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Page 19

by Jezebel Jorge

  Chapter 27

  “Here’s the plan.” Elena marched Lizzie towards the bathroom with the certainty of a woman on a mission. “You’re going to have a nice long soak while I head over to the Lodestone to find Billy.”

  “I want to go with you.”

  “No, it will be easier for me to snoop if I go by myself. Everyone knows me, and they know I used to have a thing for Billy, well until you came along. But see they don’t know that. So I’ll act like I’m the one looking for him since I heard you guys just broke up.”

  “Just find him.”

  “I’ll bring him back if I have to drag him in here kicking and screaming.”

  The bubble bath did nothing but remind Lizzie of what a brat she had been the day before. No wonder Billy took off and left her. She should have kept quiet and let him sleep. She just knew she had scared him off by yapping about the wedding all day.

  Lizzie dug into her purse for her stash of her mother’s Valiums and found only only two pills left in the prescription bottle. Downing them with a swig of water, she crawled under the covers still naked and dripping wet from her bath.

  It was pure torture watching the clock tick off the minutes. Every time she closed her eyes she pictured Billy with that girl. No, Odessa wasn’t a girl. She was a sophisticated woman, and Lizzie didn’t even want imagine all the things she might be doing to Billy.

  She was still wide awake when Elena plopped down beside her on the bed, making Lizzie sit up with a start. “What did you find out.”

  “It’s not good,” Elena said, shaking her head.

  “Just tell me, I can take it.”

  “This girl I know pretty good, Cheri. She didn’t go in to watch the show so she saw everything going on outside. Odessa was there.”


  “She says, Paul got in a car with her right before the show started and they were gone long enough to come back when Billy was probably in the ring. Then Paul and Billy came outside together. They sat on one of the benches and talked for a while. Paul went back in the building and then Odessa came over and started talking to Billy. He went back inside and came back with his bag, still wearing his wrestling gear, and got in the car and left with her.”

  “Why did William lie and say he had just talked to her?”

  “Maybe he had.” She shrugged. “I mean, it wasn’t like she would admit that Billy was with her, not the way William throws the cash at her.”

  “So he did leave me for Odessa.”

  “He got in a car with Odessa. That’s all we know. Don’t go jumping to conclusions. He’s not supposed to be at TV tomorrow and he’s not on the card in Norfolk, so maybe she took him to the airport or the bus station.”

  “Yes, he is on the card. I was going to go to Virginia with him.”

  “Joe’s kid, Carl, told me he heard Paul tell his dad that Billy’s going to go work for Vic in Minnesota, where my brother is.”


  “I’ll call Vlad in the morning and get him on the case. Until then, we don’t make any assumptions.”

  “Why did he just leave without even telling me goodbye?”

  None of this makes any sense.

  “What I don’t get is Odessa hates your dad. Everyone knows it. Either she’s a really good actress and he’s still seeing her on the side, or he’s got something on her and has her trying to help him get Billy away from you.”

  She reached over and started rubbing Lizzie’s shoulders, trying to work out some of the tension.

  “The way he had those girls come over and tell you they saw Billy leave with her, I think it’s a safe bet to assume that was a total setup. Your daddy is behind this whole thing. I guarantee it.”

  “Can’t you call Vlad now?”

  “It won’t do any good. There’s no way Billy could be there yet.”

  Elena stood and Lizzie panicked. “Please don’t leave me. I can’t be alone, not tonight.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve just got to pee and get out of this dress.” She reached for her purse, pulling out a small bottle of wine. "I got you a little something to take the edge off.”

  Elena tossed her the bottle, and Lizzie had it emptied by the time she came out of the bathroom.

  “I already took a couple of valium,” Lizzie admitted with a little burp.

  “Good, maybe you’ll be able to sleep.” Elena reached around to the back of her dress, “The straps on this new bra are about to cut a hole in my shoulder.”

  “You can wear my night gown.”

  “Yeah right, you’re a size 2 and I’m closer to a size 12.”

  “Why doesn’t he want me?” Lizzie cried, “I wish I had a body like yours. I want big boobs and hips.”

  “Take it from my aching back, big boobs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.”

  Chapter 28

  “Ooh, Aah… that’s it… come on Billy, give it to me harder.” Odessa clawed at Billy’s back, shrieking for more.

  The harder he fucked her the more she wanted. The woman was insatiable. He already had her bent almost in half with those long legs wrapped over his shoulders and she still screamed like it was the best thing she ever had.

  Billy had never seen a woman so completely uninhibited and in total control of her sexuality. She didn’t fake the little moans and aahs. This girl screamed, howled and growled with pleasure.

  “Yes… yes… yes…” Her nails dug into his flesh so hard he was afraid she might draw blood. It’s a wonder her neighbors weren’t calling to complain.

  Her entire body throbbed with another orgasm that made Billy hit it as hard as he possibly could, pounding her until he was screaming right along with her.

  “Blessed Goddess, I do so love your dick.” She pulled his head down to her mouth for their first kiss.

  At last she blew out the candles and drew up a blanket to finally let him fall into the deepest, darkest, sleep he had ever experienced.

  The next morning he woke up feeling like he was back in that dojo. It was all he could do to lay there on his back and let her have her way with him.

  After several of her screamers, she left him flat on his back, too weak to try to move. To revive him she carried in a tray with a plate weighted down with a heaping stack of French toast, half a hog’s worth of sausage links, and the best coffee he had ever drank.

  With his strength back, Billy should have at least started trying to figure out the rest of his life, but she wanted it again. There was no way he could refuse her after being served such a delicious breakfast.

  Then he needed another nap. Then she fed him again. Then she screwed him. It just keep going and going in one blissful roll of food, sex and sleep.

  Sex, eat, fuck, crash, repeat


  “Come on, get up Lizzie.”

  Elena jerked the covers off her bed, leaving Lizzie shivering in the one shirt Billy had left behind.

  “I really don’t mind you staying with me, but I’m not going to allow you to lay around and mope all day.” She sat down beside Lizzie on the side of the bed. “I’ve put in a day’s work and you’re still right where I left you this morning.”

  “I got up a couple of times to go to the bathroom.”

  “Did you eat anything?”

  “I had a glass of water.” Only because her throat was sore from crying.

  She let Elena hold her, just because she didn’t have the strength to move away from her.

  “You’re going to go take a bath and get dressed so we can go out for dinner.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Then you can sit and watch me eat.”

  Elena tried to pull Lizzie up, but she was dead weight.

  “If you don’t get out of this bed right now I’m going to call your daddy. I know where he stays in Richmond and he’ll be coming back through here on his way to Spartanburg.”

  “What day is it?” Lizzie really had no idea.

  “It’s Friday night.”

��I was supposed to go to New Orleans tomorrow,” Lizzie sniffled, “for my wedding.”

  “Call me crazy, but I don’t think Billy is going to be there, and right now you’re such a mess he wouldn’t want you even if he was.”

  “Thanks a lot, Elena,” Lizzie curled her knees up against her chest and tried to ignore her best friend.

  “Girl, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I know I’m a mess and I don’t really care anymore.”

  “Okay, Elizabeth Bryson, I’ve had enough of this shit.” She tugged on the back Lizzie’s shirt. “I’m going to get you in the tub if I have to drag you to the bathroom.”


  Billy had Odessa on her hands and knees giving it to her from behind doggie style. She had positioned them to where he could see everything in the huge vanity mirror on the left side of her bed. What a visual – her bottom turned up to where he could see his dick slamming into her juicy pussy and watch her tits bounce with every hard thrust.

  “Pour it all into me. Let it all out. Give me all your anger. Let me hurt for you.”

  This chick liked it hard. Billy learned real quick that he didn’t have to worry about hurting her. He could let it all go with no holding back. It was an odd feeling since he’d gotten so used to being careful with Lizzie so as not to cause her any pain because of their size difference.

  Odessa didn’t do careful. With her it was all or nothing. Billy had never thought it right to hit a woman until she asked him to smack her ass. Not just a playful little swat, she wanted his hand coming down so hard he made her bottom red with his handprint.

  “Give me your pain Billy. Let me wash it all away.”

  He smacked her ass as hard as he could and she bucked her hips back, sending him even deeper inside of her.

  “That feels so amazing. Give it to me Billy. Harder, dammit, harder.”

  Her whole body writhed and throbbed with another round of orgasms until he had to slow down to keep from going with her. He wasn’t ready yet. He still had a lot of hurt festering inside of him. Anger boiled through his blood. Madness ate away his sanity.

  “Take this bitch.”

  He pulled on that red hair slamming into her so hard she collapsed under his weight. Completely out of control he bit into her shoulder and came with wet hot tears falling onto her perfect skin. It felt so good. He wanted to stay on top of her. Their flesh melded together with sweat and bodily fluids. Her heart beating for the both of them, weaving a scab over the gaping hole where his own heart had once been.

  She squirmed out from under him and returned from the bathroom with a soapy warm towel. He let her wipe him off, savoring how she stroked him so gently and lovingly.

  “You certainly didn’t get your penis from your daddy,” she said, looking up at him with smoldering eyes. “His is minuscule and dysfunctional in comparison.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, even if I’ll never call him my daddy.”

  “The more accustomed I grow to your handsome face.” She caressed his cheek with the same careful consideration. “The less I see him in you.”

  “Beautiful doesn’t even do you justice, Dess.”

  “Odessa – only Will may call me Dess.”


  The guilt hit him like a punch to the gut. He had betrayed the man he admired more than anyone in this whole world. All for a piece of ass, a very fine piece of ass, but that did not justify what he had done.

  Just as if she had read his mind, she said, “Will would understand. He knows how horribly lonely I get when he’s gone and he does think so much of you.”

  “That still don’t make it right, me sleeping with his girl behind his back.” Billy pulled up the sheet to keep his privates from flapping in the breeze.

  “Why are you suddenly so modest?” She leaned back against one of those big pillows completely at ease with her nakedness. “I already know every inch of your body like the back of my own hand.”

  “Just chilly, that’s all.”

  “We can’t have you catching a cold when you have such a long ride in front of you.” She pulled the bedspread all the way up to his chest. Instead of getting under the covers with him, she hugged a pillow to her breasts and sprawled out on her belly, right on top of the coverlet. “I have so enjoyed our week together, but I will have to bid you a fond adieu as Will is expecting me in Florida tomorrow.”

  “Week? How long have you had me in this bed?”

  “It’s Saturday.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry if I’ve knocked you out of half a week’s worth of work.”

  “Will provides for all my needs.”

  “Must be nice.” So that explained how an unemployed waitress was living on her own in an upscale suburb with such lavish furnishings.

  “He is my heart,” she said with placid assurance before her smile went sour. “If it came down to it, I would kill for that man with no remorse. Something your father best never forget.”

  Billy cringed at the f- word more than the threat. “What’s your heat with Paul?”

  “Long story short, I kissed the handsome prince and unleashed the beast beneath my bed. Paul made a fatal mistake in asking me to go after Will.” She must have seen Billy’s confusion because she continued. “He attempted to coerce me into casting a spell to get the world title off of Will and around his waist. That silly man.” She laughed. “Actually believes Will is the champion because of Dinera’s spellwork and not his own ability.”

  “I kinda figured it was a little of both, not that I believe in all this witch stuff.”

  “Your naivety so amuses me.” She flashed a wicked grin. “If I wanted to destroy Will, or any other man for that matter, I have the power to do so.”

  For some reason, Billy totally believed her.

  “For the most part, I bide the Rede and only practice manipulative magick in defense of me or mine, and I can assure you that Will is most definitely mine.”

  Billy didn’t doubt her on that one either.

  “He bought our home because he plans to end his relationship with Dinera as soon as his son is of legal age. Each day I pray to the Goddess that he and the boy escape from her unscathed.”

  “Why wait?” Billy couldn’t help but laugh. “Why can’t you do one of your spells and get him now?”

  “It’s not that simple, Dinera is a witch of extraordinary power.”

  Billy shook his head, trying not to offend her by doubting all this talk of witchcraft.

  “She made that plane crash. Dinera killed Lois.”

  “Why would she go and kill her best friend?” Billy asked skeptically.

  “She wrongly believed that if Paul were available to properly court me, then I would find him more appealing than Will.”

  “Guess she forgot about Carol Ann.”

  “What she didn’t take into consideration is that I would not lay with Paul again even if he had the last erect penis on the face of this earth. Her passion spell only intensified my hatred for him and my love for her husband.”

  She tossed back that hair, stretching like a cat, making Billy forget all about Daddy Dearest, at least for a couple of seconds. All he could think about was getting that long lithe body underneath his one last time. Maybe he was more like Paul than he would ever care to admit.


  “I swear I hate that stupid bitch.” Elena slammed her purse down on the table and sat down across for Lizzie with an angry thud. “I had to stay over an hour to get my schedule fixed. I dare her try to take away my Wednesdays off.”

  She ripped off the black hairnet shredding it in the process, “That bitch makes me hate going to work every day. Seriously, I get a knot in my stomach every time she sets foot in my kitchen.”

  “If it’s that bad, why don’t you just quit?”

  “I have bills and I like to eat,” she snapped, “Some of us don’t have a daddy with deep pockets always rushing in to save the day.”

  “I can pay my own bills,” Li
zzie said defiantly.

  “Lizzie, I didn’t mean it that way.” Elena sighed. “I’m just pissed at the whole world today.”

  “Then I suppose you don’t want to see this.” Lizzie handed over the piece of paper that had been slipped under the door earlier that day.

  “Great, now I have to find a new place to live. They finally sold the dump.” She wadded the paper up into a tight little ball. “I’ll never find anything else that cheap in a decent area.”

  “Look at it as a sign,” Lizzie said, fighting back a smile.

  “A sign that my life sucks?”

  “No, I think that means you should come to Charlotte and be my roommate in my new house.”

  “I can’t afford to just pack up and move, and what’s this about a new house?”

  “While you were at work I made some calls.”

  “You didn’t-”

  “I promise I’ll pay you back for using your phone.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about. You know what I mean about always running to your daddy for help.”

  “But, he said he would cosign for me to go ahead and get that house I wanted, seeing as how it’s a good investment and all.”

  “You know that means you’re giving him all the control. Suppose Billy comes back? What’s he going to do? Kick you out of your own house if you let Billy stay over.”

  “Billy won’t be coming anywhere near my house,” Lizzie said, hoping she sounded more confident than she felt about her new-found resolve to forget all about Billy Dalton.

  “Don’t kid yourself.” Elena shook her head adamantly. “You would take him back in a heartbeat. I know it, you know it, and Paul knows it too.”

  “I guess we’ll just have to cross that bridge if and when we come to it,” Lizzie admitted. “I also called the airline about canceling my flight. They told me I can change the tickets for use anytime within the next six months.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you credit for having such a productive day.” Elena put down her menu, “You know what? I would like to move to Charlotte, if I can find a job to be able to afford to pay my half of the bills.”


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