The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3)

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The Immortality of Discipline ((Third book in The Seduction of Discipline Series) 3) Page 19

by E. L Discipline

  “What the fuck is this?!” I then shouted out, as I was fucking furious. I called my men, and they respectfully said, they had nothing to do with it, nor did they know what was going on. And I didn’t feel like having security watch my home, and have shit looking suspicious for me. However, I was going to add in cameras from now on. We were not going to stay there tonight. So, I took her back to the hotel, I was not about to leave her here, and I stay at my place, where it was trashed like that. Someone or people were in my place and they were looking for something or looking for someone, and that someone must have been me.

  As we get to the hotel, she then begins to speak, “look, there is so much I need to tell you, and I have been trying to tell you this shit for the longest time. Every time I tried, you brushed me off with some type of business you had to speak of, or a major event and just could not attend to my attention. But tonight, I will not allow you to interrupt me. And what I was trying to tell you.”

  She exhaled out a deep breath, “tonight is all my fault, I was shot, or we were shot at, because of me!” I gazed at her firmly, “keep, fucking talking, and do not leave shit out! I am going to calm my temper down, and allow you to explain first, before I rip your tongue out, and heart out and kill you. Perhaps, or perhaps not. Let’s hear it all!”

  Tears were coming out of her eyes, but her tears had no effect on me. She then continued to tell me the next thing she was trying to explain...

  “So, listen, it was Precious ex boyfriend’s sister that shot at us.” I was even more angry, “what! So, you knew this?” I then continued to tell her, “yes, I know it was her before you told me here.” I then shut my eyes, and it brought me back in time of the shooting, when I was chasing her down, and I scanned her ID with my eyes, keeping mental documentation in my head.

  “Is that woman, whom is Precious ex boyfriend’s name Jessica Louis?” I asked her. Cleo nodded her head at me, “yes, that is her name.”

  The table that was in the hotel, I smashed it out of anger, and I frightened her.

  “Look, I am so sorry, but there is much more.” Cleo continued. “The night at the club when I was acting like I didn’t see you, then I came to the bar where you were, that was a ploy. I already knew who you were, I had the info on you prior to my arrival there. I was briefed on you, so I knew how to approach you. I was forced to do all this, against my will. I was supposed to set you up, and all the information you were giving me, I was feeding to her, that is why she knows you are a vampire, and your weaknesses.”

  I opened my eyes wide, “are you fucking kidding me right now! She came to my club, and pulled a gun on me. That gun could have had garlic in there, and I was playing around with that woman. But, then again, I didn’t smell it, if it had garlic in the bullet, as I smelled it tonight.” I shook my head in anger.

  She then continued, “honestly, I don’t know of any of that. As far as how she knew what things to utilize against you, she learned from me. From me, as you told me the things you told me. I was supposed to take you out, kill you, but I couldn’t do it, I started falling in love with you. It would have been so fucking easy, if I still hated you. I then stopped reporting to her with information about you, your whereabouts and your steps. I could not do it anymore, I put everything on the line to betray her for you. I was missing in action from Jessica for days, and she showed up at the club looking for me, and looking to see what was going on. But, I wasn’t there.”

  I shut my eyes, and then said, “yeah, she was there, I guess that’s when she showed at my night club with the pistol she pulled on me, as we went into my office.” I said, “yup and that night she showed up and we went to my office, and she pulled a gun on me, and she then introduced herself vaguely. I managed to outsmart her and get her to put the gun away, and suddenly, she mentioned to me, that we would eventually see each other again, prior to her leaving and walking out my club, so it makes sense. The set up you indicate, because no one is that certain they were going to find me, or that certain they will meet someone again in general. How did she know if I would be at the club again? I’m an owner, who knows if that’s my only club? Who knew if I even show up at my clubs? Nor would they be coming to the club like this constantly. But it all makes sense, because, you were feeding her information. I saw her ID, she lives in Queens, and most of my clubs and my time is in Manhattan. So, she knew that perhaps you would get her that chance.”

  She put her head down in disgust with herself. “Yes, she found me, she knows how powerful I am, but the one thing that weakens me besides you Discipline, is my son, and she knew how to get to him at will, so I had to make a decision.” I gazed at her firmly, “you always have a choice and you made one.” She then continued…

  “She came to me yesterday and gave me an ultimatum. And I came to you and asked you if we can go for a stroll in the park. That’s where she wanted you to be, but alone. But, I couldn’t let that happen. I knew she was going to kill you, she feels you killed her brother and she wanted revenge. If I would have told you to go there alone, and meet me there, and not wait for you at your club and not go there together, we would not be standing here right now speaking.”

  I grabbed her by her throat, “is that suppose to make shit right? So, you’re like, ‘oh hey, I set you up to get murdered but, I made sure I interfered, so you would not be killed.’ Get the fuck out of here, bitch!”

  She was gasping for air, “I know what I did was wrong, and you have every right to kill me, or cast me out of your life totally.” My grip was tighter, and I could see it in her eyes, but after a few more seconds, I let go. And I gave her my back. She held her hands on her throat, and she was coughing nonstop. I then spoke softly, but forceful...

  “I will not kill you, listen, you did tell me the truth after all. I owe you my life twice.” She stopped coughing, and said, “I know I owe you for my life as well, even though I would not want this or to become this vampire, in order to live. You saved me, and no matter how you feel about me right now, I will always be grateful to you.”

  I gazed into her eyes, and my voice raised, “I had no choice, and neither did you, I was not going to let you fucking just die! Therefore, I made a choice. We all have a choice to make, I made the best one to put you in a position to still be here and for your son. Well, all is good now, and I have a plan. Since you got us into this mess, you are going to get us out of it. I owe you for my life, I paid that. Now, you owe me, and this is how you will repay me. This is how you will gain my trust back. I will find a way into her. I will find a way to get to her, and you are going to be the one to take her out. You are going to be the one to kill her. Plus, you need to feed on human flesh, energy and blood. This will make your transition complete. Forming you into a true vampire. Every feast is making you stronger, and you have some of my blood in you, but your transformation is not complete.

  I am going to train you to be the most unstoppable, unheralded, cold blooded killing machine. You will not be stronger than I, but you will be stronger than you ever were beyond your wildest dreams. The feel of hunger and the power you are granted by the silver full moon. The senses enhanced, the fragrance of human body, the sight, the voice. The calm and exhilaration of the fucking night life. When danger is near, raising some deep inner string to uneasy vibration. You would now enter the land of tall grass, you will be able to be underestimated, where danger concealed itself in innocence.” She was trying to get a word in, “but….”

  I raised my own hand in a gesture of dismissal, I gave her a dismissive wave. And yet the gesture inspired silence towards her. Then I said to her, as I gazed into her brown eyes, “so here is the fucking plan……………..”

  Chapter 18- Hunt Or Be Hunted

  I knew she has never killed or hunted before, but she was going to learn today. She was a bomb incarnate, ready to explode at any given time. But, she would not need to feed again for another day or two.

  “I don’t know about this! I don’t know if I can feed. I don’t know if I can h
unt!” She said, totally unsure of herself. I grasped her by her hair, and anchored her head toward me, “I want you to listen to me, and listen to me good, which is why I pulled you close to me, so you can listen to me a little better. You will either hunt, or you will be fucking hunted. Our bite is venomous, turning every living thing from the inside out to stone, save our eyes and brain.”

  I'm really not sure what keeps us alive. It wasn't a heart, oxygen or the sun. Maybe it was pure ambition and without it, we'd grow faint then cease to exist. Her eyes were brown, though per her normal vampiric trait, could go blood red in anger or thirst and feast. I then said to her, “now, moving forward, you will require blood to survive, there is no way around this shit, this is life. This is the life of an immortal. This is how we live now. Like I was saying, here is the fucking plan. I am going to find a way to her, and once I do, I will report back to you. I will get you into her home, she is going to invite us in, and once that happens, you, and only you will take her out. I don’t want you to hit her, I don’t want you to snap her fucking neck, I don’t want you using any object to rid her of her existence from this planet. I fucking want you to bite her, I want you to sink your fucking fangs into her neck and I want you to suck the blood and drain the energy out of her, until she can no longer stand! Until her body goes slack. Until her eyes roll back. Until she is motionless. Lifeless in your fucking hands! Do you fucking understand me? Now, I want you to nod your head and say, ‘yes Sir,’ if you are in compliant to my damn instructions.”

  She nodded her head, and she then said to me, “yes Sir. I will follow your instructions just as you wish.” She felt helpless, and she knew it was all her fault. She had known this wasn’t the best decision, being with me. But, she had just wanted so much to be with me, any way she could. That was the thing, she always wanted too much, she always wanted things that were just no good for her. She was never meant to be ‘normal.’ She dances upon beams of light from rainbow colored unicorns in a world of standard and ordinary. The rules of society are not her rules. And those rules of society she doesn’t recognize them. In order to live in this world, one must live without rules. In order to live without rules for yourself, one must be willing to look at the world differently. Not everything that appears, is really meant to be interpreted. Not everything you see or hear, is meant to be truth. There is no other like her, and she stands to be judged by a world that doesn’t really fucking understand her. She exists against her wishes. And she does it, and she will do it with a damn smile. She just needs a little getting used to.

  Madness is like gravity. It just requires a little push. A little push, and guidance from someone, and that someone is me! She glows, and her beauty is undeniable. She is everything that ordinary is not, she is amazing. I continued to brainstorm with her….

  “I cannot just be fucking casual, and just walk up to the woman. I need to know where she is, and how we can set it up, so she doesn’t feel we are coming after her at all. She can’t know it’s me, and she can’t know you’re still alive. If she sees me right away, she is going to run. And I will fucking tell you right now, she is not getting away with this shit. We need to fucking know where she is going to be!”

  I slammed my palms on a desk, really hard. Cleopatra out of nowhere had a premonition, she gasped and exhaled for air, “I know where she will be tomorrow!” Cleopatra then shouted out to me. I stared at her with my darkest stare. I was intrigued, and I was staring at her, like I wanted an immediate response. Why? Well, because I fucking did. And I then began to say...

  “This is part of your new power I see, this will come into use in the future, perfect, good girl. Well? So, where will she be tomorrow? You didn’t mention anything, you just like left a cliff hanger or something.”

  She shut her eyes, and concentrated once again, and then she had an accurate answer for me… “she will be at this café tomorrow, and she will be meeting a friend, this friend is a female, she has known this female for years.” She took a pen and paper, and she began to write down the address. “Good girl,” I said. “Now, what I want you to do is stay put, I want you to stay here, yes, you can check on your family, but stay out of sight. I want her to think you are dead, you must remember that. I want to hit her when she least expects it. Rest and get your full strength, and we will reload and energize tomorrow.”

  Every gesture, every consideration, every thought and every action dripping with lust, love and devotion for me, a man she has chosen to follow. My word, her gospel. My look, smoldering. My ownership, worshipped. My efforts, appreciated. My Dominance, divine. Her only desire now, to thank with her devotion, her dedication, her hard work to inspire with her loyalty. Her loyalty to be great for me.

  The following day arrived, and I had one thing on my mind, ‘pay back.’ I took the note of the address that Cleo wrote down, where Jessica was meeting her best friend for brunch. I showed up at the café address that Cleo wrote down on the piece of paper, but I could only hear so much, I figured, man if I could be a fly on the wall. Suddenly, a damn bee was bothering me, it would not leave me alone. It kept attempting to come by my ear. I swatted at it and missed, and I thought to myself, ‘why is this stupid bee bothering me once again? Can’t it see I’m fucking busy?’ Then I got an idea, I grabbed the bee, and I scanned it with my eyes, after I scanned it adequately, I crushed the bee with my massive hands. Now I shape shifted into the insect, and I waited until someone opened the door of the café, and I then entered through the door cracks.

  Damn, that door swung back so quickly, I was lucky to get in there when I could. I could shape shift into anyone, anything or any animal. Just needed some mastery, focus and concentration and I could be anything I wanted to be.

  Going into the café as the bee, I kept myself discreet, and out of sight, so I wouldn’t scare anyone, or be swatted by anyone. Being something so tiny, did put me at a bit of a risk of being severely hurt. But, it was the risk I was willing to take, to obtain what I wanted to obtain. I was on the side of the table curtain. Listening to everything I could use. I wanted answers. I wanted information, I wanted pay back. Now I had so much access to them. The best friend was asking Jessica, how everything was with her....

  “So, girl, how are things? What time do you want me to come over tonight, again?” And then Jessica confirmed, “I want you there like around 8pm girl, we haven’t been able to catch up in a little while, and it would be so good to catch up with you. So much craziness has been going on here, so much craziness has been going on in general,” the best friend asked, “really? Tell me, tell me? Ooooh, please? Can you just tell me?”

  Her friend just loved gossip. Whatever was going on, Jessica’s friend knew about it, or she found a way to know about it. She was persistent, as she kept on asking Jessica…

  “What has been going on girl?” Jessica shook her head, “no, I can’t tell you here, its so much to tell girl, tonight we can catch up, and I’ll tell you the entire story.” I flew out of the café, and I waited outside, because I wanted to follow the best friend and get more information. They parted ways, Jessica went south, and her friend went north. I followed her friend, and I made sure I remained high in the air. I wanted to make sure I was out of sight of Jessica. I had plans to turn back into myself and work my magic on her friend. But, I didn’t want to take the risk of being seen. But, wait, what if she knows all about me? What if she has seen me in the club? No worries, I could use that as my cover up.

  She went into a Victoria Secret store. I went into the bushes as the bee, and then I came out, as ‘Discipline.’ I checked to see, and no one saw me walk right out of the bushes. I fixed my blazer suit, and I adjusted my tie a little bit more. I went into the Victoria Secret store, and I walked by her friend, and all of a sudden, I made believe I wasn’t looking where I was going, and we bumped into each other. After I bumped into her, I apologized…

  “I’m sorry miss, it’s my fault, I wasn’t looking. Clumsy me.” She accepted my apology, “no, it’s okay, don’t
worry about it.” I gazed into her eyes, and I had her stuck. It’s like I had her strung already with just one look, one firm gaze. My energy began to Dominate hers. I then just kept talking, as her gaze met my gaze…

  “This store is exhilarating, don’t you think?” I didn’t wait for her to reply, I just kept talking, and talking, and talked some more…

  “Female wear is so special; the female body is so sacred. Nothing is more real, and precious than the human body. It’s like art. The things that women can do, the changes they go through. They can hold a child inside them for months, and their body changes. You can witness a woman in lingerie. In a gown. In a business suit. In all leather. In heels. I’m scrubs. In a robe. In a dress. Us men cannot do that.” She then began to smile, and then a snicker laugh followed, “ha-ha, yes, you are on point with that one, you men would not look good in dresses and heels.” I then began to smirk. I agreed, “yes, that would not be a pretty sight there. You women have us beat with that. You queens can move in ways on the chess board, us kings just cannot.” She nodded her head, with a smile upon her face. I then continued to tell her…

  “If there’s a species on earth whom can shape shift, it would be women. They are so transformative. Not to mention attitude, and feelings. They can alter their mood,” she then cut me off, “yes, yes, you’re absolutely right. Tell me about it.” My gaze was firm, and she didn’t blink, nor did she look away from me. She put out her hand, “Hello, I’m Melissa, lovely to meet you sir.” I accepted her friendly handshake, “nice to meet you as well, the pleasure is all mine.”

  Never volunteer your name to a woman, if she’s interested, if she displays a little interest even, she will ask for your name. “So, what is your name?” She asked, yup, she was interested. I thought to give her a fake name, but I could give her ‘Discipline.’ But, what if Jessica briefed her on me, she could run away or dismiss herself right away. And I could not afford this, I needed this woman. She was the key to Jessica. And you know I was going to utilize her and this situation as much as I could. I was milking this shit, no expiration. Clearly, she hasn’t seen my pictures anywhere, so she doesn’t know what I am. Who I am either. Better to just lie....


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