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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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by E. L Discipline

  She stood there frantic. She didn’t know what to do, I thought her number one impulse was to destroy me. She started moving her hands around and speaking in tongues, reciting this ritual. She was a witch; a witch is what she told me.

  “You’re right, Mr. Discipline, I am a witch. Not any ordinary witch, but a powerful one. Perhaps the last of my kind.” She moved her hands around and all of a sudden, the atmosphere changed. The clouds in the sky were rupturing. She was creating a storm and it all balled up into her hands. She had a ball of thunder in her hands and she was going to strike me with lightning. She moved her hands quickly, like a dismissive wave and the lightning was headed my way. And I had to stop it and I did exactly that. It stopped in its tracks. It’s like I almost stopped time. I was even impressed with myself. I’ve never done that before, just by merely putting out my hands, and my palm facing her, I controlled the lightening coming my way.

  Alexandria had been right, she told me, I had plenty of powers, and I would discover them when I was in some time of need for them. I pushed the lightning back towards Cleopatra. She got blown away by her own storm, her own creation, but she did not die. Because, she knew when to move quickly, right out of the way. I shook my head, and thought to myself, ‘what the fuck do I need to do?’ Damn this bitch just won’t die, she was definitely some type of mystical creature. Someone, all powerfully great, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

  “What the fuck do you want from me?” I yelled, as I questioned her. She shrugged herself off and came back up onto her feet. She was so powerful and resilient, persistent and resourceful. Maybe I need someone like her on my side. I need to know her power, I need to know what the fuck she possessed. I needed to know what the fuck I was dealing with. Perhaps she could be more useful alive than dead?

  Darkness was settling in. A thick fog, smelling of brine was creeping through the crooked and pockmarked streets. I then began speaking to the moon, ‘you set the night sky ablaze. So far away, yet your persona is large enough to hypnotize millions from just a sheer glance. There has to be a reason this woman is in my life, she is annoying, but there has to be a reason.”

  Cleopatra looked up at the moon, and then asked me, “are you talking to yourself? What are you looking at?” I didn’t answer her, I just continued talking to the moon, with my head up, eyes gazing at the sky...

  “Our relationship extends across vast galaxies as we share this moment in time.” I then started speaking to

  her…..“Your haunting calmness mingles with my spirit and intertwines with my thoughts. This is a lovely moment we share, a connection more precious than earthly gem, and as I watch you slowly fade as the time passes, I have solace in knowing that we will soon be reunited again to bid a farewell to the waning day together.” Then I growled with my head up, looking at the sky. Silver moon, drenched night…..

  Chapter 10- Come To The Dark Side

  I put my head down, and it was now facing her. We were both face to face, eye to eye. I spoke sharply, “come to the dark side.” She had nothing to say to me, but one thing, “oh, so are you talking to me now? I’m confused, you had your head up and gazing into the sky, talking some nonsense. Now, you are addressing me?” I then continued to attempt to get her onto my team…

  “You won’t beat me physically, I doubt you will outsmart me psychologically. You might as well join me, bitch!” She then said to me, “who are you calling a bitch? I am no one’s bitch. You asshole.”

  She was persistent, and she came at me with full force. Full force, and she did not stop. And I disappeared. My flesh vanished. My image was invisible, but my laugh was sadistic, as that was the only thing she heard, as I was laughing non-stop, and left her clueless. She was looking all over the place for me. Just looking up and down, left and right for me. She would attempt to follow my laugh, perhaps thinking that would lead her to me. And then I reappeared, and I grabbed her, and teleported us both out of there, and into my world. My dark lair.

  I tied her up. I tied her up with my eyes. Utilizing telekinesis. Controlling objects with my mental. With my emotions. With my energy. I placed her body in a chair and tied her up. I wanted answers. I wasn’t making no other moves until I fucking knew who and what I was fucking dealing with.

  “Now, you’re going to answer all of my fucking questions, I asked you when we were over in the park. One fucking question at a time, one way or another.” I demanded. “Now, we are somewhere else, a totally different atmosphere, perhaps now you can focus on me, and not what you’re attempting to do to me.”

  I noticed, that she had power with the atmosphere around her, so let’s take her out of her element, and see how she performs. She tried to struggle out of the rope I had her in. “Don’t struggle,” I said to her, “you’ll only make it worse for yourself.”

  I gave her some advice. I gave her a chance to explain herself. I asked her, “what the fuck are you, and I would like to know that now!” I demanded once again. She then said, she is a mystical witch, she told me that she had been tailing me ever since the club, and that she has also been intrigued by me. She knew I was something great, and she wanted to find out more. She wanted to find out why? She is a witch with magical powers, but she feels my powers, she feels my energy and she knows that I am a greater power. I needed to know what the fuck a witch possesses. And what the fuck are they entitled to do? And what are they not entitled to do? I then asked her...

  “So I know that once we are in here, you are powerless, but outside you have such a great power, and why is that?” She then said to me, “that’s because, I utilize the atmosphere to my advantage.”

  See, I figured that was the case with her. I placed my thumb and index finger to my jaw, cupping my chin, and now stroking my goatee. And then I began to think. I paused for a couple seconds and did not say a word.

  “OK, so that storm shit, that huge disaster that you created, you get all of your power from the universe? Like, is it that you can just create hurricanes, and tornados with emotions? You get all your power from the earth and nature?” I asked her. She answered. “Yes, I do.” She began to open up to me a lot more. She was thinking to herself...

  ‘Was my life pleasant before I met him? Was I content? What’s missing now? I’m pretty sure I’ve never truly been happy. I’ve always struggled to find where I belong, but how can I belong somewhere when I don’t fit anywhere? Sometimes I find myself picking a fight with him just so he will talk to me. All I want is a little attention from him. Good or bad. It’s sick. I know. But living in the land of indifference has changed me. I reside here day and night until the moment I snap from this indifference. Then I lash out, rebel against what has become this norm. Although it’s not right, the reprieve from the emptiness when we argue is welcome. If I left, would he follow me? Would he fight? Would he even notice? Why is he asking all these questions? Does he want to get to know me? Does he want to know what I am, perhaps? He can protect himself. Why does he want to know?’

  I then answered the questions in her head, “I’ll tell you, It’s all the above. Everything you just thought of!” She looked at me confused, “were you just reading my mind just now?” She asked me. “Yes, I have telekinesis abilities, and telepathy. The ability to move objects and control objects with my mind. And the ability to communicate with my mind, and read mind and souls. Reach beneath the surface and communicate soul to soul. I have this innate understand of the human heart and mind. You could have all these powers and they are impressive, but you are still a mortal. Myself, I am not a mortal. You are in the presence of the ‘Immortality of Discipline,’ the most powerful entity you will ever encounter in your entire life.”

  She then asked, “how do you do that?” I did not answer her. “You were telling me more about your kind, and your powers. Continue,” I demanded from her. She said, “You ever feel a part of you is slowly dying? Your heart is empty? The weight of the world perpetually sits on your narrow shoulders? Something is missing from your life?”
r />   She was a witch, in my control for the time being, but she was dangerous. I can sense it. She was pretty, and I could see that was one of her powers as well. SHE WAS A VISION in green with a long tight dress. Her hair was long, straight, and dark. Her big brown eyes were simply dazzling. She had a doll-like face with red plump lips, and she moved with the grace and prowess of a feline. Shit, I’ll tell you right now, I hate cats. Unpredictable, leave you out to dry, can’t trust them. And she was just like a cat. Slick, clever, and perhaps she would always land on her feet.

  The night in the club, I could see her soul. Broken. Hurt. Black. I could feel her energy, and when she walked, all the men stopped in their tracks. When she gently brushed her hair away from her face and her skin gave off a gentle glow, looking softer than silk. I couldn’t help but feel drawn to her like a June bug to a porch light. And I began to realize that shit. Never in that time she had ever wanted to meet a man as I, as badly as she wanted to meet me. It was as if I had a magnetic pull and the ability to make her forget about everything around her. All but me turned into a blur as her senses focused on my presence. The pull she felt served as a reason to approach me, so she walked to the counter, with no control over her body, sat next to me, and flashed her sexiest smile.

  I’ll never forget that night, her scene was like addicting. Completely intoxicating. She smelled like a bouquet of roses, orchids, poppies, heaven, strawberries, hell, danger and candy. What a feast for my senses! She was the personification of lust, temptation, and dreams come true. She was like sex incarnate. My eyes wandered down her figure, intrigued by her choice of clothes. She then continued to educate me…

  “In days of old, witches were blamed for anything that went wrong. Cow died, crops failed, someone got sick, all blamed on witches. ‘Real’ witches are nothing like they are portrayed on TV or in Movies. There is nothing supernatural about it. Witches get their ‘power’ from nature, from the earth itself. Some, including myself, will tell you that spells are not much more than glorified prayer. We don't ask a higher power to do something for us. We ask for help in making things happen, then we do a bit of work to make it so. Simple example. Pray to God for your garden to grow. A witch will ask a Goddess to assist, then the witch will sow the seeds, thin the young plants, weed, fertilize and prune as needed. I know this is not a real word, but I call what we do Inter-natural. With nature. On the other hand, I do have some abilities that most do not. I am an empath, I feel other people’s emotions, and I hate it. I can see spirits, when they want me to. I communicate with animals. Again, when they want to. But I would have these abilities whether I was a witch or not, so witchcraft has nothing to do with them.”

  This is crazy, my goodness, I should have fucking killed this bitch when I had the chance. Now look at the trouble I have put myself in. I asked so sharply, “so what the fuck were you planning on doing with me? Did you think you can just come here and kill me or something? Did you think you were dealing with a mortal?”

  I walked up close to her, so she could feel how powerful, how serious, how dangerous of a force in myself she was dealing with. “Even if you did kill me, I swear, I would have taken a piece of you with me, believe that bitch!! Were you planning to do something reckless? What are your intentions? You came to my club, you tracked me down, you were trying to kill me in the woods? I don’t know what I’m going to do with you, yet. Be careful what you ask for, be more careful what you come looking for. Sometimes you want the bull, and sometimes you end up getting the fucking horns. Who are you fucking working for, witch?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t answer that question. “I told you, your energy draws you to me.” She responded emphatically. Humans were inclined to get themselves in danger. They were drawn to evil creatures like moths to flames! Witches and vampires were danger. And when it comes to danger…. humans naturally assume they were hallucinating and try to forget all things supernatural, as they are impossible to be true. At least in their eyes and their minds they believed this. Plenty of thoughts running through my head, then another thought of what to do popped into my head. I was thinking, ‘shit, maybe I could keep her captive. Second, she could be lying to me, maybe I can torture her and make her tell me the truth. Maybe I will torture her for just fucking fun?’ I then asked her...

  “Why are you a single mother?” Something completely off the subject. “Why are you not married, with a man? You and your baby father cannot work things out?” She shook her head, no. “Ever since my kid’s father, I haven’t found a decent man. We are not together, because, we have differences. He’s just not on the same page as I.”

  I gazed into her eyes, “you ever looked in the mirror, and thought to yourself, perhaps it’s not men, or him. You may have a lot of issues with yourself you haven’t come to agreement with. You’re pretty fucked up. Mentally, emotionally, and perhaps physically.” She shook her head, then said, “what are you, a vampire and a psychologist? Is this our little therapy session now?” I then continued, ignoring her question; but then it could be the men...

  “A man will constantly feel insecure with himself when it pertains to his woman, because, he knows he does not deserve her.” I said to her. Then I continued to educate her more… “Two rules as a man; step up or step aside. If you know you cannot fuck, appreciate and love a Queen or Goddess properly, allow a man who is adequate and self-sufficient enough to. Only a King can appreciate a Queen. If you get lucky enough to be with a Goddess, and you do not level up to her status, when she encounters Kings, it will be a struggle for her, as you place her in a tight position. She will never look at you the same again. There are individuals on this earth, whom are ahead of the curve. By, 'curve' I'm referring to the average. These individuals originate from far distant stars, solar systems, planets, and galaxies. These highly evolved individuals carry a plethora of wisdom and special abilities that hibernate deep within the core of their being. There are stars that are encoded with activation encryptions that will unlock their knowledge and talents at a pre-determined or spontaneous time on earth. When you vibrate at a high frequency, watch how many toxic people fall back from your life, because, they just don't know how to approach you. Or you will see, how you eradicate your existence from their life all on your own. Pull out your notebook, Discipline is about to educate once again....

  Women never appreciate what they can obtain so quickly. Women never want what they can obtain so easily. Women actually want, what they can't have. They want what they say they don't want. Then they don't want what they really want. They are the most inconsistent, indecisive, emotional creatures on earth. That is why a decisive man that is comfortable in being assertive, bring healing to their mind and soul. Conscious and spiritual men and women, will always attract people that need healing. Even if they don't, they see you. And your energy makes them behave accordingly. Your energy introduces you prior to your speech. Yes, I acknowledge your body and your face, however, I'm looking at your soul.”

  I don’t age, however, for mortals, it seems as if the older they get, the more difficult it becomes when attempting to obtain a sufficient conversation. Is it because, no one has time? Wait, I got it, no one cares to put in time. No, wait, perhaps that's not it. Perhaps it's, no one knows how to converse? Are they spoiled? Yes, and they take it all for granted? Yes. There's so many other ways to communicate efficiently now, without physical interaction and all nonverbal. Yes. Telekinesis and telepathy.

  “I am real, and I have true powers.” I said to her. “Everyone is naturally telepathic. They just don't know of their power, or haven't mastered it yet. The communication of mind to mind. Soul to soul, is unparalleled to anything you can ever have, pertaining to a relationship. It is powerful.”

  She wore a smile, like a loaded pistol. Her body was precious flames. Her soul was deeper than the ocean most men would drown in. Her mind was intricately aesthetic. One touch from me, and she will feel electric. Eclectic messages from my brain seeping into her female estrogen. Wet between her legs
from my Discipline Thug Seduction. I could heat her up faster than a sun beaming on a barren land. With a gaze, with a word, with a touch. Understanding, I will know how to open and touch each of the centers of spiritual power in her entire body. Her root chakra, her basic trust. Her sacral chakra, her sexuality and creativity. Her solar plexus chakra, her power and wisdom. Her heart chakra, her love healing. Her throat chakra, her communication. Her third eye chakra, her awareness. Her crown chakra, her spirituality.

  Certain foods enhance chakras as well, she will not admit it, but I am her food for thought. I am her soul food. She asked me, “do you care to live the rest of your eternal life like this? People fearing you? You don’t want to be loved? You don’t want love?”

  I thought about it, and then I answered her, “when there is a hint of fear and desire, that is when true pleasure begins. Would I rather be feared or loved? I wish I can have both, but if I had to choose, I'd choose fear. Why? Fear lasts longer than love and respect. Pay attention, for example a man can attempt this..... begin to get his woman angry to her core. As angry as you can get her. Be the man that is the blame for it. Make sure she knows you are the blame for her temper. Pay attention to how she behaves. To your face. Behind your back. To her family. To her friends. The things she won't keep her mouth shut about when it pertains to you.

  You'll see fear, when your friends stay close to you, because of the power you have over other people. Therefore, they feel empowered as well. Whether it's women, money, the way other people bow down to you, physically and emotionally. When you snap a corny joke. You're not funny. But, people laugh. When someone speaks behind your back, but to your face they shake your hand, or remain quiet like a cricket when you walk pass. This is all associated with fear. Love is so fucking great, I swear this to you. But fear, lasts longer. Fear keeps someone in line. That fear is there to let them know, they can't get away with shit. You may have a boss, and even though you're super cool with each other, there's still a level of fear. That fear, keeps you in check. Not to take advantage of, or etc. Even if things are bliss, it's that fear in the back of your head, that doesn't allow you to lose control, because you're aware of the ramifications. Be less afraid of the monsters you run away from, and more of the ones you run to. Discipline, is the worst kind of monster. I mean myself, not just the act, the practice, or tool you implement to obtain better behavior. For a woman, she will always fear me, because she would respect the way I Dominate. The way I handle her. But you will respect my character. My principals. Even though fear is more prominent, respect correlates with fear.”


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