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A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3)

Page 11

by Honey Phillips

  “My nanites. They’re always trying to heal the joint, and the healing process gives off heat. Ironic, isn’t it? I’m more aware of the effort to heal the wound than the wound itself.”

  “You’ve never mentioned it.”

  He shrugged. “How could I? The Sarge already blames himself enough.”

  Her eyes filled with unexpected tears. She knew how it felt to conceal your suffering from others, to withstand so much in silence.

  “I understand why you do that, but if you ever want to complain about it, you can always come and talk to me.”

  “We’re supposed to be the ones taking care of you,” he protested, but she could tell that he was teasing.

  She nudged his side. “You know it goes both ways.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she asked, “Do you know why your scar is different? I thought most of the integrations were seamless.”

  “I think it’s because of this.” He stood up so that she got a close-up look at his leg for the first time. Earlier she had been too distracted by the attention both men were paying to her. All she had been aware of was the cooler, firmer feel of his cybernetic leg compared to his other leg. Now she could see both legs clearly—the strong muscles of his human leg matched by an equally well-muscled right leg, covered in bronze metallic skin. His long, thick cock hung heavily between them, twitching at her gaze, but she refused to be distracted and examined his right leg more closely. From the thigh down, it looked like a normal leg, although obviously mechanical, but there was an odd rectangular bulge starting high on his hip with a series of long ridges running down the skin covering it.

  “What is that?”

  It was his turn to hesitate, running his hand up and down the area.

  “The first cyborgs simply had any areas that had been fatally injured or destroyed replaced by cybernetic parts. Then they moved on to… enhancements. Cybernetic eyes that could see in a variety of spectrums, things like that. By the time Jonah and I came along, they were getting more ambitious. They wanted more than strength and speed and healing. They wanted weapons.” He looked off into the distance, his fingers still tracing the bulge on his hip. “You’ve seen Jonah’s hands…”

  “You mean the claws?” She shivered at the thought of him having to use those deadly blades as weapons.

  “Exactly. But they are still extensions of him. With me, they tried something different.”

  He pressed against his thigh and suddenly, his leg opened and a frightening-looking weapon appeared in his hand.

  “They put a gun in your body?” she asked, horrified.

  “Yeah. Some scientist—well, more like some general—decided it was a good idea. But it’s not really part of me, and I think that’s why it never completely heals.”

  He looked down at the weapon in his hand, then twirled around his finger and placed it back in his leg. His thigh immediately closed around it. No sign remained except for the rectangular patch and the harsh red line where his leg met the rest of his body.

  “Bill,” she whispered, and she stood up and put her arms around him. For a moment, he held himself rigid.

  “I don’t want your pity.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Keeping her arms around his waist, she leaned back so he could see her face and read the truth in her words. “I wasn’t attracted to you out of pity. I don’t come apart at your hands out of pity. I love you and I think you’re incredibly brave.”

  He sighed and the tension finally disappeared as he gathered her close, clinging to her with almost desperate hands. When they finally parted, he bent down and kissed her softly.

  “This is our little secret, okay? I don’t want the Sarge to know.”

  She nodded slowly. Although she didn’t want any secrets between them, she didn’t want to add to the burden that Jonah was already carrying. But…

  “What if his medical skills could help?”

  “It’s not really his area of expertise, sweetheart.”

  “Does he even know about the gun?”

  “Yes, and he’s seen me practice.” He smiled at her startled look. “I might not like it, but it does have a purpose. It would be irresponsible not to know how to use it.”

  As he stepped back and began pulling his pants on, another thought occurred to her.

  “Wouldn’t the gun make you a good fit for a ranger position?”

  “Yes, it would, and the government tried very hard to convince me to accept one.” He grinned, and she thought he’d probably thoroughly enjoyed turning them down.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  He shrugged. “A couple of reasons. I was tired of being told what to do and even though the Rangers have a lot of autonomy, they still report to the government.”

  “And the other reason?”

  “Jonah was never going to be a ranger. He didn’t want to be in charge of anyone again. I think he might’ve just wandered off into the desert somewhere, especially if he thought that I was okay without him. So I suggested the claim. We’re on our own but were not completely removed from what passes as civilization up here.”

  “I guess that makes sense,” she agreed. As she turned away to get dressed, her eyes fell on the elaborate bed and a spark of jealousy reignited. “And it kept you within reach of the local whorehouse.”

  “Sweetheart.” Bill turned her face back to his. “I never set foot in that place until I bought your bed.”

  “Jonah did.” She knew it was petty, but she hated the idea that he had a woman there, even as a friend.

  “And you should be grateful.”

  She stared at him incredulously. “Grateful?”

  “There were times when the Sarge would go really dark. I couldn’t always reach him. But I think talking to Cherry helped. Maybe it just reminded him that there was more to life than death and pain and guilt.”

  “I know I’m being foolish.” She sighed and tried to let go of her doubts. “Neither of you even knew me.”

  “But we were waiting for you.” He caught her hands, his eyes burning blue. “You’re exactly what we needed.”

  This time she kissed him and a few minutes later, his pants went flying again

  Jonah tried to concentrate on the new tunnel, but his thoughts were still on the habitat and on the pair he had left behind. Contentment filled him, a feeling so unusual that he automatically distrusted it, and yet… Billy was not only safe but happy. Despite his partner’s cheerful nature, Jonah knew he had been lonely and Daisy filled a gap in his life. And for himself? For so long, he had been down in the dark, so deep that he could no longer tell how far he had fallen. But even when he was resisting her, her presence had brought light into that darkness. And in caring for her, he had found that part of himself he lost on the battlefield all those years ago.

  As he loaded the cart with loose stone to begin clearing the tunnel, images of the previous night played through his mind. Daisy’s head on his shoulder, Billy’s hopeful smile when he joined them, the three of them curled together behind the curtains. This was his new reality, and it was a good one. He was actually whistling when Billy finally came to join him.

  “‘Bout time,” he said, but his voice lacked reproach.

  “I was busy,” Billy protested, then winked at him.

  “Hmm. Did you at least feed her?”

  “Yes, Sarge. I took care of all her needs.”

  Billy grinned, but Jonah could see the slight hint of doubt in his eyes. Was he expecting him to object? Did he object? He had deliberately left them alone together. He considered the matter, but while he regretted not being there to witness Daisy’s pleasure, he didn’t mind the thought of her in his partner’s arms. In fact, the images playing through his head made his cock jerk, but he forced his unruly body to behave.

  “Hope you didn’t wear her out,” he said gruffly.

  The doubt disappeared.

  “Don’t worry. I tucked her in and told her to get some sleep. I figured she needed to rest up to handle you.”r />
  He snorted. “Not that bad.”

  “You mean you’re going to stay away from her?”


  “Didn’t say that.”

  “Then I stand by my statement—she needs her rest.” Billy must have seen the shadow cross his face because he elbowed him. “Because she wants you just as much.”

  “Until she gets tired of me,” he muttered, doubt suddenly assailing him. He knew he could be a grumpy, demanding bastard.

  Billy stared at him for a minute, then started to laugh.

  “What’s so fucking funny?”

  “She just had to reassure me that she intended to keep me around.”

  A reluctant smile quirked his lips. “Fuck, we’re needy bastards. Maybe she’ll get tired of both of us.”

  “Never. Even though my brain can hardly believe it, in my heart I know the truth. She loves us—both of us.”

  “Yeah. She does.” The knowledge filled him with a quiet content. Only one worry pricked at his happiness: the upcoming birth. Everything about her pregnancy had been completely normal so far, but… “And she needs us both as well.”

  Billy’s hand clasped his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sarge. We’ll take care of her.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next few weeks flew by in a daze of domestic bliss for Daisy. Things weren’t entirely perfect; Jonah still had a tendency to retreat into stoic silence when he was worried, whereas Bill masked his concerns with a cheerful facade. But the fact that the men had such a long history with each other helped to overcome most problems and they had managed to adjust to the changes involved in forming a triad.

  If only my back would stop aching, she thought ruefully, rubbing it again.

  “Is something wrong?” Bill asked immediately. He had been sitting at the kitchen table, analyzing some rock samples, but he looked up every time she moved.

  “Just my back.” She gave him her best attempt at a sultry smile. “Maybe someone needs to rub it for me.”

  The ready heat flared in his bright blue eyes. “I would love to—but I did promise to take my turn in the mines this afternoon. You’d better ask Sarge. He’ll be with you then.”

  She sighed. “You know I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. You two can work together.”

  “Not going to happen. You’re getting too close. In fact—”

  He stopped abruptly, the color rising to his cheekbones.

  “In fact what?”

  “I think the Sarge should tell you,” he mumbled.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I think you should tell me.”

  The samples suddenly became very fascinating. “It’s nothing.”

  “Bill, what are you trying so hard not to tell me?”

  “We’re going to town,” Jonah’s deep voice rumbled from the doorway.

  “What? No, we can’t!” A sudden, unreasoning panic swept through her. “What if someone sees me? Recognizes me? What if Richard finds out?”

  Jonah picked her up and carried her to the big chair, ignoring her protests. He settled down with her on his lap and Bill kneeling behind her. The feel of their bodies surrounding hers had its usual soothing effect and her fear started to dissipate, although her reluctance did not.

  “I don’t want to go to town,” she whispered.

  “I know, Daisy, but I’ve never delivered a baby before. Even though I’ve read everything I can, it’s not the same as having experienced it.” He hesitated, then said slowly. “While I’m sure that everything will be fine, this will be the first birth on Mars. I would feel better if we were in a proper medical facility.”

  A pang of terror hit her at the same time her back twinged. “You think something is going to go wrong, don’t you?”

  “No, I don’t,” he said firmly. “But best to be prepared.”

  “You know Sarge likes to be prepared,” Bill teased, rubbing her back comfortingly.

  “I guess.” It was the logical option; she just hated to leave their cozy home and face a bunch of strangers she had no reason to trust. “But what about Richard?”

  “He’s millions of miles away,” Bill said soothingly. “And from what you’ve said, he doesn’t sound like the type to be friends with common Martian settlers.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” She managed to smile, trying to relax against Jonah. “When were you thinking of leaving?”

  “Based on your calculations, you’re not due for two more weeks, but babies can come early. I think we should leave in the next few days.”

  “If you insist.” She sighed and put a hand to her back, trying to relieve the pressure. “I can’t say I’m looking forward to the ride.”

  “Does your back hurt?” he asked immediately.

  “Afraid so. It’s been bothering me since last night.”

  Jonah frowned. “Shouldn’t have touched you.”

  “Oh, yes, you should. That’s the one thing that always makes me forget about how big I’m getting.” Despite the awkwardness of her increasing size, her men had proven very creative about making sure it didn’t interfere with her pleasure. Remarkably creative, she thought with a reminiscent smile, as the memory of the previous night caused her nipples to tighten.

  “Do you need some more help forgetting?” Bill asked as his hands came around to cup her breasts. Jonah’s eyes darkened at the sight of his partner’s hands enclosing the swollen mounds.

  “You should rest if you’re not feeling well,” he said, but his eyes were focused on where Bill was rolling her nipples, and she could feel his erection beneath her bottom.

  “I’m sure it would help me sleep,” she gasped as Bill tugged a little harder and she felt the front of her dress dampen. Jonah’s cock jerked.

  “You’ll stay in bed for the rest of the afternoon?” he asked, his voice strained.

  “If you insist.”

  “I do.” He lifted her carefully to her feet, waiting for Bill to brace her before he let go. “Go lie down. I’ll just—”

  She took a step towards the bed and felt a gush of wetness down her leg. It took her confused brain a moment to realize what had happened.

  “Jonah, I think you can forget about town—”

  “We’re going,” he growled.

  “—because my water just broke.” And she burst into tears.

  Bill froze, his arm around Daisy. The baby was coming? Now? He shot a panicked look at the Sarge and saw an answering fear burning in his eyes before the other man’s face settled into a tranquil mask.

  “Looks like you’re going to get your way after all, baby,” Jonah said calmly, his voice deep and soothing.

  Daisy’s tears slowed, and he forced himself to push his own fears aside.

  “You always do get what you want, don’t you?” he teased gently, lifting her into his arms.

  Jonah was already stripping the blankets from the bed and covering the bottom sheet with towels. As soon as the bed was ready, Bill carried her to it, placing her in the center. When he started to pull back, she clung to him.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, despite the terror racing through him. What if something went wrong?

  “Sit behind her,” Jonah ordered. “It will be easier for her if she’s upright. You can hold her.”

  He ignored his apprehension and obeyed. She needed him, so he would be there for her.

  He had never admired his partner more than he did over the next few hours. Jonah never faltered, his face always serene, his voice always reassuring as he talked to Daisy.

  Bill tried to emulate him but his nanites had to fight a constant battle to keep his pulse steady. Every time Daisy cried out, he cringed. How could she stand it? But she was almost as stoic as Jonah, a look of fierce determination on her face as she panted through the contractions. He was with her the entire time, and by the time the baby emerged, he almost felt as if he had been the one to give birth.

  “We did it!”

��s breath caught as he looked down at the tiny figure in his hands. Their son, perfect in every way from his ten little toes to the tuft of red hair crowning his small head.

  “It’s a boy,” he announced, a mysterious lump in his throat.

  “Let me hold him,” Daisy demanded, holding out her arms.

  He very carefully handed her the baby but he couldn’t bring himself to move away, settling down next to her on the bed. On her other side, Billy seemed just as fascinated, cautiously stroking the tiny arm.

  “He’s so small.”

  “He’s perfect,” Daisy said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  The baby’s eyes had been open, seeming to study his surroundings, but all of a sudden, his face scrunched up and he gave a piteous cry.

  “What’s wrong?” Billy asked, his voice panicky.

  “I expect he’s hungry.” Daisy put him to her breast and the baby latched on almost immediately. She winced, then smiled at them. “I can’t believe it’s over. You were wonderful, Jonah.”

  Thank God he had been able to hide his fear. “You did all the work.”

  He leaned over and stroked their son’s cheek. The baby shot him a look and suckled harder. “Don’t worry, little one. I won’t take you away from your meal.”

  “Have you decided on a name?” Billy asked.

  To his surprise, she nodded. They had discussed it, of course, but she had never expressed a firm preference.

  “I want to call him Brian.”

  “Brian?” He didn’t remember that name coming up before. Was it someone in her past? He hoped that the sudden surge of jealousy didn’t show on his face.

  Daisy’s hand came to his cheek and she slid her thumb across each of his scars in turn.



  “Ice Man.”

  She looked back at the baby. “Brian. I thought it would be a nice way to remember them.”

  The lump in his throat was almost too big for him to speak.

  “It’s perfect.”

  He put his arm around her, pulling her close, and clasped Billy’s shoulder. Billy’s hand came up to cover his and together the three of them watched their perfect son.


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