking into.”

  He stiffened and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. It was too easy!

  Was this why her girlfriend was so pissed?

  It only took one look at Rachelle Jameson to confirm this as truth. She looked perplexed, or like she might have a stroke at any moment.

  Melony sighed, and she bit her lip. Her body shivered a bit. She was very nervous, but she held a bright fire in her green eyes.

  “Let’s get this over with.”

  She breathed out, steeling her resolve.


  Blue and red lights flashed in the night’s sky. The whole block seemed to be crawling with uniformed cops, some in riot gear. Weapons weren’t drawn, but the tension in the air hung heavily, suffocating. Dozens of tense humans, trained to protect, fight, and to kill if needed. Humans who seemed to perceive all of us as hostage takers, not defenders.

  Tensions had boiled over, and there had been little recourse, except to give them what they originally demanded—me. Rachelle was turbulent with emotions swirling. Hot magic and icy power roiled from her. If I had time, I would have puzzled out the deeper meanings to her strange powers—something I had noted in our time together. She was unlike any other vampire I had met to date. Sometimes her aura seemed hot as the sun, others, like a glacial world devoid of a single ray of light.

  Now was not the time for vampiric mysteries. I had a more pressing puzzle before me. I stepped out fully into the night’s sky. The air was still humid, summer’s last throes of power kicking, even as the beginnings of September brought with it fall. Still dank with the southern humidity of Virginia, even now. Just a week past the point when humans deemed the climate too cold for swimming in these parts.

  I could feel the confusion of the now freed police detective Sam Clarke. He walked out into the night behind me. I could feel his studying gaze upon everything, taking in the tension. I hazard a glance over my shoulder, and I could see something shadow his features. There was a darkening, even some form of regret, but it passed quickly. He walked in stride matching my pace, letting nothing show on his features now.

  There was a deep darkness in the well of his convictions. A hollow place where his heart seemed to reside. He had a story, likely one that would give mine a run for its money. He had a past, and I could wager that sups had taken much from him—just based on his behavior towards us. I would be placing my life in the hands of a man that would likely watch everything—and everyone I love—burn. There was credence to Rachelle’s arguments. To say she was furious with me right now, would be gravely understating matters.

  The puzzled detective looked at me without a word. He studied my stiff form, and my distance from all my pack mates. He could tell that something was happening, beyond his release. We walked in utter silence to his unmarked cruiser, and I handed him his keys, before I wordlessly glided to the passenger side door.

  This had been a suggestion from a very angry Rachelle. “Do not allow him to put you in the back. That would be paramount to showing guilt to these humans. Forcing him to accept you as a free passenger, is a passive-aggressive way of asserting yourself as a voluntary witness. Perception is everything.”

  I could still hear the bitterness in her tone as she spoke the words. Giving me sound advice, even though I had vetoed her every demand to stay safely within the pack. Rachelle was not used to someone openly, flagrantly, disobeying her. She might be milder than Ellison by far, but she was still a Jameson. My defiance had burned her, and she would likely remember it for some time.

  “What is this?”

  He asked, as if I was filling his car with deadly vipers. I gave the detective a tolerant look. I stood straight, despite my fears. Even though my flesh and bones still remembered the echoes of my last imprisonment. Only two months prior, I shivered, fear rolled through me. Still, I steeled myself and I tipped my chin up, matching the look I had seen on my mother—Kimiko’s—face. I exuded an arrogance, and a surety I didn’t even believe myself.

  “I shall accompany you to the station. I will help you in whatever ways I can. You may research my exact whereabouts, and proximity to any crimes you were attempting to charge me with.”

  Even to me, I sounded like I mimicked Kimiko better than I had hoped. I could see it in the detective’s eyes, he was studying me with a new level of weariness. He nodded, hitting the unlock button. We both climbed in, and I felt the tensions lessen greatly. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

  “I don’t know what games you’re playing now, but I will see that you behave yourself.”

  I eyed him, and I didn’t even need to try, to channel my mother this time. I cut him a hard look of condescension.

  “Says the man who started an interspecies conflict, because he wanted to execute a questionable arrest on sovereign territory.”

  He grumbled, “Sovereign territory, my ass! This is still America!”

  I nodded, and I held his eyes as he started the car.

  “Precisely my point dear Watson. This is America, land of the free, home of the brave. Also, home of the Born Species Clan Sovereignty Act. Did you truly forget this, or did you think it would be fine to go into our land like a cowboy? You’re lucky that my people, my friends, are more rational than you have ever considered possible.”

  He grunted, and the car pulled out. I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was calculating, deliberating. Likely, trying to figure out what his next step would be. Hell, I could feel that he didn’t even know how he should be treating me! His emotions, and his sense of duty were at war with one another.

  Here he had a “vampire” in custody. He should just rig the match against me and be done with it. But, the lawman inside him seemed to scream out against such illogical choices. Detective Clarke was between a real, and a proverbial, rock and a hard place. Caught between the real shifter pack, and his sense of duty. Were he Confucius, he would not have been able to riddle this out in the short ten-minute drive to the second precinct.

  This was my only logical—if one called this logical—recourse. They had an increase in human death, that was all Rachelle had been able to pick from his brain. It was enough to warrant me risking my safety. As much as I swore I would never again be anyone’s prisoner, I wouldn’t trade my safety, for that of innocent humans. If there was even half a chance that I could help solve this case, I would be glad to do it. Even if that meant I had to spend some time in a cage again. (Trust me, after last time. That was the last thing I wanted to do!)

  Shivers wracked my suddenly very frail body. I felt hyper-aware of my surroundings. I felt hyper-aware of Detective Clarke. I felt a chill rush through me, fear. I was headed into the belly of the police station, my own proverbial beast.

  Suddenly, craven vampires seem more manageable to me. At least, I can kill them!

  I mused to myself, trying to diffuse my tensions. I wouldn’t let my fear show to this man—or anyone. I would only keep my cool. I would endure, as I have my whole life. I would persevere, despite what came at me next. My determination ran grim.

  Our back-and-forth banter seemed to die down after a few minutes. Clarke seemed too deep in his own head—thankfully for me. He hadn’t noticed my near panic attack. I did note his body language. He was tense, coiled up like a very ready viper. He was prepared for me to sprout an extra head or turn into a horde of zombies. What he wasn’t prepared for, was my ability to stay calm and dignified.

  Despite all the sins and accusations, I could level against her, my mother had taught me how to remain calm. She had taught me how to be a “proper” Japanese girl. Even if my eyes were rounder than everyone else in Tokyo. My heart sang for whatever information she had on my mom, my birth mom Kimiko. Never had I imagined myself using the term “Other mother.” I snorted to myself in amusement. I noted the wary detective flicked his gaze to me for a moment.r />
  “What’s so funny?”

  He sounded very defensive, like I might have spotted him nude in a field. I licked my lip and I looked out the window.

  “Sorry, just a situation you either laugh, or cry in, right?”

  My voice sounded steady, so he didn’t perceive the depth of my fear of being locked up. The very raw memories it invoked in me. He didn’t know I had been held against my will, tortured, and later rescued by my own mother. He was right to think some of us were monsters, however, he had the wrong person in mind right now.

  “Yeah, like being arrested, while you are trying to do the arresting.”

  His level gaze told me that he wasn’t going to let that go anytime soon.

  Great, he really hates me now!

  I sighed, and I shrugged noncommittally.

  “What the hell did you expect? Shifters, and a master vampire to just hand over their friend, pack mate, and lover? It’s as if you are just now realizing that supernaturals are very territorial. Let’s not even get into how taboo it is to touch a mate, or bond-lover. In all our laws, lay a single finger on me, and Rachelle is within her right to incinerate you.”

  His brows furrowed.

  “Never thought that she would turn out to be a lesbian. I didn’t believe the rumors about your involvement.”

  I rolled my eyes, he left it unsaid, but he regretted his thoughtless actions. I could tell that despite his hatred of supernaturals, he wasn’t a terrible person. Clarke seemed to be passionate, and head-strong, but he seemed to also care. He seemed to personify the qualities you would hope for in a good detective. Even with his flaws and shortcomings laid bare before me.

  He was also still a very young, handsome man. Lyra had drooled the first time he came to her door. I remember the looks of longing, the cattish flirtation she had shot his way. She was all but rubbing her genitals against him. (Great Melony, another image you’ll never unsee!)

  Finally, the car came to a stop in a parking garage on a tall building, at least fifteen stories high. The second precinct was in the heart of Richmond City proper. I could feel the difference from the suburbs, to the cement jungle. The city itself seemed to be colder, magic still encased everything around me, but there was much sparser natural life. I could feel the thick torrent of human emotions roiling through my gut. The succubus inside revealed in the feeling of so many juicy mortals around me.

  There was something sensual to me, the feeling of so many bodies close together. It called up images of orgies, of wild debauchery depicted in ancient paintings. I sucked down a deep breath as my companion climbed from the car. I steeled myself once more, willing away my fears.

  My body trembled, yet I opened the door, yet I stepped out. I remembered the old quote, “Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.”

  I wondered how that translated to immortals, or if it was just unilaterally true? Either way, I found my inner warrior. I stood with a straight spine, head held high. I let my succubus power unfold around me like wings on an angel’s back. I was cloaked with my mother’s gift to me—my birthright. I would see this through to the end!


  The world around us seemed to stop as we walked into the police station. I kept my chin tilted up, an almost haughty look. I felt human desires, curiosities, and fears greet my belly. The succubus inside reveled in their torrent of emotions. I felt my sexuality blanket the room, as did my magic, announcing me to all.

  From my one encounter with my true mother, Kimiko, I had learned a great lesson. Ours was to twist, to seduce. We could bend the pliability of emotion to our whims, and our will. It was in the embracing of this heritage, that I could twist this god-awful situation, and come out unharmed. This was our self-preservation. This was the gift given to my kind to survive, to thrive, to propagate.

  Detective Clarke stiffened noticeably beside me, eyeing me with renewed caution. He had been exposed to my powers for a while now, and he seemed annoyed with the effect they had on his body. It was interesting. His convictions ran so deep that he wouldn’t permit himself to become enthralled with me.

  In short, you could use “mind over matter” to some degree with my kind. Besides, I wasn’t really trying to seduce him now. Though, I had already enthralled more than one man, and a few women in the massive ground floor room. There were varying looks of lust, desire, and rapture. My energy affected weaker minded people much easier. There was a very good reason why everyone left the succubi alone. They were fearsome predators that operated on emotion.

  This room was like a grand banquet to my heady hunger for energy, for human chi. I couldn’t help myself, I sucked in energy as we passed people. Samples of their energy, just bits of it loose for the plucking. Rachelle had made me drink a full liter of blood before I left the house, but who knew if, or when I would get a proper meal again?

  I was pulled from my stupor of sampling by a all too familiar powerful aura. It seemed to crash against me, but not violently, it blanketed, protected, comforted. I looked up, the hot aura was Jameson in origin, but not Rachelle. Before the elevator doors stood Ellison Jameson. He was as tall and handsome as I remembered. He looked like a Viking God descended upon the mortals to play for a season.

  He was dressed to the nines in a custom tailored black suit, with flashy titanium cufflinks. He wore a dark navy dress shirt and matching tie. His keen eyes so like my loves, took me in. He seemed to be appreciating the view of me. He drank me in, but I noted something had stilled inside him since our last encounter. There was only power and peace that greeted me now.

  His smile was almost too bright, too charming. His shoulders rolled back, his posture perfect. Any good cheer left in Detective Clarke was obliterated by my new brother-in-law.

  “Jameson, what are you doing here?”

  That was the older Chief behind me. He had followed us in. Ellison waved his hand with a flourish towards me.

  “Why, I am here on behalf of my client. I have been retained as Ms. Toyo’s legal counsel.”

  “A vampire lawyer isn’t that an oxymoron?”

  I wanted to chuckle at the quip. Clarke had some snarky digs in his bag-of-tricks. Ellison just chuckled richly, masculine. His tenor tone was inviting, lush, and intimate. The man could crush the best incubus on the planet in sex appeal and charm!

  “I don’t recall you being a lawyer Jameson.”

  That was the older grizzled Chief again. Ellison waved his hand again. He seemed to like to speak with his hands a lot.

  “Indeed, I am a lawyer. I have been taking, and re-taking the bar every decade or so, since its inception. You can easily look this information up. I have a full history of all my studies, and my practices. I just never had much reason to step into a courtroom myself. I have always delegated such trivialities.”

  With a simple flip of his hand, Ellison displayed how low on his priority mortals were. He was setting these seasoned men off balance with ease. Thus, proving that he was every bit Rachelle’s political match. He had not held the title of clan leader for over six centuries by being slow, or by being dull minded. Ellison was as formidable a foe, as any you would ever encounter. The trick with such a power-house, was not to cross them.

  It was a little late for that now, but I could see The Chief, and the senior detectives all formulating strategy. They had the man himself in their midst. They had the master of the entire South-East US standing before them now.

  It was easy to read in the Chief’s eyes now. He thought that he could turn this to their advantage.

  “I’m afraid it might be difficult to represent Ms. Toyo, if you too are a suspect in the recent rash of human deaths. You are after all, a vampire.”

  Ellison chuckled, and he snapped his fingers. As if from the very shadows, another slim man, lanky, but every bit Ellison’s match in height, stood beside Ellison. He held out a perfect designer briefcase.

bsp; “I had anticipated that, so I took the liberty of preparing my alibi ahead of time. I was at a production of Hamlet the night of the first series of deaths. I have a recording proving that I was never out of the public eye that night. I have several reputable human and supernatural witnesses to testify to the authenticity of this information. I do believe I shared a few drinks with the Mayor of our great city. Anyhow, I am innocent, and can focus on defending my wrongfully accused sister-in-law. With any luck, I might not sue once this has concluded. That will of course, depend on the treatment of my client.”

  The detectives stood slack-jaw at the flourish, and precision of Ellison’s actions. He had smashed in every wall they erected in a single moment. He had also, if passively, displayed that he had people who could reach us anywhere, anytime. Furthermore, he had driven home the point that their case was holier than a boat made of Swiss cheese. Sometimes, it really paid to know the right vampires!

  Ellison squeezed my shoulder as he stepped forward. His eyes softened a shade, a look he shared only with me, and only for a moment. He was reassuring me. (That was a little strange to me, if only for the fact that our last meeting had been decidedly more violent.)

  I wasn’t in the position to refuse Ellison’s assistance. I would just have to hope that this didn’t cost Rachelle her first born later! I wasn’t worried about the cost to me personally. I knew that the only things I could possibly fear from Ellison, were all off the table. I was his sister’s love. He would never lay an ill hand on me now. Not unless we betrayed him. Still, he was the clan leader, so it was only wise to be a little weary. Something these humans now seemed to perceive very well.

  “Let’s take this to a more private venue. What we have to discuss is private and involves an active investigation.”

  That was Clarke, he had recovered much quicker than I expected. He was ever sharp-witted. The Chief nodded his agreement and cleared his throat.


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