Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2)

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Valaisha Defenders: An Incredible Fantasy (Gateway Trilogy Book 2) Page 20

by Lara Rose Lee

  “Yeah, I am alright it was just so bright it hurt to see. Did you touch my arm?”

  “Yes, that was me. Was that what you wanted me to do Your majesty?” I asked Xipher.

  “Yes and that is only a small part of what you have the ability to do. You will do good at the rescue, and you won’t need to be there physically.” He turned the lights back on, and looked at my mother, “You see she won't need to be there with us to help. She will be perfectly safe.”

  21 surprise truth

  We were sitting around having dinner when I heard Galen. ‘Rayna, they did it. I know where we are. The South East Region of Amadoria.’

  “Amadoria!” I exclaimed out loud and looked around the table as everyone looked up at me. “I am sorry, Galen just told me they are on Amadoria. South East region."

  “Does he know the exact location?” Xipher asked taking a bite of his unusual dish.

  ‘Galen, Xipher needs to know the exact location.’

  ‘It is at the compound the group built for their headquarters. They call it “Hatchica.” It means peace on this world.’

  I looked at Xipher, “They are at the main headquarter in the compound, they call Hatchica. It means..”

  “Peace.” Xipher finished for me.

  I nodded, and he continued, “Well, now I will begin planning a surprise attack on the compound and free the young King and his parents.” He signaled at his right-hand man called Kito, and he stood and bowed towards Xipher then left out of the room. Xipher looked over at me. “You can inform him to sit tight.” He smiled, “Let him know it will happen at nightfall.”

  “Why nightfall?” My dad asked looking puzzled.

  “Because we have a surprise weapon and it works best at night.” He said looking right at me and grinned.

  “I am the weapon, dad,” I said with understanding.

  “What? No, I will not have you there in danger.” My dad began to protest.

  “She won’t be there, hun.” My mom began, “I witnessed it. Her physical body will be here. It will be her inner light that is needed.”

  ‘Rayna, are you still there?’ I heard Galen, sounding concerned.

  ‘I am here; I was explaining what you told me. King Xipher wants me to inform you the rescue is to happen at nightfall.’

  ‘Which nightfall, tonight?’

  “Galen wants to know when?” I looked over at Xipher.

  “Just tell him nightfall and be ready for anything. The less he knows, the better for his safety.”

  ‘Just nightfall. He said the less you know at this time, the better to ensure your safety. He says to be ready for anything.’I heard him take a deep sigh.

  ‘Okay, I will be ready for anything. Just be careful.’

  ‘We will, and we have a secret weapon, that is all I can tell you for now.’

  ‘Okay, I have to go a group of them is heading my way.’

  ‘Be careful, Galen. I love you.’ Silence so I suspect the group must be there now. I wonder what must be going on.

  “He will be alright,” Xipher said to me while taking another bite of his food.

  How does he know? It’s a good thing he is on our side. For some reason, I can’t help but trust him.

  Later in my room, I was sitting over by the window and thinking about what Xipher said, “I will have my men in three days time ready to go in at nightfall. I need you to be prepared as well young majesty.”

  “Of course I will. But why in three days?”

  “Because I am sure they will expect you all to try and rescue them sooner. We must go when they least expect it. They will be wondering and let their guard down.”

  I wish it could be sooner. I wanted it over and done with and be in the arms of the man I love. But I understand, I have to be patient. I am sure it won’t hurt to visit him and see for myself that he is alright. I closed my eyes and focused on my inner self then I thought of Galen, and there I was standing in his small cell looking down at his sleeping form on the cot. I knelt down next to him and whispered his name. “Galen?” He slowly stirred and moaned. “Galen, It’s me.”

  “Rayna?” He said sitting up.

  “Yes, it is me.”

  “What are you doing here? Is something wrong?” He whispered back as not to be heard.

  “I had to see for myself that you are okay.” I took his hand in mine, and he squeezed it back.

  “You took a big chance coming here.” Then he smiled, “But I am glad you are here.”

  “How are your parents? Have you seen them at all?”

  “From what I know they are fine and no I have not seen them. I wish I could get word to them about the plan.”

  “I could do it. I could go without being seen.” I said squeezing his hand tighter.

  ‘I can’t let you take that chance. Something could go wrong, and you could be found out. That could mess up the plan.’ He began to speak in his thoughts to me.

  ‘I can be careful, I promise. Your parents need to know.’

  He closed his eyes and began to rub his temple, then he sighed, ‘Alright, please be very careful.’ I kissed his cheek, and he rubbed the spot.

  ‘I will be right back.’ I focused on Derrik, and I was there in his cell. He was pacing back and forth like a caged animal. How do I communicate with him without startling him? He does not know this new ability of mine. I need to speak to him.

  Just as I was about to say something he stopped and looked around. “Is someone there?” He asked in a whisper. I frowned, how could he know I was here?

  “Derrik, it is me, Rayna,” I whispered back.

  “Rayana? How is this possible?” He whispered turning in the direction of my voice.

  “I will explain later. I have a message for you. Galen is fine by the way. I just saw him.”

  “What is the message?”

  “We were visited by the King of Staxon.”

  “Staxon? I thought that was uninhabited?” He said sounding surprised.

  “We all thought that, but here he is and staying with us on Valaisha. He seems quite powerful and is on our side. He was the one who told me I was not to my full potential. How I am here is only a small part of what I can do. He has been training me. But the main reason I am here is this message. King Xipher is planning a rescue so be prepared.”

  “When will this take place?”

  “I am not at liberty to say, only that it will happen at nightfall. The reason for this is he will be coming with a secret weapon.” I said turning in the direction of a noise I heard. “The less you know, the safer it will be for you,” I whispered softer to him. “I must go, just be ready.” Then I was gone.

  I was back in my room now and wished I could have visited Kristana with the message, but I would have been taking too many chances. As it was that noise could have been a guard coming to check on the prisoners. ‘I spoke with your father.’ I told Galen.

  ‘Is he alright?’ He asked me.

  ‘Yes, he is fine and knows of King Xipher now and the rescue. I had to leave quickly as someone was coming. I couldn’t visit your mother it was getting too risky.’

  ‘That’s alright; I am sure she is okay.’

  ‘I would have liked to have seen you one last time, but I took a big risk already.’ I said standing up and walking around my room.

  ‘I am glad you didn’t. I think they are expecting you all to come soon to rescue us because they have now increased security around us.’

  ‘Then I won’t come back. Please keep in touch while you can?’ I asked him while wringing my hands together feeling nervous.

  ‘I will, please be careful and don’t get caught.’ He paused before adding, ‘I love you, Rayna.’

  ‘I love you too. I will see you soon.’ I smiled at that thought.

  In the morning as we all sat around having breakfast, I informed everyone that security had been increased around the prisoners. I also let them know I visited King Derrik and told him to be ready.

  “Rayna, you took a bi
g chance going.” Bryden was saying, and my mother was nodding in agreement.

  “I was careful, and Derrik needed to know. Galen was concerned not knowing if his dad was okay or not. I wasn’t able to see his mother as guards were coming and I had to leave quickly.” I took a sip of my coffee. I looked at my dad and saw the concern. “I promise, I was careful. I only told them to be ready, and I did not reveal the night this will take place.”

  My dad sighed, “Okay, just no more surprises without telling us. We do worry.”

  I smiled, “I promise.”

  “Well, that was exciting. Now, are you ready for more training young one?” Xipher turned towards me as I took my last swallow of coffee.

  “Yes, I am ready,” I answered as I stood up.

  My mom and dad joined us again, and to reassure my dad that I will be okay, Xipher had my mother stay in the first room with my body, and my dad went into the second room with Xipher as I was already in there.

  As Xipher turned off the lights, he told me to think bright again. I did, and my dad shook his head in disbelief.

  “Now young Majesty, continue to think brighter. I want to see how bright you can go. He turned and handed my dad what looked like sunglasses to shield his eyes. I closed my eyes and thought of the big yellow sun of Earth. “That’s it, keep going.” I thought of warmth of summer and running on Easy on a hot summer day.

  “Wow,” I heard my dad say.

  “Keep going, Young one. I know there is more in there.” Xipher said encouraging me to keep going. Suddenly I thought of myself flying towards the sun and welcoming the sunshine and warmth on my face.

  I suddenly felt so energized and powerful, and I heard my dad exclaimed. “I see flames!”

  “Don’t worry she is okay; she is not fully there yet. Keep going little one, keep going.”

  I felt myself rising in the air and felt the extreme heat through my body, but it was not uncomfortable. It felt good and exhilarating! I felt free!

  “It’s getting hot in here!” My dad exclaimed as I opened my eyes to see him wiping the sweat from his face.

  “Yes, it is,” Xipher said smiling and it was then I noticed he wasn’t wearing eye protection. “You can do more, young one, and when I say, turn and focus on the back wall and send your fire to the targets.”

  “I can see her image now as light and fire.” My dad said as he stood near the wall close to the door.

  “I won’t hurt anyone in here will I?” I asked in a voice I didn’t recognize. It sounded musical and echoey.

  “Trust me; you are just barely tapping into what you can do,” Xipher said.

  “You mean there is more than this?” My dad voiced what I was thinking.

  “Yes, you have no idea how powerful this young one is. Rayna, I want you to turn and hit those targets now!”

  I turned and focused through my hands when I saw colorful flames leave me and hit all the targets at once, and the impact of it sent off a shockwave so strong I heard my dad exclaim and hit the wall, and Xipher was laughing. I focused on myself and gently lowered myself down and returned to my body in the first room and collapsed from exhaustion. In the middle of the floor.

  I woke in my room and felt weak. I looked over and saw my mother sitting in the chair next to my bed. She smiled at me, “You had a busy day in training.” She reached for my hand, “How are you feeling?”

  “Weak and very thirsty.” She reached for the water pitcher and poured some into a glass. I drank greedily as if I couldn’t get enough and emptied the glass and my mother poured more and handed it to me. I drained that glass and tried to sit more up. I then slowly remembered what happened.

  “Is Dad alright?” I asked remembering the shockwave.

  “Yes he is fine, he was the one who carried you back here.”

  “How long was I out?” I asked lying down again.

  “A couple of hours. Xipher and Bryden told me about what happened. No wonder you are exhausted.” She stroked my hair, “You just rest now and regain your strength.” I closed my heavy eyes and sighed at my mother’s gentle touch.

  I woke and saw it was now dark as it was already nightfall. I must have slept the whole day. I felt stronger now and went to shower and change. I walked out and towards the sitting room to find everyone already there in a discussion about current events. As I walked in the men stood up and sat back down, after I sat next to my mother on the large sofa.

  “How are you feeling, young one?” Xipher asked as he turned my direction in his seat.

  I smiled, “I am feeling stronger now.”

  “That is good. I promise it will get easier each time, and soon you won’t get weak. I understand that all this is new to you and your human body needs to adjust to the inner light.” Xipher explained.

  I sighed, “I sure hope so, that weakened me so much that I slept all day.”

  “You must be hungry. Dinner will be called shortly.” My mother said as she patted my hand. I smiled up at her.

  “King Xipher, was that the full potential I can do?”

  He smiled at me, “No, there is more, only your body, for now, is too weak. You need to keep practicing to strengthen it. But for now, that is all we will need of you for this rescue.”

  I smiled, “I see,”

  He continued, “Your parents will be in the room with your physical body as we go and do the rescue. They will be monitoring you here. Only to make sure nothing goes wrong.”

  I nodded my head in understanding. Then I asked, “What could go wrong?”

  “You could stop breathing, or your heart could stop. I would advise having your Physician here to help monitor her vitals.”

  “Wait, you said she would be safe.” My dad said standing to face Xipher.

  “It is only for a precaution. She will be perfectly safe. She is stronger then she thinks.”

  I stood up, “You know I love you dad, mom, And I am going to do this. I am Queen too and can now make up my own mind.” My mother jumped up and hugged me tightly.

  “We are just concerned about you.” My mother took a deep breath trying to control her emotions. She stepped away and had her hands on my shoulders, “You have turned into a lovely and strong woman. If your mind is made up, then we have to honor it and do all we can to do our part.” She looked over at my dad, and I saw him nod in defeat.

  “Your mother is right. We will support your decision.” He said just as dinner was announced. He stood, and we all walked towards the dining room.

  Before we went in, I said, “Thank you.”

  The next day the anticipation was growing at what is to happen during this rescue. My mother and dad were getting restless, and I know it is out of concern for me, and there was nothing they could say to change my mind. So they took to patrolling the three worlds.

  The day Galen and his parents were captured, and before the smoke bomb was thrown into the weather control room. Galen’s dad was able to use his electricity ability to short circuit and char the weather machine, so now the cleanup and repairs have begun on the villages and our palaces. We are survivors, and we will prevail in this war.

  “Mom, Dad, I am going for a ride. I need some fresh air.” I said when they were back from their patrol. It was later in the day and Xipher, and I did some more training as my parents along with Kieran and Cedrick went along to help oversee the repairs.

  When I was done with practice, I felt worn out and needed some fresh air, so I had Selest saddled, and of course, two guards had to come with me, and I took to the air. It felt good flying with the warmth of the two suns upon my face. I closed my eyes enjoying the peace of being in the air when I heard a commotion beside me. I looked over as I saw one of the guards fall to the ground then the other guard. I looked around and couldn’t see anyone. Fear began to overwhelm me when suddenly there they were on tayrens and even on the ground. I was surrounded.

  “Well, well, well, look who we have here.” One of the men said. I am guessing he could be the leader of this bunch. Of
all times I didn’t bring my weapon. The group began to tighten the circle around me ensuring I would not be able to escape.

  I looked at every face and saw hatred in their eyes. Then the realization hit me. It wasn’t about peace. This is bigger and more than what we were led to believe. I looked up at the two suns, and for some reason, I smiled.

  “What are you smiling about?” The one man said almost sounding angry. But I continued to smile and closed my eyes, suddenly I felt strong and energized and felt myself begin to lift off Selest. I could hear many of the men gasp in disbelief. I was drawing strength from my inner light and the two suns. I was now hovering above Selest and spread my arms wide and began to spin as the glowing and the power within grew.

  “She is too bright, can any of you see her?” I could hear all of them answer no. When suddenly I stopped spinning and clapped my hands, and suddenly an electrical current and shockwave radiated from me and knocked all the men from their tayrens, and I saw the men on the ground all scatter in fear. I lowered myself down to Selest and suddenly felt so weak I felt my self-slip off my tayren.

  I felt someone grab me from behind as my eyes grew heavy and everything went black.

  I woke in my room, and my parents were there. My mother poured me some water, and I drank it all. I laid back against my pillow. “What happened?” I asked sounding hoarse.

  “You were almost caught. You used the light to defeat them, and many others were so scared of you they scattered.” My dad began to say.

  My mother continued, “King Xipher was the one who found you and brought you back here.”

  “I was flying.”

  “I know you were; the two guards were shot and killed.” My dad was explaining.

  I shook my head, “No I was flying above Selest. Then I was spinning and drawing power from the suns. It felt different from the training.” A knock sounded at the door, and my mother went to see who it was.

  “How is the young Majesty?” I could hear Xipher asking as my mother let him in.


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