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Tangled with a Shifter

Page 13

by Moira Byrne

  Relief flowed through me when I saw the truck up ahead, despite the pain in my chest and the hoarse breaths in my throat. We were all alive. We were going to make it.

  But that was when I heard it. Suddenly, the enraged snarls behind us quieted. Sharp snaps and cracks split the air.

  I knew they were breaking through my roots. Sophie ran up alongside me, her blue eyes finding mine and telling me, in the best way a cat can, that I needed to hurry.

  I forced myself to run as quickly as my hurting body would allow. My fingers had only just touched the door handle when I heard a series of triumphant calls echo through the forest behind us. Fear tore through me. The cougars were free.



  I reached the truck and shifted between one step and the next. I quickly yanked open the truck's backseat door and winced as my injured arm protested. The wound had slowed me down during the fight, and now I worried I might have torn my stitches. I cursed Edward under my breath, but I had other things to worry about now.

  "Get in!" I shouted.

  I watched as Aly helped her friend into the truck, then leapt into the back seat. I slammed the door and pulled the front one open, then jumped into my seat. I swiftly jerked my door shut. The engine roared to life as Alex thrust it into gear and hit the gas.

  I glanced at my throbbing arm as Alex tore down the dirt road. I was amazed that the bandage had remained in place during my shifting, so I couldn't see how bad it was.

  "Here," Aly's friend said as she thrust a pile of fabric at me from the back of the truck. I took them, and my eyes widened in surprise when I realized she had collected my clothes. I glanced down and did a quick inventory of my injuries. The multiple scratches on my skin were dark in the moonlight, but I knew they were shallow.

  Ignoring the pain, I threw on my shirt and pants. I was grateful Aly's friend had grabbed them for me. I could hear Aly getting dressed in the back seat. In a fast glance back at them, I saw the utter terror in their eyes and the determined set of Aly's jaw.

  The roar of the truck's engine was soon accompanied by a low, menacing growl from somewhere deep in my throat. I knew the danger wasn't over. I twisted up on my knees to look out the back window, my heart racing in my chest.

  "Do you see them?" Alex asked, his voice full of tension.

  "Soph, to your left," Aly's frantic voice called out.

  I snapped my head to look and saw several cougars running through the night.

  "Yeah," I answered, my focus on the threat, carefully judging the distance.

  "How close are they? Can they catch up to us?" Alex's voice vibrated with tension.

  "Closer than I'd like. How fast are you going?"

  "About thirty. I don't know if I can go faster."

  I understood what he meant. The truck already bounced and jerked as it fought with the road.

  "Don't slow down," I ordered as I watched three cougars pound through the scrub and trees. They must have known a shortcut to the road. My frantically beating heart started to calm when I saw they weren't gaining on us.

  The only way they could catch us now was to sprint and there was no way they had the energy to do so after that fight. Movement behind us caught my attention and I saw another cougar suddenly appear on the road. Luckily, he was in the same shape as the others and was rapidly losing ground.

  Even if they couldn't catch us, I knew Edward was still out there. Bile crawled up my throat as I thought of him. Even with our dubious victory tonight, I felt no sense of success.

  I had to find a way to take him out of the equation. And soon. Aly wouldn't be safe until he was dealt with—I wouldn't be safe, either.

  The thought of killing him made my blood run cold. I didn't want to be like him, a ruthless killer, but I didn't know what else I could do. He knew how to play people, and it would be pointless to try to get him arrested.

  "Are they getting closer?" Alex asked sharply.

  "No," I answered. "They can't catch up."

  We rode in tense silence. Even though I knew there was little chance of them catching up to us, I stayed kneeling on my seat, continuously scanning from window to window.

  Side, back, side, with rapid, methodical succession. Just because they followed us in cat form didn't mean someone hadn't doubled back for a vehicle.

  Suddenly I felt the truck start to slow down.

  "Alex, what the hell?" I snapped.

  "I have to slow down to turn onto the highway, Sophie," he snarled back.

  I swallowed down my anger. He'd been in the fight, too. He was driving, I wasn't. I took a deep breath as I turned to sit properly in my seat. I crinkled my nose as the foul odor wafting off Alex mixed with the metallic scent of blood.

  I frowned at my shoulder and glanced down at my body. I must have torn the stitches. I knew Aly had some nasty scrapes too. We'd need to stop and bandage up soon.

  My eyes flicked to Alex, then the two in the back. Aly drew my attention as she let out a small, stifled laugh that slowly grew and seemed to echo around the cab of the truck.

  "I can't believe you got me out of there," she said when her laughter finally subsided. "I thought I was trapped forever."

  "I told you I'd come get you if you ever wanted to leave," I said, relief making me feel light-headed as I eased back a little more into my seat.

  "That you did. Hey, so, who's this guy with the, y'know," Aly waggled her fingers in the air between our seats, "the plant stuff? I gotta say, that was pretty handy."

  I shook my head. It was just like Aly to put the fear and pain behind her like this. Especially when there was someone new for her to be nosey about. Now that the danger had passed, I realized how close of a call it really was.

  Aly and I were fighting for our lives with tooth and claw. Alex had nearly been attacked twice and I hadn't been able to get to him in time. What if Aly hadn't saved him? A vision of him lying dead on the ground, face pale as his blood pooled around him flashed through my mind and terror gripped me before it was joined by guilt.

  I looked over at Alex and saw a smile start to form on his face. He glanced over at me, and something in my expression made him pause. I ripped my gaze away and focused back on my sister.

  "This is Alexander, he's—" I paused abruptly, my heart clenching. "He's just a friend of mine. And Alex, you've probably guessed that this is my sister, Alysse."

  I couldn't stop myself from looking at him as I said that and caught the look of hurt that crossed his face, and I felt like I'd just slapped him. But he wasn't safe with me. He could have gotten hurt tonight, or even killed.

  My world wasn't a safe place. And yet, when I reduced our relationship to such a plain description, it felt like a puncture wound straight to the heart.

  The smile that appeared on his face a moment later hurt even worse. I'd seen his true smile and that wasn't it. It was the mask he showed the world—a mask that was so convincing, I'd still believe it if I hadn't seen the real thing.

  He glanced in the mirror at Aly. "You can call me Alex."

  Something in his voice didn't ring right, either. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him and tried to put my finger on it. He was reminding me more and more of the Alex I had met months ago.

  "Nice to meet you, Alex," my sister said cheerfully. Far too cheerful for someone who was injured, but that was my sister—cheerful with a hefty side of sarcasm.

  I looked back at her and my attention landed on her friend. I hadn't shifted my eyes back and her bruises stood out clearly.

  "I think you need to make an introduction, too," I said softly as I looked back at Aly.

  "This is Isabelle. And, look, before you say anything else, I know it was kind of a rude surprise, but I couldn't leave her there." She jutted her chin out and met my eyes in challenge.

  "I understand, Aly. I'm not mad," I replied.

  I turned my attention to Isabelle. She hadn't said a word throughout our exchange, even though it concerned her. Her frail body was curled up again
st the door, eyes tightly closed.

  I wondered if she was really asleep. I had so many questions. The biggest one was about her bruises. Where had they come from?

  A current of shock ran through me as I added up the pieces. I looked back at Aly and she nodded grimly. This was the friend the pack had abused. The one who managed to warn Aly she might be next, despite what she had been through.

  Aly glanced over at Isabelle, then me, and shook her head. Not right now. I clearly understood her message. She turned her attention to Alex with an easy smile on her face. "Alright, Alex. So, like, what's with the plant juju?"

  I sighed. "Calling it 'juju' is just plain rude, Aly."

  She stuck her tongue out at me. "You're such a mother sometimes. Why couldn't I have one of those cool older sisters who bought me beer and stuff?"

  "Because you got a sister who worked her ass off to give you a good life instead?"

  Aly gave me a flat look. "You've totally ruined that joke."

  Alex laughed quietly. "Destroyed it, really."

  "Well, it's true," I said defensively.

  I heard movement behind me, then Aly leaned between our seats, an arm resting on Alex's shoulder. When he glanced at her, she gave him a cheeky grin. I knew that look. What was my sister up to?

  "So, what are you? You smell amazing beneath that awful funk, and that voice. My God. You must be a real panty-dropper."

  "Oh, all kinds, you name it. Bikini cut, thong," he glanced over at me, "even boyshorts."

  I fought the blush that crept into my cheeks and pushed on my sister's shoulder. "Put your seatbelt back on."

  It was then that I caught another whiff of rich iron. Someone in this truck was bleeding profusely. Aly plopped back in her seat with a sigh and put her seatbelt back on.

  It didn't seem like Isabelle had any fresh wounds. I looked over at Alex, trying to figure out if he was hurt. I didn't think any of those cougars had gotten to him, but maybe . . . ?

  "C'mon, spill," Aly insisted. "I'm dying to know. You're definitely some sort of magic thing. What is it?"

  Alex chuckled but it sounded strained. It must be him. As I looked at him, I cursed myself for not putting his grandmother's balm in my bag.

  "I'm fae. Well, halfsies, that is," Alex breezily replied to Aly, making me doubt he was hurt. "The other part of me is as human as they come."

  "That's so cool," Aly said with a delighted laugh. "I've only heard about the fae a little, but that explains how damn charming you are. It also explains why ol' Sophie couldn't resist you."

  "Alysse," I blurted out.

  "Oh, c'mon, I can smell you all over each other."

  Alex's brows rose into his hairline. He looked like he wanted to laugh but his smile was tight. There was no denying it now—he was hurt. Why hadn't he told me?

  "Alex," I gritted out. "Are you hurt?"

  "It's not a huge deal. A cougar just swiped me."

  "Yes. A cougar. With claws that rend flesh."

  Alex chuckled, then winced. "Yeah, alright, it might be a little worse than that."

  "Pull over at the next rest stop," I ordered.

  "We can't, because—"

  "Yes, we can," I cut him off sharply.

  He gave me a strange look like he didn't quite understand me.

  "Fine. I'll stop."

  There was uncharacteristic tension in his voice that was making me furious. Silence filled the cab for a moment until Aly let out a low whistle.

  "Awkward," she sang out with a laugh. "Trouble in paradise already?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Still feigning ignorance? Bold move, big sis. I know all about sex. How else do you think I got pregnant? Immaculate conception?"

  "We still need to talk about that, Alysse Addison," I said with anger threading through my voice. "When were you planning on telling me? When the baby was popping out?"

  Aly gave a huff. "Don't 'Alysse Addison' me. I planned on telling you just now, obviously. There we go. Nice and tidy. So, anyway, you don't have to pretend sex doesn't happen. In a few months, I'll have living proof I had sex."

  "That's not the point," I said through clenched teeth.

  "Well, it kind of is, you know. That's how babies are made. Back to you and plant guy—"

  "Aly," I said with clear warning in my tone.

  The exit for the rest stop appeared, saving me from further conversation about sex with my little sister. Alex pulled off and as he drove into the parking lot, I noticed there were several semis parked in a cluster, clearly visible under the giant lights. There were no other cars and I wasn't really surprised. Most travelers were probably asleep in hotels right now.

  Alex parked the truck, took the keys from the ignition, then raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. "What now?"

  "I don't have your grandmother's balm, but I can at least stitch you up. Come on, let's get you to the bathroom." I opened my door and heard him open his. I snapped my head around. "Don't you dare get out on your own."

  "I didn't realize you cared," I heard him say quietly as I hopped from the truck. My jaw tensed, but I chose to ignore it as I hurried around to his side of the truck.

  I helped him get out, then put his right arm over my shoulders. He tensed up for a moment, and that told me more than anything that he was hurt even worse than I thought.

  "Look in the center console," he wheezed out.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Granny's balm. I always keep a jar in the truck. In the center console."

  I nodded, then climbed back into the truck to get the salve. I was thankful for his foresight because I wasn't sure stitches were going to be enough. When I came back down with the balm in my hand, I reached for his arm but he jerked it away. A grimace crossed his features, but he held strong.

  "I can walk just fine on my own," he bit out.

  "Really? Are you going to stitch yourself up, too? Oh, wait, no. You were going to let yourself bleed to death."

  "I wasn't—"

  "Going to say anything, yeah, I got that."

  "No. I meant to say—"

  "That you'd be reasonable and let me treat your injury. Glad to hear it."

  "Sophie, let me get in a word, would you?" he said with exasperation.

  I picked up his arm, placed it around my shoulder, then held his hand so he couldn't jerk it away. I started moving us toward the rest stop's bathroom.

  "Sure, if you plan to say you'll cooperate. Otherwise, you can keep your comments to yourself."

  "You're being unreasonable," he said through gritted teeth.

  "No, you are," I said as I pushed open the bathroom door and helped him inside.

  "It's not that big of a deal. I can take care of myself."

  "Fascinating. Strip," I commanded.

  The look of astonishment he gave me was priceless. If I hadn't been so mad at him, I would have laughed.

  "I've been taking care of myself for years. I think I've got this."

  "Why are you being so stubborn?" I snarled.

  "I'm not being stubborn, you are," he growled.

  "Children," Aly said with a clap of her hands as she barged into the bathroom.

  I turned my glare to her and she held up her hands in the universal 'I'm unarmed' pose. "Whoa there. No need to attack me."

  "I'm over this," I growled.

  Without warning, I stepped up to Alex and grabbed the hem of his shirt. He froze as I carefully pulled it away from his wound. I had it off his torso and over his head seconds later. Alex took in a deep breath, and I wasn't sure if it was from surprise or pain until I looked at his injury.

  I couldn't believe my eyes. He had deep claw marks that oozed blood from the center of his chest to his side, traveling along his ribs. Someone had gotten him, and good.

  A little deeper and closer to the center of his body and they could have disemboweled him. He could have died. I stared at the wound in horror. This happened to him because of me.

  "Oh, Alex," I whispere

  He said nothing, just looked off to the side with a hard set to his jaw.

  My training kicked in and I barked out orders to Aly. I had sterile bandages, disinfectant, and topical analgesic in my bag, along with everything I needed to stitch up his wound. I applied the numbing cream to his skin before I started my stitches.

  Alex was silent, except for a few hisses of breath, while I worked on him. I winced each time he made that tiny sound. I knew I was hurting him, but it couldn't be helped.

  Thankfully, it was over before long and the smell of cinnamon and rosemary wafted out as I opened the jar. I put on a fresh glove, then carefully applied the balm and bandaged the injury. When I finished, I let out a harsh sigh.

  "Okay, get the rest of your clothes off," I said to Alex.

  "What? Why?"

  "I need to see if you have any other injuries."

  "I don't."

  I raised my eyebrow skeptically. "Right. Like you weren't injured before."

  "I still maintain it wasn't a big deal."

  Aly snorted. "Yeah, it only took about fifty stitches. No big deal."

  "Alex, are you certain you don't have any other cuts or scratches or scrapes?"

  "None at all."

  "We need to find out if Isabelle was injured," I said with a glance at Aly.

  "She wasn't," Alex said with certainty in his tone.

  "How do you know?" I asked with a frown.

  "I kept her safe. Believe me, she wasn't hurt in the fight." His eyes ran over me and I saw hesitant concern in them. "What about you?"

  I wanted to accept the care he was offering, but he almost got killed tonight. It was all my fault. I couldn't let my crazy life hurt him again. With a force of will, I put on my professional face.

  "Thank you for your concern," I said in a gentle voice, as if I was talking to a difficult patient, "but I'm just fine."

  "Sophie, are you sure you're okay?" His voice echoed the worry in his gaze and my gut twisted.

  "It was a fight. I have some scratches, but cougars have thick fur. A little cleaning, some antiseptic, and I'll be good. It won't take me long and then we can get back on the road. The sooner, the better."


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