Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2) Page 19

by Lara Rose Lee

  My mother obliged and used her shield to open the second room. The King walked over and walked in and looked around. “Yes, yes, this will do nicely.” He said as he turned and signaled me to come towards him. I looked over at my parents, and they nodded for me to go. I slowly walked towards the King, “Come, come; I won’t bite.”

  I smiled at the vampire reference and took a deep breath then walked faster towards him, “Could my parents stay and watch the training?” I asked as I walked up to him.

  He looked over at them and smiled; he had brilliant white teeth when he did making me think about vampires even more. “Of course they can stay and watch.” His smile faded, “But I must warn you this will be intense.”

  I don’t know; it must have been the way he said that because I suddenly felt cold.

  20 light within

  “Now Young Majesty, focus on your inner being. The light source and where it originates from.” Xipher was saying while walking around me as I sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor. I had my eyes closed and was focused on his voice. “Do you see it?”

  I took a deep breath and tried to see what he wanted me to see. “I am sorry, I don’t see anything.”

  “Try harder; you must see it for it to work. It is waiting deep inside you wanting to be born.”

  Wow, he had a way with words. It almost sounds like I am to give birth or something. It almost made me laugh until I took a deep breath, as I tried harder to see what I was to see, a bright flash nearly blinded me then was gone.

  “Yes, you were almost there. I felt it for a split second.”

  “Was that flash it?” I said opening my eyes.

  “Keep your eyes closed. You are nearly there.” He said as he stopped in front of me.

  I closed my eyes again and continued to focus. I took a deep cleansing breath and relaxed. Suddenly there was the flash again, then colors. So many colors then I saw a woman, she was glowing I walked closer to her, and she turned around, and I gasped. It was me. I looked different and purer, but it was me. I stepped closer to her, and she spoke to me without moving her mouth.

  She wanted me to walk into her. I hesitated at first then I just walked right inside her or should I say me. As we became one, I felt extreme heat and looked down at myself. I was more than glowing; I was light.

  I opened my eyes and looked around; the practice room was different. I saw everything differently, and so many bright colors. I looked at my parents, and they were looking at me stunned. I looked down, and I was floating and so bright.

  “There you are young Majesty; the light has been released. You are ready for the training now.” Xipher said well pleased with the result.

  “Look at her eyes.” My mother said finally. “They are white.”

  “Yes they are Your Majesty, she has become the true light from within.” He began to circle me as I sat floating in the air. “And I will teach her to control it. How do you feel Young Majesty?”

  I looked at him and smiled, “I feel energized. So much power.”

  “That is good; you are drawing your energy from the very soul of who you are.”

  “What now? What else can I do?” I asked craving to reach my full potential.

  Xipher smiled, “In time little one in time.”

  “I want to learn more, so much more. I love this new feeling inside me.” I moved my hands, and I lowered my body to stand on the floor finally.

  Xipher smiled, “Seems the instinct is kicking in.” His smile faded, “That will be enough for the day. I want you to close your eyes now and come back.”

  I closed my eyes and pictured myself back, and suddenly I felt weak. I opened my eyes, and everything looked normal again.

  “That is good; You will soon be able to channel the light anytime you need it. It will become easier for you.”

  “Why is it I now feel weak?”

  “Because when you become the light source, there is so much power that you feel more energized and powerful. You are in your light source form, not your weak human form.” He smiled and added, “Felt pretty powerful, didn’t you. That is good; tomorrow I will teach you what you can do. For now, I must get some rest.” He turned towards my parents. “You will have two rooms ready for our stay will you not?”

  My parents looked at each other, and I could tell they had not anticipated overnight visitors. “Yes of course.” my mother was the one to answer.

  “Very good, if I am to train her young majesty, then I must be here to do so. I will leave a list to your chef of our dietary needs.”

  My mother smiled graciously at our new guest, and as we walked out of the rooms closing the doors, my mother gave instructions to Amiya, the servant, to see to two rooms for our guests and to see to their needs.

  “Thank you, your majesty.” Xipher took my mother’s hand and graciously bowed before he and Kito followed Amiya to their rooms.

  As we continued towards the sitting room, I was the first to speak. “Wow, I never met anyone like him before. He speaks with so much graciousness that all I can think of is they are like vampires.” I couldn’t believe what just happened. My parents snickered at my analogy of the visitors.

  “Yes I thought it too, but we must never be rude to our guests, and he is teaching you a great thing.” My mother reminded us.

  “I am still unsure as to what I think of him.” My dad added. “The way he is with you Rayna makes me a little nervous. I plan to sit in on these lessons just to be safe.”

  My mom got quiet, and dad noticed it too. She suddenly stopped walking and looked up at us. “He can be trusted.” She said in earnest. “I saw him fighting along side us not against us. He has a great army ready to join him. He is sincere in wanting to help us.”

  “You saw all that?” My dad asked.

  My mom smiled, “Yes, I have seen it. I trust him.”

  “And I trust you. But I still want to sit in on the training.”

  “Of course you do.” My mother said smiling and taking his hand in hers.

  Later as I lay in bed, I wondered why Galen was silent. ‘Galen, are you there?’ Silence. I tried again. ‘Galen?’ More silence. I was feeling a panic begin to rise inside me. I got up, put my robe on and ran out the door and bumped into someone and nearly fell on my rear end if it were not for hands grabbing and balancing me.

  “Pardon me Little Majesty.” King Xipher said helping me to balance myself. “He is okay; you need not be concerned. They are keeping him drugged for now.”

  I looked perplexed at him, “Why? I mean for what purpose?”

  “So he can not communicate with you.”

  Wow, This man is mysterious, yet my mother says we can trust him. “How do you know all this?”

  He smiled at me, “I am from a different world. As a Royal on my world, I was born with unique abilities.”

  “So only the Royals are born with abilities on Staxon?”

  “Correct and before I die, a search for another with abilities will be conducted to take my place. That is not for a very long time to come.”

  Okay, now I was curious about how long of a life the people of Staxon lived, after all, it was the way he said this.

  “I am 128 years old, and the average Staxon lives over 800 years.”

  “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It seems to be difficult keeping my thoughts in check.”

  “No need to apologize, go on now and get some rest. You will need it for the training tomorrow.” He said as he ushered me towards the door to my room. “Please believe me he is okay. We will get them safely home. Trust me.”

  I opened the door to my room and walked in, before I closed the door I looked at Xipher and smiled saying, “Thank you.” then softly closed the door.

  The next day there was still no response from Galen, and again King Xipher assured me he and his parents were okay.

  “Little one I need you to cleanse your thoughts. You need to focus on what I tell you.” Again I was sitting cross-legged on the floor. My dad was sittin
g on a stool in the corner watching the training. “Let’s recreate yesterday and bring your inner light to us.”

  I closed my eyes and relaxed and focused. There it was the flash, then all the colors, and again there was me as light. This time I knew to step into my image and there it was the energy, the strength, the power. I opened my eyes, and again I saw colors and clarity. I felt powerful like I could do anything.

  “Good, good. Now do as you did yesterday and stand up.”

  I looked down and again I was floating so I took my hands and did as I did yesterday and lowered myself to stand. “Alright now; I want you to do this and focus.” He made a gesture with his hands, and I copied. As I did, an electrical current began to develop, and I shaped it into a ball.

  “Wonderful, you are learning fast little one. Now turn and throw that ball against that target in the center.”

  I did as he said and as it hit the target, sparks were flying everywhere, and suddenly the lights went out, and all that illuminated the place was me.

  “Yes! Perfect! You shorted everything out.” Xipher said sounding happy about the results. “That is only a small sample of what you can do.”

  At that moment my mother came in, “Did you know that the power is out all over the palace?” Then she saw me glowing again. “Wow, I guess I will need to get used to seeing this side of my daughter.”

  “Rayna had something to do with the power.” My dad said as he stood and walked over to my mother.

  My mom looked at me then at Xipher, and Xipher smiled at her. “That was a small sample of what your daughter can do.” The King said as he turned back to me. “I want you to close your eyes now and focus on the first thing on your mind.”

  I closed my eyes, but the only thing on my mind was Galen. Suddenly I saw him; only it was different from how I teleport. He was asleep on a cot. I walked over to him and was about to touch him when I heard voices behind me.

  “So what does the boss say we are to do next?” One was saying.

  “We are to now let him wake up so he can talk to that pretty little wife of his. We are to let it slip in front of him where they are. Then we set a trap for the others.”

  I saw the men walk to the door of the cell and it seemed they looked right through me and at Galen. I walked over and waved my hand in front of them, and they could not see me. I was invisible. I looked at my hands, and I was still glowing. Only they couldn’t see me.

  “Are we sure they won’t be able to escape from the trap?” The first one was saying.

  The second man chuckled, “Are you doubting our ability to capture them? Of course, the trap will work. We were able to capture these three.” He indicated Galen and pointed in the direction his parents must are held. “Trust me, it will hold them.”

  I focused, and I was back. I opened my eyes, and Xipher smiled, “You went to him didn’t you little one?”

  I was still glowing and feeling energized, “Did you know I could do that?” I asked, and he smiled.

  “What did you see?”

  “I saw Galen and two guards. They never saw me, and I was right in front of them.”

  “Of course they couldn’t. Your physical body stayed right here. What did you hear?” He asked as he circled me.

  “They mentioned the boss telling them to let Galen wake so they could pretend to slip the location to him. So that he will give it to us. It is a trap.”

  “Very good, now we will know and plan a different strategy to rescue them.” Xipher looked over at my parents, “Would you all mind if my people go in on your stead and rescue them?” He smiled, “I have an excellent plan, and these people won’t know what hit them.”

  My mom and dad looked at each other then back at Xipher. “I know it will work, please do what you must.” My mother answered smiling in return.

  He turned back to me and as I was still glowing with the inner light. “Young majesty we will need your assistance with the rescue.”

  I nodded “Of course.”

  Again he smiled, “Now let us continue with your training. You will need it.”

  Later after a vigorous training, I learned so much. The light is more powerful than I thought. I can control it so bright it could blind people, and I can use it more than I realized as a weapon. And the floating was a small sample; I can fly too. I am still learning how to channel my inner light faster without meditation but that is quite difficult, and Xipher kept becoming impatient with me. So, for now, we called it a day. I still have not heard from Galen, and Xipher again assures me he is fine and will contact me when he wakes.

  I decided to go for a short walk outside to clear my mind and my dad assigned two security guards to come with me. Outside I took a deep breath and exhaled. I began walking in the direction of the lake. I couldn’t help but wonder if this is the lake my mother nearly drowned in when she was a young girl.

  I was about halfway to my destination when I heard, ‘Rayna?’

  ‘Galen! Thank God.’ I said as I stopped short. I saw a small grassy knoll and sat down on the grass. I channeled my inner light and willed myself to Galen in his cell.

  ‘Rayna? Where did you go?’

  I saw him sitting on his cot and went over and gently touched his face. He frowned as if he felt it. ‘I am in front of you.’

  ‘Where I can’t see you.’ He began looking around.

  ‘It is a new ability I have learned. Can you feel this?’ I asked as I again touched his face.

  He smiled and closed his eyes. ‘Yes, I feel that.’

  ‘That is my hand gently touching your face.’

  ‘You really are here.’ He said as he continued to smile.

  ‘Galen I have to tell you something. They let you wake from the drug-induced sleep on purpose. They plan to let it slip the location to where you are as a trap to catch us too.’

  The smile he had faded, ‘Are you sure?’

  I sat down next to him, ‘During the training, I came here and overheard two guards talking about it while you were asleep. King Xipher has a plan to rescue you and your parents.’ I said as I lay my hand on top of his on his lap. ‘He intends to use me and this new ability.’

  “What? No!” He spoke out loud while standing up.

  ‘Shush, Hun. It will be okay; I am more powerful with this new ability. I have set it free; I can do things I never dreamed I could. Being here out of my own body is one.’ I stood and went in front of him and wrapped my arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around me too.

  ‘I still don’t like it, but I trust you.’

  ‘I have to go now and tell the others. Let us know when they slip with the location and I will tell them.’ I said Standing on my tiptoes and kissed his lips before stepping back, “I love you, Galen.” I whispered so he could hear me.

  “I love you too Rayna.” He whispered back. I touched his face one last time before I left and went back to my body. I opened my eyes when I was me again and looked at two stunned guards. I smiled and stood and began to walk back towards the Palace.

  Back at the Palace, I rallied everyone into the sitting room to inform them of what just transpired.

  “You’re telling us you were there with Galen in his cell?” My dad was saying as he paced back and forth then stopped in front of and turned to face me.

  “It was planned by King Xipher that the moment I hear Galen I was to go to him and explain what I overheard. I did just that.”

  “That is right I did tell the young Queen to do just that. It is a part of the plan to rescue them. We needed to let the young King know it was a trap.” King Xipher said defending my actions.

  “Was she in any danger?” My mother put in.

  Xipher smiled, “None at all. She was perfectly safe.” He turned towards me, “Excellent young Majesty. As soon as he hears the location and you let us know, we can then implement plan B.”

  “Plan B?” My dad asked Xipher.

  “Yes, plan B. Do not be concerned, my men are all prepared and ready.”

; My dad still looked nervous, and Xipher noticed.

  “Your Majesty I promise no one will get hurt during this rescue. Not even Little Majesty.” He turned towards me and said, “We have one last training to do. You will be surprised at what else you can do.” He smiled down at me, and I felt Chills go down my spine.

  Later back in the first training room, Xipher had me transform into my inner light. As I sat there in the middle of the room, he told my dad to stay with me in this room and told my mom to open the door to the larger training room. Once the door was open, he walked back over to me and instructed me to send my inner self to the next room. I closed my eyes and focused.

  I was standing in the middle of the second training room and turned to see my mother and Xipher walk in through the door.

  “Your Majesty,” He was looking at my mother. “Can you please close the door and turn off the lights?”

  My mother looked at him and frowned, but did as instructed. Strange I could see everything in this form.

  “It is dark in here; I can’t see anything.” I heard my mother say. “Are you sure Rayna is in here?”

  “I am here mom,” I said out loud. “I can see very clearly.”

  “Of course you can, You are a light source. Now I want you to focus and bring your light source further.”

  “Further how?” I asked.

  Again he smiled, “You are light focus on shining bright. Relax, breath and let it happen.”

  I took a deep breath and relaxed and spread my hands and focused. The room began to get brighter around me.

  “Yes, that is it. Excellent young one.”

  “It is bright in here. Is that my daughter in the center? That light source?”

  “Yes, that is her. Now I want you to grow brighter still.”

  I focused while breathing and relaxing, Suddenly a great flash appeared, and I heard my mother let out a loud gasp and saw her fall to the floor covering her eyes.

  Xipher stood there smiling at the result of what he witnessed. He turned and bent down to help my mother up from the floor. I began to focus on toning myself down. “Are you okay, mom?” I asked as I went over to her, and touched her arm.


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