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Forged by Flames: Book 3 (Dragon's Breath Series)

Page 3

by Susan Illene

  Aidan landed in the clearing in front of the fortress and changed to human form. His camrium uniform closed over him like a second skin. It was soft and supple, comparable to the human version of leather. The difference being they processed their cloth differently, and they made it fireproof. Shifters could blow flames in human or dragon form, and their skin ran so hot it could burn most types of materials, given enough time. They had no choice except to wear special cloth derived from the black camria plant and reinforce it with magic. Aidan had manufactured several of Bailey’s warrior uniforms with the material so that she could fight her battles without risking the loss of her garments in dragon fire.

  Donar grunted. “Are you ready?”

  “As I will ever be.” As much as Aidan missed living in the fortress, there had been one advantage to his border guard assignment. He could avoid what he was about to face, and it wasn’t the pendragon that concerned him at the moment.

  They headed for the gate entrance, and the two shifters standing there stiffened. A gleam of distrust filled their yellow eyes when their gazes caught on Aidan. It had been that way ever since the battle with the Shadowan a couple of months ago when his toriq discovered he’d been working with a dragon slayer. Bailey had stepped into the fight when she saw the shifters were becoming overwhelmed by the pure dragons. It didn’t matter that Aidan had made an ally who helped his people—they didn’t like that she was with a slayer. Their two races were natural-born enemies, and it was difficult to change that way of thinking.

  Nanoq, the pendragon, didn’t send Aidan away only because he was angry about Bailey. He also sent him to the border to give the toriq time to recover from the shocking news. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear as though enough time had passed.

  Donar gave Aidan a commiserating glance, and they continued on their way. No one knew his cousin had helped Bailey train to fight as well. It was best if Aidan took the full blame for that and kept anyone else involved out of it. Such as his sister, Phoebe, who only discovered the secret a couple of weeks before the others in their toriq.

  The walk through the main thoroughfare filled him with discomfort. Shop vendors and artisans each gave Aidan the cold shoulder as he passed by them. Shifters milling about stepped out of the way, unwilling to even brush shoulders with him. His gut clenched. It hurt that they couldn’t see past their prejudices to realize he’d allied with the slayer for their benefit, and he would never do anything to put his brethren in danger.

  The only people who didn’t give him bitter looks were the humans. There were about a hundred of them living in the keep, mostly refugees who’d crossed into the dragon dimension, Kederrawien, before it merged with Earth a little over six months ago. They had no reason to distrust a dragon slayer and likely enjoyed the idea of someone among their race who could fight back.

  Aidan and Donar nearly made it to the end of the thoroughfare when Ruari stepped into their path, his bald head gleaming in the moonlight. He was a large male with heavy muscles and a warrior’s build, but his physique was just for show and intimidation. If one paid close attention, they could find signs of deceit and treachery swimming in the shifter’s yellow gaze. Ruari preferred to avoid physical confrontations by making himself appear too large to fight. His real talent lay in attacking his enemies through more underhanded means—ones Aidan had been the recipient of a few times over the years. Ruari used lies and manipulation to get what he wanted.

  “I can see you are getting the greeting from our brethren you deserve, brother,” he said.

  Aidan gave him a hard look. “At least I’ve been making myself useful. What have you been doing?”

  His brother had always been the jealous type. The moment Aidan began to build any esteem among their people, Ruari always found a way to ruin it. He might not have had a hand in their brethren’s current dislike of Aidan—a miracle considering his brother found out about Bailey days before everyone else—but Ruari would be sure to stoke the flames of their toriq’s mistrust.

  The shifter smiled. “Not to worry—the pendragon sends me out on regular missions. I’ve caught glimpses of your slayer running about fighting the Thamaran recently. I must admit she’s a pretty thing, if a little skinny for my taste.”

  It was all Aidan could do to hold himself in check and not attack his elder brother. Ruari had a way of getting under his skin, but he’d had two centuries to get used to the barbs and insults. Aidan would not fall into his trap, especially with so many observers there to witness it.

  “If she was fighting the Thamaran, how could you have seen it?” he asked, lifting a brow.

  Ruari shrugged. “She stays close enough to our border it is not difficult to observe from our side.”

  “That’s brave of you, brother. I didn’t think you had the courage to get that close to the pure dragons on your own,” Aidan said, unable to help himself.

  “You would be surprised what I’m capable of,” Ruari growled.

  Phoebe, their sister, pushed her way through the crowd. She was a large-boned woman with toned muscles and the ideal build for a female warrior. Her long, black hair was pulled back with a tie on top of her head and left to hang down in the back like a horse’s tail. Only a single strand of silver fell across her face. She had light, olive skin, and features that made every available male in their toriq stare when she walked past. The stride she took left no one in doubt of her confidence or lack of concern about what they thought of her.

  She took one look at their older brother and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you have guard duty right now?”

  Ruari’s face turned red. “That’s none of your business.”

  “If you plan to keep standing here harassing our younger brother, I’ll make it my business.” She put her hands on her hips. “We both know what you’re doing, and it needs to stop.”

  That was Aidan’s sister—the peacemaker among siblings. After a moment of hesitation, Ruari stomped off. He didn’t like being outnumbered, and he didn’t have their eldest brother, Zoran, to back him up anymore. Zoran was currently locked in the dungeons for his complicity in an attempted murder and would stay there until it was time for his banishment. He’d made the mistake of conspiring to kill the man who later became pendragon—the fool. Aidan was rather ashamed he was related to two such evil brothers and figured it probably didn’t make things any easier for him with the clan. Only Phoebe continued to cast a bright light for their family. They’d fallen far from their previously lofty position in recent months, and even the esteem his sister garnered could only help them so much.

  “He’s been miserable and lonely,” Phoebe said, watching their elder brother go.

  Aidan snorted. “Good.”

  “I second that,” Donar added, finally breaking his silence now that their company had left.

  He hated Ruari to such a degree that Aidan worried one day his cousin might kill him. Donar had a temper simmering below the surface he hid well, but if he ever let it loose outside of battle, the results could be devastating. Most people didn’t know that about Aidan’s cousin, considering he kept to himself and didn’t show off his fighting skills, but Ruari had played a part in Donar nearly dying from poison. His cousin wouldn’t forget that for a long time, and his anger might eventually take over his better judgment. Aidan would have to do his best to keep an eye on him.

  Phoebe clasped their arms. “It’s good to see both of you. Things haven’t been the same without you two here.”

  “I missed you too, sister.” Aidan returned the gesture.

  Donar echoed a similar sentiment. He wasn’t as close to Phoebe, but the two of them got along reasonably well.

  She stepped back. “I won’t hold you any longer. I heard the pendragon wants to see you right away, but come visit me when you have time.”

  Aidan nodded. “I will.”

  He and Donar left her behind and finally reached the castle at the center of the keep. It was massive with a great hall in the middle and several wings leading from it.
There was a balcony near the top where the pendragon’s accommodations were located, as well as walkways for the quarters on the upper floors. Aidan maintained a room on the first level near the rear of the castle and not far from the kitchens. Because he was a member of one of the high families and his father had been the previous ruler of their toriq, he reserved the right to stay there.

  He looked forward to making use of his room again, considering it had been a long time since he’d slept in a bed. He and Falcon usually rested in the woods near the border after patrols so that they could wake at a moment’s notice if they heard anything suspicious. Dragons might become especially lethargic near dawn until early afternoon, but they could fight the urge to sleep for an hour or two with the right herbs. Spies used that trick quite often. As a result, border guards could never truly be off duty or allow themselves to sleep anywhere comfortable.

  With Donar staying by his side, Aidan passed through the great hall where it was filled with busy human servants. Few of them looked up from their work. Most were preparing for the midnight meal that would commence in less than two hours. Aidan followed a series of corridors until they reached the pendragon’s office. The large, heavy door was closed, but muffled voices could be heard within. He knocked once, caught Nanoq’s terse command to enter, and stepped inside.

  Aidan gave a brief bow to the pendragon, then his gaze shot to Kade. What was his uncle doing here? The last he had heard, Nanoq removed the restrictions on Kade not being able to leave the library—something he’d not been able to do in centuries because of his wild predictions about the future and eccentric behavior—but Aidan hadn’t expected his seer uncle to be here of all places. His father, the previous pendragon, had wanted nothing to do with his seemingly insane brother. Apparently, their new leader felt much differently.

  “Uncle,” Aidan said, dipping his chin.

  Kade’s lips twitched. He might be about nine-hundred years old, but he only appeared to be in his fifties by human standards. Aidan’s uncle had long, wavy black hair that reached his shoulders and light olive skin. Only the lines around his eyes and forehead gave away his advancing years. He probably still had a century or so left in him before he’d go on to meet the dragon goddess, Zorya.

  “Aidan.” The pendragon drew his attention back his way. Nanoq’s lips had thinned, and there was a grim look in his eyes. “Your time at the eastern border has ended…for now.”

  Aidan frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “Unlike your father—Zorya be with him—I am not as skeptical of your uncle’s prophecies. He has recently come into one in particular that is of great concern to me.” Nanoq worked his jaw. He was a warrior and a man with strong convictions. If he chose to put faith in Kade’s predictions, he did not do so lightly.

  Aidan glanced at his uncle. “The page?”

  When he was young, Kade went through a period of blackouts where he had visions of the future. He’d carefully written each of them as they came, but in a strange twist, the details were wiped from his memory right after they were copied onto parchment. Even with re-reading them, it was difficult for him or anyone else to retain the information for long, assuming they understood it at all. This added to the impression that Kade must have been crazy. As he grew older, these events stopped and his predictions turned into minor ones he could recall, but few believed.

  The tome containing the revelations went missing a century ago. Aidan’s uncle had blacked out again, so he had no idea if he’d been the one to hide the prophecies or if someone else had taken them. Kade had been searching for the book ever since. About two months ago, he found a sheet of parchment with one of his revelations copied on it. This was the first sign that the tome might still be around, but they couldn’t understand a word of what was written on the page. All Kade had known was that it was important, and it likely had something to do with an artifact and going on a journey. How his uncle even knew that much, Aidan couldn’t say.

  “I have finally found a way to translate it,” Kade said, rubbing his face. “And the message it contains is far worse than I imagined.”

  Aidan stilled. “How so?”

  “For many centuries,” Nanoq said, taking control of the conversation, “there have been tales of an orb that could control dragons. One that was lost nearly three thousand years ago. Most thought it was a myth, but the story has continued to persist down the ages. The pure dragons are especially fearful of it because there are those among them who claim to be descendants of the ones who were affected. They say there are sorcerers who can harness the power of the orb and make it work for them.”

  A shudder ran down Aidan’s back. The very idea of being manipulated and controlled by anyone did not sit well with him. Did the sorcerers not have enough dangerous magic already without having to add such a powerful object to their arsenal?

  “It is difficult to separate rumor from truth,” Kade added, coming to stand next to the pendragon’s desk. “But the page I translated has revealed that the orb was hidden long ago in this region. It was broken and separated into three pieces in the hopes it could never be used again for ill purposes. But my prophecy says it will be if we do not find it first.”

  “Where is it?” Aidan asked.

  “I am still determining the precise locations of the fragments, but I am getting close. I am almost certain at least one fragment is in a cave that thieves have used for refuge—wherever that might be. The text is in an ancient Aramaic dialect, which is not easy to decipher or else I might have more details already. I’ve only got the help of a servant who once specialized in that area of history to help me. In fact, it wasn’t until he visited the library a few days ago that I learned in which language it was written. I know not why I wrote it in that particular dialect.” Kade shook his head. “But I suspect that was a common language in the world at the time the orb went missing.”

  Nanoq sat back in his seat, frowning. “Except that it wasn’t spoken in this land where the orb was hidden. Your prophecies are more than a little confusing.”

  “I am well aware.” Kade sighed. “But I do not believe a written language existed in this region to use from that same period.”

  Aidan shifted on his feet. “Why bring me into this?”

  The pendragon drew in a breath. “It is not as simple as sending a few shifters out to recover the pieces. Your uncle’s translation has revealed specific details of what we will need to obtain the orb. Certain…types of people and difficult tests will be involved to get past the spells protecting the fragments.”

  “Such as?” Aidan prompted.

  “There must be a dragon—though it need not be pure—and a human present.” Nanoq hesitated, a grimace forming on his face. “A sorcerer and dragon slayer are required to be there as well.”

  “A dragon slayer?” Despite the fact Kade had told Aidan months ago that he and Bailey would be going on a journey together, he had not guessed it would be for something like this.

  “Yes.” The pendragon appeared sick at the thought. “Whoever hid the orb made it so that only a group with all the races working together could ever reach it. They must have known it would be nearly impossible. In addition to that, the text says slayers can be controlled by the artifact as easily as dragons—should it ever be forged into one piece again.”

  Aidan wouldn’t say it out loud, but while the slayer element surprised him, he was actually less pleased about a sorcerer needing to participate. “Isn’t it too dangerous to allow a sorcerer to come as well?”

  “Yes and no. Though they are the only ones who can harness the orb’s power, they cannot forge it back together. Only the fire from a dragon who has the second flames can do that, which your uncle has informed me you have.” Nanoq gave Aidan an ironic look—few knew that secret about him, but now the pendragon could be added to the list. “Having said that, the text does mention the process for acquiring the third and final piece will make it whole again. If we choose a sorcerer who has only recently come into th
eir power, they should not be able to control the orb at all.”

  “There is none in the fortress like that,” Donar said, speaking for the first time since they entered the room. He had held back, stationing himself by the door.

  “That is true,” the pendragon agreed, then turned his gaze to Aidan. “But if my spies are correct, your dragon slayer has a sorceress friend who has been studying the art of healing since coming into her powers. One with such talents would be the least threatening choice, assuming she passes a vetting process and you agree to the selection.”

  Aidan considered it. While Bailey’s friend, Danae, was no weak-willed woman, he did not believe she would use her powers for evil purposes. At least, not at this early stage. Most sorcerers did not turn to the dark arts until they’d been practicing magic for many years. He suspected that overuse of it tainted them somehow. Danae had only been learning to use her powers for a few months and only for healing purposes. She was as close to non-threatening as they might hope to find if they must bring a sorceress along on their quest.

  “I agree. She would be a wise choice,” Aidan answered the pendragon.

  “Then it is time that I finally meet your slayer and her friend.” Nanoq folded his hands in his lap. “We will go after first meal tomorrow. For now, you are going to tell me everything you know about them.”

  Chapter 4


  I lifted the bandage from my bicep, wincing. The gash was deeper than I thought and hadn’t quite stopped bleeding yet. The dragon I’d spotted in the west Norman neighborhood yesterday had killed two people and injured several others as it burned and tore its way through their home. It fled as soon as it heard me coming. Conrad and I spent several hours trying to figure out where it had gone with no luck. Feeling guilty that I hadn’t saved the people in time, I’d gone back out this morning and finally found its nest. One thing I’d come to learn about fire-breathing beasts—they woke up cranky and didn’t particularly care for swords swinging at their necks. It lost in the end, but I’d gotten a few bruises and a sharp talon across my arm for my efforts.


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