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Page 15

by Lolah Lace

  “She’s out on the dance floor.” I turned in that direction. “She’s dancing with Deshawn. For some reason, she felt like she should keep him occupied.” Justine smirked.

  I spotted them dancing out there right away. They were both smiling. “Okay.” I turned back to my sister.

  “Did you know you have a hand print on the side of your face?”

  “Ah, ah, no I didn’t.” I chuckled to unsuccessfully cover my activities.

  “Yeah you do.” Justine frowned. “Some woman slapped the shit outta you.”

  “Ah, nope.”

  “There’s a little speck of blood on your neck.”

  My hand flew to my neck. “God,” my only word-thought at the time.

  Justine leaned close to me. “I hope you don’t have a rape case in your future.” She pulled back to look me in the eyes. She was wearing her big sister all-knowing, overbearing, judgmental cap. “Noah, say something?”

  “I didn’t rape anybody.”

  “More words. That’s not enough to get me off your back. Words. Now.” She demanded.

  “It was consensual, just rough.”

  “For the rest of the night--”

  I stared at Justine as I waited for the rest. “Yeah?”

  She leaned into my ear. “Stay away from Serena Jones.”

  My heart dropped into my balls. I stepped back to evaluate her familiar blue eyes. Her glare was the warning I needed to knock the lovey-dovey stars out of my eyes. I felt like a little boy being scolded for misbehaving. I was a grown man being scolded for misbehaving.

  “Okay.” What could I say when my sister was right and I was so incredibly wrong.

  “Here, drink this.” She grabbed her drink off the bar and handed it over to me. I took it and drank it down. “I’ll get you another.”


  Justine licked her thumb and wiped the blood from my neck. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be a good responsible brother tonight. You have my permission to get totally wasted.” She turned her back to me and called out to the bartender.

  I am humiliated and happy all at once. Serena loves me and she missed me but Justine knows I’m not perfect. I think she knew that already. My sister knows me better than anyone. Instead of dwelling on the events of this day I think I will drink and drink some more. I want to get fucked up. I can tackle my problems tomorrow. And oh I have problems.


  I didn’t actually remember ringing in the New Year. I didn’t remember counting backwards from ten. I didn’t recollect arriving home although I was certain Justine drove. Or was it Margo? My head was pounding like techno music when I finally crept of out the den. I was sure that Justine and Margo didn’t have the strength or the patience to help me climb all the stairs that would have led me to my bedroom.

  Who can remember what drunken shit fell out of my mouth? I was sure I didn’t mention Serena. Or I hoped I didn’t. I checked my face in the mirror and my face was intact. Dee hadn’t punched me so I was sure I didn’t do anything too embarrassing or dumb at his house.

  I brushed my teeth and showered upstairs. I grabbed some fresh clothes from my bedroom. I took a few aspirin and realized I needed some food in my stomach. I went downstairs to the kitchen. Justine was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher.

  “Hey there, I would say good morning but it’s afternoon.”

  “Yeah I know. Where’s Margo?”

  “She’s somewhere doing her yoga.”

  “Yoga,” I repeated.

  “Margo made breakfast but it’s lunchtime. Do you want me to warm up the leftovers?”

  “Yes please, my stomach is empty.”

  Justine grabbed a plate from my refrigerator and transferred it to the microwave. She poured me a glass of orange juice.

  “You look like shit but you’re sober.”

  “I’m sober.”

  “So little brother. You are hiding a scandal in your trousers.”

  Trousers? I decided to keep my, you’re not British joke to myself. “How could you tell?”

  “I just put the pieces together. Margo told me you wanted her to play along with your little charade.”

  “I’m sorry you found out about this. I know you think I’m a little shit.”

  “You’re six-six so you’re a big shit. Next time tell me when you want to use my girlfriend in your fiendish plot.”

  “I didn’t try to do this, any of it. The affair, it just happened.”

  “I guess you just dribbled your basketball up and down the court and you tripped over your penis, picked it up and dunked it into her vagina.”

  I thought about her analogy. “Honestly, it was kind of just like that.”

  She laughed. “Don’t make me laugh you little shit.”

  “Okay sorry.”

  “How long has this been brewing?”

  “Just a few months.”

  “And you didn’t force her?”

  “No, I would never force myself on anyone. Last night Serena slapped me. She thought Margo was with me and it pissed her off. She was jealous.” The microwave beeped.

  “And you went out of your way to make her think that my girlfriend was your girlfriend.” Justine removed the heated plate from the microwave.

  “I did and I’m sorry. Serena broke up with me and I needed to get her back for hurting me.”

  “So you tried to hurt her. That’s real mature.” Justine pushed the plate of warmed food over to me. I stuffed bacon in my mouth.

  “I think it worked. I think we’re back together.”

  “Last time I checked she was married to Deshawn Jones.”

  “She still is.”

  “Last time I checked you were Deshawn’s best friend.”

  “I am.”

  “So is this some swingers, wife swap, kinky, rich people bullshit?”

  “No, of course not. I love them both. I don’t want to hurt Dee but I can’t give her up. Justine honestly, I love her.”



  “You never use that word.”

  “I do now,” I admitted.

  “What do you plan to do about this love?”

  “Wait until she leaves him.”

  “Are you retiring from basketball?”

  “No.” I frowned. I was in my prime at thirty-years-old.

  “Are you going to be a free agent?”

  “I could but my people are negotiating my new contract with the Cavs. I love Chicago.”

  “You can’t play on the same team as Deshawn.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I can.”

  “So you plan on sneaking around after she gets a divorce? If she ever gets a divorce? You know people who have affairs claim they’re leaving their spouse and they never do.”

  “Serena is not like that.”

  “How do you know?”

  “She loves me too.”

  “Does she?”

  I stopped stuffing my face to look Justine in the eyes. “She does.” I was getting a bit emotional discussing this with my sister.

  “Noah, I believe you.”

  I went back to eating. Justine busied herself around me by cleaning the kitchen that my housekeeper was going to clean when she returned on Monday.

  I finished my food and Justine took my plate before I could hand it over. “You need to comb your hair.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “We’re going to Skype with our parents in thirty minutes.”

  “They don’t know how to Skype.”

  “The neighbors teen is going to do it for them. I paid him to set it up.”

  “Why didn’t you say something? I would have paid.”

  “You pay for everything. I can handle this one thing.”

  “Okay well if you need anything.”

  “I know. You will handle it.”

  My cell phone buzzed in my pocket. I was so hung-over I didn’t remember putting it in my pocket. I fetched it out and saw it was Serena with a text.<
br />
  [This year things will be different.]

  I texted back. [I will love you more.]

  [Not more than I love you.]

  [Do you want the ring back?]



  My cell phone started ringing. It was Serena. I stood and answered. My sister was glaring at me as I escaped from the kitchen for some privacy.


  My sister went back to Paris with her girlfriend. This was only after lecture upon lecture about the perils of affairs with married women. She sounded like our Ma. I pretended to listen but having Serena back in my life and back in my bed was the best thing that happened to me in the New Year. The winter was mild and I was able to see Serena more often.

  The Cavaliers were winning. We had the eastern conference on lock. It felt good to be on top. It felt really good when Serena was on top of me. We were able to spend more time together because Deshawn had his hands full with another new conquest. His main flame was some young actress that didn’t know her worth. This one actually resembled a younger, browner version of Serena.

  Since she was an actress she was discreet. It seemed she cared about her public persona and her reputation. Dee met her at a local radio station interview and he worked his charm on her. Like all the rest she knew he was married but he had charisma and money. Her name was Nia Pillar and she had been in a few Hollywood movies. She didn’t really stand a chance. Dee was a master with the ladies.

  Somehow I hoped that he would really fall for this one. I hoped Nia would demand that he leave his wife and be with her. It would help me have what I wanted but Deshawn seemed to only be enthralled with a woman in the initial stages of the courtship. He was Prince Charming for the first few months and then he collected another woman for his harem.

  Dee invited his new starlet to the All-Star game in Vegas. Dee and I made the team. This was my fourth time and Dee was rightly an All-Star his entire professional career. His preoccupation with Nia would work to my benefit. I was able to fly Serena out to Vegas to be with me. She stayed in a secluded private villa outside the strip. I made sure I rented a car and stayed with her when I didn’t have All-Star obligations. She disguised herself with a changed hairstyle and a super dark tan. It was a precaution just in case. We didn’t want her to be recognized. She stayed on the property when I wasn’t around to entertain her or make love to her.

  It was cold back in Chicago but Vegas temps were averaging about eighty degrees. Sure it was warmer than normal but weather all around the country was uncharacteristically high. Any time I had alone with Serena was time I cherished.

  Dee was none the wiser. He didn’t even notice that I hadn’t spent one night in my hotel room. I few pictures leaked of Deshawn with Nia but Serena didn’t mention them. Maybe she hadn’t seen them. There was no way I would bring them to her attention. I wanted Dee to fuck up. I wanted them to divorce. I wanted her to be so fed up she left him. But I never wanted to be the sole catalyst for the disillusion of their marriage. I hoped Dee would realize how much his freedom means. I prayed he would divorce her.


  My performance on the basketball court pretty much guaranteed my contract negotiations would go well and my contract would be extended. Money wasn’t really the issue I had endorsements deals that paid me well. I had a sneaker deal, an energy drink and a few folks thought I could model watches, cologne and Brooks Brother’s suits.

  I hadn’t reached my cap and I was an asset to this team. I helped them win two championships. The only thing that could stop me was Dee. As long as he didn’t know about Serena and me, I was good.

  I was up at the crack of dawn. I had missed a few of my appointments with Lance. We rented out a gun range for a full hour before they officially opened to the public. We paid for the time but the owner was just happy to have us there. We gave him tickets to upcoming games every time we came in. I had canceled too many appointments because of my rendezvous with Serena. This time, I made sure to keep this appointment.

  Lance was a better shot than me. He was from the South and hunting was his thing. I wasn’t trying to kill any animals. I was okay with shooting paper.

  Lance dropped me off at home. He and I went to the gun range together at least once a month. We both had a conceal carry license and we tried to keep our skills sharp. Carrying a gun wasn’t ideal but we had to protect ourselves after a teammate was robbed and held at gunpoint in his home in a gated community. The robbery never made the news. The organization covered it up. The trick was getting to the story before the media could.

  I had been fortunate enough to stay out of trouble. I hoped my luck wouldn’t run out. Drugs, prostitutes, and illegitimate kids didn’t really compare to a world-class sex scandal. I would be in the center of it. That’s if my high profile affair story ever came out.

  Deshawn and I shared the same publicist. I should probably fire him. If it came down to Dee and me. I’m sure he’ll probably pick Dee over me. I hoped I never needed to use my publicist for anything other than good publicity. I did the charities. I made terminally ill kids wishes come true. I was a golden boy off the court.

  I had enough money to last me a lifetime but how the hell would any publicist spin this love triangle we’re in if it were to ever get out? There would not be enough charities and photo ops that could dig me out of that hole.

  I walked into my house and went straight to my bedroom. We didn’t have a game tonight but Serena was going to try to get away and come see me.

  I was shocked when I saw her asleep on my bed. She must have parked in my garage. I walked over to the side of the bed. I knelt to look at her peaceful face.

  She was the most beautiful woman I had ever had the pleasure of having in my bed. She had the prettiest lips. I loved the way they looked around my penis. The visual was enough to make me explode in my pants. I placed my hand on her shirt and tugged it down exposing a treasure. Her top was stretchy enough for me to pull down under her breasts. I watched her soft nipples turn hard as they were exposed to the air.

  I was an ass man but her tits were so soft. I never wanted to stick my dick in between a set of tits before her. I just didn’t even understand the fascination with tit fucking before I caressed Serena’s 36 D’s.


  Serena’s phone vibrated on top of my nightstand. It scared the shit out of me. It was like the stupid phone had caught me red-handed on the verge of molesting her.

  I grabbed the phone to silence it. There was an incoming call from Serena’s daughter. It may be important. I nudged Serena’s shoulder and she reluctantly opened her eyes.

  “Wake up, Tenisha is calling.”

  Serena took the cell phone from my hand and unlocked it.

  “Hey,” She grumbled sleepily into the cell.

  “Mom wake up, I need you to pick me up from the airport.”

  “The airport?”

  “I’m at Midway; Dad said he would come and get me. He never showed up and he’s not answering his phone.”

  “You’re back in Chicago?”


  “What time is it?”

  “Eight something. I didn’t want to wake you up but Dad didn’t show.”

  “Okay I’m coming right now.”

  “Okay. Call me when you’re close.”

  “Okay bye.”

  Serena hopped to her feet. There was no need to explain. I heard the entire brief conversation. Tenisha was back in town. I guess she changed her mind about coming home for spring break.

  Serena realized her boobs were out and she pursed her lips at me. She carefully tucked her mounds back into her bra and pulled up her shirt.

  “You didn’t know she was coming home?” I asked.

  “No, but Deshawn knew. He didn’t bother to tell me. He didn’t bother to come home last night. He left our daughter stranded at the airport.

  Her phone buzzed again but this time she was quick to answer.


  “Mom I got a cab. It’s going to cost a lot but I can make Dad pay for it. I will see you when I get home.”

  “Okay, bye. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I heard the cell disconnect. Serena turned all her attention to me. I loved having all her consideration.

  “How is Lance?” She asked me about Lance and I wondered if I had something to worry about as far as he was concerned.

  “He’s good.”

  “That’s good. As soon as I got here I laid down. I’m so tired. Are you going somewhere later?”

  “I don’t have plans.”

  “Okay I will text you. Tenisha is going to come home drop her bags and go right back out with her friends. I will call and come back later.”


  “I’m sorry I couldn’t stay.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Where the fuck is Dee? I don’t care where he is but if he said he was going to pick Tenisha up and didn’t show, that pisses me off. She doesn’t even live at home anymore.”

  “Do you want me to call him?” I offered.

  “Yes please. That bastard won’t answer for me.” She grabbed her purse out the chair and tossed her cell inside of it.

  “I’ll call him.”

  “Just text me. I promise I’ll come back. I’m still sleepy.”

  “Grab some Hart-Juice out the fridge.”

  “Yeah, I need the energy.” She rushed me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I kissed the top of her head. I cupped her chin and gave her a kiss on the lips. She moaned into my mouth.

  “I’ll be back later.” She proclaimed and I hoped she would. I followed her downstairs and into the kitchen. She took one of my energy drinks from the fridge. The company delivered them regularly to my house so there was no way I would ever run out. One of the perks of paid endorsements.

  I had come from the gun range so I was wired and antsy. I went to my home gym and decided to work out. I hit the treadmill. It would have been nice to work out with Serena but maybe that can come later today. Masturbation wasn’t really my thing now that I could have her on a regular basis. Dee was really out and about now that the weather was getting warm.


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