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Sky Child

Page 17

by Brenner, T. M.

  I don't think Sickle and Scythe will try to kill Flot though, because once I have lost both of my brothers, there is nothing else that they can take from me. There is no way to control me. Chaff knows this, and he knows that a person with nothing to lose is a person that can't be reasoned with. That they can and will do anything, even kill. I am sure that Chaff has told his sons to stay away from Flot because of it, but I'm not willing to take that chance.

  After wringing out our clothes, we walk back to our room. I hang up one set of clothes for each of us, and we carry our other sets to the Great Fire. When we get there, I notice that Gravel is watching over the fire, not Moss. I was hoping Moss would be watching it, because he is nice. I don't like Gravel as much, because he almost never smiles, and he ignores people when they try to talk to him.

  Flot and I hang our clothes up on the tree limbs that have been stretched between holes in the cave walls. Flot and I also spend a few minutes drying ourselves off with the heat of the Great Fire. When I'm close to finally being dry, Flot asks me something.

  "Sam, why did the Sky Gods let Jet die?"

  My mind thinks hard on that question.

  "Even though we pray to the Sky Gods for help with things like hunting, and the harvest, and with healing, they allow us to still be people. They do not control us. They let us make our own mistakes, and our own decisions. Unfortunately, sometimes people make bad decisions, like what Sickle and Scythe did. Jet's death isn't the fault of the Sky Gods. It isn't your fault, and it isn't my fault. It's the fault of the people that killed him, and the person that told them to attack you in the first place. They are the ones that have made decisions so bad, that they will soon lose everything," I say.

  "I hope so," says Flot.

  "Me too."

  "Do you think that Jet is with the Sky Gods right now?" asks Flot.

  "I am sure of it. He was a good person. He didn't listen very well, but his heart was always true. Jet always wanted to help, always wanted to do the right thing, and wanted to make people happier. But we still need to bury him, so that he will be at peace with the Sky Gods. Otherwise, he will toss and turn forever while he sleeps," I say.

  "Do you think Sickle and Scythe will be with the Sky Gods when they die?"

  "Only if they try very, very hard to become good people, and deep in their heart want to be good people. But right now, I don't think that they will," I say.

  "That's good. I don't want them to be anywhere near Jet when they die."

  "I don't either."

  "Is it okay that I hate them?"

  "Yes, Flot, you can hate them, but you can't let that hatred control you. It is always okay to have feelings and emotions, but sometimes it is very wrong to act on them. Sometimes it is even wrong to share those feelings with other people. You will find out on your own what is fine to share with others, and what is not," I say.

  "So I shouldn't go tell Sickle and Scythe how much I hate them and want them to die?" asks Flot, holding back a smile.

  "I think that would be a bad idea right now. You can feel that way, but do not act on it."

  "Are we going to see Jet before he is buried?" asks Flot.

  "We can. Was that something you wanted to do?" I ask.

  Flot thinks about it for a moment.

  "I think we should see him. That way we can talk to him without anyone being there. When we bury him, other people will come."

  "Okay, Flot. We can do that. Do you want to see him right now?"

  Flot nods his head 'yes'.

  "Then we will go visit Jet," I say.

  Flot and I hold our clothes over the fire, doing our best to make them dry faster. Eventually, they are dry enough to wear. We put our clothes on then travel the crooked tunnels to Pyre's room.

  When we get close to the entrance of Pyre's room, I ask Flot to stay there. He asks me why, but I explain that there may be things he doesn't want to see. Thankfully, he understands. I let my name arrive in Pyre's room before I do, just so that he can cover whatever needs covering.

  "Pyre? It's Sam. May Flot and I come in to visit Jet?"

  "Yes, of course, but please give me a moment."

  I hear Pyre moving around his room.

  "Okay, you may come in now," says Pyre.

  "Thank you," I say.

  I turn to where Flot is standing, and put my arm around him to guide him inside. I keep him in front of me, so that I can hold him back if necessary, and to hug him from behind if he needs that.

  On Pyre's table is Jet. He doesn't really look like him, not the way I remember him. He is very pale, and his lips aren't the right color. They are a blue color. Pyre has covered most of his body with a blanket. Flot moves forward and reaches under the blanket to hold Jet's hand. Fresh tears roll down my cheeks. Flot turns to me.

  "This isn't him," says Flot.

  "What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

  "This isn't Jet. It's just his body. He is with the Sky Gods now. So I don't have to remember him this way, because it isn't really him."

  "Okay, that isn't really Jet," I say, doing my best to smile through the tears.

  "We can go," says Flot.

  I turn to Pyre, who is standing there, watching us.

  "Thank you, Pyre," I say.

  "Of course," replies Pyre.

  "When will we be burying him?" I ask.

  "When the sun is at its highest in the sky. Not long."

  We leave, and make our way back to our room.


  Flot and I prepare for Jet to be buried. I look at my clean clothes, but wearing them doesn't seem right. I decide to put on my suit of armor, because I want to honor Jet for being a hunter, even if it wasn't what he really wanted to do with his life. I hope it will also show the other hunters that I am strong, and that I will still fight for them, and treat them well. That I will honor them if they die.

  Flot notices me putting on my armor, and decides to put his on as well. It is not normal for people to wear their armor when someone is buried, but I am not worried about what people might say or think.

  I help Flot with his armor, tying the pieces together the best that I can. In return, he helps me tie the last few straps on my new armor.

  "Thank you, Flot."

  Flot hugs me. I hug him back.

  "The others are probably starting to gather outside. We should go," I say.


  It seems like the walk to the mouth of the cave is the longest walk I have ever taken. I don't want to go outside, because once we do this, Jet will really be gone. We will never see him again. But I know that we have to do this, and that I have to be here for Flot.

  When we reach the entrance to the Crag, everyone is there. I see the other hunters, and every one of them is dressed in their armor. My knees weaken, and I swallow hard, because no one has ever had this many people turn out for their burial before. Normally, a hands worth of people will bury a person. It says so much about the kind of person that Jet was, that everyone would come. I am also struck by the fact that the hunters are all wearing their armor. I could never thank them enough for that.

  I look around, searching for Sickle, Scythe and Chaff. They did not come to the burial, which was wise of them. I wouldn't doubt that there are many people who are wanting to kill them for what they have done. It also makes me wonder if some of the people have shown up just to see a fight. To see what I might do to the people that killed Jet. I realize that Chaff and his son's aren't the only evil people in the Crag, and that a fight would be their only reason for coming.

  I ignore those thoughts though, push them out of my mind, and hope that everyone is there because of Jet. Because Jet was good, and decent, and respected by people. I do believe that about most of the people that have showed up. Many people in the Crag are good. But those that are evil, are truly evil.

  I look for Pyre and see him outside, standing in the sun. It is warm and beautiful, and the blue sky seems endless. The world seems so filled with life. Inside my heart thou
gh, I am filled with pain and sadness, and my thoughts are of death and loss.

  Next to Pyre are his assistants, Tomb and Eulogy. Tomb is big like Helm and Mast, and Eulogy is beautiful in a different sort of way. She has hair as black as night, and pale skin like the moon. Eulogy is a quiet person, and only leaves the Crag when a burial happens.

  In front of them is Jet, wrapped in a blanket. He rests on a stretcher made of straps and tree limbs. Pyre has used the colors from plants to make Jet look more like he used to. His skin seems pink and alive. Pyre notices me and Flot. He then asks Tomb and Eulogy to pick up Jet's body and follow him. The entire Crag follows behind, as we go away from the Crag to our cemetery.

  A place for Jet has already been dug out of the ground. Tomb and Eulogy carry Jet over to the hole and set him down next to it. They lift him up by the blanket he's been wrapped in and carefully lay him inside. The crowd moves around the grave, circling it. Flot and I make our way to the front, as Pyre also comes to the front of the crowd. He speaks to the people of the Crag.

  "Jet was a hunter, a good person, and a brother. He has died too young, having only seen a few snows past being a new one. We are less as people, because he is no longer a part of our lives. We are sad because we miss him, but he is somewhere better. He is with the Sky Gods now, resting, and we put him to ground and cover him in a blanket of grass and clover, so that he will rest peacefully."

  Pyre nods to Eulogy and Tomb. They start covering up Jet with dirt, then handfuls of grass and clover. Helm speaks.

  "Hunters, salute."

  I look around the crowd as the hunters place their fists over their heart then slide them downward. I have been trying very hard not to cry, but tears stream down my face. Flot and I both do the same, placing our fists on our hearts and moving them downward. Flot turns around and wraps his arms around me. I watch as they place the last handfuls of grass and clover on top of the grave.

  The crowd slowly makes their way back to the Crag. Till and her mother Leaf both stay behind to talk to us.

  "Flot, I am sorry about Jet," says Till.

  "I am sorry too," says Leaf.

  "Thank you. Life won't be the same now. He was more than my twin brother, he was my best friend too. I almost never went anywhere without him. I feel like I've been cut in the middle, like a part of me is gone forever," says Flot.

  "I feel a part of my heart missing," says Till. "It's like I can't feel the part of my heart that is filled with love and happiness, like someone took it away from me."

  "Someday it will heal, Till. Someday you will find someone to put in your heart again," says Flot. "You may not feel about them the same way you felt about Jet, but you will love them in a different way. I know Jet would have wanted you to be happy again. He would want all of us to be happy again. We need to try to be happy, for him, so that he can rest with the Sky Gods. Otherwise, he will spend all of his days up there worrying for us."

  "I will try," says Till.

  To my surprise, Till moves in close to Flot and kisses him on the cheek. It looks like Flot is just as surprised. It is very sweet of her to do, letting Flot know that she appreciates his kindness. I hope that Flot never loses that: his good heart.

  Till takes her mother's hand, and they walk back to the Crag. Flot and I stay for a while. We eventually walk over to the stone that marks Jet's grave. Eulogy has stained a large rock to look like Jet's face, so that we will know him when we come visit him. It looks like him, very much. Once our eyes are dry, we walk back to the Crag.


  On our way back, I see that Ebb is waiting for us. She comes up to Flot and gives him a hug.

  "I'm so sorry Flot. I very much liked Jet," says Ebb.

  She turns to me.

  "If there is anything I can do, anything at all, please, let me know."

  I was about to give her a simple 'thank you', but I consider her words.

  "There might be," I say. "Flot, can you catch up with Till and Leaf, and make sure that they reach the Crag safely?"

  "I can do that."

  I wait until Flot is far enough away that he can't hear us talking.

  "Ebb, I have a plan. You are the only person I really trust right now. Flot may be too filled with anger and sadness to make good decisions. I trust Mast and Helm, but I don't know that they would be able to help."

  "I am willing to do whatever I can," says Ebb.

  "I need a distraction. I need Chaff to leave his room when there is no one else around. There is something inside that I need."

  "What is it you need?"

  "I am trying to learn how to grow vegetables, so that Chaff won't be in control anymore."

  I can tell by the look on her face that she is both surprised and excited.

  "And you think the secret of the harvest is in his room?" asks Ebb.

  "I do. I snuck in while he was asleep from beer, and I searched everywhere I could think to search, except for one place. The only place I couldn't look while he was asleep."


  "Underneath him. I think he keeps a page he'd stolen from the Book of Knowledge under his sleeping mat."

  "That's clever," says Ebb.

  "Chaff is smart, but hopefully not smart enough. If he sees through our trick, we may not get another chance. He has kept his secret this long, and it is difficult to keep secrets in the Crag," I say.

  "So what is your plan? How can I help distract him?"

  I think for a moment.

  "Do you think you could lure him out with beer?" I ask.

  "I don't know. He has as much beer as he could ever drink," says Ebb.

  "Can you think of another way?"

  Ebb is silent for a moment.

  "What if I made him think that I want to join with him?" says Ebb.


  "Sam, I won't actually join with him, if that is what you're worried about. I could make it seem like I'd had too much beer to drink. He will follow me."

  "How do you know?" I ask.

  She just smiles at me.

  "I don't like it," I say.

  "Sam, please let me do this. There is no way I'll let him hurt me, or even touch me. And you know that I can defend myself. I will lure him outside, in the dark. Then I'll come back to the Crag."

  "But what happens if he tries something later? Asks you about it the next day?"

  "I'll just tell him I was so full of drink that I don't remember any of it."

  It makes sense, and I can't see any other way.

  "I don't want you to risk your life," I say.

  "It is my life to risk. I will do this for Jet, and for Flot... and for you. I will also do this for the Crag. If we succeed, we will be rid of Chaff forever."

  "I just realized something. Maybe you are the Sky Child," I say.

  "Maybe I am," says Ebb. "When do you want to try?"

  "Tonight. The sooner we do this, the better chance we have."

  "Then I will rest during the day, so that I will be ready for tonight. We can meet after everyone is asleep, just outside the mouth of the cave."

  "Thank you, Ebb."

  We make our way back to the Crag.


  When I get back to the room, Flot is waiting for me.

  "I think I'll spend some time with Till and Leaf. They wanted to teach me about the harvest," says Flot. "Till could use someone to talk to, and I could too."

  "Okay, Flot. Whatever you need. Just be careful," I say.

  "I will. And I'll make sure to stay away from Sickle and Scythe. Leaf and Till said they will meet me near the Great Fire to talk. I don't think Sickle and Scythe go there much."

  "No, they don't. I have never seen them there, other than to dry themselves. I don't think that they believe in the Sky Gods much," I say.

  Flot leaves our room.

  I try to get some rest during the day. I'm able to sleep some, but not much. Helm stops by our room to check on me. I get up and go to the entrance of our room to greet him.

  "How are y
ou feeling?" asks Helm.

  "Sad and tired," I say.

  "I am as well, Sam. Are you planning to lead the hunt today? We are running low on meat, because we haven't hunted in many days now."

  "I don't think I can," I say. "Helm, will you and Mast lead the hunt today? I know that the hunters trust you, and will listen to what you tell them."

  "I will do that for you. Are you sure that you don't want to go? It might help," says Helm.

  "I am sure. And Helm, thank you."

  "You are welcome, Sam."

  Helm leaves.

  I'm finally able to get some sleep. When I wake up, I can hear people coming back to their rooms from the feast. It's okay that I missed it, because I'm not very hungry. I start to put on my clothes as Flot appears. He's carrying a bowl of food.

  "You need to eat," says Flot.

  "I'm okay," I say.

  "If I were the one that slept all day, you would make sure that I ate something."

  It's true.

  "Then I will try to eat some," I say.

  Flot hands me the bowl. It isn't very warm, but it doesn't bother me. I barely notice. I scoop some of the soup into my mouth. The soup has fresh meat in it. Deer meat. Helm and Mast must have had a good hunt without me. It is good to know that I can rely on them if I ever need to again.

  "How are Till and Leaf?" I ask.

  "Till seems better. I think I cheered her up. Probably because I remind her of Jet," says Flot.

  "I hope she knows that you are very different people," I say.

  "I think she does."

  "Is Leaf okay?"

  "She seems sad, but I think she's mostly worried about Till," says Flot.

  "A mother always worries about her children," I say.

  Flot just nods at me. He looks so tired. His eyes are dark and sore from all of the crying. It isn't normal to see someone so young look so empty of life. I hope that soon he will be full again.

  "I'm going to try to sleep now," says Flot.


  I pretend to rest. I wait until I don't hear any footsteps outside of our room, and then I wait some more. Once I am sure that everyone is asleep, I sneak out of our room.


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