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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

Page 15

by Lara Rose Lee

  I woke to a sound and looked around. I saw the doctor and Bryden talking. It was now light outside as the morning sun was rising in the sky. I stood and walked over to them. “Have you found out anything?” I asked the doctor.

  “Not yet but I have not given up. I just came to check on the patients. I had to give your daughter another shot for pain and King Bryden told me you gave the young king one earlier.” He lifted the wet towel and studied the infection on Rayna’s arm. “Well, well, well.”

  “What is it, doctor?” I asked frowning.

  “It seems these wet towels stopped the spreading. I will have to do more studying with the rocks and water and see what happens.” He said, “Who put the wet towels on them?”

  “I did. I noticed how hot the infection felt and thought maybe a cool, wet towel would ease the heat.”

  “Well, your act of thoughtfulness may have saved their lives.” The doctor said. “Keep putting the wet towels over them, and I will see what I can do towards finding that antidote. At least we know how to slow the spread.”

  “Yes, of course, thank you, doctor.” Before he left, he gave me more medicine to give them as we need to keep them comfortable.

  Bryden came up and hugged me. “There were a few more mystery boxes discovered around in different villages. They have been safely removed and are being taken to be placed in a metal storage.”

  “That is great news.” I said, “And no incident of infections?”

  “No, not to my knowledge but they are still searching. I have also told the military on Kaihu, and they are conducting searches there as well as Cainya. Derrik and Kristana sent their prayers and said they would be by later to relieve us of care duty.”

  “You were busy this morning,” I said smiling up at my King.

  “You are so beautiful when you sleep.” He said, and I laughed which puzzled him. “What?”

  “Are you saying I am only beautiful when asleep and not awake?” I asked with a teasing smile.

  He then caught on and laughed. “And more beautiful awake.” He leaned down and kissed me with a kiss so beautiful it made me weak in the knees. I will never tire of his kisses.

  I pulled away reluctantly and looking up at him said, “I am starving.”

  “Starving for food or me?” He grinned while he swayed gently with me in his.

  “Both.” I smiled wishing I could take him to bed, “But they need me, and I need food.”

  He nodded understanding. “I will see to breakfast and have it sent here. As for the other? Well, it will have to wait.” He kissed me again before heading out the door.

  Thirty minutes later the breakfast arrived, and I had it set on the round table in the room. I sat down and poured coffee into a mug as Bryden came all showered and changed into clean clothes. He sat down in the chair across from me and poured his coffee as I dished up the breakfast on the two plates.

  “After breakfast why don’t you go and have a nice relaxing shower and change. I will stay here with the kids.”

  I smiled, “I just might take you up on that.” I finished my breakfast and coffee. I stood, and so did Bryden. I tiptoed kissing him and smiled. “I will be right back.”

  16 final goodbye

  It was relaxing under the warm water and getting the grittiness out of my hair. Once changed into clean clothes, I brushed my hair and braided it as it was still damp, and I wanted to hurry back to my kids.

  I walked back into the room and checked the towels on Galen and Rayna. I noticed Bryden had gotten them wet again, so I re-tucked them in and walked over to Bryden. He was sitting reading a report. I knelt down in front of him, and he smiled at me. “Enjoy your shower?” He asked me setting the papers down.

  “It felt good getting the nasty, gritty dirt out of my hair. Yes, I did enjoy it.” I smiled at him.

  He reached for my hand and kissed it. “I am glad, and you look nice. I expected you to be longer.”

  “I know, I am too concerned for Galen and Rayna, so I hurried back.”

  He touched my face gently. “I know you are.” He whispered leaning forward to kiss me. Just then a tap came on the door, and I stood up to open the door. It was Derrik and Kristana. They followed me in and over to the kids. I showed them the infection and how much pain solution to put in the syringe if they waked and explained that the wet towels are slowing the spread.

  Kristana hugged me, and I hugged her back. She must have seen how concerned and tired I was. “I want you to get some much-needed rest.” She said to me. “You are exhausted and need your strength.”

  I smiled at her. “You have always been a dear friend to me,” I said hugging her one last time before leaving out the room Bryden following behind me after greeting Derrik.

  “I have a few things to do in the study. I will join you in about fifteen minutes.” He was saying to me as we walked down the hall.

  “Okay,” I said about to take the stairs when he stopped me and turned me around.

  He drew me to him and kissed me very passionately. Then he smiled, and I caught his silent meaning and smiled back. As much as I want nothing more than to make love to my husband, I was too deeply concerned about Galen and Rayna.

  I went up and walked past our room and on into the suite that Nathanial and I shared. It was so much larger than the room we are using now, and I decided to finally get it redecorated so Bryden and I can move into the room. There were still items of Nathan’s here, I went to the closet and touched his clothes. I hadn’t been in this room since we’ve been back I ended up getting new clothes all because I couldn’t bring myself to coming into this room. Now here I am and looking around our large closet and went over to my clothes that still hung there. I did have a servant come in and brought me my jewelry and crowns, but everything was still as I left it years ago when Rayna was four.

  Now that Bryden and I are married it was time to say goodbye to Nathan. There was a portrait of Nathan and me and a baby Rayna on my lap hanging over the fireplace I walked over to the painting and looked at the man that had been my husband. “I am doing my best to protect our daughter. As she is older and taking care of her own kingdom, it has become tougher. She has grown into such a beautiful young woman you would be so proud of her and Galen. Why hadn’t you ever told me you had my knowing ability? Well, whatever the reason, You know I did love you, and a part of me still does.

  But you knew even before I did that what I thought was a unique friendship was a special love I had for Bryden. And it never bothered you because I loved you too. But now it is time for me to say a proper goodbye, I do promise to do all I can to protect our daughter.” I reached up and touched his face. “Goodbye Nathan, I pray you are resting in peace, I will see you again one day.” I heard a noise and turned, Bryden was standing there, and I wiped away the single tear that rolled down my cheek. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to know you were saying goodbye.” I looked down, and suddenly I was in his arms. “It’s alright; you never had a chance to say goodbye. I understand.”

  “With Rayna laying down there I almost feel like I failed in protecting her.” He raised my head with his hands so I would look at him.

  “You have not failed. It was you who discovered the way to slow down the spreading of the poison. I believe the doctor will find the antidote. You have to trust that he will.”

  “You are right, I will trust.” I hugged him so tight. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. I always will.” He picked me up and carried me on towards our room. Once the door was closed, he began kissing me so passionately as he laid me down on the bed. I love this man so much, and my body thrilled at what is to come.

  Afterward, we both fell asleep out of exhaustion and slept for quite a few hours. A knock sounded on the door later waking us, Bryden got up put his robe on and answered, “I am sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty but Queen Joanita insists on speaking to you both.”

  “Thank you, Amiya. We will be right there.” Bry
den said as he closed the door. “I wonder what she wants?” He said walking to the dresser to get some clean clothes.

  “She could have more information for us,” I said getting up and walked into the closet to get a dress to wear. We were dressed and walked into the study and got Queen Joanita on the big screen. “Hello, Your Majesty. I hope you have a word for us?”

  “I wish I had better news for you Queen Shannon, Hello King Bryden.”

  “Hello, Your Majesty,” Bryden said wrapping his arm around my waist while standing at my side.

  “First off, I got word of the bombing in one of your villages and that the new King and Queen were injured. You have my prayers.”

  “Yes, thank you. Our doctor is good at what he does. I am confident they will pull through.” I said feeling confident about that fact. “Have you heard any more from that true peacemaker group?”

  “My informant gave me word that they are planning something much bigger, that this latest bombing is a small sample of what is to come.” Joanita was saying sounding concerned for our well-being.

  “Uh, Your Majesty I need to ask you, have you ever heard of unknown black rock that once touched by a person it burns them and begins spreading poison?” I asked hoping she may have some information I can give the doctor.

  “A black rock you say? Um, let me do some research. It almost sounds to me like something from the world Staxon.”

  “Wait, Staxon? That world has not been fully explored yet. And the reason is that of the atmosphere is unstable.” I said, “If that is the case then it tells me that this group is that desperate to stop all peace talks between us.”

  “Yeah, that tells me the same.” The queen said, “Why did you ask about the rocks?”

  “Because they have been placed in many homes and buildings on our worlds,” Bryden added.

  I finished with “It was the rocks that injured my daughter and her husband.”

  “I see, in that case, I will try and find out more about the rocks.” She was sincerely concerned, and that touched my heart.

  “Thank you, I do appreciate all you have done for us,” I said as we said goodbye. We promised to keep more in touch with happenings.

  “Well, now we can inform the doctor these rocks could be from a foreign world.” Bryden was saying as he took my hand and began to walk out. “Let’s go inform Derrik and Kristana about this call.”

  I nodded and squeezed his hand as we walked towards the guest room.

  Once at the door, Bryden opened it for me, and I walked through with Bryden following. Kristana was sitting in a chair near her son, and Derrik was standing at the window looking out and turned as we walked in.

  “We got word on where the rocks may have come from.” Bryden began as we walked further into the room.

  That caught Derrik’s and Kristana’s attention as she stood to wait to hear.

  “We just spoke with Queen Joanita, and she feels the rocks could have come from Staxon.” I said, “We just got off with her, and she has informed us, her informant has told her that the bombing in the village is a small sample of what is to come.”

  “Oh, my,” Kristana said looking over at her husband. “How will we get all this to end?” She asked looking back at everyone. “We can not keep risking our children like this. We could lose them.”

  “I agree with you, Kristana. It does have me very concerned. I am just glad to have Queen Joanita on our side. She is going to look into, and find out for us if those rocks did come from Staxon or someplace else. At this point, I believe it is from Staxon as that is so uncharted.” I said as I went over and sat down on a chair near the fireplace. With all that is on our shoulders, I am still feeling the effects.

  Kristana came over and sat across from me in the other chair near the fireplace, and we both put our heads back against the headrest, and I sighed. “Did you two get any rest at all?” She asked watching me with concern.

  “Yes, we were asleep when the call from Amadoria came in. But all this is pretty emotional.”

  She nodded, “I feel that emotion too.”

  “Well, Derrik and I just talked, and we are going to take a look at the damage in the village. You two ladies will be alright here?”

  I smiled up at Bryden, “We will be perfectly fine. Go on; the people need encouragement from some of the Royals.”

  “Kieran and Cedrick are still doing just that,” Bryden said as he bent to kiss my forehead before he and Derrik left.

  I smiled at Kristana. “We are fortunate to have such wonderful men in our lives.”

  She smiled back, “You can say that again. I sure missed Derrik when I had to leave all those years ago.”

  “When I left with Rayna, I never had dreamed that would have been the last time I would see Nathanial. And yet he did know. He left us a message about knowing about my loving Bryden before I even realized it. I never had a chance to say my goodbye to him. Until recent.” I almost teared up but held firm.

  “I am sorry for your loss and happy you found love again at the same time.” She said smiling at me.

  “Would you like some nice hot tea?” I asked her.

  “That sounds lovely.” I stood and went to the video call box on the wall to call for tea to be brought in to us along with something to eat. I came back and sat back down.

  “How have the kids been?” I asked getting comfortable in the chair.

  “They were restless a little bit ago, and we gave them the amount of pain medicine, and they settled down. I got fresh towels and wet them. I was able to place a wet towel on Galen’s back as well. It looks as if the covered places have stopped spreading. I did touch the infection on Galen, and it was still feeling quite hot. I am just glad you discovered how to stop that spreading or it could have covered them completely maybe even disfiguring them.”

  “I do agree it could have been worse. When I felt how hot the infection was, it was more of an instinct to put a cool cloth on it. I am so glad when the doctor said it slowed the spreading it was a relief.” I said standing as a knock came on the door.

  I answered the door to Amiya. She stood there with her long black hair in a ponytail about an inch taller than me holding a tray, she placed the tray of tea and food down on the table and asked. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Your Majesty?”

  “No that is all, thank you Amiya.” She backed out bowing, and I began to pour the tea. Kristana stood and came over and sat on a chair at the table where I was serving tea and biscuits and chilbury jam.

  “Thank you.” She said as I handed a cup to her and she reached for a biscuit and began to put some jam on it. “Wow, the jam tastes great.”

  It was my turn to say “Thank you.” I smiled and added. “It was my recipe. I did the canning myself.”

  “You made this heavenly jam? Oh, you must give me the recipe.” She was enjoying the jam, and I smiled.

  “Yes, of course, I will write it down for you.”

  Three hours later as the men were still out the doctor arrived. “With the information about the rocks and the water slowing the spread way down, I believe I have created an antidote. Of course, it has to be tested first.” He walked over to Galen and lifted the wet towel and began rubbing something that was green onto a small part of the infection.

  “How long should it take, Doctor Kenley?” Kristana voiced my question.

  “I am not sure. I will stand here for a bit and see. I wish I could have tested it first on someone else…” He paused and said, “Well, well. Look at that.” He said, and we both were right there, and before our eyes, the bright red blistery look began to turn a raw pink, and the blisters disappeared.

  “Doctor, you did it!” I said elated and breathed an enormous sigh of relief.

  “Help me get this ointment on them.” He handed me a small jar, and I went over to Rayna and uncovered her arm and began to rub the lotion over her arm and shoulder as the doctor and Kristana rubbed the cream over Galen’s backside and stomach.

  I stood n
ext to Rayna and watched, and sure enough about ten minutes later the bright red dulled to a raw pink and the blisters cleared to nothing. I looked over at Galen and saw his doing the same and Kristana and I both looked at each other smiling. Two mothers bonded by their children, we are family. I walked around and gave her a big hug then I hugged the doctor just as Bryden and Derrik walked in. “Hey, should I be jealous?” Bryden said catching me embracing the doctor.

  “He created the antidote, and it worked, look?” I pointed to the kids.

  The men walked over to the bed and looked at the now disappearing pinkness. “Wow, it worked fast. Doctor are you able to manufacture a lot more of that stuff?” Bryden asked the doctor.

  “I can make as much as you need. Why?”

  “We just discovered there are a few who have gotten infected and are now at the hospital. And these rocks are being found on all three worlds.” Derrik answered.

  “I am on it and will send batches of the ointment over to all the hospitals.” A tap sounded at the door just then. It was Amiya.

  “Yes, Amiya?” I asked as she came in and handed me a note.

  “From the Queen of Amadoria, Your Majesty.” She bowed and walked out.

  I read the message sitting down I lowered my head looking at my lap. Bryden walked over and knelt next to me. “What is it, hun?”

  “She informed me that the rocks are from Staxon as she sent in a bio team to retrieve some samples one man accidentally touched a rock and was infected and it spread so fast he died within hours.” I looked up at Bryden, “If I had not discovered that water slowed it down, Rayna and Galen…” I couldn’t finish we all knew it could have been a catastrophic situation. I looked at the doctor and practically ordered, “Doctor, get the ointment to all the hospitals quickly. It seems to spread fast, and it does kill.”

  “Yes, your Majesty right away.” And he bowed and left us.

  I felt shaky at how close we came to losing our children. I looked over at Kristana, and Derrik was holding her. She looked over at me, and I knew what she was feeling. I was feeling the same thing. Bryden took hold of my hands. “We need to think positive. They are alive, and the cure has been discovered before it was too late.”


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