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Girl Fun One

Page 14

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Cum for me, Sweetheart,’ said the stranger.

  The buzzing in Kaz’s ears became louder, and the tingling in her pussy spread to other parts of her body. It came in waves, ebbing and flowing. She was pushing down on the finger, squeezing it with her strong vaginal muscles.

  Meanwhile, the stranger went back to using her tongue, licking up and down Kaz’s inner thighs.

  At last, Kaz came, moaning softly, her whole body shuddering.

  ‘What is the meaning of this?’ the shop assistant had come into the changing room, unnoticed by both Kaz and the stranger.

  Kaz jumped to her feet, trying to smooth down the crumpled red dress in order to hide her bare bottom.

  The stranger, who was still fully dressed, snatched up her jacket, mumbled an apology and left the changing room.

  ‘Right, young lady, you have some explaining to do, haven’t you?’

  Kaz hung her head.

  ‘Isuggest,’ said the shop assistant, ‘that you agree that you have been a naughty girl and must be punished.’

  ‘Punished, what do you mean?’

  ‘I’m going to give you a spanking.’ The shop assistant fetched a straight-backed chair, which was next to the open door and placed it in the middle of the room.

  ‘Y-you can’t do that to me,’ Kaz backed away.

  ‘Okay, in that case, I’ll take you to see the manager. Look at the state that dress is in, we can’t sell it now.’

  ‘I’m sorry, please don’t tell the manager.’

  ‘Well it’s either a spanking or the manager. Which is it to be?

  ‘The-the spanking.’

  ‘Then a spanking it shall be. I’ll just lock the door so we won’t be disturbed.’

  Then sitting down on the chair, she pulled up her skirt and beckoned Kaz over to her side.

  ‘Over my knee young lady.’

  Kaz lowered her body over the other woman’s naked thighs. Immediately the red dress was raised, clear of her bare backside. ‘You have such a lovely bottom,’ said the shop assistant, rubbing her hands over the quivering cheeks – spread out before her.

  Lifting her right hand, she brought it down on Kaz’s right cheek, quickly followed by her hand descending on her left cheek.

  ‘Yeowww!’ shrieked Kaz, wriggling about, trying to escape the stinging hand.

  Despite Kaz’s writhing and squirming about over her knee, the shop assistant’s hard hand kept making contact with her ever-reddening bottom.

  She only stopped spanking Kaz when she had covered the whole of her bottom, turning it as red as the crushed dress she was wearing.

  Kaz lay limply over her assailant’s knee – all the fight had gone out of her. The salty tears were running into the corners of her mouth.

  Then the hand that had been spanking her so hard such short a time ago, was now, gently caressing her red hot stinging cheeks.

  The shop assistant’s fingers were exploring Kaz’s innermost slit, stroking her clit momentarily, then continuing their exploration. Parting her bottom cheeks, she ran her finger up and down the crack, stopping to circle around her bottom hole. Then back down into Kaz’s pussy. She went back to stroking the engorged clit with her right hand, making it throb even more. Putting her left index finger into Kaz’s love passage she finger-fucked the young girl, causing her to buck over her knee.

  For the second time, Kaz felt the waves of her orgasm overcoming her again as she climaxed – shuddering and shaking over the older woman’s knee. She went limp once it was all over.

  Helping Kaz to her feet, the shop assistant stood up. She removed her own knickers and sitting down again, she pulled her own skirt up and ordered Kaz to kiss her pussy. ‘If you refuse,’ she said, ‘I can still take you to see the manager.’

  Kaz quickly got down on her knees and, remembering what the stranger had done to her, she did the same to the shop assistant. Her inexperienced tongue found the other woman’s clit and she began to suck and lick it.

  ‘That feels so good.’ The shop assistant put her hand on Kaz’s head, forcing her to keep on eating her pussy.

  Her body started to thrash about, she was coming, her juices tasted salty and Kaz found herself having to swallow quickly or she might have choked on them.

  After a few moments, the shop assistant stood up, adjusting her dress.

  She suggested Kaz also made herself presentable.

  Kaz took off the red dress and put on the dress she’d been wearing when she first came into the shop.

  ‘I’ll wrap the dress for you,’ said the shop assistant, folding the dress neatly and putting it into a plastic carrier bag, she handed it to Kaz.

  ‘How much is it?’ Kaz reached into her handbag for her purse.

  The shop assistant smiled, ‘You have more than paid for it, I hope you enjoy wearing it.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Kaz murmured. ‘Bye bye.

  ‘Thank you, madam, for shopping at Annabella’s Boutique. You have made a very wise choice,’ she said. ‘I hope you will come back again soon.’

  Outside, the shop, the stranger was waiting for her and asked her, ‘Did it work?’

  ‘Of course it did,’ she answered. ‘Mind you, that was quite a spanking she gave me, but it was worth it.’

  ‘Next week we’ll try another shop, ‘ said the stranger.

  Linking arms with each other, they headed for home.

  Lessons Learned

  by Lynn Lake

  A couple of weeks ago, I hooked up with my friend Josee at the college she was attending. After she gave me a tour of the sprawling campus, we headed back to her dorm room to get ready for dinner – my treat. I hadn’t seen Josee since high school graduation, as I had elected to attend an out-of-state college, but she hadn’t changed any; she was still the same sleek, dark beauty she had always been. Her breasts were high and firm – not too big, not too small – and her skin was smooth and pale, her delicate face framed by shoulder-length coal-black hair. She was shy and a little awkward, but she had a warm smile and a look that said ‘still waters run deep’.

  “So, what do you think, Marie? You going to transfer?” she asked, unlocking the door to her dorm room and letting me inside.

  “Well, I don’t know,” I said, playing it coy. “What’s the after-class atmosphere like around here? You know, the party scene?”

  She blushed, put her keys down on a small wooden desk, and then perched on the edge of one of the two beds in the tiny room. “I thought you said you were finally going to get serious about your studies?”

  I sat on the other bed, facing her. I studied her dark eyes, her full, red lips. She had a pair of faded blue jeans on and a white T-shirt, and I could smell the sweet body spray that she was wearing. “Oh, I intend to get serious,” I told her.

  There followed a long and awkward silence during which I stared openly at her, at her face and body, the burning lust in my eyes sending out flaming tendrils that desperately sought to spark her own desire. I’d known Josee since junior high, but only recently had I realised that my feelings for her had become more than just friendly. An easy-going, big-breasted blonde like myself had no trouble attracting the guys, but it was girl-love I was after, now – with my best girl.

  I shifted positions, sat down next to her, and placed my left hand on her leg, up around her thigh. Upon contact with her hot, hard body, my nipples instantly grew erect under my thin halter top, and my pussy was consumed with so much heat and moisture that I thought I’d soak my cut-off jeans. “You must get lonely without me around?” I whispered, my voice breaking. I blatantly squeezed her leg, then let my hand drift higher, up around her hip.

  She turned beet-red. She glanced at my hand, swallowed hard, and croaked, “It’s, uh, not so bad. I … have a roommate. She’s supposed to be –”

  I halted her foolish prattle by moving my bold hand over the top of her crotch. I began rubbing her there, softly yet urgently rubbing her. I’d waited so long, masturbated so many times to the mental image of she a
nd I ravaging each other with the pent-up fury of secret lovers, and I was determined to make up for lost time.

  I said, “Your roommate doesn’t do this, I bet,” breathing into her innocent face, reaching out with my right hand and touching her neck with my fingers. I caressed the delicate, ivory skin on the side of her throat, then my fingers wandered across her shoulder, down her back, and up and under her T-shirt. I kept rubbing her pussy through the thin fabric of her jeans, as I pulled her shirt out of her pants and slid my hand underneath and began stroking her bare skin.

  “Marie, I’m … not sure …”

  Her words caught in her throat when I popped open her bra and bent closer to kiss her on the cheek. I pressed home my advantage by pushing her down onto the bed, until she was flat on her back and I was on top of her. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” I murmured, grasping her shoulders and kissing her gently on her soft, soft lips.

  “Oh,” she exclaimed, startled by my overpowering craving for her.

  I peeled off my top, exposing my large, heavy breasts to her wonder-struck eyes. My nipples were thick and long – chocolate-brown compared to the rest of my sun-burnished upper body. I kissed her again, but this time I lingered. I pressed my lips hard against hers, covered her mouth with mine, began to consume her. My tongue darted out and painted her pouty lips with hot saliva.

  She mumbled something about slowing down, but I swallowed her protests. I attacked her mouth, ploughing my tongue up against her teeth, forcing my way inside. I hungrily explored the soft, moist interior of her mouth, swirling my tongue around, trying to engage her own tongue, my damp hands gripping the sides of her head, my fingers buried in the shimmering black curtain of her hair. I devoured her sweet goodness, kissing hard and long and openly, waiting impatiently, desperately for her to respond, until, finally, I felt her hands cover my bare breasts! She gently caressed and squeezed my big tits. My body flooded with pure, blinding joy and my head spun.

  I gazed into her half-frightened, half-lusty eyes. “I’m going to make love to you, Josee,” I said.

  “Please,” she murmured.

  I kissed her, and this time my yearning tongue was met by her tongue. We slapped our tongues against one another, and I moaned into her open mouth when she pulled on my rock-hard nipples. My body tingled with the sensual sensation of her eager, shaking hands. Her tongue snaked out and I caught it between my teeth. I sucked on her tongue, sucked up and down its slippery length like it was a hardened cock. Then I kissed her neck, licked her neck, bit her neck, kissed and licked behind her delicate ears.

  Her super-heated body fired my raging desire into an inferno. “Take off your clothes,” I moaned into her ear, then swirled my thick tongue around inside of it.

  “Yes,” she anxiously agreed. “Yes.”

  I released my sexual convert, and she scrambled up off the bed and tore off her T-shirt and pulled down her jeans. She fumbled her shoes away and stepped out of her jeans and stood in front of me, naked except for her girlish, white, cotton panties. Her over-wrought body trembled as my eyes drank in her sculptured, porcelain beauty. Her breasts were beautifully shaped, milky globes peaked by inch-long, impossibly-pink nipples. Her stomach was flat and hard, her waist narrow, her hips round and firm.

  She smiled nervously and reached for her panties, but my hands shot out and stopped her. “Let me,” I said, licking my swollen lips. I stood and slowly stripped off my shoes and shorts and panties. Her eyes flashed fire as she beheld my nude, over-ripe body. I cupped my huge, bronze breasts and spread my legs, and she stared in awe at my shaved, glistening pussy. My pink folds were wet and raw with wanting.

  “Fuck me, Marie!” she hissed, unable to control herself any longer.

  I knelt down in front of her, as Roman she-warriors once knelt down before the goddess Venus, and I groped the full roundness of her firm buttocks. I squeezed her taut ass cheeks, fondling their splendid shape with my worshipping hands. Then I grasped the sides of her panties and tugged them down, leaving them puddled at her feet. She lifted her long, slender legs and stepped out of the discarded undergarment, and I gazed hungrily at her slickened slit. She, too, was shaved for maximum pleasure, except for a small tuft of soft, black fur that crowned her juicy pussy.

  I lashed out my tongue and slashed at her cunny. She shuddered with the impact. I teased her pussy with my tongue, then lifted her right leg off the floor and placed her foot on the bed. Now I had unrestricted access to her gaping, glistening cunt. I lapped at her moistened folds ferociously, forced my pointed tongue into and through her plump, pink pussy lips. I spread her wider with my fingers and buried my tongue inside her twat, joyously tasting her hot lovejuices for the very first time. I slammed my tongue in and out of her, fucking her with my slimy pleasure tool like it was a swollen cock.

  “Yes!” she cried, frantically squeezing and kneading her pert tits, viciously pulling and rolling her engorged nipples, her tawny body quivering with the sexual shockwaves that my talented tongue was generating within her molten pussy.

  I lapped at her cunny like a kitten laps at a saucer of warm milk, revelling in the taste of her. Then I ploughed two fingers into her steaming lovebox and began fervently finger-fucking her as I teased her clit with my tongue. My fingers flew in and out of her tight pussy, driving her wild, driving me wild.

  “I’m going to come, Marie!” she screamed. Her face was contorted into a grim mask of barely contained ecstasy, and tears of lust trailed down her flaming cheeks and into her open mouth. She let go of her titties and grabbed my head, tore at my hair, desperately clinging to me as her body was inundated with red-hot lesbian passion.

  I pulled my fingers out of her soaking wet pussy, carefully licked off her juices, and then spread her wide and sucked hard on her clit. I was anxious to have my greedy mouth flooded by her impending orgasm.

  “Fuck, yes!” she yelled out, oblivious to the other residents of the thin-walled dorm. Her slim body was jolted by orgasm. Muscles contracted up and down her exquisite torso, and she spasmed over and over and over, her tits jouncing up and down as she was torn asunder by white-hot ecstasy that centred on her pussy and my mouth.

  I frenziedly sucked on her clit, and was quickly drenched with the liquid fruits of my labour of love – an orgasmic release of a tidal wave of fiery girl-juice. She came on my face, in my mouth, her hips bucking, her butt cheeks shuddering, her mouth opening and closing with silent screams of total abandon. I drank in as much of her womanly goodness as I could. I swallowed and swallowed her cum as she was devastated by multiple orgasms.

  “Jesus,” she finally gasped, her tits trembling with the aftershocks of volcanic release, her body sheathed in dewy perspiration.

  I licked up and down her pussy, slurping up the last few drops of her tangy cum, and then nipped at her clit in a parting salute. I looked up at her and grinned, my lips and chin shiny with her honey. “Now it’s my turn,” I said.

  “Sure,” she agreed, sounding exhausted. “Why don’t-”

  We were suddenly interrupted by the door popping open. We whipped our heads around and stared at the intruder, a young woman. If she was surprised by the spectacular sight of two naked, nubile girls, one kneeling at the drenched pussy of the other, she didn’t show it.

  “Hi, Taylor,” Josee said easily.

  I glanced at her in surprise, at the mischievous smile playing across her puffy lips.

  “Hi, Josee,” the girl called Taylor replied, closing the door securely behind her. “Looks like your plan worked, after all.”

  Josee shrugged her shoulders, smoothed my hair down. “Well, actually, it turned out that Marie had a plan of her own. I just sorta played along.”

  Taylor advanced into the room as I scrambled to my feet. “Nice to meet you, Marie,” she said. “I’m Josee’s roommate. She’s told me a lot about you.” She reached out and shook my hand, which seemed a strange thing to do to a naked woman, but she topped that by kissing her roommate squarely on the lips. They french
ed each other familiarly as I gaped in amazement. My shy, innocent Josee obviously wasn’t nearly as shy nor innocent as she had led me to believe.

  “Are you and Josee … lovers?” I asked Taylor in disbelief, when the two girls had finally ceased their tongue-wrestling.

  “Every chance we get,” the young woman replied, laughing. “Right, Jo?”

  Josee nodded. “But we’ve never had a threesome before. You up for it, Marie?”

  “Oh, I think she’s up for it, all right,” Taylor replied for me, reaching out to fondle my swollen nipples – the exclamation points on my mounting excitement.

  I looked at Josee, and she grinned back at me and fingered her pussy. “Uh, I-I …” I stuttered, then gave up as my body was suffused with the erotic heat of Taylor’s tit-groping. She really knew her way around a girl’s mammaries.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned, as Taylor squeezed my big tits together and rolled my nipples. I regarded her through lowered eyelids and saw that she was built along the same lines that I was – big and curvaceous. She had long, wavy, auburn hair, and her large eyes were warm and brown, her chest huge and heaving. She was barely wearing a red tube-top and black spandex pants. I closed my eyes for a moment, basking in the warm feel of her hands on my tits, and then, when I re-opened my eyes, Taylor was wearing nothing at all. And now Josee was the one fondling my tits, firing my pussy.

  “Now, how shall we do this?” Taylor pondered, bouncing a finger on her puckered lips. “Oh, I know. Josee can eat out Marie’s pussy, while Marie gives me a little of what she gave Josee. Sound fair?”

  We both nodded. When the positioning had been hastily completed, the erotic entanglement left me lying on my back on one of the beds, Josee’s head between my legs, with Taylor balanced just above me, facing the wall, her knees on either side of my face. I quickly grabbed onto Taylor’s plump, round buttocks and pulled her soaking snatch down into my mouth.

  “Yeah,” she moaned. “Do me like you did Josee.”

  I lapped at Taylor’s cunny and massaged her beautiful behind. She tasted as good as Josee, and I couldn’t get enough. Meanwhile, Josee was driving me wild by licking my pussy with the polished, frenetic skill of a dedicated muff-diver. I moaned into Taylor’s cunt and the girl’s body quivered with the vibrations of my voice.


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