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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

Page 13

by E. L Discipline

  Who the fuck was she fooling, not me. Bitch, sit the fuck down, we both know you are stalking me. Because, you think I know or I am responsible for all these activities going on. “I don’t know what else to tell you, officer, like I said, people die every day.” She gazed at me squarely in my eyes. “You have a smart remark, or a joke for everything?” She asked. I didn’t answer, in fact, I just changed the damn stupid pointless subject. She wasn’t going to get answers out of me, what was she doing here? Both her and I knew, but if you want to play dumb, I can play dumber. I know what she was doing here, but I’m throwing her a curve ball, and she can’t hit the target. Let me change the fucking subject now.

  “But are you here to have fun or are you here on official police business, I mean I’m looking at that dress, and you don’t look like you’re here on police business?” She then smiled at me. “Where are you and your friends?” I asked her. So, then she pointed over there to my right…

  “Ok good, I will send you guys and ladies a couple bottles of our finest champagne on the house.” I smiled. “That’s so nice of you, thank you,” she said to me. Appreciative of my fine gesture. I then indicated, “well, you know, I like to try to take care of the ones that fight crime and keep us all safe. So, in reality it is I that must be thanking you. Therefore, thank you.” I said with a smile on my face, then I walked away quickly and went to my skybox.

  The night was coming to an end, and I remained in my skybox just to observe what was going on for the night. I loved the box, people didn’t really pay attention to it, but I could see everything from here, every corner, every spot in the entire club. I loved how I had the stripper poles and cages built in. It brought a smile to my face, I thought once again to myself, look at all the shit I created myself, with just a few dreams, no resources yet, just imaginations, and I then fucking turned that shit to a reality. The club was getting ready to close, it was like five in the morning, and I don’t normally stay till the end, but I wanted to remain there. I was sometimes there as the first to come in, and the last one to leave the building, sometimes the first inside of it. People were walking out, and I left the general managers there to take care of the closing of the facility.

  I then started walking to my vehicle, I could sense a big presence. A presence that was perhaps watching me all night. As I was walking to my car, I spoke in front of me, “is there a reason why you’ve been following me?” I stated that and asked the question to a woman whom was behind me, and she stopped in her damn tracks.

  “How did you know that I was?” she asked me. “In fact, here is a better question for you. How did you know a person was following you at all?”

  It was the female police officer, who was at the fitness club, who was at the night club tonight, who had pulled me over, the night I savagely and brutally killed those strippers that took my wallet and tried to hustle me.

  “You know, I always thought there was something weird about you?” She said to me. I laughed, and then I asked her, “why would you think that, officer?” She was not shy to voice her thoughts about me either, “well, the night I pulled you over, you had blood on your wallet a little bit.” Now, the truth is coming out. My instincts did not fail me. “Then I saw you at the fitness club and the night club earlier tonight. I asked you about activity going on, and you didn’t even look shocked. Either you are a calm man at all times, or you just didn’t care. But if you’re a successful business man, that would indicate you always know your surroundings. Competition lurking, how much income is in the area. How does your demographics appear?”

  I nodded my head, “that’s impressive officer, and you are right about that.” She then said, “so, why would you act oblivious to what is going on in your area? Because, I can tell by the way I spoke to you the last few times, I can tell you keep up to date on everything. Why would a man not want, nor care to know that there has been suspicious activity close by his clubs? That can hurt business. And why would you want to hurt business?”

  Damn, she was fucking good, but I don’t hear her accusing me of shit yet. I don’t hear the handcuffs coming out of her back or front pocket, unclicking to be placed on my wrists. Nor do I hear a, ‘you’re under arrest.’ I then asked her bluntly...

  “So, what the fuck are you implying, miss? Because, if you’re not arresting me for anything, or accusing me of anything, I would love to leave. It’s late, well, its early, I would love to get some rest. Or perhaps you have been tailing me this entire time, because perhaps, you want me to fuck you?” She laughed, “oh please, you are full of yourself, ever since I met you.” I smirked, “oh yeah, have I been? And then why the harassment? You’re in denial, the accusations are a cop out, you cop. That’s your excuse to get close to me.” She was furious, “don’t flip this on me. I want you to come in for some questioning. She then pulled out her handcuffs.

  First, she pulls me over on a DWB (driving while black), now she wants to bring me in on some suspicions of her own, where is the evidence? Even though she is right on the money. Shit, can’t a black man get a little peace? Shit, I guess I must create my own peace.

  “Just come with me to the station for some questions, if you’re clean, you can walk free.” She assured me of this. I then stated, “what’s your probable cause? Take me in for what? Are you bored? You need someone to arrest so it looks like you’re doing your job? Are you even out on the streets watching and making sure things are being upheld to the law? Are you even on the streets fighting crime, or you are in the office all day pushing paperwork? I mean, you brought out the handcuffs? Look, I don’t know what type of kinky sex you’re into, but I like to do the tying up, I like it rough, but if we must, I am always on top. Shall we discuss hard limits and soft when it pertains to the bedroom? Okay, well, I’m not submissive, I’m more Dominant. And no woman will ever handcuff me.”

  She got even more furious, “this is not a joke, sir, you are coming with me.” I shook my head at her, and said, “I’m not going anywhere with you.” She took out her gun, and I said to her, “well, damn, I wonder if I were a white man, would you pull out a gun on me as well? I want you to understand something, look miss officer, I promise you, this is not a problem that you want nor need. Just turn around, be a good little girl, and head home before this gets real ugly.”

  She released the safety, and her index finger was on the trigger, I thought to myself, ‘shit, this is about to be ugly.’

  My claws and fangs grew, and my eyes turned gold, now I was angry. I growled loudly, she was frightened, I slowly walked towards her and she shot me like five times and my body dropped. She then gasped for air, she was relieved that she killed me, well at least she thought she did. She turned around and reached for her walkie talkie.

  “We have a gun wound, suspect shot by myself in self-defense.” This bitch was lying, how was it self-defense? I did not pull out a pistol, a knife or any weapons on her. And meanwhile as she is talking, I rise back up onto my feet reverse way of how I fell backwards, like it was a rewind of a video or movie. Her back was turned, and I quickly walk up from behind her, grab the walkie talkie and smash it with my one hand into pieces. Then I said to her...

  “It’s funny, I’ve been stabbed, I’ve been strangled by people, and I’ve been shot by some mobsters, but I never get used to the shootings, they still itch a little bit. And by the way, I told you I like it rough, do you?”

  She screamed, and began to run away from me, damn she was fast, but I loved to watch her run. I’m not used to women running from me. Yes, run little bunny rabbit, the wolf will be there shortly. The wolf will be there shortly to hunt, to feast. She would find her way to me soon. Or vice versa.

  She jumped into her vehicle, and I was already laid down in the back seat. My goodness, this woman is making it way too easy for me. Such an easy kill now, and now no one would be the wiser. She started the car, and then began to drive off, honestly, I didn’t even care to feast upon her, I was not hungry, I just wanted to kill her so bad. I couldn�
��t allow her to walk away from this, she was way too annoying, and she knew way too much. I then sat up from the back seat...

  “We just keep meeting and bumping into each other, it must be fate, so did you really think you could get away from me that easily, miss officer? Did you miss me?”

  She screamed, and I grabbed her by the throat from behind, “you’re screaming, but tonight you haven’t answered any of my fucking questions. Shit, all I wanted was answers, this might hurt a little bit, actually I’m lying, it’s going to hurt a lot, but you might enjoy it.”

  I thought to bite her, then I thought, I would make it look like an accident, I slit her throat with my sharp claws, “have a safe trip officer.”

  She drove into the street rail, and the car did cartwheels down the hill. I jumped out of the vehicle. I was floating in the air. I remained suspended, and I didn’t drop to the ground. The vehicle stopped upside down, and I focused hard and my eyes were menacing, and from out of them came red lasers, and I lit her car on fire. I flew away, I didn’t walk away, I didn’t want to leave any footprints, I was that paranoid, or maybe two steps ahead of everyone. I had to kill her, but make sure she was burned, because, my finger prints were on her neck and throat. If forensic would look into that, they could get me as a match, but aint no one going to check for a burnt corpse now.

  I wished her a good night, “have a good night, you annoying bitch!” I just could not allow her to live, like I said, aside from all the other shit, the main thing was my DNA that was all over her.

  I got home, I showered and rinsed myself off like three times, I shampooed my hair like three times, I took a toothbrush and scrubbed underneath my finger nails with hydrogen peroxide. And then I burned the clothes I had that night, shit, her DNA was all over me, and I have businesses to check up on, I can’t afford to be locked up, even though they would not be able to keep me in my fucking cell, nor any damn cell. I don’t need shit on record, or in files. I don’t want people knowing who I was, or anything like that. I wanted to remain as low key as possible. I owned this fucking town, but they didn’t know it yet. But the damn publicity, the papers, the bad image for the club. I have a lot to lose, but not really a lot to lose.

  I went back to the club area, and I got into my car, and I drove it home. I didn’t sleep, it was still dark outside, but it was morning time. I had to clear my head, therefore I went for a stroll. I passed by a group of men, they were on the corner shooting dice. They looked at me, and I looked at them, and I gave them a head nod, and they reciprocated. I passed the men, but there was this fine ass lady that walked by, and even though I was far away, I heard one of the men say to the lady, “hey, yo ma! Why don’t you come over here and blow on these dice and give me some luck! Make me some money, come on, don’t act like you’ve never done it before!”

  She said to the man that asked her this, “leave me alone, asshole!” He then got aggressive, and began walking towards her, I swiftly flew in front of the man and said to him, “chill, the lady said, leave her alone. No harm, no foul, you could go back to what you’re doing.”

  He stared me up and down, then he took his hand, placed it on the end of his fitted cap, and he turned his hat backwards. “How did you get here so fast? I thought you left? Anyways, don’t get involved homeboy, this ain’t about you. This between me, and this bitch right here.”

  I then said to him, “well, now I’m in your face, therefore, it is no longer between you and the lady.” He then said to me, “my nigga, if you don’t get out of my face in two seconds…” then I cut him off, “what? I mean, if you’re going to do something, just do it, don’t talk about it.” I saw he had a knife in his back pocket, and I could feel he was going for it. I hurt his pride, he’s completely embarrassed in front of his boys, and this woman he was trying to pursue or whatever. The only way he felt he could redeem himself is by reacting, physically. Verbally he was no match for me, nor psychologically, and he was going to find out he was not physically either. Yes, I was reading his mind. Before he could pull it out I said to him,

  “look, I urge you to reconsider what you are about to do. You’re misguided, I get that, and you are a brother, just like me. I really don’t want to have to do this to you.”

  Therefore, I exposed myself to him, so it would frighten him enough to make him back off, or better yet, run away. My eyes turned gold, and then my fangs grew, he said to me, “damn, nigga, what the fuck are you?” His boys got him, to come to defend his honor, I started shaking my head, and one of them pulled out a pistol, I swarmed over to him quickly, and grabbed the pistol out of his hand, and crushed it in the palm of my fist. There were four of them total, and I made waste of them quickly. Man, I hated black on black crime, but I could not allow them to escape, didn’t trust they would keep quiet about the animal in me they saw. They could tell one person, and that one person tells another, next thing you know, the police finds out somehow. Now all the heat is on, and I was so close to closing that deal with the Susan lady.

  After I feasted on their flesh, the woman was still there, shit, I thought she would have left as soon as this fight between myself and the four guys broke out. No, she was still there. Typical woman, where there was danger, it drew her close.

  I walked up to her, my eyes were red from feasting, I had a little blood on the side of my mouth, I gazed into her eyes, and I said forcefully, “run!” And she screamed loud as she ran. I let her go, I spared her life. I thought about it, she would forget all that transpired here. She was so embarrassed, so frightened, she wouldn’t have the strength to explain what happened tonight with anyone. How would she explain it? “Oh, I was walking, saw some guys shooting dice in the corner. One of them tried to holla at me, and then a monster, or man came to defend my honor, but wait, he wasn’t defending my honor. Then he beat up the four guys, and he killed them, he had red eyes and fangs.”

  See, her story would not make sense. How can one man fend off four guys by himself? A monster? They would tell her, she watches too much movies, better yet, she was delusional.

  I then headed home to get some rest. The following day, I got a call from Susan. The deal with Susan Wilts went through, and I was going from a couple of clubs, to now having a club in all of the five boroughs, because I fucking ran New York. Now I go from myself, to now having a co partnership in two more clubs. One in Los Angeles and the other one in Miami. This is great. All about fucking expansion.

  The police officer’s car was discovered, that following day as well, and the identity came back as the officer woman. They said her name was Jane. They reported it as an accident, there were witnesses that saw her drinking a lot. She was speeding, they assumed, and the car ran off the road, breaking the rail, and tipping over several times, and then the car was lit on fire. There were no signs of malice, no footprints indicating of there being another person. And she ended up driving alone that night. This is what the autopsy, the officers, homicide and other detectives said in the police reports.

  There was some heat at my night club, as the police were questioning everyone there, because as far as anyone knew, it was the last place she was before she perished. The officers then approached me, and I greeted them, and took them to my office. I answered the chief of police and all the other detectives the best way I could, I made them feel stupid. One thing I should’ve done was destroy the surveillance video of the club that night, I fucking forgot, but I thought again and said to myself, ‘it was good that I didn’t, because if I did, it would definitely be something to have on me.’

  These were all the things that were running through my head. Like, ‘why would the cameras not function on that night alone, but they did the day prior and prior to that as well?’ That is exactly what they would have asked me. They viewed the video, and it displayed her and I talking majority of the night.

  “Officer Jane spent a great deal of the night speaking with you sir. What did you both speak of?” I was beginning to get frustrated, but I did not let it show, I kept my d
amn cool and answered the police officers accordingly. “We talked about plenty of things; one was fitness, I don’t know if you gentlemen know, but I have a few fitness clubs out here as well. And if you gentlemen want to swing by, a complimentary workout is on me.” I pulled out my card for the both of them. “So, officer Jane and I were speaking of fitness, she is a member at my club, and if you need evidence just check our records of names and phone numbers that have checked in from the last couple of days.” The officers looked at each other, “yes, we will need those records,” I put out my index finger to them indicating for them to give me a second, “hold on one second, I will make a phone call and have those records sent to me.” I made the call, and within minutes, the check-in list of members were sent to me, and I displayed them from my phone, and I had the secretary fax it to me as well. I gave them the list of names that were on there. And her name, the officer was clear as day there. Jane Fisher. They both looked at each other like, ‘shit, we don’t really have shit on this place, nor this guy, let’s leave. He’s too good, he’s too smart. Before his educated black ass sues us for some dumb shit and wins.’ I could read their minds, communicating to one another without word or anything verbal being exchanged. Just their body language, just their eyes. I then said to the two officers...

  “So, did you both get your answers, did I help you both out?” They glanced at each other once again, and then the first one said, “okay, no further questions for you sir, just don’t leave town, just in case something else comes up, we may have further questions.”

  I shook both their hands and smiled, and said, “good day officers. By the way, let me ask you both something, why would I leave town? I have clubs to check up on here.”

  They looked at each other, why did they keep doing that? It’s like one was looking at the other for help? Who was the alpha out of the both of them? Did one wipe the other’s ass for him as well? I mean, shit! They had no response for me. Dumbasses. Then as they shut the fucking door, my mean, dark mug appeared. Susan Wilts showed up right after them………….


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