On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears
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and concept of souls, 79
ethnocentrism of, 36, 37
and hermaphrodites, 42
and prophetic arts, 39
Grendel, 94, 95, 100, 101, 252
griffins, 27–30
and dinosaur fossils, 29
as embellishment, 127–128
as liminal beings, 40, 125, 127–128
Grigori (“the Watchers”), 72, 74
Guinness, Alec, 235
Gunnarsson, Sturla, 100
Habib, Malim Abdul, 253
Ham, 73, 84–85, 86
Hamann, Johan Georg, 153
Hammer Horror films, 193
Hare, Robert, 220
Harris, Eric, 204
Harris, Sam, 250
Harvey, Michael, 219, 225, 280
Hawk, Howard, 200
headless fetuses (acephalous), 160–161, 161
headless monsters
Augustine on, 77
as category jamming, 184
and Christianity, 88
depiction of, 78
in literature, 78, 131–132, 140
and rise of science, 129
Heaney, Michael, 29–30
heartless fetuses, 160
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 187
Hecuba, 8
hedonism, 14, 52–54, 241, 243
Heidegger, Martin, 185–186, 194
Heine, Heinrich, 208–209
hell, 71
helplessness, 192
Henry III, King of France, 107
Heraclitus, 45
Hercules, 99–100
heredity, 170
Hereford mappamundi, 87–88
heresy, 107–108
hermaphrodites, 39–42, 41, 57, 76, 77
Herodotus, 28, 37, 242
heroics, 23–25, 99–102
Herschel, John, 275
Hesiod, 27, 37
Heth, Joice, 135
Hezbollah martyrs, 249
Hinduism, 66
hippocentaurs, 35, 51
Hippocrates, 147
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 249, 251
History of Animals (Aristotle), 33
Hitchens, Christopher, 251
Hitler, Adolf, 238
Feejee Mermaid taxidermy, 136, 140
hydra of Hamburg, 123–124, 124
naturalists’ exposure of, 129
Noctifer hoax, 134
taxidermy fraud of Waterton, 132–134
Washington’s nurse, 135
Hobbs, Jerry, 10–11
Hobbs, Laura, 10
Holley, Scott, 176–177
homeotic genes, 171, 176, 177–178
Homer, 26–27, 37
Homme machine (La Mettrie), 150
homologies, 164, 165–166, 168
homunculi, 79
honor, 102
hopeful monsters, 170–171, 173, 175, 178–179
as artistic genre, 183
bio-horror, 184, 201
and catharsis, 196–197, 201
Freud on, 188–194
horror films, 192, 193–198, 199–202, 266
horror literature, 184–186, 195
nature of, 184–188
and suffering, 198–199
term, 183
and vulnerability, 192
Hostel, 195, 196
Hostel II, 195
host-parasite relationships, 198–199, 201
Hox genes, 178
hubris, 73, 256
human genome mapping, 176
humanity, 8
Hume, David, 36, 236, 250
humiliation, 211
hungry ghosts, 14
Hunter, John, 152, 153, 154–156, 159
Hunterian Museum, 5, 6
Huntington, Samuel P., 240, 243
Hutus, 240
Huxley, T. H., 187–188
between animals and man, 36
of the Bible, 67
explanations for, 145
Lucretius on, 47
in nature, 125
reactions to, 275
reproduction of, 167–168
of Waterton, 133–134
in Book of Revelation, 67, 68
fear-based response to, 186
Hamburg hoax, 123–126, 124
as liminal beings, 40
hygiene threats, 281
hypertrichosis (werewolf syndrome), 137
Id, 209, 212–215, 217, 218
ideologies, 249, 250–252
illusions, 114
imaginal disks, 172
imagination, 14, 146–148, 162, 186–187
immortality, 190
impulsiveness, 220
impurities, 184
In Absentia, 194
incest, 204–205, 212, 216–217
incubi, 113, 144, 145
India and Indians, 19–22, 21, 36, 78, 88, 233
indignation, 211, 246
individualism, 241
in ancient Rome, 40, 41
of Medea, 55–56, 56, 57, 59
of Susan Smith, 59, 231
injuries, 201
Inland Empire, 193
Inquisition, 107–108, 112, 113
instincts, 4, 209, 239–240
Institoris, Heinrich, 112, 113–118, 119
intelligence, 15
interstitial entities, 184
Interview with a Vampire, 195
Iran, 242–243
Iraq war, 197, 222, 235, 241, 245, 258
Irving, Washington, 183
Isidore, of Seville, Saint, 75–76, 77, 78–79, 126, 146
Islam and Muslims
criticisms of, 249
and the Crusades, 90–91
and education of women, 253–254
and Ham, 85
monster narratives of, 92–93
and Pope Benedict, 250
on souls, 79
and xenophobia, 87, 240, 241–242
Jackson, Cindy, 265–266
Jackson, Michael, 266
Jack the Ripper, 195
Japan, 255–257, 263
Jason, 55, 56, 57
J. Craig Venter Institute, 271
Jefferson, Thomas, 32, 236–237
Jeftichew, Fedor, 137, 137
Jerome, 72, 234
Jesus (biblical), 88, 90, 91
Jews and Judaism
and anti-Semitism, 90, 209, 216, 217, 235
and Cain, 89
and Christianity, 90–91
as curiosity, 123
and Golem, 11–12
and Ham, 85
and heroics, 102
lost tribes, 90
and Muslims, 241
and Nazis, 235, 238–239
portrayed in film, 255
on souls, 79
and xenophobia, 87
Jim Crow era, 233
Job (biblical), 64–65, 106
John of Patmos, 67
Johnson, Mark, 13, 14
Johnson, William Henry, 138–139, 139
Jones, E. Michael, 195–196
Journey to Paradise (Alexander), 100
Judgement Day, 100
Julian the Apostate, 86
Jung, Carl, 225, 278
justice, 53, 211
Kafka, Franz, 252
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 253
Kant, Immanuel, 186–187, 191
karnapravarana (giant-eared races), 37
Katz, Jack, 211
Kazmierczak, Steven, 203–204, 204–205, 245–246
Kelsey, Willie, 204
Kenya, 278
Khmer Rouge prison S21, 7–9, 8
Khomeini, Ruhollah, 241
Kiehl, Kent A., 223
Kimball, Moses, 136, 138
King, Stephen, 183, 185, 195
King Kong, 201
Klebold, Dylan, 204
Knott, Elizabeth, 109
Konner, Melvin, 223
Kottelat, Maurice, 177
sp; “The Kraken” (Tennyson), 185
Kraken sea monster, 2, 185
Krishna, 66
Krueger, Alan, 249
Krueger, Freddy, 195
Kubrick, Stanley, 193
Ku Klux Klan, 233
Kyoto agreement, 248
La Chanson de Roland, 102
Lakoff, George, 13, 14
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, 150–151
language, 238–239
lanugo, 168
Last House on the Left, 197
Lawrence, William, 152, 153, 159, 160–162, 167
Lazarus and Baptista (conjoined twins), 83, 84
Leach, Harvey, 138
Lean, David, 235
Leatherface, 195
Lecter, Hannibal, 195
Lectures on Physiology, Zoology and the Natural History of Man (Lawrence), 153
Leopold, Nathan, 205–208, 206, 217–218, 245
Letter to Aristotle (Alexander), 94
Leviathan, 64, 65–66, 185
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 197
Levy, Steven, 259–260
Lewis, Meriwether, 32
Lewis, Robert, 232
Liber Monstrorum (Book of Monsters), 94, 126, 127
Libya, 78
Life of Anthony (Athanasius), 106–107
Life Plus 99 Years (Leopold), 205
limbs, severed, 188, 190, 193
liminal beings, 40, 269
Link, Luther, 64
Linnaeus, Carl, 123–125, 124, 128, 129
Lives of the Caesars (Suetonius), 30–31
Lives of the Saints (Orchard), 100
Livy, 39, 40–41, 50
Loch Ness Monster, 279
Locke, John, 236
Loeb, Richard, 205–208, 206, 217–218, 245
Loew, Judah, 11, 12
Lombroso, Cesare, 283
Lost Highway, 193
Lovecraft, H. P., 184–185, 186, 191, 192, 194, 200
Lucas, Henry Lee, 280
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil (Zimbardo), 244–245
luck, role of, 59–60
Lucretius, 44, 47, 49–50
Luther, Martin, 68, 70–71, 142
Lyell, Charles, 166
Lynch, David, 193
lynchings, 232–233
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 130
Macedonian Empire, 69
Darwin’s objection to, 166–169, 179
and evo-devo, 178
Goldschmidt on, 170–171
and hopeful monsters, 170–171, 173, 175, 178–179
and micromutations, 175
Owen’s proposal of, 165–166
and speciation, 168–169
and zebra fish mutations, 177
Mahabharata, 37
Mailer, Norman, 255
Maimonides, 70
Malawi, 278
maleficium, acts of, 113, 114
malformations, 160, 283
malignant hearts, 227–228
Malleus Maleficarum, 113–114, 115, 117
Malthus, Thomas, 168
Mandeville, Sir John, 27, 90–91
manipulation, 220
manliness, 23–25, 95, 99–100
Mansfield, Harvey, 25
Manson, Charles, 195, 280
manticores, 33, 34, 35
mappaemundi, 87–88, 89
mark of the beast, 68
Marlowe, Christopher, 131
Marshal, Elaine, 233
martyrs, 249
marvelous, three levels of response to, 130–132, 140
marvels, 146
Marx, Karl, 243
mastodons, 31, 32
materialism, 43, 143, 145, 148–151, 152–153, 159
The Matrix films, 258, 267
Mayor, Adrienne, 27, 28, 29–30
McCarthy, Cormac, 25, 197
McElrath-Bey, Xavier, 247
McMahon, Lena, 232
MDARS-E armed robots, 259
Mealy, Linda, 225
Medea, 55–57, 56, 58, 59, 210
media, 226, 239, 245, 258
Median Empire, 69
medieval monsters, 63–120
Alexander’s Gates, 86–93
and Beowulf, 23, 94–102, 252, 281
biblical monsters, 63–73
genealogy of monsters, 84–86
and reconfiguration of heroics, 99–100
theological understanding of, 71, 75–83, 163–164
See also demons and devils; witches
Medina, David, 279
Medusa, 190, 191
“Medusa’s Head” (Freud), 190
Megalonyx (“Great Claw”), 32
megalonyxes, 32
Megasthenes, 36
Mekong River, 1
Mendelian genetics, 170
mental illness, 115
mermaids, 136, 140
mermen, 30
metamorphosis, 155
metaphor, monsters as, 13–14
Michael (biblical), 67
microcephalics, 138–139
micromutation, 174–175, 178
Middle East, 233–234
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), 130
midwives, 112
Milgram, Stanley, 7, 244
mimesis, 34–35
Minotaurs, 40, 191
Minsky, Marvin, 261
missing links, 139
misunderstood monsters archetype, 11–12
modernity, 186, 202, 212
monk-calf monster, 142
monkeys, 3, 5
monotheism, 63
concept, 7, 253, 282–283
term, 8, 13, 15, 228, 253
“The Monster” (Crane), 231–232
Monster (film), 59
Montaigne, Michel de, xv
moral depravity, 142–143
Mori, Masahiro, 190–191
morphology, 164–165, 172
mortality, 266
Morton, Samuel George, 238
mosaic beings, 40
Mosse, George, 238
Medea, 55–57, 56, 58, 210
Susan Smith, 59, 231
mouthless humans, 77
movies. See films mucus, 184
mules, 167
Mulholland Drive, 193
multilingualism, 85
murder, 210, 246
murderabilia, 279, 280
Muslims. See Islam and Muslims mutation
and Darwinian evolution, 166–169
and developmental patterns, 172
early theories, 163–166
and evo-devo, 175–178
macromutation, 165–166, 166–169, 170–171, 175, 177, 178
micromutation, 174–175, 178
and morphology, 172–175
See also evolution
Myers, Michael, 195
“Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns and Mermaids,” 280
mythic narratives, 197–198
nanotechnology, 260
and criminal minds, 211, 218
in film, 212
Freudian theory on, 188–189, 191, 192
Native Americans, 236–237, 238
natural history, 27, 32–36, 188
Natural History (Pliny the Elder)
authoritative status of, 33, 77
on griffins, 27
on hermaphrodites, 42
and Mirabilibus, 88
criticisms of, 162
on functions, 157
and Hunter, 156
and Paré, 144–148
on race, 238
and Sadler, 143
See also Aristotle; Paré, Ambroise
natural selection
and ancient theories of animal origins, 46
Darwin’s theory of, 168, 178, 275
and phobias, 4, 4
and race, 237
natural theologians, 159, 164, 165
Nature’s plaything
s, 38
Nazis, 220–221, 238, 244, 274
neo-Darwinians, 175, 176, 178
neo-Enlightenment, 253
neoteny, 177
Nepaul barley, 170
nephilim (biblical), 72–73, 74–75, 76
The New Atlantis (Bacon), 127
New Synthesis, 170, 275
New Testament, 66–67
New York Atlas, 135
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 101, 187, 208
Nile River, 88
Nimrod, 73, 85
Noah (biblical), 72, 84–85, 88
nobility, 101
Noctifer hoax, 134
nondescripts, 133–134, 135, 136, 138
nonfunctional traits, 167
North American, exploration of, 32
Nous (Mind), 43
nuclear weapons, 256–257
Nussbaum, Martha, 8
oarfish, 1–2
Obama, Barack, 247
octopi, giant, 35, 185
Odontotyrannus, 31
Odysseus, 98, 99
Odyssey (Homer), 26–27, 57
Oliver Twist, 235
omens, portents and prophetic arts, 13
Aristotle on, 48–49
centaur as, 44–45, 48
hermaphrodites as, 39–40, 57
monstrous ram as, 43, 48
reliance on, 39
toad-fish monster as, 141–142
one-legged men (Sciopodes), 77–78, 78, 129
On Monsters and Marvels (Pare), 144
“On the Proper Time to Slip the Cable” (Seneca), 60
ontogeny, 164
oppression, 246–249
orbitofrontal cortex, 223
Orchard, Andy, 100
The Organ of the Devil (Rops), 118
Orientalism, 37–38, 236
Origin of Species (Darwin), 138, 168
Orlan, 262, 265, 266
O’Sullivan, Deborah, 204
Othello (Shakespeare), 131–132
Our Posthuman Future (Fukuyama), 273
outcast archetype, 11–12, 100–101
Owen, Richard, 165–169, 178, 179
pain, sympathetic, 224
paleontology, 164
Palestine, 69
Palmer, John, 109–110
paralimbic system, 223
parasitic relationships, 198–199, 201, 251
Paré, Ambroise, 129, 141, 144–148, 155, 156
parents, 209–210, 269–270, 273–274. See
also mothers Paris, Mathew, 87
Parmenides, 37
Pascal, Blaise, xv
passion, 55–56, 58–59
Passion of St. Christopher, 81
Patriot Act, 241
Pax genes, 178
Peale, Charles Wilson, 135
pedophiles, 223
penis removal, 110–111, 112, 190
pentadactyly, 164, 173–174
perception, 49–50
Pericles, 42–43
Perseus, 190, 191
Persians, 37, 69, 242–243, 283
pessimism, 187–188, 191, 198, 209
Pew Research Center, 249
Phaedrus, 51
phenotypes, 171
Philadelphia Public Ledger, 136
phobias, 1–5, 198, 281
Phorcides, 28
Physiologus, 126
The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, 194
“Ping Body” performance art, 264–265
plastic surgeries, 262, 265–266, 276–277