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Page 16

by Jezebel Jorge

  “I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and ordered a bottle of wine.”

  “Order anything you want. This is our night to officially celebrate our engagement.”

  “Do you want to share a shrimp cocktail with me?”

  “Sure.” Billy scanned the list of appetizers. “Hey, they’ve got calamari. That chicken was the only decent food I had over there.”

  “That’s not chicken,” she said with a laugh. “Calamari is squid.”

  “Whatever it is, it’s some good eating.” Billy laughed along with her before tasting the glass of wine she poured for him.

  He ordered the biggest steak in the joint with a loaded baked potato. Lizzie went for the filet mignon and lobster tail. Her extravagance just another example of how, thanks to her Daddy, she took prices for granted.

  Until Paul took back her car right before he left, Billy doubted she had ever done without any type of luxury her whole life. It was a heavy load to consider knowing he was going to have to keep up to the way she had been raised.

  “When’s the wedding?” She casually asked while cutting into her filet.

  “I thought you and Dinera were getting that all figured out.”

  “Not our wedding. When are you going back to marry your pregnant Japanese girlfriend?”

  Billy about choked on his steak. “Do what?” He sputtered after grabbing for a water glass.

  “Daddy told me you got the promoter’s daughter pregnant.”

  “I don’t even know if Hasegawa has a daughter, and if he did she would have been socializing with the likes of your Daddy or William, not me.”

  “You were there as William’s guest.”

  “I can’t believe you would fall for such a load of bull.” Billy put down his fork and looked her dead in the eyes. “I don’t care who’s told you what. I wasn’t carrying on with any woman over in Japan.”

  “Not even one of those Geishas?”

  “How the hell do you know about that?” Surely Paul hadn’t let her in on what was supposed to be an insider secret.

  “Dinera told me about the bathhouses in Tokyo.”

  This new grown up version of Lizzie was going to be quite a handful. He took his time chewing up a hunk of steak and then went for a forkful of butter-drenched potato trying to figure out what to say to that.

  “I got a backrub, and I only did that because William told me it was rude not to take the office up on that type of hospitality.”

  “Was she naked?”

  “Of course not. The only action I got over there was with my own hand and even then I was thinking about you the whole time.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Billy really didn’t like the way she was taking her fork to her filet, cutting it up in tiny little pieces with that gleaming knife.

  “The girls over there act like us foreigners have cooties or something worse.” Billy kayfabed her. “None of the American guys get any on Japanese tours. If you don’t believe me ask William or any of the other boys that have worked there.”

  “Will you promise me something Billy?”

  “I’ve already promised you my heart.”

  “Don’t ever lie to me.”

  “You’re the only woman I want to be with.” He reached for her hand. “I don’t know why your daddy has it in for me and I don’t know what all Elena has told you. All is know is I love you Lizzie.”

  She bit down on her lip like she was fighting back tears.

  “If we’re going to make this work, you’re going to have to trust me and stop letting your daddy get you all worked up about things that aren’t true.”

  With that said, it was like she suddenly transformed right back into the little girl he had left behind.

  Still clutching his hand, she said, “Do you want me to give the new car back to him?”

  “No, you need a nice car for work and I think he owes you that much after the way he treated you when he caught us together.”

  “It’s so hard. He’s my Daddy and I love him. It’s just he’s always spoiled me rotten-”

  “I want to be able to buy you the whole world.”

  “Right now all I want is for us to stay in Charlotte. We just listed this cute little house and it’s a real good buy. Daddy even said it would be a good investment for me.”

  Billy might have had a real good run in Japan, but there was no way he could afford a house just yet.

  “Your Daddy has been very lucky to work the same territory for as many years as he has.”

  “I know how the business works.”

  “Then you realize that until I build up a big name for myself, we’re going to have to travel around to where ever I can find good bookings.”

  “Daddy’s gone to other territories too.”

  “But never for more than a couple of weeks at a time.”

  “I have a good job and I’m making enough to cover a house note.”

  Billy wasn’t the type of man to let any woman support him and yet he didn’t want to be the one to make her have to leave the Carolina’s for the first time in her life.

  “I’ll have to talk to Mr. Crockett when I get back to Charlotte and see what he has for me.”

  “Can I take you to see the house?”

  “I don’t suppose there’s any harm in looking at it.” What else could he say with her batting those big blue eyes at him? He hadn’t lied to the desk clerk. He really was whipped over this gal.

  She perked right back up at that idea. “You’ll love it, I promise.”

  “I’d have loved sleeping on the floor in Japan if you had been there with me.” He kissed her hand. “As long as we’re together, that’s all that matters.

  “Hurry up and finish that steak,” she flashed him a dazzling smile. “I want to go back to our room and make love all night long.”

  “In that case, I’ll ask for a doggie bag.


  Lizzie pulled that dress over her head as soon as the door shut behind them. She was a vision in a pale blue corset cinched so tight her breasts were just about to pop out over the lacy top. She did a little turn around for him to take it all in – her curls all over the place, the stockings, garters, high heels and corset all together – his baby was smoking hot.

  Billy went to kiss her and she pushed him backwards onto the loveseat to straddle his lap, pinning him back against the soft leather. After a kiss that left him reeling, she started unbuttoning his shirt, kissing each inch of exposed skin. She didn’t stop when she got to his belt- buckle, unzipping his jeans to get at his dick.

  “You like?” she asked, in a Marilyn Monroe whispery voice.

  Billy nodded, “You better believe it.”

  She gave his cock one more long slow teasing lick before taking all of him she could handle into her mouth, using her hands to make up the difference in a trick she had obviously learned from Elena.


  She did it!

  Without even come close to gagging. Now what? Was it impolite to go brush her teeth? Lizzie made a mental note to ask Elena if tooth brushing was improper post blowjob etiquette.

  To hell with manners, she retreated to the bathroom to brush and gargle away the aftertaste. Maybe it was too much wine or two much Billy. She wasn’t really sure.

  She came back to find Billy sprawled out on the bed already sound asleep, so much for going all night long.

  “I’m so sorry I bored you,” she said.

  He answered with another snore.

  Some thanks she got for dressing up in this stupid slutty outfit and doing what she did for him. Elena never went to sleep when she wanted to talk to her. There was so much she needed to say to Billy. So many plans to make. With their future on the line he’d been so unconcerned that he fell asleep on her. She felt like such a fool.

  “Billy.” she nudged his arm. “Billy, wake up.”

  “What?” He mumbled.

  “Can you untie this?”

  Elena had laced her corset s
o tight she could hardly breathe. It was impossible to turn it around to get at the ribbon knotted just above her bottom.

  He sat up fumbling with the string, until she could wiggle her way to freedom.

  “Damn if you don’t have a cute little tush.” he grabbed a handful of ass.

  “Really, I thought I had bored you to death. The sex must not have been all that good for you to just pass out on me.”

  “It was the best I ever had. I’m just worn out from jet lag.” He pulled her down beside him on the bed. “If you’ll just let me take a quick nap I’ll finish up where we left off.”

  “You have no idea how hard it was for me to do that.”

  “Well, you sure made it look easy enough.” He tried to pull her against him to get her to let him go back to sleep.

  “Do you have any clue what I went through while you were gone? How embarrassed I was when I drove all the way up here to get you, wrecked your car, and had to find out from Daddy that you were still in Japan. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was for me?”

  “Aw, Lizzie.” He sat up, adjusting the pillow to lean against the headboard. “William was supposed to tell you about the change of plans and I wrote to you. I just didn’t know it would take you so long to get the letter. Didn’t you like your present?”

  “It was beautiful, but I would have rather had you there more than any gift.”

  “Baby, I’m just beat. Those Japs really put me through the ringer. It ain’t no picnic training that hard with a broken nose. I had to have it repacked just about every night and in case you haven’t noticed it’s not healing right.”

  Lizzie turned on the bedside lamp to get a better view. “It looks okay to me.”

  “It’s not the looks of it that matter. It’s being able to breathe properly when I’m in the ring. I wouldn’t have this problem if it hadn’t of been for your daddy losing his temper over catching you in my room.”

  “I hate I ever went to your room.” Lizzie turned away to keep him from seeing her fighting back tears.

  “I don’t. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, broken nose and all.”

  When she didn’t say anything he started rubbing on her back. It didn’t help any. She stiffened and pulled away from him.

  Lizzie wasn’t in any mood to be touched or to be naked and vulnerable like this. She got up and flipped open her suitcase, tossing aside the negligee she had planned on wearing in favor of a plain button up shirt. Never mind searching for a bra, her hands were shaking so bad it was hard to hit the buttonholes.

  “Why are you getting dressed?” He asked as if he didn’t have a clue about how upset she was.

  “I’m not tired. It’s not even three o’clock in the afternoon.”

  “Don’t you want to lay with me while I finish my nap?”


  Lizzie retreated to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She scrubbed off every trace of makeup and poured the whole sampler bottle of bubble bath into the tub. If he was going to sleep all day she was going to have a nice long soak - alone.

  “I don’t know what I’ve done to get you so worked up.” He tapped on the door. “Baby, I’m just tired, but if you want to talk I’ll run downstairs and get some coffee.”

  Lizzie just kept quiet.

  He rapped on the door again, “You want me to get you some hot chocolate? Maybe some cookies or something sweet?”

  It was almost May and a good seventy degrees outside. Hot chocolate was the last thing on her mind.

  “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

  She heard the door open and close behind him and soaked in silence until he returned.

  “Lizzie? I’m coming in there whether you like it or not.”

  When she didn’t say anything, he waited a couple of seconds before trying the knob. Of course it wasn’t locked so he barged right in on her still soaking in the tub.

  “Okay, what’s got your panties in a wad?” He sat a whipped cream laced mug of cocoa down on the side of the tub before pulling down the lid of the toilet to take a seat. “I’m all ears, start talking.”

  “My panties are just fine.”

  “And so’s the ass that was wearing them.”

  “Is that all I am to you, a piece of ass?”

  “Of course not.” He sighed. “Exactly what has gotten into you, girl?”

  “You went to sleep like you didn’t even like what we’d just done.”

  “I loved it so much it wiped me out.” He gave her that wicked grin - the smile that plays off his dimples and makes his eyes go from a dull grey to sparkly blue. “It was the best one I ever had, I promise.”

  “And you had a whole lot of them?”

  “I guess you could say that,” he admitted. “At least until the day you came along. Now I don’t even look at any other girls.”

  “You better not.”

  Okay, he was right - the hot chocolate was just what she needed to simmer down.

  “Do you think I’m a spoiled brat?” Lizzie asked, lapping at the whipped cream.

  “I believe you’re very lucky to have a daddy who cares about you and can afford to do for you like you deserve.”

  Well, she supposed, that was a tactful way of putting it.

  “You know, I never knew my daddy. He took off before I was even born. Paul’s a pain in the ass sometimes, but I know he loves you. I just wish he would realize that I love you too. From the day I met you, I’ve worried that I wasn’t good enough for you, and apparently your daddy agrees with that opinion.”

  “You’re plenty good enough for me.” Now she really felt guilty. “I don’t care about money.”

  “Someday I’m going to be able to take care of you the way he has. We’re going to have that big house, fancy cars in the garage, and money in the bank.”

  “I don’t need any of that.”

  “Yes, you do, Lizzie. You deserve all that and then some. Neither you or our kids are ever gonna want for a damn thing. I’m going to bust my ass every night in the ring to make sure of that.”

  Her eyes burned with tears and a lump welled up in her throat. “While you were gone… I… I…” It hurt just trying to get the words out of her mouth, “I lost a baby… I had a miscarriage.”

  The next thing she knew, he had he out of the tub wrapped in his arms.

  “I had no idea. What happened?”

  “On Valentine’s Day. I found out the same day I… I started bleeding really bad and Carol Ann took me to the hospital.” The words were all running together, pouring out of her in a blur, “The baby was ectopic, so it wouldn’t have lived no matter what.”

  “I should have been there with you.” He wiped his own eyes before offering her a washcloth. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “Carol Ann was just amazing. She even helped me keep Daddy from finding out.”

  “She’s one hell of a woman.”

  “I sure am glad she’s on our side.”

  “You and me both.” Billy picked her up and carried Lizzie back to the bed.

  This time he kissed her like he really meant it. Slow and sensual like he was drinking up her mouth, taking away all that stress and tension. The Billy she had so deeply missed was finally back.

  After kissing her breathless, he asked, “Is it okay for me to make love to you? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “It’s been over two months, so I’m fine. The doctor said I should be able to have another baby someday.” She assured him, saying it out loud more for her benefit than his. “I went ahead and went on the pill just to be safe until after we get married.”

  “I should have thought to used protection. It was just-”

  She kissed him quiet.

  This time around the orgasm snuck up on her, rolling over her in a huge surge of energy. Just like that, she screamed and held on as tight as she could until he joined her in an intense wave of ecstasy that knocked them both into utter bliss.

  It took a mom
ent before she was able to reach down and pull up the covers to snuggle up against his chest.

  “There is nothing in this whole world better than this,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “If I’d had to spend one more night on that floor, I think I would have lost my mind.

  “I don’t ever want to have to go that long without you holding me, not ever again.”

  “Next time I go over there, I think I’ll try sneaking you in one of my suitcases.” He laughed. “I bet you would just about fit in my big bag.”

  “If that’s what I have to do to keep you from leaving me behind, I’ll do it.”

  “I love you, Lizzie.”

  “Not half as much as I love you.” She held him as tight as she could. “Please don’t ever leave me again.”

  “I ain’t going no where. I promise.”

  Chapter 23

  “In this corner, just back from a successful Japanese tour – standing six foot four and weighing in at two hundred seventy five pounds, hailing from Port Arthur, Texas – Billy Dalton!”

  Billy looked so handsome waving up to Lizzie from the ring that she clapped until her hands stung. She wasn’t the only one cheering for him. All the fans seemed to love him almost as much as she did.

  She hadn’t been so sure about going to the matches until she saw Billy step through the ropes for the first time, He had offered to take both her and Elena in the back door with him, but there was no way she was ready to face her daddy, at least not yet. She knew he would go ballistic if he found out she was there.

  Elena had traded her usual ringside seats so that they were almost hidden way up on the upper level of bleachers. As far away from being spotted by her daddy as they could possibly get. She didn’t know how Billy knew where they were sitting with the house lights down and only a spotlight on the ring.

  “Ooh,” she squealed, then cringed when Billy’s opponent hit him with several chops to the chest.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea since she didn’t like seeing him get hit. Luckily, he fired back with an uppercut that sent the bad guy sprawling against the ropes. He followed that with a big kick to the guy’s face that put his opponent on the canvas. Billy dropped an elbow and covered him for the pin.


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