Page 68
of Oracle’s marketing and sales, 170–72, 174, 176–77
and Oracle’s transformation to e-business, 174, 212, 223–25
of SAP, 114–15
Glueck, Ken, 433–34, 439, 441–42
Goldberg, Evan, 241–42
Golden Gate Yacht Club, 471
Goldman Sachs, 282
Goode, Barry, 441
Gore, Al, 394–95
Graham, Robin Lee, 310
Grand Mets, 38
Grant, Jeff, 185–86
Grant, Michael, 356n
Great Plains, 242
Grove, Andy, 271, 275–77
Groves, Lowri, 29–30, 247–48
Hale, Nathan, 333
Hall, John, 150
Hamm, Steve, 184
Hannibal, 300
Harvard Business School, 178, 351
Harvard University, 53, 388, 403n
Hashemi, Noosheen, 78–80, 93–94
Hawn, Carleen, 207
Hayden, Michael, 410
Health and Human Services (HHS) Department, U.S., 408–10
health care, health care industry, 25–28, 395–96, 406–10
applications and, 26–28, 32, 301, 406–7, 419, 432, 484
databases in, 26, 28, 238, 408–9
Ellison’s philanthropy and, 8, 382, 384–89, 398
Internet and, 25–26
Healthscape, 138
HealthSouth, 18, 25–30, 247, 406–7, 409
Hearns, Tommy “The Hitman,” 356
Hearst, William Randolph, 370
Heidrick & Struggles, 95
Heller, Joseph, 272n
Henley, Jeffrey O., 178–79, 204, 221, 288, 450, 472
changes introduced by, 93–94
databases and, 100, 431, 480
Ellison’s management style and, 132–33, 182, 286, 476
on Ellison’s relationship with
Lane, 135, 159–60
finances of, 97, 141
management style of, 92–94, 103, 106, 295, 332, 482–83
Max Account and, 129
Oracle’s applications business and, 115–16, 122, 128, 134–35
perfect storm and, 442–46
Herman, Ron, 372
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 23, 41n, 86, 138–39, 187, 237, 253, 277, 478
Higashi, Joyce, 287
higher education:
applications for, 31–33, 484
databases in, 32, 238
Ellison’s philanthropy and, 388–89
High Fidelity (Hornby), 367
Hitler, Adolf, 393
Hoffman, Robert, 441
Holmberg, Peter, 303, 304n, 458–60, 462–65, 467
Home Depot, 229
home shopping, 106, 109
Hong Kong Hospital Authority, 17
Hornby, Nick, 367
Howard, Mike, 307
Howle, Elaine, 437–39, 446–48
HTML, 248–49
Hu, Andrew, 21
Human Genome Project, 380n
Humphrey, Hubert, 408
Hurricane Helen, 319–21
IBM, 5–6, 46–47, 53, 55–57, 86, 103, 114, 214–16, 262–63, 275, 280–85, 371, 453, 478–82
app server of, 24, 250, 282
and best-of-breed systems, 6, 46, 127, 212, 214, 240, 281–82, 284, 416
consulting business of, 200
databases and, 46, 59–62, 67, 72, 172, 208, 219n, 235–37, 240, 249–50, 253–57, 259–60, 265–66, 280–82, 283n, 284, 296, 300, 438, 448–49, 478–79
Ellison’s employment with, 57, 348
finances of, 184, 239, 266, 449, 472, 480
Global Services division of, 240
innovations of, 265, 266n, 284
marketing and sales of, 95, 256–57, 259–60, 281–83, 481
mergers and acquisitions of, 240n, 280
monopoly power of, 275–76
and Oracle’s bid for PeopleSoft, 489
Oracle’s competition with, 3, 6, 20, 25, 46, 55, 167, 212, 214, 223, 240, 263, 265–66, 268, 280–84, 300, 416, 438, 448–49, 481–82
Oracle’s sales automation and, 172–73
outsourcing business of, 240, 480–81
partnerships of, 214, 216
IBM, software products of:
DB2, 72, 172, 208, 249–50, 254–57, 259n, 260, 266, 280–82, 283n, 296, 448–49
OS/2 Presentation Manager, 113
OS/390, 280
VM, 280
Web-Sphere, 24, 250, 282
Ickert, Mickey, 303
IDC, 24–25, 259–61
IDMS mainframe databases, 59
IDT, 220–21, 226
Illinois, University of, 56, 336
Imbler, Steve, 80
IMI, 124, 126–27
Independent Institute, 272–73
Industry Standard, The, 208
information superhighway, 106, 110
Information Systems Group, 95
Information Technology Department (DOIT), Calif., 433–35, 437, 440–41, 444
Information Week, 197
Informix, 110, 280
databases and, 40, 72, 88, 98–99, 105–6, 208
Info Week, 435
Ingres, 61, 69, 71–72, 86, 88, 105
Intel, 107, 275–78
databases and, 258, 478–79
McKinley processor of, 258
monopoly power of, 275–76
NCs and, 271
Oracle’s partnership with, 277–78
International Oracle User Week, 81–82
Internet, 1–6, 39–46, 49–52, 138, 169n, 184–87, 210–12, 223–24, 233, 240–42, 245, 248–51, 282–83, 287–88, 363n, 364, 391, 394, 408, 450–51, 471–73
applications and, 3n, 4, 6, 39–40, 42–44, 51–52, 127n, 142–49, 164–66, 170, 173, 177, 179, 182, 184, 187, 193, 206n, 207, 215–16, 270, 450
B2B and, 157, 194
computing architectures based on, 2–4, 17–20, 23–24, 37, 39–45, 50–52, 142–46, 148, 164, 184, 187, 193, 269–70, 274, 296, 298, 481
databases and, 3, 5, 42–43, 45, 157n, 185–87, 194, 237, 255, 264
as efficiency tool, 15–16
Ellison’s salesmanship and, 13–16, 19
and GE in Hungary, 229
and globalization of Oracle, 170–71, 176, 224
health care industry and, 25–26
in higher education, 32
high-speed connections to, 29–30
Microsoft and, 40–41, 264–65, 269, 273–74
Oracle’s competitiveness and, 264, 269
and Oracle’s mergers and acquisitions, 241–42
and Oracle’s transformation to e-business, 172–73, 175, 177–78, 212, 220, 224
in Shanghai, 21–22
telecommunications industry and, 29–30
VOD and, 107, 110
Web services and, 476–77
see also e-business; network computers
Internet Week, 177
Intuit, QuickBooks of, 241–42
Isler, Peter, 467
Israeli Aircraft Industries, 79
i2, 53, 68, 122, 127, 221, 475
finances of, 473
Nike’s problems with, 195
and Oracle’s competition with IBM, 281, 284
Izanami, 205
Jackson, Thomas Penfield, 87n, 264
Jacobs, Ken, 65–67
Janicki, Anne (half-sister), 339–40
Janicki, Florence Spellman (biological mother), 331–32, 338–41, 382
Janicki, Steve (half-brother), 339–40
Jardine Matheson, 15
Jarvis, Mark, 150, 220, 475–78, 480
E-Business Suite and, 190, 193, 195, 198, 238–39, 478
and globalization of Oracle, 171
Internet computer architecture and, 40–42
Oracle’s applications business and, 165, 226, 424–26, 429–30
Oracle’s databases and, 144, 255–56, 259
on system integrators, 200–201
Jaschke, Justin, 225
Java, 248–49, 296, 450, 453
app servers and, 24, 282–83
databases and, 185–86
E-Business Suite, 248, 260
Oracle’s applications business and, 144, 477n
Java One conference, 250
J. D. Edwards, 487–89
JDS Uniphase, 18n, 478
Jefferson, Thomas, 405
Jiang Zemin, 21
Jobs, Steve, 264–65, 271n, 276, 299, 308, 354–55, 362–65, 367, 371, 378n, 392, 399, 458n
Johnson, Ned, 451
Johnson Electric, 14
Jordan, Michael, 458n
Justice Department, U.S., 1, 273, 410, 414
Kabcenell, Derry, 69–72
Kadifa, George, 152
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, 220, 223
Katana, 8, 286, 322, 341, 343, 373–74, 454, 456, 461–64
Keene, Barry, 435, 439–40
Kellogg, 124–28, 142, 452
Kemp, Jack, 408
Kennedy, Gary, 67–68, 78–82, 215
Ellison’s relationship with, 141, 149
firing of, 81–82, 87, 94
management style of, 74, 78–81, 103
Oracle’s crash and, 81–82, 84–87
Kennedy, Robert, 393–94
Kerkorian, Kirk, 132, 311, 373
King, Rodney, 458n
Kipp, Craig, 228–32
Klaiss, Don, 432
Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers, 138
Kovacevich, Dick, 220, 225
KPMG, 34
Kurian, Thomas, 24, 483–84
Lane, Ray, 95–100, 171, 174–76, 365
ambitions of, 141
Catz’s relationship with, 154–57
Covisint and, 15, 157
databases and, 97–98, 100, 102
demise of, 154–57, 484
Ellison’s relationship with, 97, 115n, 131, 134–42, 144, 146–49, 151–52, 155–60, 272, 292–93, 295, 422
finances of, 97, 137, 139–42, 158
firing of, 137–38, 157, 159–61, 272, 294
and firing of Squire, 103–5
and globalization of Oracle, 175–76
international operations and, 103–6
legacy of, 157–58
management style of, 7, 97–100, 102–6, 118, 128–29, 131–34, 136–38, 140–42, 146–61, 167, 175, 180, 289, 292–93, 295, 332
Max Account and, 128–30
Novell’s recruitment of, 138–41, 149, 158
Oracle’s applications business and, 112, 114–15, 117–28, 131–35, 142–49, 152, 158, 161, 165
on Oracle’s competition, 99–100
Oracle’s recruitment of, 95–97
press and, 137, 138n, 140, 158–59
public speaking of, 158
sales force compensation and, 153–54
on sales quotas, 102–3
technical knowledge of, 148–49
Wohl’s relationship with, 118–22, 131–35, 147–48, 422
Lantos, Annette, 394n
Lantos, Tom, 370, 377, 392, 394n
Las Vegas, Nev., Oracle’s annual sales conferences in, 246–53
Lawrence, David, 220, 223
Lederberg, Joshua, 363–64, 370, 377
demeanor of, 381
Ellison’s philanthropy and, 382, 384–89, 399
Ellison’s politics and, 393
Ellison’s relationship with, 380–82
QBI and, 391
Lee, Adelyn, 357–62
Levin, Gerry, 279
Lewis, Lennox, 356n
Li, Richard, 13
Liberate Technologies, 154
Liberty Mutual, 234
Linn, David (brother-in-law), 335–38, 353–54, 386, 393
Linn, Doris Ellison (adopted sister), 242, 290, 299, 322, 333, 335–38, 341
Linn, Elyse, 341
Linn, Jimmy “the Judge” (nephew), 242–43, 312, 329, 335–39, 341, 360, 367
Linn, Leslie (niece), 336–38
Linux, 186, 241, 258n, 271, 277–78, 453
databases and, 236, 250, 282, 283n, 478–80, 482
local-area networks (LANs), 37–38
Lockyer, Bill, 440, 448
Logicon, 434–39, 448
Lombardi, Vince, 458n
Los Angeles Lakers, 300–301
Lotus, 138, 280
Louis Vuitton Cup, 312n, 454, 458, 460, 463, 465, 469
Lucas, Don, 64–66, 77–78, 92, 133, 299, 311, 370
Ellison’s philanthropy and, 392
on Novell’s recruitment of Lane, 140–41
Oracle’s crash and, 84, 87, 89
Luongo, John, 355
Lürssens, 375, 379
MacArthur, Douglas, 393
McCain, John, 436
McCann, James, 416
McCann, T. A., 323n
McCaw, Craig, 302, 454–55
McEwen, Tom, 257
McHugh Freeman, 124
McKinsey, 100, 483
McLaughlin, Steve, 33
McNealy, Scott, 237, 293, 369–70
Maggie (cat), 12, 15
mainframes, 5, 37, 39–40, 56–57, 65–66, 107, 253–55, 265–66, 277–78, 280, 284, 300, 348, 449, 479–80
applications software and, 112, 114–15
databases and, 59–61, 63, 66, 72, 236, 249–50, 254–55, 260, 266, 280–82
Ellison’s early employment and, 57
management-by-objectives (MBO), 290
management by ridicule (MBR), 290–91
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, 445
Manugistics, 124, 126–27
Mari Cha, 328
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, 416
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 310, 344
Mason, Anthony, 415
Mason, Paul, 260–61
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 53, 57, 69–71, 388
Maxi World Championships, 309, 313–14
Mehta, Nimish, 123, 131
Mehta, Ravi, 436, 441–42
Memorex, 92
Mendelsohn, Andy, 70
Merrill Lynch, 178, 478n
META Group, 189
Mhyrvold, Nathan, 38
Michelangelo, 297
Michelin, 47
Microsoft, 1–7, 107n, 138–39, 184, 208, 247, 249–51, 297, 449–55
antitrust case against, xii, 1, 4, 87n, 264–65, 272–74, 277–79, 455
bCentral Web site of, 242
client/server model and, 13, 142–43
databases and, 66, 186, 235–37, 249–50, 253–59, 264, 267, 274, 280–82, 283n, 438, 449–50, 478–80
finances of, 4–5, 76, 179, 239, 242, 264–66, 268, 269n, 279–80, 450, 472–73, 482
Internet and, 40–41, 264–65, 269, 273–74
management of, 262, 264
marketing and sales of, 51, 259, 264, 452–53, 473
mergers and acquisitions of, 242
monopoly power of, 41n, 275–76, 279–80, 429, 473
and Novell’s recruitment of Lane, 149
and Oracle’s bid for PeopleSoft, 489
Oracle’s competition with, 20–21, 55, 108, 110, 131, 167, 215, 251, 263–69, 271–80, 284, 300, 416, 433, 438, 449–53, 478–80, 482
partnerships of, 264, 277
small-business software market and, 242
X-Box of, 250, 279–80
Microsoft, software products of:
BackOffice, 264
Excel, 186, 270, 426
Exchange, 138, 209, 270n, 451–52
Explorer, 270
GroupWise, 138
Office, 6, 51, 241n, 264, 271, 482
Outlook, 170, 270, 451–52
SQL Server, 4, 7, 186, 250, 254–56, 265, 281, 450, 480
Windows, 2, 38–39, 66, 113, 123, 138, 186, 188, 224, 235, 237–38, 249–50, 254, 264–67, 269, 271, 273, 278n, 279–82, 283n, 452–53, 478–79, 482
Word, 186, 270
Milberg Weiss, 201–2
Miller, Byron, 130
Milton, John, 203
Miner, Bob, 84, 3
52n, 382
at Ampex, 58, 62
databases and, 59–60, 62
demeanor of, 71
Ellison’s relationship with, 65
finances of, 107
in founding Oracle, 56, 58–60, 62–65
illness and death of, 104–5
management style of, 63, 71, 88, 94, 104
applications market and, 112
databases and, 59–62, 65, 71
molecular biology, 299n, 301, 363n, 380–81, 383
Montana, Joe, 397
Moore’s Law, 43
Morgan Stanley, 199, 259n, 282, 448–49
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 174
Morning Glory, 312–14, 324–25
MSN, 279
MTR, 13
Mueller, Robert, 410, 414
multinational corporations, 46
E-Business Suite and, 188
Oracle’s applications business and, 123–24
Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), 66
Murdoch, Rupert, 108, 311
Murdock, David, 92–93
Naismith, Robbie, 323, 325
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 300, 393
Nardelli, Bob, 229
Nasdaq, 20, 473
National Geographic, 310
National Institute on Aging, 387
National Security Agency (NSA), 63, 404, 406, 410, 413
Nazem, Farzad “Zod,” 42
NBC, 414
nCUBE, 106–7, 358, 394
VOD and, 107, 109
NetLedger, 241–42
Netscape, 241, 267n
browser war and, xii, 41n, 264–66, 273–75, 480
Oracle’s interest in acquiring, 273–74
Nettwerk Productions, 185
Network Computer, Inc. (NCI), 41
network computers (NCs), 2–3, 39–41, 108, 130–31, 269–71, 296, 392
NIC and, 41, 240
and Oracle’s competition with Microsoft, 269
New Internet Computers (NIC), 41, 240–41
Newton, Isaac, 381n
New York Stock Exchange, 22
New York Times, The, 359, 366, 403
Nike, 195
Ning, Frank, 15–16
Nippon Steel, 91–92, 117
Nokia, 316
Nortel, 217
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 395n
Northrop Grumman, 434, 448
Novell, Lane recruited by, 138–41, 149, 158
NTT Communications, 225
Nucleus Research, 474
Nussbaum, Jay, 118, 424, 439
BellSouth difficulties and, 29–30
databases and, 98
on Ellison’s relationship with Lane, 135
HealthSouth deal and, 27–28, 406
higher education market and, 31, 33
on Novell’s recruitment of Lane, 141
Oracle’s applications business and, 128, 131, 134, 415
Oracle’s Las Vegas conference and, 247–48
perfect storm and, 435
on sales force compensation, 152–53
Washington meetings and, 406–7, 410, 412
Oates, Ed, 56, 58–59