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Page 8

by Lolah Lace

  “I’m just saying he is a powerful force and she seems weak.”

  “In what way is she weak?”

  “She’s married to a very successful man but she acts like a child. I can actually understand why he cheats on her. She has no class.”

  I chuckled and wasn’t sure why that was my reaction to her assessment of Serena. “Well that’s a bit harsh. She’s hurting. That’s all. We all have been hurt before.”

  “But do we take it out on a three hundred thousand dollar car?”

  “People act out in different ways.”

  “He cheats. So she should deal with it or divorce him. Everyone knows there’s no prenup.”

  “Shelley here’s a thought. Maybe she loves her husband. Maybe she doesn’t care about the money and wants her marriage to work. It’s easy to leave but hard to stay and work things out.”

  “It’s stupid for her to stay with him. She’s just stupid in my opinion.”

  “Some people believe until death do us part.” Some people like me.

  “Sorry I have a different opinion. I think she’s pathetic.”

  “You wouldn’t understand. Your parents are divorced and mine are still married.”

  “I like Vanessa. She’s a better match for Deshawn.”

  “The video hoe that slept with half the rappers on the East and West coast is a better match?” I snickered. “Believe me, if he marries Vanessa she will turn into a Latin version of Serena a year into the marriage. I know Dee. He treats them all the same. Serena is the only one he really cares about.”

  “He doesn’t care about her. She just won’t let go and he doesn’t want to give her half his fortune for sitting on her ass.”

  I couldn’t win this argument. Maybe Shelley was jealous of Serena for some reason unbeknownst to me, some chick thing. All the basketball wives adored Serena. Maybe the girlfriends didn’t like her much but they all respected her position at the top of the significant-other food chain.

  The guys always say they want a ride or die chick. I’m not sure Shelley is that for me. I don’t want a wife that will leave me and take half. I love Shelley but there will definitely be a prenup. I wonder if she would sign one? Why does she think she’s better or smarter than someone who is already a basketball wife? I just don’t understand her hostility toward Serena. I love Deshawn but I still have sympathy for Serena. The way he treats her is rather deplorable.



  We had an away game in Vegas. I had mixed feelings about it. I needed to put some space between Serena and me. A few states seemed like a good idea. Separation worked better when it was mandatory. I wasn’t the type of guy that discarded a woman once I had a few rolls in the hay. I wish I could get Serena’s fragrant scent off my body. I wished I could get her lingering presence out my head. It’s hard to erase someone with so much magnetism. She was someone who took our platonic friendship and made it into something intimate, erotic and satisfying. Or was it me that did that? I didn’t actually have to insert my penis inside her vagina, mouth or ass. Or did I?

  If I could just get furious with her for suggesting coffee, drinking wine, drinking too much wine, undressing in front of me, sucking my dick like a professional porn star and all the other stuff in between. I can’t be mad at that. Can I?

  We played the game against the Panthers and we won. My dirty mind and my misgivings about my previous sexual activities didn’t affect my B-ball game. I liked hanging out with Dee one-on-one. It was helping put things into perspective for me. I loved Dee. We shared a brotherhood that I had never had in my life. This man has seen me cry tears. He has listened to my problems. I could not continue to fuck his wife. I’m the biggest douche in the history of douches. It’s just that simple. Do not stick your big penis in Serena’s warm, wet, tight cozy little vagina. Shit!

  Deshawn suggested we all go to a club. I was okay with hanging with my teammates after a game in a regular nightclub. The place he suggested was upscale and discreet, a mecca to the stars when they honored Vegas with their celebrity presence. Basically, it wasn’t a strip club.

  I probably wouldn’t get ratted out for being in a strip club but I didn’t want to embarrass my mother and father. They’re pretty proud of me. I come from regular hard-working people. My parents worked hard their entire lives. Having a son with a college degree and millions of dollars for bouncing a basketball was a big deal in my family. My mother claimed she knew I would be something great. I’m not certain how she could have predicted my success. I was a plump kid that snapped the heads off my sister’s dolls.

  Tonight I was dressed to impress because Deshawn told me to look sharp. It was only five of us players out tonight. We had an early morning flight. Most of the team just wanted to stay in the hotel and get some shuteye.

  I showed up to Club Vive La with Dee in a rented Ferrari. Lance showed up with our teammates Jaden and Malcolm.

  We were discreetly ushered to the VIP section like always. Scantily clad women lingered in our general vicinity hoping to get an invitation to our table. Deshawn already had two random women treating him like a human sandwich. They also treated him like a human ATM, but he loved tossing money in the wind or a random groupie. Dee had a Dominican hottie and a Jamaican Princess. Only two babes tonight, he must be catching a cold.

  I watched the live action on the dance floor as the music thumped. Serena was a really good dancer. What the fuck is my problem? Why did she pop into my brain? My thoughts were betraying the man that sat next to me. I have to stop this bullshit now.

  I was at the club for only a little over half an hour when I spotted her. It was Shelley, my ex. She was staring at me from across the crowded room. She was model tall. She stood high above the other women.

  She smiled at me. She had a great smile, models usually do. Her eyes had me captivated. I nodded to her and stood. I needed her to see all of me. I was dressed to the nines. I really looked like a million bucks.

  I waved her over to our somewhat secluded table. I remained standing just so the bouncer could let her up to the VIP section.

  Shelley pointed up at me as she whispered in the bouncer's ear. I gestured for the guy to let her up. She looked really sexy tonight. She pranced over toward me with her tight black dress and super high heels. Her hair had grown past her shoulders and was in these lovely strawberry blonde waves.

  We hugged first and I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She had a brand new guy but I didn’t see him anywhere in sight. He was a comedian slash actor. He was new in show business but moderately successful from what I’ve heard.

  I think I ended our relationship on good terms. I never told her I found the ovulation test. That would have caused a problem for me. I gave her some bullshit speech about me needing more time to focus on my personal issues and my professional career.

  Shelley got back on the horse right away and now she’s riding another guy, probably without a saddle. She tried to trap me. Her betrayal doesn’t bother me at all. I have someone new riding me as well. She spoke to Deshawn and hugged him. He looked over at me and grinned. He probably thinks this chance meeting with Shelley was planned. I had no idea she would be here or even be in town. I didn’t keep up with her after the breakup. I tried to keep all my exes in the past. Will Serena be there too? Is she already there? It depends on my self-control and I suppose hers too.

  “Sit, join me.” I scooted a little to the left to make room for her size two frame.

  Shelley squeezed into the little space on the couch between me and some random woman Lance was showing favor. Shelley planted her bottom next to me. She ironed her long legs with the palm of her hands.

  “I never thought I would run into you here.” She smiled. She had just gotten her lips filled. They looked puffy but still attractive.

  “Yeah we played over at America Stadium tonight. Did you see the game?”

  “No, no, after the break up I tried to steer clear of anything basketball related.”

sp; That was a jab. I will ignore it. “You look really good tonight.”

  “Thank you. You look good too. You always look good.”

  “Thanks, how’s Martin Vega?” Her actor boyfriend, I remembered his name.

  “Good, we moved in together a few months ago.”

  “Congrats.” I meant it. She wanted a life I couldn’t give her. I hoped she found it with Martin Vega. She could have his non-athletic babies.

  “Are you dating anyone?”

  I didn’t anticipate that question. “No, no.” I felt the need to explain. “I’m focused solely on basketball.”

  “Really, you look like you’re in a relationship.”

  “And what does that look like?” I smirked.

  “Your body language, maybe I’m just imagining things.”

  I looked down at myself. “Maybe.”

  “How long are you guys in town?”

  “We’re leaving late morning, early afternoon.”

  “You’re staying at the Signature?”

  “Yeah.” How did she know?

  “I’m staying there too.”

  “Do you live here now?” I hadn’t kept up with her whereabouts.

  “No, I’m with Martin in LA. He’s thinking of getting a place out here. I was looking at a few condos with his real estate agent.

  “Nice.” She was making moves.

  “You know. I took our breakup really hard.”

  I raised one eyebrow. “Looks like you bounced back to me.”

  “I did, but I remember how special it was with us.”

  “It was special, even great at times.”

  “Great, yeah. The breakup, it didn’t seem to bother you.”

  “It did.” I lied. You are a beautiful conniving cunt. I bailed right in the knick of time. “I just realized I wasn’t ready to move forward. I wanted you to have the relationship you deserved. It looks like you have that now.”

  “I do. You know you are very hard to understand.”

  “There’s not much to me. You should know that.”

  “I thought I knew you. Toward the end of our relationship, I didn’t know you at all.”

  This was a good time to call her out on her bullshit. I could tell her I knew all about the ovulation test. I could call her out as a liar. I could tell her I knew all about her parent trap. I could put her right in the groupie gold-digger box. But why? I no longer have feelings for this woman.

  “Shelley maybe you didn’t know yourself.” I learned a few mind games from the master manipulator of women, Deshawn ‘Superstar’ Jones. “Relationships change who we are on the inside, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Maybe it was you that changed and that’s why you felt you didn’t know me.”

  She looked confused. Maybe I don’t deserve genuine love. Will I ever find someone who is true, a woman that doesn’t lie or have a hidden agenda?

  “You sound so cryptic.” She was one to talk.

  “You’re right. The Cavs won. It’s time to drink up and party. What are you drinking tonight?” I raised my arm to summon a bartender.

  “Cranberry and Vodka on the rocks.”

  An exotic female bartender quickly hovered over us. Her breast billowed out her tight black dress as she bent to take my order. I got a glimpse of her cleavage. It was a fine set but not as pretty as Serena’s.

  “Yes Mr. Hart. What can I get you?” The barmaid suggestively asked.

  “I need Grey Goose and Cranberry with ice, two of them.”

  “Yes sir Mr. Hart, coming right up.” She smiled and stood up straight. She didn’t bother to look in Shelley’s direction.

  The barmaid sashayed away and I turned all my attention to Shelley.

  “She’s cute.”

  “She is.” I shrugged. “If you like that type.”

  “Right, I used to be your type.”

  “Maybe you still are.” I was being flirtatious. I pushed her hair behind her ear and traced my fingers down her neck to her collarbone.

  “I miss your hands on my body and your huge cock in my ass.”

  Did she just say that? She did. She likes anal. It’s hard to forget about that fact but she’s not the only one. I smiled reminiscing about my secret lover.

  I probably should cut back on the liquor. I’m thinking of Serena more than normal. I changed the sex subject every time my ex went there. This was my subtle form of torture. I partied with Dee, Lance, and the boys until the wee hours of the night. I give Shelley a quick kiss on the cheek and I left the club with Dee. She was pissed but it felt good to leave her high and dry. Very dry I hope.


  When I got back to my hotel room I had an inner debate on whether or not to shower. I decided I would handle that in the morning. I checked my emails and text messages. Serena hadn’t called or texted. Why would she? She knew I was somewhere near her husband. I had finished deleting my emails when I heard a knock on my hotel room door. It was probably one of Dee’s women knocking on the wrong door in a drunken stupor.

  I looked through the peephole and got a surprise. I opened the door.

  “Hey Hart, can I come in?” Shelley was standing outside my door with a huge smile. Dee probably gave her my room number.

  “Sure.” I opened the door wide enough to allow her to walk through it. I closed the door and watched her stroll deep in my hotel room. Her face turned to both sides to drink up her surroundings.

  “Your room is better than mine.”

  “The Cavs take care of their players.”

  “Right, they do. I remember when I used to take care of one of their star players.” She flirted as she tossed her hair over her shoulders. I watched her long legs as they walked further into my suite.

  Was I really going to do this? I knew why she was here. Sex. I don’t have any condoms. I didn’t bring protection, didn’t think I would need it. I’m sure one of my teammates has some. I can’t risk it. I knew she was trying to baby trap me before.

  “I see you’re already packed and ready to go.” Her eyes were on my suitcases in the corner.

  “Yeah I’m going to just get a few hours of sleep before the shuttle comes for us.”

  “I missed you Noah.”

  “You did?”

  “I miss what we had.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, all the time. Martin is great but he’s not you. You’re Noah Hart.” She stroked my ego. She was good at that.

  “I am.”

  “You’re the best lover I’ve ever had.”

  “I am.”

  “I missed you.”

  “How much?”

  She walked over and stood directly in front of me. She dropped down to her knees. She reached for my belt. I took a look down at her and my thoughts went directly to someone I knew could do it so much better. This would be interesting.

  My cell phone buzzed in my pocket startling her. I pulled out my cell to look at it. I had a text from Sarah Michelle. It was Serena. I changed the name from Serena Jones to one more suitable for the text messages that appeared randomly on my cell. I didn’t really have a choice. Dee was almost always in close proximity to me.

  [I can’t sleep. You’re probably asleep. I was thinking of you. I hope this doesn’t wake you. XOXO] I smiled while reading the text.

  “Is that your girlfriend?” Shelley looked up at me from ground level with a hint of snark in her tone.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Tell her goodnight so we can have some fun.”

  “Actually I’m really tired.” I grabbed her hand.

  “Too tired to get a blow job?”

  “I don’t think I can get it up. I drank too much.” I removed her hand from my belt buckle.

  “That’s a first.”

  “I’m not as young as I used to be,” I smirked. She knew that was a lie but so what.

  “I can take a hint.” She rose to her feet without my assistance.

  “No, it’s not like that. Martin Vega’s a good guy. Maybe y
ou should try to be faithful.”

  “Oral doesn’t count.”

  I walked to the door and opened it. I looked back at her hoping she would leave with grace and dignity. She trotted toward me with scorn in her eyes. She rolled her eyes at me as she sauntered past me and into the hotel hallway. I remained partially in the room and partially in the hall.

  “It was good to see you Shelley.”

  She shook her head. “It was good to see you too. Nice guys always finish last Noah.”

  Conniving cunts end up old, bitter and lonely.

  She leaned up to give me a kiss on the cheek. I watched her trot down the hall on her way to the elevators. I thought I loved her and I was a fool. I’m different now. Before Serena I would have fallen back into bed with her for a night. Shelley doesn’t deserve me or my Popsicle.


  I stepped back into my hotel room and closed the door. I wanted to return Serena’s text. I needed to. I was compelled to. I had played games with women before. I made them wait for a response from me. I made them angry just to test their resolve. I was more mature now. I wasn’t trying to play those games with her. She was different. She was a friend.

  I reread her message and texted her back.

  [I’m not sleep. I miss you. FaceTime me.]

  The phone rang in seconds. I answered my cell to the sight of her clean, makeup-free face.

  “Hi beautiful.” I kicked off my Ferragamo’s and got into bed fully dressed.

  “Hey.” Her lips grew big on the screen. She kissed the phone. “Muah!”

  “You guys won the game. I saw the highlights on SportsCenter.”

  “By three points.”

  “You look fancy. Are you dressed up?”

  “Yes, I’m looking rather dapper tonight. The team went out after the game to Club Vive La on the strip.”

  “Did you have fun?”

  “I had fun but not too much. I have a blast when I’m with you.”

  “A blast.” She laughed at my choice of words.

  “I need to take my clothes off. I’m going to sit the phone down.”



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