The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3) Page 18

by E. L Discipline

  He didn’t answer me and that was the fucking last time he would breathe another breath. I sank my teeth into his neck and my fangs dug into his flesh, sucking the blood right out of him. “I needed that,” I said to myself, and it was like a sport at this point. But I really wanted to know who or what sent them. Was this random? I need to pay attention and protect everyone around me. ‘Cleopatra.’ I then began to think about her, where she was? And did people see us together? Could they target her? I then texted her, ‘we need to see each other, asap.’ She was in complete agreement with me. I need to make sure everyone closest to me, were safe and protected. I must get in contact with Cleopatra. I reached for my phone……

  Chapter 16- Love Her To Death

  ‘Meet me at my place, right now!’ I texted her. She found her way here to my place immediately. She saw the two men that I had destroyed. “Ugh, ohh, oooh, what the fuck? You were that hungry? Two, huh? With your greedy ass,” she shook her head.

  “It’s not even like that,” I said to her. “You see, these men were sent by someone whom has been watching me, and tailing me to either rattle me up or kill me.” She was shocked, and she gasped for air, “oh shit,” she was astonished, then she asked me, “well, do you know who sent them?” I shook my head, “no, I was trying to get answers from this one here, before I killed him, but he would not say a word. Normally, people will display their true colors when their life is on the line. When you have a knife, a gun or threaten a loved one, they’ll do anything. Say anything. Especially a knife. The gun is not as effective as when you hold a knife to someone. But, these men were willing to die to keep the identity of their boss a secret. These men were not saying a word. They weren’t professionals, they were just too sloppy. They knew where I lived, this was not a random attempt. Someone out there knows me, but they have no idea what I am. If that was the case, they would’ve came with more firepower. You need to remain close to me, so I can protect you.”

  She then cut me off, “look, there’s something I must tell you.” I cut her off back, “we can’t talk about this or anything yet, we must plan and remain alert.”

  She didn’t say a word, not another word, she just remained quiet. “As a matter of fact, I am going to get rid of these bodies, and you are going to stay here tonight with me.” I told her. She then stared at me, and said, “well, I must make a phone call then, let my child know I am not coming home.”

  She went outside and made a call, I thought nothing of it, but it felt weird, it felt completely off. I made arrangements to get rid of these bodies that were in my damn place, and I kept feeling something was off, so I told her when she came back in...

  “We aren’t staying here tonight. Listen to me carefully, I will be having my place cleaned, who knows who these men are, and who would be coming to look for them, or to check to make sure the job was done? Plus, I don’t need cops heat or attention on me. Therefore, we will not be spending the night here tonight, we will be in a hotel for the night or two nights if need be.”

  She grabbed her phone, then I grabbed it from her, “no, you won’t need this for the night either, turn it off,” she looked at me with a confused look. “You want to control my phone as well? Oh, hell no!” She protested. I gave it back to her. “Turn it off, don’t text or call on it, electromagnetic waves can be traced, and if you have your location on, you have no idea who followed you here, do you?”

  She agreed with me, “you are right, okay, I will leave it off.” She and I then got ourselves ready to be out for the night. We arrived at the hotel, “make yourself comfortable, go shower, do what you must and then come to bed.” I told her this. She did as I instructed her to do. She came out of the shower, and she was completely naked, she held between her thighs a moment of ecstasy and sin. She squeezed her legs and thighs together to hold it in. A memory of last night causing tension. Creating this desire to her over and over and over and over once again. Pleasure dripping from within her. Secrets revealed by her fucking devilish grin. She knows what she is doing, she’s still a witch as well.

  “You know what you are doing, you are evil, and after all you are still a witch, Cleopatra.” I said to her. She grinned at me, “you keep draining me of my powers every time we make love, every time we fuck, every time you take me and control me over and over once again.”

  She revealed to me her gift of flesh sculpted to capture my devilish ways. Momentarily, I will satisfy her with my wickedness, but right now, I wanted to watch her. I inspired her to be free, to be completely free. She loved me unconditionally, she didn’t need to tell me this, I knew, and I’m sure she did as well. I gave her freedom.

  My gaze followed the curves of her legs to the point of no return. Looking into the center of her rainbow. Pink images were bliss into the deepest parts of my desires. The strength of my lust blending into the softness of her surrender. Love in its physical form. I could not read her when we first started to interact, but now, so much has changed, she has opened up to me fully and let go behind her own imagination. I read her easier now, I stimulated her mind, and her body spoke to me. I wrote her beautifully of many words with my big tongue, refilling my pen with the leaks between her thighs. I read her orgasms, and she strokes my words for more and more. I hear the echoes of her moans, she laid flat on her back, and my tongue kissed those pussy lips, those pretty pussy lips. Every time she shut her eyes, I can feel her seeking the touch. My touch, and seducing her every thought.

  She feeds my addiction. My addiction, for her screams, my addiction for her flesh, my addiction for her mind, for her soul, for her powers, for her energy, for her words, for her thoughts, for her love, for her sex. She carried the light of the stars in the curves of her hips. Moving forward through the darkness of midnight. Seducing the moon and daring me to fucking follow. She called for the destruction of beauty. Craving a savage in me so passionate to disrupt the order of things. She could wear silk and lace, but those would only be sacrificed and torn apart in a quest to quench the thirst of her flesh. Every part of her body was calling for me, mercilessly.

  I approached as a predator, I saw her as prey. I risk the danger of the flames, for the passion of the heat. She is so addictive. I spoke to her whispering in her ear so softly but forceful...

  “Submit to this ravenous love, always. Lose yourself in my sin, in my passion, in my devilish tendencies. Fall victim to the grip of my massive hands upon your flesh, and feel the fire burning beneath the surface of your skin. Let me kiss you, lick you, bite you, into submission. Dance with our desires in this storm, as the warm rain cascades down the walls of your shallow moans, and beg for me to enter you. Fucking beg!!” I growled, and she begged me, “please, please, Discipline.” She submits to me now and she allows me inside her. She serves me, at will.

  I took my massive chocolate dick out of her and placed it inside her mouth, between her begging lips. Her lips wrapped around me and the warmth of her mouth took hold of my immaculate strength. Perfectly stroking me to a beautiful end. With her lips she enhanced my darkest desires, with her body it cultivated my greatest power. With her pussy, I create her greatest release, but her mind is always the key.

  I took myself out of her mouth, and back into her soaking Niagara Falls pussy, wrapping my girth snug. My lips go to reach her lips, and she playfully turns her head away from me, I slap her face, she smiles, I then turn her over, “you denied my dangerously addictive kiss, however my hand on the small of your back you could not,” I said.

  The force between us is anticipation, and I aim to penetrate it completely. Pushing us both into a realm of passion which neither of us has control of. I tell her all these things, while I am pounding her pussy into a dripping mess. Talk about talking dirty during sex, I take that shit to another level. A gentle push, and down she goes, on the bed with her legs spread wide, she is on her knees. Ass cheeks spread, her gaping wet pussy, and an open invitation for me to fit in, daring me to slide inside. The smirk she had is gone now, replaced with hunger in her
eyes and I intend on feeding her. The first thrust set the fucking tone, I could hear her gasp for air, and then moan so loudly. She unleashed the beast within me, and now upon her. I assault her body. I take control of her. Thrusting so deep and rough.

  “I have you when you submit to me, I will always have you when you submit to me. There is no height high enough, no fall fast enough, no depth deep enough to keep my powerful hands from getting to you. Bloom peacefully in my hands, safely in my grasp. Live life in my hands, and die in my hands. Trust that these hands will bring you back to life, back to me. Always. Because, you are mine, and there is no distance far enough. And no ocean wide enough, to keep this powerful hand from getting to you. The kind of immortal that makes you bleed, bruise, blush, I am the power you crave, need and want. These are the soft yet rough reminders why you are here; to be controlled, to feel helpless, for strength, for peace, for love, for hate, for phenomenal sex, for fucking, for making love, for violence, for stress, for a stress reliever, for calmness, to cum, to choke, all the sweet sounds, and sweet thoughts. Culminating in this moment where you are lost in me. Lost to the chaos I provide. Now it’s your turn, to be used so devilishly. To be teased so deviously. By whom? Me! Leave your inhibitions outside and be lost in here. Feel this type of love where you can’t breathe, the type that gives it all to me and feels. Be lost, perfectly, hopelessly, deliciously lost. Now tell me how you feel, my love?”

  She’s begging to cum, “can I cum please???” I smirk, “yessss, give it all to me,” she released and gushed all over. “How do you feel, my love? I asked once again, grasping her as I wanted an answer. “Used, slutted, filthy, appreciative, free?” I asked her. I then stared into her eyes, and I saw the answer. She then replied to me, “yes.”

  I see what she screams for; to be punished, to make her feel something, to make her forget something, to make her regret nothing, to take and to do so without asking her. To hurt her.

  The following day had arrived, and I told her to get dressed. I had to be at one of the fitness clubs later that afternoon. There was a major event. No matter how strong she is and no matter her Dominant character, she moved here when I commanded. And she listened when I spoke, my voice vibrated so loudly and put fear in her body. She did it as I instructed, I got ready as well to get on with my day.

  I showed up for the big event at one of the fitness clubs I owned. It was amazing, then I had to show up at one of the night clubs later that evening. The night came in, and it was phenomenal. Everyone looked great, we had politicians from sports athletes to reality television superstars and movie celebrities here. Cleopatra showed up, I saw her from the skybox. I went over to her...

  “What are you doing here?” I asked her. She said, “do I need to ask your permission to come here? I said, “well, I mean yes you do.” She let out a loud laugh, “ha ha. I mean, we met here at the club. I didn’t think I needed to ask for your permission to come here.” I then said to her, “I want to make arrangements when I know you’re coming. I don’t want you waiting on line, I want you to cut the line, I want the VIPs to know you. I want the bouncers to know you. Therefore, you have no issues. Come with me to the skybox, we can see the dance floor and the entire night club from up there.” I instructed her. She said, “there is something I need to tell you.” I cut her off, “listen, tonight is the big night, what you need to tell me could just wait. You can tell me another time, there’s so much to do tonight.”

  She was frustrated, so she stormed out of the club. Tonight, was lit, it was spectacular. One of our biggest events of the club. Shit feels phenomenal. The atmosphere was phenomenal as well. I was observing everything, I was observing the environment, the atmosphere, the energy to the vibes. So, I left a bit early, Cleopatra came right back to me. She said...

  “I’m sorry I stormed out, can we take a stroll? Can we take a stroll in the park?” I said, “sure, why not? And as we started taking a stroll in the park, I felt something completely wrong. The air changed, it was a slight breeze. And my instincts didn’t fail me.

  Appearing before us was the woman. She stood in front of us, Precious ex-boyfriend’s sister. Damn, how many times do I have to fucking tell this bitch? I told her the next time we meet, it would not be good.

  “I told you we would meet again, Mr. Discipline!” She said to me, as she shouted out. I held Cleopatra’s hand tighter in my grasp. She then continued…

  “This time you don’t make it out of here alive.” She said to me. Before she ran the chamber, and the bullet came out the barrel, I could smell something. I smelled garlic for some reason, it was weird. I was thinking fast, I was looking around to see if there was anything I could utilize. Thought to myself ‘how did she find us here? Why do I smell garlic?’ Soon as the bullet was going to shoot out of the pistol she had, Cleopatra jumped right in front of the bullet. ‘What the fuck is she doing?’ I then thought to myself. She was hit with the bullet; the woman then ran away. I held Cleo in my arms. I placed her body gently on the ground, I then ran after the shooter.

  Everything was in slow motion, but I was moving normal, it was as if it looked like I was slowing time for a little bit. She was slow in motion and running, and I grabbed her purse and I saw her ID. And I scanned her ID with my eyes. I wanted a name with the face. An address. Something I can follow up on and I got what I wanted. I kept mental documentations of everything that was on her damn ID.

  Once I left from the shooter’s side, everything went back to normal. She was faster. It was weird, it’s like I slowed down time. That was probably the second time I ever did that. I was still learning my new powers after all these years, because, I really had no one to teach me. I had to pretty much learn as I went along. And I felt when I needed it most, it came to me. Or when I was angry or something. I had no idea how I did this. I guess desperation and adrenaline will make you do things, we have never done. If I didn’t need to check on Cleo, I would have killed this woman shooter.

  I went back to where Cleo was, but the bullet was made out of garlic. This woman had to have known what I was or what I am. And what this was. Therefore, I then began to think to myself, ‘why was the bullet made out of garlic?’ Knowing damn well, that can do some harm to me. A regular bullet wouldn’t hurt me. It would itch, it would sting, but it would not kill me. It would tickle, but it wouldn’t hurt me. But, a garlic bullet? That would do plenty of damage. At least I think it would. Shit, I didn’t want to experiment. Someone was meticulous with this attack. Perhaps they didn’t act alone. There had to be more to this, but I’ll figure this out later.

  I took the bullet out of Cleo with my telekinesis ability, I tossed it into a tree with my mind control. The bullet came out of her, and flew through the tree. I then held her in my arms. ‘What the fuck was she doing? Jumping in that fucking bullet like that to save my life once again? Fuck, I cannot allow her to die.’ I thought to myself.

  I started looking around. I started thinking, I had to think quickly, she was losing too much blood. She was dying. She doesn’t want this, to be what I am, but at this point, it’s about her life. I panicked, its either her life, or she doesn’t get what she wants, and I obey her wishes and she dies. I’m going to grant her immortality. There is no other choice for this.

  I then sank my teeth into her. I was changing her life forever. She would say good bye to this normal world, she would come into my world. What I did was not enough, in order for her transformation to be complete, she needed real blood. She was still dying. ‘What about mine? My blood is powerful.’ I thought to myself, ‘just as I could take life, I could give life? Right?’

  My claws came out, and I slashed my wrist. I kept pumping my fist, so more blood could come out of my wrist. I grasped her by her hair and anchored her head towards my wrist. She fed. She fed some more. She was coming into consciousness. A man that gives his blood to or for a woman, is a man that ‘Loves Her To Death.’ Irony is, when we met, we started out hating each other. In all of my years of life on earth, I haven’
t met a woman that hated me for too long. She’s a witch, with extraordinary powers, that does extraordinary things. I don’t know why she just didn’t alter the bullet, so it would’ve just missed her? Something else is going on here, and I’m going to get to the fucking bottom of this shit.

  Chapter 17- A Twist Of Fates

  Cleopatra came into consciousness, and I guided her up to her feet. “You saved my life,” I said to her thankfully. “There was garlic in that bullet though, and I didn’t even know it until it was inside you, and I smelled it. But I smelled garlic, and I just didn’t know where it was coming from. A regular bullet would not hurt me, and you knew this, that is why I thought it was odd that you jumped in front of the bullet to help me.”

  She was in and out of it, still a little weak. But, my blood sustained her. “What really happened?” She asked me. I stared at her, “I just fucking told you. This woman, whom was a shooter, whom is random. She shot at the both of us, but you caught the bullet. The bullet was made from garlic, the woman must know now who I am, and what I am.”

  I knew who the woman was, but Cleopatra didn’t need to know of this danger from the past. This Precious’ ex boyfriend’s sister, coming to the club and now she was here. It was too much to explain. And too much for her to take right now. She would know, just not right now.

  “Who is she?” Cleo asked me… I then said to her, “I don’t know. I mean, I know her, but I don’t really know her, but now I know more of her and more.” Cleo, touched my shoulder, as she was feeling a little faint. “Can’t we just go somewhere else, and discuss this, I have a lot of things to tell you.”

  I took her to my place, and as we get there, my place is trashed. There were things thrown all over the place. Tables flipped over. Broken glass. So, it didn’t look like a robbery, because whomever did it did not take shit.


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