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Dungeon Master 6

Page 16

by Eric Vall

  I glanced at the older man and felt his pain for a moment. Haruhi was his only daughter, and I knew for a fact that she had an older brother in the navy, but the sage was the one who spent most of her time with the aging librarian. Adrian was exceptionally close to his daughter, and in a way, I was taking her away from him. He knew that this day would eventually come but had wished it wouldn’t for as long as he could.

  I was Haruhi’s Master now, and one day, I would be her husband and the father of her children. I would provide for her as I did with all of my other women, but it was still hard on him. I rarely respected humans, there were very few that I held in high esteem, but Adrian was one of them. He was a good man who loved his work and his daughter more than life itself. From his inner thoughts, I knew he trusted me with his child, and that’s all that mattered to me. I wanted nothing more from him than the love and heart of his daughter.

  “Of course, Pappa,” Haruhi smiled sweetly to the older librarian, and he sat back in his chair, relieved. “What would you like me to fix?”

  “No,” Adrian said in a firm voice and shook his head defiantly. “We will go down to one of the restaurants by the water. We will drink wine and eat the finest of seafood until they have to roll us home.”

  “C-can we get dressed up?” Carmedy asked nervously as she grinned, and Rana groaned from beside her.

  “If you try to put me in a dress one more time, pussycat, I’ll skin your fuzzy little butt,” the redhead chuckled as she elbowed the feline.

  “Sure,” Haruhi laughed lightly. “Why not? It’s a special occasion before we set off on an adventure!”

  “Okay! Can we look through your clothes, Haruhi?” Carmedy asked as she launched herself out of her seat, and the sage laughed lightly. “We don’t have a lot of options except for the clothes we have in our packs.”

  “I don’t see why not, I have plenty of clothes,” the sage giggled as she moved to the other side of the room and opened up one of the doors.

  The room beyond was what I assumed was Haruhi’s room, though it looked like most of the apartment. Books and volumes were stacked on shelves and on the floor, the only clue that it was a bedroom was the four-poster bed pressed against the wall in the corner. My women stood from their chairs and hurried towards Haruhi’s room out of curiosity, and to my surprise, Morrigan was the one who headed the group. I leaned back in my chair to see more of the sage’s room, but she gave me a sly look and a smirk as she hastily closed the door behind them.

  Adrian stood and shuffled towards the stove as the tea kettle began to boil. The older male took it off the stove and set it aside as he opened up a small cupboard and took out a box of loose tea. Then the librarian dropped in the leafs and brought the kettle over as my minions voices rang out from the inside of Haruhi’s room. It warmed my heart to know that they all got along so well, especially Morrigan who had a hard time opening up to people.

  Adrian sat down beside me, and we sat in comfortable silence together as the tea brewed. His thoughts were lighthearted and straightforward as I listened to them absentmindedly, mostly about what needed to be done around the library, and once every while, he’d drift back to his daughter. He poured me a cup of the dark tea, and I sipped at the steaming cup as we waited together for my women. I glanced down at my armor, its metal exterior was pristine and shining and would do perfectly for the night Adrian had planned for us. Adrian was a man of few words and seemed contented to sit in silence with me for which I was grateful.

  “I don’t know about this…” Rana’s voice ran out from behind the door, and I sat up a little straighter at the sound of her voice.

  Carmedy was the member of our group who had the best eye for fashion, and anytime the redhead made a comment like that, I was sure that they all looked absolutely stunning. Haruhi’s bedroom door cracked open, and Carmedy peeked her head out as she grinned. The feline’s short black hair was pinned back in waves, and I caught my breath for a second as she stepped out from behind the door. The petite alchemist wore strappy heels that clicked against the wooden floor as she flounced in and did a twirl for us. Carmedy wore a sage green dress that ended about mid-thigh, it was long sleeved, but both the neckline, sleeves, and skirt had a lace overlay on top of the silky material underneath. The lace came up to her neck and was tied there with a sage ribbon, and she spun once more to give us a good look at the front and back. The feline hurried over to us, then turned back towards the door happily.

  “Rana!” the cat-girl called and an annoyed grumble came from the other side of the door as the redhead shuffled out.

  The fox stepped out in something I’d never expected to see her wearing. The dress was loose, almost like a shift dress except the waist was taken in only slightly. It was a light dusted rose color, and she hobbled out in a pair of wedges. The dress was a pretty white and pink floral pattern, and a large bow graced the neckline. She looked petite and charming, unlike the brash and tomboyish Rana I knew. One of my women had applied a light pink lipstick to her plump lips, and I couldn’t tell if they’d brushed her cheeks with blush or if the fox was actually blushing. Her curly hair lay over her shoulders as she looked anywhere but me and I quickly stood and crossed to the redhead. I lifted her chin with my fingertips, and finally, the fox looked me in the face.

  “You look stunning,” I whispered then turned towards Carmedy. “The both of you.”

  “Thank you, Master.” The feline purred as she clasped her paws together shyly.

  “I’m coming out!” Annalise laughed lightly, and we all faced the slightly open door.

  The high queen stepped out in a short, summery blue dress. It came down to her knees in pleats, and every inch of the fabric was embroidered with fine golden thread. The neckline plunged down between her breasts but modestly enough not to give everyone a good look at her cleavage. The high queen’s hair wasn’t in its signature braid but instead was pinned up in an elegant updo of swirling waves. She smiled at me as she held the silky fabric of the dress in both hands and stepped towards me in flat sandals with straps that went all the way up her ankle.

  I had to chuckle softly to myself as I realized that the high queen had chosen a dress that was the house colors of Tamarisch; her heritage ran strong through her blood. I held out a gloved hand to her, and she took it gently as I pulled the swordswoman to my side. I pressed a soft kiss to her pink cheek, and Annalise giggled softly in my ear as I let go of her. The high queen shuffled over and waited in line with her sisters.

  Morrigan didn’t announce herself like the rest of them did but simply walked out silently. My eyes went wide immediately, and I had to clamp my jaw shut to stop it from dropping open. I’d never seen the elf in so much color before, and the rest of my minions watched me excitedly as if they expected this reaction.

  The pale woman wore a floor length dress with sleeves that came to her elbows. The neckline swooped down and exposed her collarbones beautifully. The dress was covered in blues, reds, yellows, and oranges in huge flower blossoms with a black background, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. Her long white hair rested over her shoulder and cascaded down her front like a waterfall. It hurt to look at her almost, she was so breathtaking, and I felt my heart pound in my chest. The elf did a turn with her delicate hands held out beside her, and she came to stand right in front of me.

  “Wow,” I whispered as I reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind one of her pointed ears. “There are no words to describe your beauty, I wish I could put it into words, but I simply cannot.”

  “Your expression is enough to tell me that Carmedy made the right decision,” Morrigan smiled softly as she bowed her head to me. “I wouldn’t have picked this for myself, but Haruhi said it was some sort of ceremonial gown that they wear to summer festivals.”

  “Whatever it is, it compliments you perfectly.” I smiled as I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers.

  Then Morrigan melted against me and wrapped her thin arms around my neck. The elf pre
ssed her body tightly against mine, and I felt her heart race at my touch through my armor. I stroked her hair softly as she pulled away from me and went to her sisters.

  “Haruhi!” the feline clapped giddily. “Come on out!”

  The sage stepped out in a pair of low heels with a strap across the front. They were shiny leather and clicked softly as she came into view. Her dress was plain compared to the others, but her body was what distracted me the most out of anything. The dress was a soft looking material in a deep wine color; it wrapped around her and tied in the front. Her large breasts and hips were perfectly outlined by the material, and I gulped instinctively as the fabric parted and exposed her shapely thighs to me. Her long, almost black hair was loose and curled and framed her stunning face as she smiled coyly at me. I wanted her more than anything in this moment, and Haruhi knew it too. She was unbelievably sexy, and I knew by the end of the night, I would have her. I stepped forward and offered the librarian an arm.

  “Everyone ready to go?” Adrian asked with a wide smile.

  “Yup!” Carmedy giggled, and Morrigan nodded in agreement.

  “Ready, my love?” I questioned down to the sage, and she looked up at me with her glowing hazel eyes that begged for me to touch her.

  “Of course, Master.” Haruhi purred in an alluring voice.

  Haruhi took it and curled her fingers around my forearm possessively as her father stood from the table and crossed towards the apartment’s door. Adrian turned and held open the door for us then gestured for us to follow. The older man locked up the library and then took us along a winding way down the stairs towards the beautiful white sands of the beach. It was warm but not as hot as it was when we arrived, and the breeze brushed back Haruhi’s hair and gave me glimpses of her flawless skin. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch her, but I knew I shouldn’t in front of so many people.

  Nekoka was a beautiful city built into the sloping sides of the island, and most of the people we passed on the stairs up and down the streets were cat-people. There were a few stray humans and other species here and there but not many compared to the sheer amount of cat-people. Carmedy hadn’t told me much about how the cat-people came to Nekoka, but I knew already that it was still when the dragons were alive.

  I wanted to know more about how they came here and their culture, Morrigan said that the dress she wore was a ceremonial dress for summer festivals, and it only made me curious. The sweet smell of decadent salted caramel and chocolate wafted over from one stall that lined the street while another sent over spicy whiffs of roasted peppers and sautéed chicken. My mouth watered as we went in deeper and soon, my stomach protested loudly, but from the front of our group, Adrian showed no signs of stopping. We wound through the food stall district, and it led up to fancier restaurants with large tables seated outside in the warm weather. Cat-people sat together in expensive looking clothes and toasted each other loudly. Carmedy smiled to them warmly, but the sage beside me didn’t do the same, in fact, her face seemed to sour as she stared at the more affluent people.

  “What is it?” I asked in a whisper, and Haruhi barely raised her eyes to me as she moved her vision over the cat-people.

  “It’s nothing.” The librarian smiled as she shook off the strange expression and looked up into my eyes, but I could tell she was lying, and I made a mental note to ask her about it later when we were alone.

  The restaurant that Adrian took us to was all the way at the bottom of the island, but the long walk was gorgeous, and the view of the azure ocean made my minions gasp and chatter happily. We’d spent so much time on the boat, and it surprised me that they could still look out over the massive expanse of water and see something of beauty. Adrian requested a table outside, and the cat-man dressed in a pristine white suit led us out onto a stone slab at the back of the restaurant then out onto the blindingly white sand. Carmedy giggled softly as she slipped out of her shoes and dug her paws into the warm sand. Annalise chuckled in her raspy voice then took off her shoes too. I went ahead without Haruhi then pulled out a chair for her. The sage blushed and bowed her head to me as she slipped gracefully into the chair, and then I pushed it in for her until she was comfortable.

  Adrian ordered us all kinds of things that most of my women had never tried, except for Carmedy and Haruhi, of course, being island natives. The servers brought out massive lobsters that looked to be the size of small dogs, crab legs the same length as Bloodscale and heaping mountains of pasta with other seafood mixed into a creamy sauce.

  The petite alchemist was in heaven as she dove face first into the food, and Adrian laughed good-naturedly as he also piled his plate high with delicious seafood. We drank casks of wine and laughed together as a family. I was grateful for this moment as there weren’t many times that we had been able to just sit, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. We moved from dungeon to dungeon so quickly that time seemed to fly by without any of us noticing it. My minions and I were together constantly, we never left each other’s sides, but we rarely took time just to sit and talk like this, and I relished it.

  The sun slowly sank as we finished off our meal and our last glasses of wine. Then Adrian patted his swollen stomach and licked his lips with a smack. The old librarian leaned back in his chair and yawned loudly at the same time as Carmedy did. I laughed lightly, slightly drunk from all the wine and good company. The servers came and cleared away our dishes as we rose from our seats in the sand. Rana intertwined her arm with Morrigan’s as she stumbled up the beach, and the emotionless pale woman supported her.

  “Elfy-elfy-bo-belfy, banana-fo-fe—oh man, gotta stop for a second.” The redhead groaned as she leaned forward and rested her hands on her knees.

  “If you need me to carry you up the stairs--” Morrigan started in a cold voice, but Rana cut her off with a loud cry.

  “Yes, please!” the fox moaned.

  “Then please ask Annalise, and she may be able to help you,” the elf snickered as she patted the redhead’s back.

  “Hey! That’s not happening!” the swordswoman laughed from farther behind as she held hands with the very intoxicated Carmedy, who sang some Canartian song in her native language.

  I headed for the restaurant when Haruhi tugged on my arm and held me back from the group. I glanced down at her and had to stop and stare at how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. Her almost black hair looked like pooled oil, and her hazel eyes reflected the glowing light of the moon. I could tell what she wanted just from looking in her eyes, and I glanced back up at the rest of our party for a second. None of them had noticed our absence, and I doubted they would until they got back to the library.

  “What is it, my darling?” I asked in a gruff voice, and Haruhi’s skin vibrated with gooseflesh.

  “Would you like to join me on a walk? The beach is lovely and deserted at this time of night,” the sage whispered over to me as she watched the receding backs of our party.

  “Of course, lead the way.” I smiled as I held out a hand, and she intertwined her fingers with mine.

  The waves crashed against the shore in a soothing rhythm, but I was more distracted by the sage’s beautiful face and voluptuous body. Her breasts swayed as she walked, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the way her body would feel pressed against mine, and I felt my member harden in my pants as I imagined sliding into her for only the second time. Haruhi was my newest minion, and I’d only been with her once, but that single time stayed in my memory for a lot longer than I had expected. I’d taken her in the library she loved so much, and as we walked down the beach, I imagined taking her right here on the soft sand.

  As if reading my mind, Haruhi turned to me with a burning desire in her eyes. Her thoughts were innocent as we walked down the beach together, but the farther we got, the more she thought about that time in the library. It seemed as if we both had the same idea, and I couldn’t suppress my desire any longer as I reached out for her. />
  We came together like two crashing waves. Haruhi’s lips found mine hungrily in the dark, and I consumed them as if they were some type of dark, juicy fruit. The sage’s tongue slipped into my mouth and intertwined with mine as her paws worked their way into my luxuriously thick hair.

  My arms wrapped around her shapely body and brought her roughly to my chest. The librarian knew precisely what she was doing as her hand went immediately to the growing length of my penis and stroked it from the outside of my pants. Her paws worked tirelessly to bring my member to life, and it sprung to life under her attentive hand. I groaned into her hair as my hand went into the soft fabric of her dress and found one of her bare, plump breasts. Her nipple hardened against the palm of my hand and my fingers tweaked it playfully, and the sage moaned against me as her hand clamped around my throbbing member. I threw my head back and groaned through gritted teeth as her paws worked at the fastenings of my pants and slipped inside. Haruhi gripped me then ran her paw over my massive member as more guttural noises escaped my throat.

  I knew I was her first, and I would be her only one for the rest of her life, but nonetheless the sage knew what she was doing as she moved her paw faster over me, and her hand became wet with my sticky precum. The cat-girl pulled her paw out of my pants and licked the liquid from her fingertips as she looked me deeply in the eye, and it nearly sent me over the edge. I grabbed her tighter, but the slippery feline jumped out of my grasp as she held onto the tie at her waist.

  Haruhi untied the fabric then let it drop as she opened the wrap dress. The sage was utterly nude underneath and revealed her shapely body to me in the moonlight. Her breasts were huge, larger than any of my other minions and her body was a perfect hourglass. Her hips bloomed out and were soft and smooth looking even in the dim light of the moon. Her pubic mound was completely devoid of hair just like I remembered from before, and she sauntered toward me. Her hips rolled, and I imagined opening them up and sliding into her.


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