Book Read Free

The Bad Boys

Page 74

by Sosie Frost

  “Then why aren’t you taking this seriously?” Dad demanded.

  “Don’t you dare insinuate I’m not going to take care of my woman and baby.”

  “You came to me for advice before Lindsey Prescott’s wedding,” Dad said. “What did I tell you? You had to act like a husband, a father, and a man. Have you done these things?”

  I held my arms out. “She’s living here, isn’t she?”

  Mom sighed. “Does it feel like her home?”

  “Why wouldn’t it?”

  “Does it feel like the baby’s home?”

  “The baby’s home is still in her. And she’s staying there for a long time yet.”

  Mom shook her head. “Nathan, Mandy is scared now.”

  “I know. I keep telling her not to be.”

  Dad frowned. “And you aren’t scared?”



  “Why should I be? I’m excited for the kid. I want the kid. But I’m not going to worry incessantly every minute of the day that I’m not ready for it.”

  “Are you ready for her?”

  I laughed. “Jesus Christ, hell no. I have no idea what I’m doing. If I did, Mandy wouldn’t be out at her Mom’s house instead of here with me.” I shrugged. “But I know I want to experience this with her. I want to raise the baby with the woman I love. Do all the dad things. Feed my daughter, give her baths, cuddle her, watch her grow up.”

  My parents silenced, and I glanced over the apartment. A little mess aggravated me, but it hadn’t changed how I felt.

  “Why would I be afraid of something so…amazing?”

  Mom squeezed Dad’s hand. “You’re going to be an excellent father, Nathan.”

  “I know.”

  Dad nodded. “Then it’s time to show that to Mandy.”

  He tugged Mom’s hand and led her to the door. I snorted. They weren’t off the hook yet.

  “No.” I blocked them before they left. “You don’t get to come here and lord wisdom over me.”

  Dad bristled. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. It isn’t my behavior in question. You didn’t help Mandy move in, you haven’t called or texted or asked about the baby. You wouldn’t even acknowledge that she was pregnant. Answer me this, right fucking now.” I stared at my father. “Are you going to be there for your granddaughter?”

  Dad didn’t hesitate. “Of course.”

  That wasn’t good enough. I wouldn’t have my daughter shamed because my parents didn’t approve of her skin color. “Even if the community realizes—”

  “The community already knows, and those who don’t know will understand the instant they look at the child.” Dad hesitated, blinking away a moment of shame—not for the baby, but for his own behavior. “But she is our grandbaby, and she will be loved…by all of her family. Her mother. Her father. And her grandparents.”

  Mom nodded. “I’ve already started knitting a blanket.”

  My parents quieted. I didn’t know what to say. Since finding out about the baby, I talked to them more in a month than I had in ten years.

  “Thanks for coming over,” I said and meant it.

  “Bring Mandy home for a dinner next week.” Mom kissed my cheek goodbye. “Promise?”

  I nodded, breaking my own personal vow to only visit on holidays. Guess that would have to change with a baby.

  Though somehow, I believed it’d feel more like a home once my daughter was born. They already seemed softer now. I was willing to bet they’d treat her better than they ever treated me.

  Dad shook my hand. It was as awkward as it was unnecessary, but at least it was something besides slammed doors and silence. They left me to the mess, quiet, and emptiness of the apartment.

  Mandy hadn’t lived with me for very long, but I knew exactly what I was missing when she was gone.

  And I knew what to do to keep her with me—forever.



  I didn’t bother knocking on Mom’s door. I had the key and let myself in.

  That was my first mistake, but it wasn’t my worst.

  The worst was leaving Nate, running home, and trying to figure out the right path for me and the baby on my own.

  But coming in a close second was catching Mom naked in the kitchen, gathering ice cubes, whipped cream, and strawberries.

  We both shrieked, but not as loudly as Dad, racing to cover his own berries with whatever kitchen appliance he could unplug from the wall.

  He grabbed a toaster, and something accidentally jammed inside. He grunted in pain.

  “Oh my God!” I spun around too fast, getting myself even more nauseous and awkward and completely overwhelmed. “I am so, so sorry—”

  The words interrupted in a dry heave. I bolted to the sink, pushing Mom out of the way as she desperately attempted to shove one very long and thick ice cube down the garbage disposal.

  Oh God.

  It wasn’t a regular ice cube. Nothing that phallic ever came out of our ice tray.

  Luckily the morning sickness wasn’t nearly as severe as it had been, and the dizziness passed. I backed away from the sink, covering my eyes as my parents struggled to conceal themselves with robes and dish cloths.

  “I’m sorry.” I repeated, blinded and panicking. “I had no idea. I didn’t see your car. I wanted to crash on the couch. I didn’t mean to ruin your…”

  Ice dildo.

  The nausea was back. Mom put her hands on her lips.

  “Honest to goodness, Mandy. You’re four months pregnant, and you can’t even look your mother in the eye and talk about sex. No wonder you got knocked up.” She pulled me into a hug. I tried not to wonder why she smelled so strongly of strawberry lotion—unless it wasn’t lotion. “But I do love that little bastard child!”

  “It’s a girl.” I murmured.

  Dad hooted, congratulating me with an awkward shrug since he couldn’t wave his hands without revealing a little too much of the family tree. He darted upstairs to find pants.

  Mom squeezed me harder. “Well, this sort of news is welcomed anytime, baby…even if you should have called first.”

  I cleared my throat. “So…you and Dad?”

  Mom took pride in herself, always. “It just sort of happened.”

  “With…” I glanced to the table. “Champagne, whipped cream, and strawberries?”

  Mom gave a wink. “Always be prepared. Prescott woman motto. Might have helped you a few months ago, but I’m glad it all worked out for the best.” She giggled and lowered her voice, and I knew what came next wouldn’t be good. “And the ice toy wasn’t for me.”

  I was right. Every encounter with my mother was emotionally scarring anymore, building up some ridiculous mental callouses I’d have to overcome.

  Still, she set me on the couch and promised to make me some hot chocolate.

  Dad emerged from the hall, looking rightfully sheepish for a man who was sleeping with his soon-to-be ex-wife. I wasn’t deluding myself into hoping they’d completely reconcile, but this was an interesting way to settle assets.

  I gave a smile. “I’m really sorry I interrupted.”

  Mom hushed me. “Obviously it’s important enough to stop by unannounced.”

  “I needed to talk.”

  Dad settled on the couch, recrossing his legs a couple times. “What’s up, Mandy-Pandy?”

  I shrugged. “General pregnancy freak out?”

  “Well, it’s about time for one of those…” Mom sighed. “Unless we weren’t privy to the ones before?”

  I had a feeling my family wouldn’t completely forgive me for keeping the baby a secret, but maybe once she arrived everyone would settle down.

  Except me.

  “How did you guys know you were ready for a baby?” I asked.

  Mom took my hand. “Oh, honey. The instant I looked into Lindsey’s eyes? That first little shrill cry she gave me…I knew then I’d be the best mother.”

  O-kay. I shrugged. “And what about w
hen I was born?”

  “Oh, nothing prepared me for you, you midnight crier. If only you had been more like Lindsey. But you’re still a baby to me…especially those pudgy cheeks.”

  I didn’t bother to answer. I looked at Dad.

  He was better at this. “No one’s ever ready, Mandy. Least of all someone who wasn’t in a committed relationship to start. That’s a struggle, and it’s hard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. You and Nate have something special.”

  I twisted my fingers in my lap. “I had to babysit for Tanisha and Belle tonight, and now…I don’t think I can handle a kid.”

  Dad laughed. “Those hellraisers? The devil himself couldn’t control those brats.”

  Mom stiffened. “You best not be talking about my family that way.”

  Dad ignored her. “Mandy, know how you always hear how it’s different when it’s your child?”


  “Well, it will be, because your baby won’t be little demon spawn like theirs.”

  Mom bristled. “Conrad Prescott, you had better call my sister and apologize for the way you are speaking about her children, so help me God—”

  I covered my face. “So how will I know I’ll have a good baby? How do I know I won’t mess them up or have permanent grape jelly stains on the walls? What if I can’t figure this out?”

  “What’s Nate say?” Dad asked.

  I looked down. “He’s not taking anything seriously.”

  “Isn’t he?”

  “He thinks it’ll be no big deal, and that we’ll learn on the fly. Nate’s always been so confident and casual about everything. He’s not even listening when I say how…how…”

  “How?” Dad prompted.

  “Overwhelming it all is.”

  Mom shushed me, slamming my head on her chest. “There, there. You go pack up your stuff and move right back home here.”

  “What?” I squirmed free. “Mom, I want to live with Nate. I want to raise the baby with him.”

  “Then…” Dad sighed. “Why are you here?”

  Good freaking question.

  “I messed things up once before,” I said. “Now I have two lives to think of—Nate’s and the baby’s. And I have a vision in my head of a perfect life with us all happy and healthy and…not sticky.”

  “What did I tell you about relationships?” Dad said. “They aren’t perfect. Neither are children. You can plan for every contingency, set aside money for college and vacation and illnesses and Christmases, and you can give them the best clothes and food and schools and everything, but that’s not what children want.”

  “What do they want?”

  Mom gathered me close. “A loving mother.”

  Dad cleared his throat as I declined to speak. “A loving home. And Mandy-Pandy, I don’t know anyone who loves harder or fiercer or more genuinely than you.”

  I’d have hugged Dad, but I’m pretty sure he had to pop a pill for the things he and Mom planned, and I wasn’t getting that close to the danger zone.

  “Thank you, guys.”

  “Now…” Mom stood with a grin. “I turned your bedroom into a sewing nook, but Lindsey’s is just how she left it. You can sleep there for the night.”

  I cleared my throat. “If you’d rather…be alone…”

  “Nonsense.” Mom hauled me up before Dad could answer. She dragged me to the room and pushed me inside. “Holler if you need anything.”

  “No. I think I’m good now,” I said. “I just needed…a new perspective.”

  My parents left me to sleep, and I grabbed my cell, texting Nate as I tried to ignore the rhythmic squeaking from upstairs.

  Sorry I ran. Will you be home for dinner tomorrow?

  Nate responded immediately. Wouldn’t miss it.

  You know I love you?

  He didn’t hesitate. I love you too. I’ll be waiting.



  Dinner waited for me the instant I returned from work.

  And, after an exceptionally awkward lunch with Dad, I was so glad to see the Nate preparing my current pregnancy favorite.

  Chicken noodle soup without the noodles. Sliced apples. A cinnamon roll wiped clean of most of the cinnamon.

  Nate had cleaned the apartment, scrubbed the mayo from the walls, replaced the curtains, and unclogged the shampoo, conditioner, and newspaper from the toilet. I dropped my purse on the vacuumed carpet and smiled.

  He waited, the dining room table draped with white linen and lit by candles.

  But that wasn’t the sweetest thing.

  A highchair sat at the table, brand new and assembled and waiting for someone to claim it.

  “Hey,” I said.

  Nate curled his finger for me to approach, taking me in his arms once I got close. He kissed me, and I fluttered and warmed, relieved to be back home, where I belonged.

  “Nate, I—”

  He stopped me. “Your dinner’s getting cold. Come on. I have a surprise for you.”

  I never took Nate for a gourmet chef, but that was before I realized how talented he was at things beyond the brewery, the bar, or what we did at night in bed. The soup was made from a homemade stock, and the cinnamon rolls were freshly baked. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he had planted and harvested the apples too.

  A series of notecards waited at the side of my plate. Nate gave me a sheepish grin.

  “These aren’t official. But I thought we should start working on it.” Those green eyes were so beautiful and confident. “I think you’ll like what I picked.”

  His handwriting was horrible, but I could read every letter perfectly.

  Each note card had a girl’s name on it.

  Sophia. Abigail. Caitlin. Nikki. Darcy.

  “This is so sweet.” I paused over the card that read Lily and showed it to him. “Lily Kensington.”

  He pointed to the star he doodled in the corner. “I liked that one too.”

  My heart beat a little faster. I gave a giggle. “Did we…name our baby?”

  “If you like it, I like it.”

  “I think I do.” I stared at the notecard. Lily. A perfect name. Sweet and gentle and absolutely lovely. “Thank you, Nate. I needed this.”

  Nate scooted his chair closer to me. He took my hand, and the instant he spoke, I knew everything would be okay.

  “We’ve been doing this wrong. You think I’m not taking it seriously, and I think you’re worrying too much.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  He rested his forehead against mine. “It’s time for a philosophy change. Yes, we have to be prepared, and, yes, I really should pick up a book once in a while…but this is about more than organizing our lives for our baby.”

  I swallowed. “What is it?”

  “It’s about celebrating the beginning of our family.”

  Now my heart pounded hard, frantically, just as excited as when Nate used to look at me, touch me, want me in secret.

  He shrugged. “We can make as many plans as we want, and we can read books and go on forums and research, but really? As long as I have you and the baby? I’ll take on any challenge.”

  “You’re right,” I said.

  “We shouldn’t be afraid of this change. This is exciting and scary, but in five months we’re going to have a child together. Here. Living with us, completing us.” He pointed to the high chair and squeezed my hand. “Sitting there. And that’s what we should prepare for. That’s what we should look forward to.”

  He was absolutely right. Ever since I found out about the pregnancy, I’d been preoccupied with everything scary, a constant insecurity. It was a mistake to keep the baby a secret, but it was just as bad to cram for her arrival. Now was the time to be thankful for the gift we had been given.

  “I love you,” I said. “You’re going to make an amazing father.”

  “And you will be a perfect mom,” Nate kissed me. “We’re going to do it together. It won’t always be easy, but I know I’ll do the right thing be
cause I can’t lose either of you. Not now. I ran from family for so long, until you showed me how great it could be. Now I want it. I want us.”

  So did I. More than anything.

  I didn’t know how to say it. Fortunately, I could prove it.

  I took Nate’s hand and led him from the table with a sultry smile and teasing glance. That was all he needed. We abandoned the food to fall on his bed—our bed—and immediately tangle within each other.

  I didn’t think I’d ever get used to kissing Nate, touching him, welcoming him over me. Not after so many months of sneaking around and trying not to get caught. For too long, I hadn’t let him see how much he meant to me or how much I needed him, especially after learning about the pregnancy.

  Now I couldn’t imagine a life without him. Every touch was a gift, and every little delight a pleasure and absolute joy of discovery. No guilt prevented me from enjoying him. No insecurity dared to draw us apart.

  I loved him, and he loved me, and the moments I spent in his arms reaffirmed everything I felt that I hadn’t understood it first.

  This was family. This was home. This was the man I loved, and we lost ourselves within the other because we could. Because we were supposed to. Because we confessed the feelings that we hid in the past and could now enjoy in the light.

  Nate unbuttoned my blouse. My hands trailed his as I attempted to remove his clothes as well. I groaned, desperate to feel his body against mine. I got my wish.

  Our shirts tossed to the ground, and Nate crashed over me. I welcomed him between my legs and wiggled from my skirt. He settled over me, so strong and fierce and absolutely beautiful, even with the severe ink tattooing his flesh.

  He was mine. This amazing, sexy, unbelievably compassionate man was mine.

  And I was his.

  My panties kicked away. Nate grinned as my legs spread, revealing everything to him. No matter how many times I offered myself to him, he hadn’t yet taken his fill. I trembled as he teased a finger over my slit to watch me wiggle.

  “You’ve never looked so beautiful.” His words caught between growled awe and rasped desire. “I don’t think I’ll ever tire of looking at you.”


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