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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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by E. L Discipline

  “It also depends on the cut. If the jugular vein is cut through , the blood will gush out. It’s not the size of the fangs, it’s how you bite. It depends on the cut. If the trachea is cut but the arteries are not, cause of death would be from lack of oxygen and aspiration of blood. There are a number of small vessels in that area which would begin to bleed, and the blood could end up flowing through the hole in the trachea and into the lungs, where the effect would be similar to drowning. This is actually a much more survivable scenario than the other possibility.

  The most likely cause of death from a cut throat is blood loss. The carotid arteries run up the sides of the neck, before splitting to supply structures outside the skull as well as the brain.”

  She painted a very vivid picture for me.

  “You can feel where the arteries are, by palpating the pulse in your neck. These are high pressure, large vessels. If they are severed, the person will bleed profusely. Blood flow to the brain is compromised and unconsciousness quickly follows. As the blood loss continues, eventually so much is lost that the heart stops.”

  This is what she explained to me. I was highly intrigued. I then began to pick her brain and proceeded to change the subject.

  “So, you were trailing Precious and I the entire time?” She answered my question with a smirk. “Yes. You see, I can shape shift, therefore I was everywhere you both were. Whether I was a fly on the wall, a dog in the street, an innocent looking mortal slave woman, I was there. I was keeping track of you both. I didn’t know you had that many tattoos; legs, full back, stomach, chest, arms. Wow!! I find that very sexy for a mortal man. I have traveled through different centuries, and I have never encountered a man like you. Such pain you must have endured.” Her eyes seemed to glow with heat, at the thought of my torture.

  “You’ve probably seen plenty of vampire movies, and possibly read books, those are all myths. I don’t know what you’ve heard or may have seen about us. But, I am one of the most elite supernatural you will ever encounter or hear about. First, I cannot be killed with a stake to my heart. Sunlight doesn’t affect me, as I can shape shift and blend in the day time as well, if I choose to. I can be beheaded. Burned to a stake. We are cold blooded; a vampire’s body essentially dies. It no longer conducts heat the way a mortal person’s body does. The body temperature rises or falls to match its surrounding environment. The reason they seem so cold is, in comparison to what you would expect from a normal human being.”

  She slid a pale slender finger along my skin, to illustrate this.

  “A normal human has an internal body temperature of about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. When you touch the human skin, it doesn’t feel that hot because the heat dissipates as it extends out. The limbs lose a lot of heat along the pathway, which is why people often get cold hands and feet first. With a vampire, there is no internal warming of the body, so their skin will feel cold in comparison to a normal person’s skin. Plus, more vampires are active at night, when it is considerably colder out, and have no way of warming their bodies the way that humans do.

  As for the pale skin, this follows as a similar logic. The skin is only warm and flush with color because of the blood circulating through it. If you were to cut off the blood flow to a part of your body, say an arm or a leg, you would see it turn pale and possibly blue-ish within a matter of a minute or two.”

  I stared at her and nodded my head. “That’s pretty accurate.” She then continued. “The fresh blood supply, having recently been oxygenated, will be warm and red, but that will quickly cease without the heart and lungs pumping fresh blood to the skin. A human turned into a vampire would become pale within minutes of turning. This would only intensify over years with no sunlight. You have had blood; however, I didn’t give you a human being’s blood. That will make you stronger.

  Vampires are magically reanimated human corpses, which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person, and who closely resemble the living human they once were before their transformation. Vampires feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind by sharing their own blood with them. Vampires are one of the many known supernatural species.”

  She was spitting so much knowledge to me, and I was like a sponge. I just absorbed everything that I could, because I know that it would one day come in use to me, all I needed to do was be patient.

  We went out and it was very late, the night was extremely beautiful. We saw a couple sitting down. She was ready to swarm in, when I suddenly grabbed her by her hair. Her fangs came out at me, and she hissed.

  “Why are you stopping me?!” She questioned me. I stared at her in her eyes. “Not them, let’s go for someone else, that’s a couple for goodness sakes, having a night out.” She shook her head. “So, what’s the issue here? We need to feast, and you need your strength. I want you to complete your transformation, so you can be King. Stand by me and rule. I understand you have feelings, and you still have your human feelings that play a factor here. But, that was in the past. You’re a savage now. More than you ever were. You are a cold-blooded killing machine. You just don’t realize that yet. And at the end of the fucking day, it’s either you or it’s them. You let dinner get away, you don’t survive.”

  She tried to leave my side, and I walked in front of her. “I said, let’s look for someone else. This couple is young, and they have their entire lives ahead of them.” She laughed. “You are a cold-blooded killer now, as I will reiterate, fuck your feelings, check those feelings, the younger the better. Your integrity one day, could get you killed, Discipline. Plus, young blood, taste the best. And the more you feast, the more alive and young you appear. You absorb their blood and energy. But as you wish, future King, we will find another candidate to devour.”

  We found a man walking alone, and she said, “there you go, go get him!!” I hesitated, “what the fuck you mean, ‘go get him?’ I have never done this before and I can’t just go and feast on a man. What if he’s strapped?”

  She looked at me confused. “Strapped? He doesn’t have on a backpack, or strap around his waist.” I then had to elaborate, she didn’t understand the lingo. “I mean, what if he has protection, a pistol, a knife, etc?” She smiled in response. “Those things can’t kill you. They might sting, tickle or itch, but they won’t kill you, so don’t worry.” She shook her head, “you just want me to do all the work, huh? Okay, that is fine.” She swiftly attacks the man, left him injured, then turned towards me. “Here, now bite him and suck. Go for the side of his neck.”

  I did as she instructed, it was weird. I must admit, at first it felt strange, the metallic taste, but then it was like electricity coursing through my entire body. A million stars exploding in my mind all at once. It’s like nothing I have ever felt before. It was fucking amazing, wrong, but so fucking amazing. All I can think about now is……I want to do it again.

  Alexandria said to me, “now, your transformation will be completed.” We left from there in a flash, like literally in a flash, teleporting out of there. She then continued to educate me. “A vampire in transition is neither truly living nor truly dead, until they make their choice to either complete their transition, or to abstain from feeding and ultimately die. Every regular vampire who has ever existed, is descended from those of their kind known as the original vampires. Who unlike the real majority of vampires, where they were turned not by dying with vampire blood in their system, but who were instead transformed using a spell that was cast performing dark magic. However, the ritual that resulted in their transformation does have similarities to how normal vampires are turned, in that they had to consume blood, before being killed while that blood was in their system.

  After the original vampires awakened in transition, they fed on the blood of another human from their village and were officially transformed into the world’s first true vampires, from which all other vampires were created. Their blood possessed mystical properties. People hav
e been dreaming up horrible monsters and malicious spirits for centuries. The vampires, seductive, ‘undead’ predators, are one of the most inventive and alluring creatures of the bunch. It’s also one of the most enduring: vampire-like creature’s date back thousands of years, and pop up in dozens of different cultures. Every vampire was once a human, who, after being bitten by a vampire, died and rose from the grave as a monster. Vampires crave the blood of the living. The living whom they hunt during the night. They use their protruding fangs to puncture their victim’s necks, as you’ve seen me perform this a few times. And I did it to you, in order to change you. We as vampires, can still walk among the living as undetected. We can be very attractive, highly sexual beings, seducing our prey before we feed. Some of us can shape shift as I have demonstrated to you prior, as a bat, or wolf, in order to sneak up on a victim.

  Vampires are potentially immortal but have a few weaknesses. Holy water, garlic, fire, stake through a heart. But, you and I would not die like this. Beheaded, yes, fire, yes.”

  I am listening to Alexandria very closely, and she fucked up already, she made a mistake. She has told me way too much information, especially what our weaknesses are and ways we can be killed. I then asked her a question, “so, what have you done to Precious?” She shook her head, “you’re still concerned with the one whom was holding you back? And your other subs whom were holding you back from your full potential? You were destined for greatness, and your submissive, Precious was holding you back.”

  I disagreed. “You’re wrong, she’s made me a better man!” Alexandria laughed. “Was that what you were trying to be? Regular? Have a family? Get married? That’s not in your cards. You were born to be great. And you don’t have time to be around regular people. Do you not know what you have and who you are now?”

  I was extremely persistent, “I want to know where she is, and what happened to her.” She just stared at me squarely and then said, “I’ll make you a deal. If you can feast five times a day, for a week, on the seventh day you and I will have a race. If you beat me, I’ll allow you to see her. If you can accomplish this, you can see her.”

  I didn’t believe her, I don’t trust many people, therefore I asked, “so, what’s the catch?” She smirked, “no catch, I am a woman of my word, this is a challenge for you, since you hate to feast, and it will test your abilities in the end to see what you have, and if you have what it takes. What are you willing to give up to actually see her? What are you willing to become to see her?”

  I mean, this was a win-win situation for her anyways, she wants me to strive, she wants me to be molded into this vampire king that she desires me to be. So I can rule by her side. But, if I can’t beat the odds, I will not get what I want. Fuck it, I will deal. Yes, I will deal, for now, I then agreed to her terms.

  “Okay, we have a deal.”

  I was training every day. Just as she wanted, I feasted every day; five, sometimes six times a day. She taught me, “in order for you to kill a body, you must understand and know the body. How it operates. How to kill it. Not just with your fangs. With everything of you.” She taught me, “lions don’t go after buffalo, or zebra and bite right away. They use their strong build. They wrestle them down, paralyze them if need be, then they feast.” This woman made great sense. I impressed even her. I was fucking swift, powerful and stronger after each feast. Stronger than I have ever been. It was exhilarating. It was invigorating. The seventh day had arrived, and it was time to put all my hard work to the test.

  “Congratulations,” she said to me, “now when we race, we will race for eight miles. The finish line is at that end.” She pointed with her index finger, and when I gazed, my vision was enhanced, that I saw down eight miles, where the finish line actually was.

  Chapter 2- When Hunger Takes Over

  “I’m going to make this fair and square as well.” She said. “I will not be teleported either. When I say, ‘on your mark, get set and go,’ we will both be taking off and may the best woman, or man win.” I interjected, “I will.” She laughed, “I like your confidence, but, I don’t think so.”

  She put her hand out, so I could shake it, but I just kept staring straight ahead.

  “Okay then,” she said, and she put her hand down, as I left her hanging. “So, on your mark…….get set……” and before she could even say, ‘go,’ she took off. Left me in a pile of dust, literally. I looked to my left and she was gone. I started to run as well. Faster than a Lamborghini, faster than a jet, faster than a silver speeding bullet. I have never felt this type of speed before. It was amazing. But I needed to remain focused. I have a goal at hand, and I must accomplish that shit.

  Damn, that bitch was fast, nowhere in sight either. I was so frustrated, thinking perhaps she crossed the finish line already. “Think, think, think, Discipline, where is she? Find Alexandria, find Alexandria,” I kept saying to myself. I focused so intensely on her, as I ran and was shutting my eyes as I raced, and suddenly she appeared in my head exactly where she was. Instantly, I teleported right behind her, she was steps away from the finish line. I grabbed her by her hair, and tossed her behind me, and firmly swung her through a tree, and crossed the finish line. Thus, winning our fucking little bet. She came back and met up with me furious, some leaves from the tree were still in her hair.

  “You cheated!” She yelled out with such ferocity. I smirked, and then said, “first of all, you said we would take off after ‘go,’ and you didn’t say, ‘go,’ you just took the fuck off. Then, second, there were no rules to this, because you didn’t make, nor mention any damn rules.”

  She was even more furious. “You teleported.” She sneered. I began to laugh. “Like I said, you said the things you were not going to do, you never said they didn’t apply to me. Plus, I should be given a pass, I don’t even know how I did that. I don’t know how to even teleport. It just fucking happened.”

  Suddenly, she smiled. “I’m proud of you, because you learned a few things today without me actually teaching them to you. And you are a cut-throat beast and will do whatever it takes to win. I’m mad, I hate losing, but I am a woman of my word. We will go see your Precious one.

  She grabbed me, and we teleported out of the woods, we went to go see Precious. We were suddenly outside of a funeral home. “What the fuck are we doing here?” I asked her.

  “You wanted to see your Precious, here she is.” She said to me. I was confused as to what was going on here. It was a bunch of people dressed in black, and a huge coffin, being lowered in the ground into a big hole. “Precious can’t be here, I don’t see her. You are a woman of your word, you said we would go see her.” She pointed, “look harder, think harder, she’s there.” I looked harder, deep inside my mind, and I saw her. She was in the coffin. I yelled out for her.

  “Precious, open your eyes, Precious!!!” Alexandria stopped me swiftly. “She cannot hear you, I made it that we are unseen and unheard here, we are in a different form of creatures to everyone else around us.”

  I then placed my hands on her throat, I got a major boost of adrenaline. And now she was gasping for air. “What the fuck is this? What the fuck is going on here? Is this a fucking joke or nightmare?!” I asked her.

  She placed her hands on my shoulder and we teleported out of there. I looked around to see where we were, my eyes wandered up and down, left and right, and because of the distraction, she was able to get my hands off of her throat and breathe. She exhaled.

  “You’re definitely stronger than ever now, a lot stronger than I ever expected you to become so quickly.” She said, as she was short of breath after saying this. “I can see the hunger in your eyes, the anger in your tone, the power in your hands. Precious is gone and you must understand this. In this moment, now your life has changed for the better. You are not what you used to be. Sometimes, when you strive for greatness, you will lose people in that journey. Because, they are not on the same level as you. And when you are not on the same level as those few, it makes them very uncomfo
rtable. Look, I realize you hate me right now. But perhaps one day, you will thank me, because I’ve taught you plenty.”

  She gasped for air once again. “You had a major adrenaline boost.” I moved closer to her, I was furious, I didn’t think about what she was, nor what she could do to me, and quite frankly, I didn’t give a fuck….

  “So, what the fuck happened to her, you killed her? You killed Precious, didn’t you?” I accused her viciously. She stared into the ceiling and said, “I mean, if you want to say it like that, fine, but I like to put it, ‘I set her free.’ She was not built for this.”

  I ran towards her swiftly, and she put out her hand and her palm was facing me. I stopped immediately in my damn tracks. I looked all around me, as I had no idea what was going on in this moment. Suddenly, with a slight gesture, she lifted me up off the ground as her hand raised up. Her movements controlled where my body went, and my limbs contorted to her hand directions. She waved her hand forward and I went flying into the wall. Fuck, that hurt, I definitely needed to learn that shit from her. Damn, that was painful, but I admit, that was also cool.

  I needed to learn all her powers and then some. I needed to be the fucking best. I needed to be great, not just good, not just better than her, I needed to be the most dominant and elite there ever was. In the meantime, I need to play nice, until I can master my powers to the fullest, and maximize my potential to its most optimal level. She became angry.


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