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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

Page 17

by E. L Discipline

  “Now I want you to cum for me.” She took a deep breath and a major gasp for air, and she breathes out and came. She dripped all over me and onto the mattress sheets. I didn’t stop, and she just kept cuming. I cuffed her wrists, while her hands were behind her lower back. Her palms were facing me. I gave her a dose of my Henny big dick. Strong and dark had her fucked up and love drunk real quick. Pistol for a dick, back shots murdered her pussy. Pounding her, left her a dripping mess for me. Walls closed in around me like a vice grip pliers. She was drenched like Niagara Falls. Squirting everywhere like a busted fire hydrant. She used to run from me and held back, but now she loves and is used to the pain.

  I exposed her to realness and my world, and now she’s disgusted by anything that’s lame. Ever since I ran through her mind, body and soul, she has never been the same. I never said I was such a great influence, therefore I will take the blame. Once I gave her a taste of this world of Discipline, the rest of the world pales in comparison. I’ve changed her emotionally and physically. And now I’ve left her mentally bound to me. One man’s tool is another man’s weapon. And I utilize mine to destroy her when I take her over and over again. I choked her, and my grip got tighter, ironic, the tighter my grip, the more she let go.

  “Relax, my dear, relax! Or it will be harder for you.” My voice was deeper, almost guttural and somewhat monstrously hungry. She struggled against my grip and then she relaxed, she found peace in my chaos, her desire became her surrender.

  I took myself out of her, I put her on her knees and I grasped her head. I grasp a fistful of her hair, I shoved my massive cock into her mouth and then I pulled it out and stroked my big cock towards her face....

  “Swallow my darkness,” I commanded. “Swallow my darkness,” I commanded once again. She swallowed every drop.

  We cuddled the night away. Something I didn’t do in the past. Except with Precious. I haven’t felt like this in a long time. It was weird, but it felt right. This was not just a fuck. I was not just here to get a nut off. I then said to her, “get dressed, I must get dressed myself as well. I must be at the club, tonight is the big night.”

  The sultry night had begun, another great night for the club. It was packed, the music was live, the crowd was wild. I did my rounds, I walked around, greeted everyone. From celebrities, to the regular customers attempting to get close to the celebrities. To the younger generation of early twenty-year-old individuals, that would get club money from the parents. Or worked Monday to Friday, and could not wait until the weekend arrived, just so they could spend their hard-earned money here. Buying bottles, to impress the bitches. It was the power of the bottle. The exclusivity. The fact that, this alone, made you someone that was not regular there. VIP, stamped a declaration, it screamed, ‘we are here!’ Why? Well, not everyone could get into VIP. Not everyone could afford to get in VIP. And they were placed in prominent areas in the facility, they were taken care of.

  I mean, you would always want to take care of the customers that were willing to spend more money on your establishment, or your product. VIP, was huge here, I would see the same young guys in VIP. You know, it was a younger generation, a younger mentality. I mean you think about it, if you would ask one of them if you could give them a million dollars today, or ten million dollars and they would need to wait a year from now. Most of them would choose, the little million today. Why? Their priorities are different. Most people with business minds, would choose the ten million, and they would wait a year for it. Why? They are thinking long term, most likely. Think about it, the ones choosing the little million now, they would most likely blow that shit in a couple of minutes. Probably here in the club, probably on a jet they don’t even need.

  Money comes, and money goes. A million dollars is not a lot of money when you think about it. The concept is to make as much money as possible, invest, therefore you can make more money in the long run. Something residual. Everything we did in life was an investment. Our time, our energy, our presence, our words, our conversations. A house, a vehicle, a building like a fitness club or a night club. All these people here are investing their time and money, and if they were willing to do that, they would want something out of it.

  All I could do was smile, to look at how full it was in the facility, and to see how far I’ve come. From the streets to corporate offices. From Brooklyn to owning establishments in other states. Heading to now expand internationally. From the slums to the Bahamas. It felt great, and I had a big grin on my face, just reminiscing to myself.

  Then suddenly, I felt this strong energy, that shit hit me, like it was a punch to my chest, I then began to look around. I asked myself, ‘where was this potent energy coming from?’ I felt as if I was being tailed. And I was being tailed. I wasn’t certain but then I observed, and I turned and saw a woman. I knew immediately why she was here. She showed up at my club. She saw me all over the place; billboards, newspapers, magazines, social media. This is what I was afraid of, people coming to me treating me different because they see me somewhere prominent. Or, attempting to try and take over or pull one over on me, for their personal gain.

  Susan Wilts wanted me out there more, therefore, I listened. She made sense, but I had this in the back of my mind constantly, about if this was a possibility of that. I mean my clubs were one of the most popular and prestigious clubs in the New York strip.

  The woman spoke to me, “hey there, hello. You must be Mr. Discipline? She stuck her hand out for me to shake it. I observed her clothes, stared her up and down. I watched her close. I didn’t answer, then I said to her...

  “First of all, don’t ‘hey,’ me, I am not a horse. Secondly, who is asking? Are you the police? Are you a friend? A stock holder? A potential investor? Are you a fan? Stalker? A displeased customer?” She laughed, “perhaps a friend.” I smirked, “perhaps?” I questioned her. “You are definitely not an old friend, even if I was not too good at remembering names, I have a great photographic memory. Perhaps, you are attempting to make me a new friend.” She smiled, then she asked, “can we go someplace quieter to speak?” I then said, “sure, why not? Look, let’s go to my office.”

  I walked in front of her and guided her to my office. She then said, “it’s a lovely office.” I ignored the compliment, my mindset was, ‘cut the small talk, there is a reason why you have approached me.’ I then said to her...

  “What was it that you wanted to discuss with me so privately?” She then pulled out a gun, aimed at my back, it was a .50 AE desert eagle. I gazed and scanned it with my eyes really quickly, as I turned around and she said to me, “this is what I wanted to discuss motherfucker!” Now that was a big pistol for a woman to have. It’s pretty heavy as well. About 3.5 to 4 pounds. If she would not hold it properly, the blow back would be vicious. For her that is.

  I didn’t ask the question, ‘what she was doing here?’ I just said, “my goodness, you women these days do have a way with men. You all are becoming the aggressors now.”

  I had both my hands up, “well that escalated quickly, and so did your whole demeanor.” I said sarcastically. She was very aggressive, “shut up!” She shouted.

  I then said to her, “I don’t mean to interrupt you, but look, I don’t take orders very well, perhaps you don’t want to make that choice? Maybe you should suggest, not tell me what to do.” She cocks the fucking pistol, ready to pull the trigger. She then said to me, “what the fuck did I say?”

  Now normally, I could take the gun out of her hands with my eyes, and mind control the shit out of it, with my telekinesis ability, which was the ability to move object with mental power. But, before I could do that, I wanted to know why, where, when and most importantly, who? So, I was patient, I inquired, and I was compliant to her demands. Why? Well, because I knew she was going to tell me why she was here.

  “Look, I’m James’ sister!” She blurted out. I looked confused. I was waiting patiently to ravage her body. She looked at me, then she said, “yeah go ahead look stupid, I am James
’ sister, Precious’ ex boyfriend’s sister.”

  I raised an eyebrow, but I didn’t make any sudden movements. I wanted her to feel in control, and not be afraid, rattled or anything. Why? Two reasons, one I didn’t want to expose myself, until I knew what I was working with, and the second and most important reason, if she felt in control, she would just talk, and talk, and talk. And that is what I wanted. She then did exactly what I wanted, she talked, and she then began to continue to bring me up to speed about what has been going on, these past years back….

  “James has been missing for several years and the last place he was headed was to Precious’ house. He was telling me, he was all crazy for her. He had gotten out of jail and when him and I spoke, that’s all this dude was talking about. Getting to Precious. Perhaps starting over with her, building a brand-new life, etc.”

  I didn’t speak, I let her. I just listened. I mean, I had two ears and one mouth for a reason, right? Therefore, I would listen and observe more than I spoke, until the time was right. She then continued…

  “You and Precious are or were lovers.” I didn’t answer her, I had no idea if she was telling me or asking me, so I kept my mouth shut. And she continued, now she was asking me the question…

  “So, where the fuck is she? And where is my brother? It’s not like him to not call me, there is no sign of him. Nothing within the news, and if he skipped town, I would know about it. If he did something that placed him back in jail, I would know about it.”

  I looked closer at her, “is that a trick question or do you want an answer today? Uh, would you like me to speak now?” I asked her. She nodded her head, indicating to me ‘yes.’ I then started to speak...

  “First of all, I don’t know where he is.” And honestly, when I was telling her this, it was not a lie. When Precious killed James, because he had a gun on me, I got rid of the body because I made calls. I ordered to rid the body. And I had my people take care of it, so I was not lying. I really didn’t know where he was. He could have gone to a chop shop, could have been in a river somewhere, who knows? The fact of the matter was, I didn’t know. And even if I did, do I look like a man, that would tell this strange, crazy bitch holding a pistol to me? Whom wasn’t even holding it firmly at me, that if I wanted, any slight movement I could fucking take it out of her fucking hands and show her who really had some fucking authority around here. I would show her who was the one with the balls. Because, the only thing that commanded in this world was balls. So, let me show her, who is the cerebral assassin here. Let me show her, how I can get her to give me the gun using my brain and my mouth, rather than my physical Dominance.

  I then said to her, “second, did you come here with an adequate plan? I don’t see that you have a change of clothes.” She looked at herself as her head went downward. And I then continued, “so, let’s see, do you plan to shoot me at close range? Now if you did that, blood will splatter all over you. What will you do when you leave and walk out of my office? Everyone saw you come up with me. I have cameras all over this place, therefore, your face is also plastered all over here. Do you know of any other escapes out of here? No? Like I said, everyone saw you leave with me that is in the club.”

  I was making that last part up, I don’t believe everyone saw us come here. Everyone was way into themselves, the music, friends, and the alcohol to be paying attention to anything else in the facility. I then continued to tell her, “do you know that you would be the first suspect? Oh, you don’t think the police, would investigate this? I pay a lot of taxes out here, miss. And I am quite sure, you’ve seen me on billboards, perhaps magazines, in newspapers, etc. Do you have kids, family, a husband? And what would happen to them? Are they dependent upon you? What happens if you kill me? Will they be safe? Are they safe as of right now? What would they do, if you went to jail. Are you their sole provider? Like I said miss, I have cameras all over my office, that’s how weird and psycho I am, yes, I am paranoid. I have cameras outside the office doors, and I have cameras inside here. I know the bouncers scanned your ID as well. They can check the check in list and see all your info. Height, full name, address? Although, you definitely were slick, getting pass the metal detectors, how did you do that?”

  She did not answer me, “no need to answer that, that was probably a rhetorical question. You probably slipped by, with someone else, or when the bouncer was not looking. First thing the cops are going to do is check these cameras in here first. Like I said, did you come here with an adequate plan?”

  She didn’t speak, she didn’t answer my questions. She knew I was right. She slowly lowered the gun, and I put my hands down slowly as well. I then spoke to her softly with a calm tone of voice to her...

  “Look, I’ll forget you were even here and I’ll completely erase the cameras and I will pardon you for today. Sorry for your loss. Look myself, I am a black man, where society grants you two sides of the coin. Death or jail, however I am the exception not the rule. I am the epitome of opportunity, and started from the bottom. If I can help you in any way possible….”

  She then interjected, “I don’t need your fucking help!” She barked at me. I then put my hands up, to display, ‘chill, I am no threat to you whatsoever.’ I then continued to talk…

  “I am a successful businessman, nothing more, and nothing less. Get yourself a drink, calm down, and then you can get the fuck out of my club.” She walked out frustrated. Good thing I didn’t kill her, because I had no change of clothing myself, and what would it look like if we left or better yet, just me coming back myself? The bartenders saw me go in there with her, and I don’t know who this woman could be friends with in here or who she knew. Therefore, some people did see us walk away from the dance floor, and we parted together. So, she went back to the dance floor, and then she left.

  I walked back to the bartenders and the VIPs, saying hello to everybody. I was mingling, and just making sure everyone was having a good time. I needed a shot after that exchange. That was intense back there, and hopefully I will not see that bitch ever again. The bartender gave me a shot of henny. But I fucking spoke too soon. James’ sister, she didn’t leave after all, she came back to me one last time prior to her departure. She taps me on my shoulder, then she whispered... “You are very good Mr. Discipline, but you fucked up.” What did she mean that I fucked up? I whispered back to her…

  “What do you mean, I fucked up?” She then continued to explain, “you said, ‘sorry for your loss?’ I never mentioned anything about a death or a loss with my brother. I said he was missing, where is he? However, you were not assuming, you know, or you were involved in his departure, one way or another I know it. Mr. Discipline, we will meet again! You can bet your bottom dollar on that shit, matter fact, you can bet that shit on this nice club.”

  Fuck, she was right on the money, she didn’t say any of that, I did fuck up. I stared at her firmly and said, “indeed we will miss, indeed we will.” I thought to myself, ‘the next time I will not give you a pass whatsoever. I will take you out indeed. By any means necessary.’ These were the thought in my head. She walked out of my club. The woman could not fuck with me on her best fucking day. She cannot fuck with my power. Not even on her best fucking day. I was leaving and headed to my place. Going into my home. I could smell human beings and I knew I could taste them, I knew I could feel their presence. It felt like a couple of them. One was lurking in the bushes and the other was behind my door. With my x-ray vision, I was able to see them, and pinpoint their exact location and shit. They were waiting for me to arrive, so they could ambush me. I smelled it and one was in the bush.

  I put my key into the keyhole, and I shoved the door forcefully forward to open. I opened and knocked the man on the floor that was standing behind it. I then hit the other man whom was running up from behind me to come after me. I saw him and sensed him coming for me. As he was jumping out of the bushes, I said forcefully, “you fellows have no idea, I mean no fucking idea who you are fucking with! And I am not in the f
ucking mood tonight!” I roared. Then I warned them….

  “This is not a problem you both want, nor need.” I was multitasking, while I was fighting both of them at the same time. One of them ran at me and I kicked him in his shin, and he fell to his knees, and was then laid out on the floor. Then I grabbed him and threw him into the wall. The other one attempted to come at me and I grabbed him by the throat. I lifted him off the ground, and his feet were dangling off the floor like four inches. The other one that I threw towards the wall, rose up and he then reached for a knife from his pocket, he charged at me and the knife was then shoved into my back by him.

  I dropped the one guy I had dangling from the ground. Then I said to that guy behind me, that stabbed me, “so, I must have a target on my back tonight or something, that you feel the need to put your pathetic tool there?”

  I had my massive hand on his throat and lifted him off the ground. “Ugh!!” I then yelled. The fucking sting from the knife. I reached from behind me, and grabbed the knife from out of my back, and I slashed the guy in the throat that put it in my back with it. I then began to drink his blood, as it was dripping and spilling out of him. His other associate or friend, questioned me...

  “What the fuck are you? You freak! You monster!” I looked at him with my changed eyes that were now red and my fangs were out, “I’ve been called far worse.” I hissed at him. I then flew and charged towards him like a speeding bullet. I did not kill him instantly, because I wanted him to tell me whom sent him and the other one.

  “Who the fuck sent you here? You both are definitely not professionals, because you both are so fucking sloppy as fuck. So, who sent you?”


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