All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2)

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All at Once (It's Complicated Book 2) Page 8

by Brill Harper

  He takes my clit between his lips and sucks on it relentlessly until I shriek. Out of nowhere, Colt sucks on my earlobe, and I start to lose it. Two mouths on me. Four big hands. I am all nerve endings and voltage. Colt cups one of my breasts, rolling my hard nipple between his fingers while I whimper. Wylder is tonguing me deeply now, and as I gasp with pleasure, his fingers begin pinching my swollen clit.

  “Yesssss,” I moan. This is so dirty, I hardly believe it’s me. Like I was made for this.

  Wylder growls into my melting center. His hands slide to my ass, squeezing the cheeks roughly and pulling them apart, pinching and massaging my ass and licking me more firmly.

  I’m about to come and come hard when he stops.


  “Get on top of Colt, Bliss,” Wylder says gruffly.

  “I need...”

  “Believe me, kitten. We know exactly what you need.”

  I let Colt guide me on top of him, centering myself over his cock, my legs braced on either side of his hips. He spreads me open and settles his thick shaft along my quivering center.

  “Please,” I whisper. I’ve never been so desperate to come. Colt just tangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me down for a soft kiss. I shudder when he massages his way down my back. Then large hands cup my cheeks from below, squeezing and opening me to Wylder’s gaze.

  “This is going to be cold,” Wylder warns.


  Cool liquid is suddenly drizzled down the cleft of my butt. He uses his finger to rub it into my sensitive opening. I twist to look over my shoulder, and Wylder is rubbing more lube on himself, fisting his shaft until it glistens. His half-lidded gaze roves over the curves of my ass, and he looks dangerous and feral.

  I’m aware of Colt beneath me, but we’re all focused on what Wylder is going to do next. He grips my hips, nudging himself against my opening. I tense up, of course. This feels pretty momentous. Maybe too momentous. I have to remember this was my idea.

  Wylder leans close, his warm breath on my ear, and the heat from his chest beating onto my bare back.

  “You're beautiful, Bliss.” His voice is soft. Low. My whole body flushes at the compliment. He pushes in, just a little, but my narrow channel spasms around his thickness. I gasp when he pushes further.

  I groan, burying my face in Colt’s neck. It hurts. Wylder feels enormous back there. I can’t possibly take any more.

  “You're perfect,” Wylder breathes in my ear.

  Okay, I’m far from perfect, but his words have a magical effect. My whole body relaxes, opening to him.

  “Yes,” he whispers. “That's it. That's right.”

  Sensations beyond anything I’ve ever imagined flood my body. Colt’s patient fingers stroke me in front, his other hand warm and secure on my thigh. Colt’s thick shaft at my center is reassuring, somehow. I’m pinned in place, open to both of them. There isn’t any way for me to hide.

  My whole body trembles with arousal. With a little bit of humiliation that heightens my pleasure. This may have been my idea, but I’ve let go of any control I might have had, ceding it to them, and trusting we’ll all make it out alive.

  “I'm ready,” I whisper. Wylder lets out a hissing groan, sinking into me all the way. I feel every twitch of his hot cock. Everything is all so incredibly hot and intense and overwhelming.

  And then Wylder moves my hips, and Colt’s thick head is at my pussy entrance.

  “You can't both fit—” I gasp. “I know I asked for this, but I'm already so full.”

  “You can do this, Bliss.” Colt’s kisses are so coaxing that I get lost in them until he slides all the way in.

  I’m holding them both in my body, and we all pause.

  “Jesus. You feel so amazing.” Wylder groans.

  I’m crowded between them, full. Beyond full. I have no more choices, and I don’t want any. I just give into the sensations.

  Wylder lengthens his strokes. All I can do is give in to his strong body driving against mine. Colt whispers reassurances in my ear as Wylder begins to fuck me in earnest. Colt starts moving, too, thrusting up when Wylder moves back. Every one of their movements ripples through my body.

  “Wylder, man, I can feel the veins in your dick. This is wild.”

  Sparks of pleasure dance behind my eyes. We’re joined so intimately, so obscenely. From behind, Wylder’s muscular arm presses against my hip, his hand cupping my mound just above Colt’s cock. His fingers caress my clit and my body clamps down on both of them, knowing that they can feel each other, that Wylder’s hand must be bumping into Colt.

  “Fucking come right now, Bliss,” Wylder demands.

  I have no choice. Their cocks just keep sawing in and out, nudging up the wave of my orgasm that spills over when Wylder pinches my clit hard.

  “God, oh God, oh God...” I shake through an orgasm that just won’t stop. The pleasure is overwhelming, almost painfully so.

  Animal growls from both men fill the room, bouncing off the walls like we’re in a cave. We’re one animal now.

  Colt’s gaze is focused over my shoulder on Wylder, and that’s when Wylder’s arm comes around and cups the back of Colt’s head roughly. They’re close enough to kiss, and the intensity between them feels so rough and raw and perfect. This moment isn’t about them sharing me. It’s us. The three of us. As one.

  Wylder’s cock twitches against my tight ring of muscles. “Gonna fucking fill you up.” Hot cum spurts into me, and I swear I feel every splash. Colt grasps both my hips firmly, thrusting long and hard into me, and he too fills me, his deep groans so primal.

  We are one sweaty body, joined together, barely able to breathe, and everything is different now.

  Chapter Eleven


  I wake up in an angel’s bed, my mind flooded instantly with memories from the hottest, most intense night of my life. There were a few minutes when the three of us were one. I’ve never felt anything like it. I was fucking them both. They were both fucking me. It wasn’t something normal. Or ordinary. I roll closer so I can spoon Bliss, running a slow hand down her...bumpy abs. I pull my hand away and sit up at the same time as a very shocked Colt.

  Holy shit. We stare at each other for a few minutes, and he cracks a smile. “Awkward.”

  My hand feels hot, like it’s blushing. I didn’t think hands blushed.

  And touching Colt just now stirred up the memory of looking into his eyes when we were connected inside Bliss. My dick might not have been inside him, but I was inside him all the same. And now I have to say something.

  “Sorry. I thought Bliss was still in the middle. Where is she?”

  “Standing in the doorway watching you two freak out.”

  We turn our heads to the door of her bathroom. She’s wearing Colt’s t-shirt and a bemused smile.

  “Nobody’s freaking out,” Colt says calmly. He asks me, “Are we?”

  “I don’t freak out,” I answer gruffly, trying to find my center. I’ve never woken up naked in bed with a man before. This is weird, but something we need to get used to if we are going to keep doing this for the rest of the summer.

  “So, if you’re not freaking out, touch him again,” she says.

  “What?” Colt asks, pulling up the sheet.

  She crosses the room and sits on the edge of the bed like she wants to watch a show. She’s daring me. What’s her game here? “If we’re going to continue this affair, there is going to be accidental touching more often than not considering the close quarters. Friendly fire...” she smiles evilly. “Crossing swords...”

  “Yes, accidental,” Colt affirms.

  “What are you up to?” I ask her. “And don’t tell me nothing. I can see the wheels turning in your head.”

  She folds her knees up under her. “It seems to me that I’ve been asked to be the most vulnerable every time. To spread myself open to you both and trust. Which I do, now. I trust you both. And I’m glad you were there for my first time, but why can�
��t you be vulnerable, too? Are you afraid you’ll be gay if you touch each other on purpose?”

  Colt rubs his face like he’s trying to wake up. This conversation is a little much before coffee. “Are you asking if we’re homophobes, darlin’? We’re not. We just aren’t attracted to each other that way.”

  She’s still daring me with her eyes. I narrow mine right back. “Life would have been a lot simpler for us if we were gay. We’ve lived in the same house all these years. I can’t believe we never thought about it. Think of all the sex we could have been having, Colt.”

  “Shut up, Wylder.”

  She takes the scrunchie off her wrist and very deliberately scoops her hair into a messy bun while watching my expression. “Well, if you’re not afraid of being gay, then you must be afraid of being vulnerable in front of me. Which isn’t fair. I have to touch both of you.”

  “Oh, you have to touch both of us?” Colt grabs hold of her shirt and pulls her up to where we are. “Such a hardship for you, I suppose.”

  She giggles. It’s the first time I’ve heard it. She’s happy here. With us. She’s comfortable in this bed—no hiding, no stammering. We’ve made her happy.

  Everything in my life is different now, hearing that giggle. Shit. I didn’t want my life to change. I don’t want or need more to care about than I do. She’s too young for us. She’s got big plans. But I’m in love with her. And fuck if that doesn’t scare me.

  “Where’d you just go, Wylder?” she asks. “It looks like a trip to Serioustown over there. Does it bother you that much?”

  “If touching my damned best friend will make you happy, I’ll do it. I’m not worried about my manhood, kitten. Are you?”

  “Do I get a say here?” Colt asks.

  I ignore him. “Just let’s get it over with. Where do you want me to touch him?”

  “I’d really like a say,” Colt protests.

  She bites her lip and peruses his body thoughtfully. “His torso is fine.”

  “Do I need to look deeply into his eyes while I’m doing it?”

  She giggles again. That’s a really nice sound. “No. You’re really going to do it?”

  I reach over her and put my hand out, but stop an inch away from contact with him. I don’t know why this is all of the sudden such a big deal. I swallow around the tennis ball in my throat, place my hand on his bare chest over his heart, and we both exhale. I can feel the increase in his heartbeat, the crinkle of his chest hair, but all I hear is the roar of my own blood. Bliss puts her hand near mine, then slowly brings it down, caressing over those bumpy abs I grazed earlier.

  Colt is holding his jaw so tight, but he’s not pulling away. Without any real thought, my hand begins moving, and I trace the outline of one of his pecs, the hardness of muscle beneath smooth skin intrigues me. My fingers accidentally skate across a nipple and the sensation makes him moan.


  He’s being stoic, and I can’t read him at all. I like it better when I know what he’s thinking. I pinch the tightened nipple before allowing my flat palm to coast down his abs.

  “Fuck, Wylder.”

  I can feel the trail of hair that begins below his belly button, and the awareness of his body is so new. I make the mistake of looking deeply into his eyes after all. His pupils are blown. I could write it off that Bliss is touching him, too, but there’s an intensity to our connection. He sits up, the sheet pooling around his lap.

  I’m stuck in that moment right before the jack-in-the-box pops out. That second your feet hit the diving board, but you’re not yet airborne. I know something is coming and that is going to scare me even though I know it’s coming. Adrenaline rushes through me, but it won’t prepare me. Not for this.

  Then his lips are on mine. They are surprisingly soft, full. Not like a woman's, firmer. I cup his jaw with one hand, the sensation of his morning stubble a new one for my palm. Our breathing is fast and ragged. God, we’re naked in a bed and my tongue is in my best friend’s mouth.

  Bliss has her hand in the hair at the back of my head like she’s trying to keep me there. It hasn’t occurred to me to stop kissing him. It feels so good. Different from what I’m used to, but so damn good. His masculine energy is almost battling mine. Kissing a woman has always felt like a give and take, but kissing Colt is both of us taking and neither of us giving.

  He pulls back first. “What is happening?”

  Before I can answer, Bliss does. “Nothing that you don’t want to happen. Don’t get me wrong, this is so hot. Hotter than I ever thought it could be. But I don’t expect you guys to keep going just to please me. Consent works for all of us the same, right?”

  My dick is hard from kissing my best friend. Really hard. My thoughts race, trying to find a track that makes sense. There isn’t one.

  “We’ve got work to do,” I say, pretending I’m back in asshole mode. “We can talk about this later.”

  I go to my own room and take a shower, try to clear my head. But it won’t clear. I can’t settle on one thought before another takes its place. Last night was my first threesome. I realized I’m in love with Bliss this morning. My best friend kissed me, and I wanted more.

  It’s all too much, and I regret like hell that I didn’t fire Bliss Camden that first time I saw her in the kitchen and knew she was trouble. I’m out of control, and I don’t know how to deal with being out of control.

  I lied the night I told Bliss I liked my demons just fine. The only other time in my life when I couldn’t control my world, after I lost my family and murdered a man, I almost didn’t make it out of that depression. All this time, I’ve been keeping my demons at bay by not feeling anything too much, by not needing anything too much.

  But the demons are awake now, aren’t they?

  When I come out of the bathroom, Colt is standing in my room like a reversal of the night Bliss and I watched him come in his shower.

  My stomach is flipping all over itself, and I grasp the towel around my waist tightly. “What are you doing in here, Colt?”

  “Later is now.”


  WYLDER IS NOT HAPPY. But that “we’ll talk later” he left me with is a bunch of bullshit. So later is now.

  He brushes past me to his dresser. “In case you forgot, we have a ranch to run. Our love life is gonna have to wait.”

  “Love life, huh? I was here to talk about our sex life, but if you’re in love with me now, I can hardly blame you. I’m quite the catch.”

  He shoots me a look while he rifles through his dresser, pulling out clothes and throwing them on his bed. “We’re not doing this now.”

  “Actually, we are. We have to. This ain’t the kind of thing you let fester.”

  I know people don’t understand Wylder, sometimes. I see through him. I always have. How he acts gruff when he isn’t. He’s the most belligerently domineering when he’s feeling most out of control.

  “So we kissed. Big deal. Now we have to go check fences. There. Talk done.”

  Oh, he’s really out of sorts. Can’t blame him. I’ve got no idea what happened to us both in the last twenty-four hours. Bliss is the one who lost her virginity, but she’s better than fine. Apparently, Wylder and I get to be the emotional ones about everything.

  “Wylder, you're my best friend. Don’t shut me out.”

  He looks like he wants to throw me physically out of this room. “What do you want me to say?”

  “How do you feel? Are you disgusted with me?”

  That changes the angry look on his face to one of concern. “Disgusted? Why would I be disgusted with you?”

  “Well, you ran out so fast. What was I supposed to think?”

  God damn, but he’s a big dude. I’m not sure why I’m just noticing that now. I’m not sure about a lot of things.

  A wave of different emotions ebb and recede over his face. Confusion, anger, regret. “We crossed a line. I’m not sure it was a good idea, but I’m not disgusted by you. I just wasn’t prepared for
that to happen. And if things don’t work out, I don’t want it to come between us.”

  I feel like I can breathe for the first time since he touched me. It was probably stupid and needy of me to think our friendship was in danger because I kissed him. But I couldn’t handle losing him. I sit on his bed. “All right. I feel all the same things.”

  “Good. Now go get showered and let’s get out of here.”

  “But I also felt something else. Something I wasn’t expecting.” His eyes are willing me to shut up now. “I liked it, Wylder. I didn’t want you to stop touching me, and I didn’t want to stop kissing you.”

  “You pulled back first,” he reminds me. Then realizes what he’s said. He closes his eyes, releases a lungful, and then joins me on the edge of the bed. “I liked it, too. It was weird, but good.”

  “You’re weird, but good.”

  Normally, this is when he would push me off the bed or punch me in the arm, but I think he’s afraid to touch me. Look at me even. “Are we going to be okay, Colt? I never thought I’d do something that could wreck our friendship, and I’m afraid if we keep going where that kiss leads, we will.”

  So he feels it, too. The possibility of more and the possibility of less. “We’ve been best friends for a long time, nothing is going to take that from us.”

  “Why are we talking about feelings right now? Wouldn't it be better if we just pretended it didn’t happen and go fix shit and spit tobacco?”

  “Neither of us chew tobacco, Wylder.”

  We sit in silence for a few minutes. Agonizing silence. “How’s the foal doing?”

  “Gonna be just fine.”

  “Good. You made the right decision that night. Giving her the chance to heal.”

  More quiet.

  “Last night was the best sex of my life,” I say. “I didn’t know sex could be that good.”

  He nods, but since I’m not looking at him, I see it from the corner of my eye.

  I hate small talk, but the big stuff is too important to talk about right now. And somehow leaving the conversation right now doesn’t seem right either. I’m afraid of what will happen if I go and what will happen if I stay. Maybe talking about Bliss will help. “So, we’re in a committed threesome now. Bliss, well, she’s everything, right?”


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