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A Few Cyborgs More (Cyborgs On Mars Book 3)

Page 13

by Honey Phillips

  “Wow. I really like your tub.”

  “Nice, isn’t it? It’s my favorite way to relax. I’m sure Jonah would get you one. He really enjoys it too.”

  Daisy froze, her stomach rolling with nausea at the thought of Jonah sharing the big tub with this beautiful woman. Some friend. He’d lied to her.

  Determined not to let the other woman see her pain, she lifted her chin and reached for Brian.

  “I think this was a mistake. Please give me back my son.”

  “What’s wrong?” The sharp blue eyes flicked from Daisy’s face to the tub and she sighed. “I’m sorry. I should have realized how that sounded. I just meant that when he came to visit, I would let him use it. Alone.”

  Daisy bit her lip, not entirely sure she believed her, and a shadow crossed Cherry’s face as she drew herself up.

  “I may run a brothel, but believe me, sex is the last thing I’m interested in. I ran into Jonah one day and he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. I thought he needed a friend—and maybe I needed one too. But there’s never been anything sexual between us.”

  “Why not?” The question popped out before she could stop it. “You’re beautiful, and he’s so big and handsome. Was it the scars?”

  “Of course not. I’m not that shallow.” Cherry sighed again. “In my experience, sex only complicates matters. But I still enjoy a man’s company from time to time. And I’ll admit, I was curious about the cyborgs. I gave him whiskey and sympathy and the occasional use of my bathtub. But that’s all.”

  She sighed, relief sweeping over her. “I’m sorry. I know this was all before I even met him and I have no reason to be jealous.”

  “I like the fact that you are. He deserves someone who loves him that much.”

  “I do.” She took a deep breath. “Both of them actually.”

  Cherry arched an eyebrow but looked amused rather than shocked. “A little bit of a thing like you? I’m impressed.”

  When Daisy blushed, Cherry laughed and changed the subject.

  “Now let’s get both of you cleaned up.” Still carrying Brian, the other woman disappeared into the closet, emerging with a dark green dress with long sleeves and a low-cut neck. “Here, this should work.”

  She eyed the dress doubtfully.

  “I don’t think we’re exactly the same size.” Even with milk-engorged breasts, she couldn’t match Cherry’s abundant curves.

  “Trust me. It will fit. Would you like to take a shower?” When Daisy hesitated, she smiled. “Sweetie, there’s nothing you have that I haven’t seen hundreds of times before, but I can leave if you prefer. Or I can stay here and give this little one a bath.”

  She gave the enormous tub an alarmed glance. “It’s too big.”

  “That’s why we have sinks.” Cherry draped several towels over one of the large sinks and began removing Brian’s clothes with swift efficiency.

  “How do you know so much about babies?”

  “In my… line of work, babies sometimes happen.” Sadness crossed her face.

  “Even up here?” she asked, half hoping that there would be someone else.

  Cherry shook her head. “Not yet, thank goodness. I insist that anyone who chooses to come here has a one-year birth control shot before they even leave Earth. I would have made it a five-year shot, but the government seemed to think that some of them might want to change their minds.”

  “Did they?”

  “Three of my girls have gotten married since they arrived. I suspect all three of them are thinking of starting a family as soon as they know it’s safe—oh, I’m sorry, Daisy. I know it’s hard being the first, but he’s absolutely perfect.”

  Cherry tested the water and lowered Brian into the sink, carefully supporting him, and Daisy found herself envying the woman’s quiet confidence. She looked to the big shower and then to the woman laughing as Brian splashed her and shrugged. She really did want to wash off the effects of the journey. Knowing her face was bright red, she carefully kept her eyes averted as she stripped off her clothes and stepped under the water. Oh, that felt wonderful. The only thing that would’ve made it better was if her men were here with her. Maybe it was time to think about expanding their small bathroom.

  When she pulled on the new dress, she had to admit that Cherry knew her stuff. The tight bodice supported her breasts and the small buttons would make it easy to open to feed Brian. Beneath the high waistband, the skirt floated down in a loose cloud to just above her knees. She gave a little twirl, letting the skirt spin out, relishing how pretty it made her feel.

  Brian was now clean and dry, gurgling happily at her from his bed in a basket of towels. Cherry had disappeared into the closet a second time and Daisy gaped at her in shock when she returned. The elegant curls were gone, replaced by a single thick braid. Her face was scrubbed free of makeup and the glamorous gown had been replaced by a simple pair of pants and a white shirt. Nothing could disguise her impressive curves, but she looked far less imposing.

  Cherry laughed. “I hope you realize I don’t look like that all the time. It’s just part of the job.”

  “Do you like it?” Daisy blurted out.

  “Being a madam, you mean?” Cherry shrugged. “It has its moments. When I found out that Earth Government was planning on establishing a brothel, I volunteered.”


  “There was nothing for me on Earth anymore. And my… friend used to talk a lot about the possibilities on Mars. I knew that if I was in charge, the girls would be treated well. I also made sure that every one of them volunteered to come.”

  Daisy hesitated, but Cherry didn’t seem to be offended by her questions. “Is this what you did? On Earth?”

  “Not for a long time, but yes.” Her face darkened momentarily. “It wasn’t a path I would have chosen, but you don’t get everything you want in life. I made the best of it.”

  Daisy decided she really liked this woman.

  “I’m glad you were here for Jonah.”

  A faint hint of color touched those high cheekbones. “I hope it helped him. I know he helped me.”

  It was hard to imagine this beautiful, self-possessed woman needing anything, but if anyone could help her, she had no doubt that Jonah was that person.

  “I’m glad,” she said sincerely.

  “Now let’s get back before they come looking for you.” She leaned down and picked up Brian, snuggling him against her shoulder. “He’s an angel. You’re very lucky.”

  “I know,” Daisy whispered as she followed the other woman out of the room.

  Chapter Twenty

  Jonah sprawled out in his usual chair and tried not to worry. He liked Cherry. What’s more, he trusted her, but it still didn’t make it any easier to know that she was back there alone with his woman and his child.

  “I wonder what they’re talking about,” Billy said, smirking at him.

  “Shut up.”

  “I’m sure they’re bonding over how awesome you are.”

  He picked up one of Cherry’s many pillows and threw it, smacking Billy in the ear, but his partner only gave him an unrepentant grin.

  “Now, boys. Making yourselves at home doesn’t extend to pillow fights.”

  Cherry appeared in the doorway, holding Brian in her arms. He briefly noticed that she was wearing her casual clothes, but when Daisy stepped through behind her, the other woman was the furthest thing from his mind. Their wife was wearing a dark green dress that cut low across her breasts and left her curvy legs and dimpled knees bare. All of the blood in his body rushed to his cock as she met his eyes with a shy smile.

  “Cherry loaned me a dress. Do you like it?”

  She twirled and the dress floated up to reveal pale thighs. His fingers gripped the armrests so tightly he could hear the fabric tear.

  “Nice,” he managed, his voice hoarse.

  Her face fell and he could have kicked himself. Fortunately, Billy stepped into the breach.

nbsp; “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Really?” Rose tinted her cheeks and he cursed his inability to come up with the right words.

  “Really,” Billy said firmly. “And Sarge likes it so much he’s about to rip the arms off that chair.”

  Her startled gaze flew to his, then a delighted smile spread across her face. She danced over to him and perched herself on his knee.

  “In case you wanted a closer look,” she purred in his ear.

  He glanced down at the pale swell of her breasts in the low-cut dress, rising gently with her breathing, felt her soft curves nestled against him, and was half a second away from taking her right then.

  “As delighted as I am to see you, Jonah, and to meet Daisy and little Brian here, is there a reason for this visit?” Cherry’s pleasant voice interrupted his wayward thoughts.

  “Doctor,” he grunted, trying to pull his attention away from his desire for the woman in his arms.

  “Jonah,” Daisy sighed.

  “What my inarticulate partner is trying to say is that we think it would be a good idea to have Dr. Kildar check out Daisy and Brian.” Billy’s smile had disappeared and he felt Daisy tense. “Everything seems to be fine, but it is the first Martian birth.”

  “And he’s so small,” Daisy burst out.

  “You’re not very big yourself,” Cherry said calmly, looking down at the baby in her arms. “I told you I’ve been around quite a few babies and he’s well within the normal range.”

  He felt Daisy sag with the relief and threw Cherry a grateful look.

  “But I’m a firm believer in checkups. You should see Dr. Kildar while you’re here. He’s very nice—all my girls like him.” Her eyes twinkled. “But that might be because he’s also quite good-looking.”

  He growled and to his surprise, Billy echoed him. He hadn’t expected his partner to be as jealous. Then again, considering the precious woman he held in his arms, he shouldn’t be surprised.

  “We’re trying to be discreet,” he said. “Figured no one would notice the doctor coming here.”

  Cherry’s eyes sharpened but she didn’t question him. “Probably not. He’s in and out most days. Should I call him?”

  “Yes, please,” Daisy said. “The sooner, the better. Then I can stop worrying.”

  Cherry made the call, then offered them refreshments while they waited. She and Billy were soon bantering back and forth, but he was content to hold Daisy in his arms and listen. She was unusually quiet as well.

  “You all right, baby?” he said softly.

  “Yes. A little nervous, I guess, but Cherry made me feel better.”

  “Has a knack for it,” he agreed. There was a serenity to the other woman—the kind that came from knowing you could make it through hard times—that had helped him during some of his darkest periods.

  She twisted around to look up at him. “I’m glad you’re friends with her, Jonah. I’m sorry I was jealous.”

  “Don’t mind you being jealous. But I’m all yours.”

  “I know.” She kissed him softly just as someone knocked on the door.

  Billy went to answer it, his face grim and his hand hovering over his leg. Did he even realize how often he did that? He knew his partner hated the hidden gun, but he seemed to find comfort in his presence. Because guns are more reliable than people, a faint, bitter voice reminded him, but for once he was able to push it aside.

  When Billy reappeared with the doctor, he heard Daisy catch her breath and he realized that Cherry had understated the matter. Probably in his mid-thirties, only a few years older than Billy, Dr. Kildar looked like a video model. Blond hair curled back from a tanned, handsome face as he flashed white teeth in a charming smile.

  He started to growl, then realized that Daisy was trembling and clutching his wrist.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “He’s very handsome,” she whispered, but she sounded terrified rather than admiring.

  Any jealousy he might have felt evaporated in the face of her fear. He remembered a comment that Billy had made when she first came to them—that she didn’t trust handsome men—and remembered her story about the father of her baby.

  “What matters is that he’s a good doctor. You can trust him.”

  “You won’t leave me, will you?”

  “Course not. Do you want both of us?”


  While he had been reassuring Daisy, Billy had been briefing the doctor.

  “A baby? That’s marvelous,” Dr. Kildar said. “I know many of the settlers are anxious to have children.”

  “This is Brian,” Cherry said, carrying their son over while Billy hovered behind, a bundle of nervous energy.

  “What a fine young man.” The doctor inspected Brian carefully. “He looks very healthy, but I would like to do a full checkup.”

  “That’s why we’re here.” He stood up and put Daisy on her feet, keeping her tucked against his side as they approached the doctor.

  “Good, good. It’s always best to do regular checks. Can we go to my office?”

  “Prefer not to.”

  Dr. Kildar shot him a quick look but nodded. “Fine. I have my bag. Cherry, can we use your room?”

  “Of course. This way.”

  Cherry led the way and they all followed her. The doctor raised an eyebrow. “The usual procedure is for only the mother and father to attend.”

  “We’re both the fathers,” he growled, even as Billy took a step back.

  “I see.” Dr. Kildar’s face settled into a smooth, professional mask as he bent over Brian. He examined his limbs, checked his eyes, and removed his diaper to check his hips and scrotum. The baby bore it all with his usual good nature until the doctor placed the scanner against his chest and then he immediately protested. Loudly.

  “What’s wrong?” Daisy cried.

  “It’s a little cold, I’m afraid.” The doctor flashed his white smile at her, and she stepped back against Jonah. “I’ll warm it up a little and try again.”

  The next time went more smoothly, and the man gave a satisfied nod. “Everything looks fine. He’s well within the standard protocols for a child his age.”

  “Oh, thank God.” Daisy burst into relieved tears as she buried her head against him.

  “However, I do recommend that we give him the normal inoculations. The two of you don’t carry anything, of course,” he nodded at Jonah and Bill, “but I can’t say as much for the rest of the population.”

  The thought of a needle in Brian’s delicate little body made him feel unexpectedly queasy, but he knew the man was correct. In the end, Bill was the one who held the baby while the doctor administered the shot and the rest of them flinched. Brian was shocked into silence, then burst into outraged wails.

  Daisy lifted the baby into her arms and rocked him soothingly.

  “It should help to feed him,” Dr. Kildar said. “I assume you’re breastfeeding?”

  “Yes, of course.” She started to unbutton her dress and he growled. She shook her head at him. “Jonah, it’s a perfectly natural thing to do.”

  Cherry laughed and handed her a scarf. “Here. This will protect Jonah’s delicate sensibilities.”

  Daisy rolled her eyes but draped the scarf over her shoulder as she started feeding Brian.

  “Apparently, you have some hesitation about revealing the baby’s birth?” Dr. Kildar asked. “I will, of course, keep your identities confidential, but I would very much appreciate your permission to report the information. A number of my patients have been considering childbirth and this will be most encouraging.”

  “Daisy?” he asked.

  Her teeth worried her lip for a minute, but then she nodded. “As long as you keep my name out of it, it’s fine.”

  “And now that we know that the baby’s doing well, how are you feeling, my dear?”

  “I’m fine—”

  “I want you to scan her,” he interrupted. “I’ve done a basic check, but I would fee
l better if you took a look as well.”

  “I’d be happy to examine her. But that kind of procedure is definitely not a family occasion,” Dr. Kildar said firmly.

  “Not leaving her,” he growled, and Billy stepped up next to him, frowning just as hard.

  Cherry sighed. “Look, boys. While I can appreciate a little masculine posturing as much as the next woman, I don’t think this is the time. How about if I stay and both of you wait in the other room? Would that be all right with you, Daisy?”

  “You won’t leave me, Cherry?”

  “I’ll be here every minute and if the doctor puts one hand wrong, I’ll have your men back in here quicker than you can say malpractice.”

  “Okay then.” Daisy gently detached a sleepy Brian and handed him to Jonah. “Look after him.”

  “You sure, baby?” he asked softly.

  “I’m fine.” Her pale face contradicted her words, but she didn’t hesitate. “Cherry will be with me.”

  With a warning glare at the doctor, he and Billy returned to the living room. The next fifteen minutes dragged interminably and he walked the floor with Brian long after the baby had fallen asleep, doing his best not to think about another man touching their woman, no matter the reason.

  “Sit down, Sarge.”

  “Rather walk.”

  Billy sighed but Jonah noticed that he kept his head tilted towards the bedroom as well.

  Daisy finally danced back into the room, her face wreathed with smiles. “He says I’m fine. I’m so relieved.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Billy said as he hugged her.

  Jonah closed his eyes as a wave of relief washed over him, setting his last fears at rest. Everything would be all right now.

  Richard Carrington glared at the cool blonde across the desk from him. Serena Gatling, Managing Director of GenCon Martian Operations, was not the type of woman he was used to encountering. She didn’t seem impressed by either his anger or his looks. Not that those looks were quite the same anymore—which was one of the reasons he wanted to give in to his rage.


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